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# @script: metal.lib
# @author: Shasha Cui, Edi Prifti
# @date: Avril 2017
#' #' Computes best model of a metal clf
#' #'
#' #' @description Get best metal model
#' #' @param X: dataset to classify
#' #' @param y: variable to predict
#' #' @param clf: an object containing the different parameters of the classifier
#' #' @param clf_res: the result of metal
#' #' @param k_penalty: penalty for k
#' #' @return A list of result of best model for each k, their importance feature of each best model, individuels wrongly classified
#' #' @export
#' getTheBestMetalModel<- function(clf, clf_res, X, k_penalty=0.01, evalToOrder="accuracy_",selected=1)
#' {
#' if(length(clf_res)==3){
#' clf_res<-clf_res$classifier
#' }
#' pop<-modelCollectionToPopulation(clf_res$models)
#' acc <- populationGet_X(evalToOrder)(pop)
#' k <- populationGet_X("eval.sparsity")(pop)
#' acc.penalty <- acc-(k*k_penalty)
#' best.acc <- max(acc.penalty)
#' epsilon <- sqrt(best.acc*(1-best.acc)/ncol(X))
#' pop2 <- pop[acc.penalty>(best.acc - epsilon)]
#' mod <- getMaxMinPrevalenceModel(pop2,X,selected=selected)
#' return(mod)
#' }
#' Generate a metal list of clfs containing information on the generators and unificators
#' @description Generate a metal list of clfs containing information on the generators and unificators
#' @param mat: a language/learner presence matrix that indicates which algorithms and which languages to explore
#' @param clf: a metal classifier object, with the parameter list.clfs that can be "NULL"
#' @return a list of clfs
#' @export
generator_metal <- function(mat, clf = NULL)
# sanity check
if(!all(colnames(mat) %in% c("terbeam","terda","terga2")))
stop("generator_metal: unavailable algorithm. Please check configuration matrix")
if(!all(rownames(mat) %in% c("bin","ter","terinter","bininter","ratio")))
stop("generator_metal: unavailable language. Please check configuration matrix")
# if metal clf exists
clf <- metal()
print("The metal clf is missing. Creating generator with default parameters")
# create the generator list
generator <- list()
for(i in 1:nrow(mat)) # languages
l <- rownames(mat)[i]
for(j in 1:ncol(mat)) # algorithms
if(mat[i,j] == 1)
clf.g <- terBeam(language = l)
clf.g <- terda(language = l)
clf.g <- terga2(language = l, nb_generations = 1)
generator[[length(generator)+1]] <- clf.g
} # end if config yes
} # end for languages
} # end for algorithms
# Add the unificator with default
generator[[length(generator)+1]] <- terga2()
# add the attributes
generator$attributes <- list()
for(i in 1:(length(generator)-2))
generator$attributes[[length(generator$attributes)+1]] <- 'G'
generator$attributes[[length(generator$attributes)+1]] <- 'U'
# give names to the generators
a = unlist(generator[length(generator)])
b = populationGet_X(element2get = "learner", toVec = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE)(pop = generator[-length(generator)])
c = c(1: c(length(generator) -2),"")
names(generator)[-length(generator)] <- paste(paste(a, c, sep=""), b, sep="_")
} else
# if clf exists fine tune the parameters
if(clf$params$unificator.method != "terga2")
stop(paste("generator_metal: the method",clf$params$unificator.method," can not be a unficator. Please provide terga2 as one."))
# create the generator list
generator <- list()
for(i in 1:nrow(mat)) # languages
l <- rownames(mat)[i]
for(j in 1:ncol(mat)) # algorithms
if(mat[i,j] == 1)
clf.g <- terBeam(language = l,
maxNbOfModels = 1000,
sparsity = clf$params$sparsity,
nCores = clf$params$nCores,
evalToFit = clf$params$evalToFit,
seed = clf$params$seed)
clf.g <- terda(language = l,
sparsity = clf$params$sparsity,
nCores = clf$params$nCores,
evalToFit = clf$params$evalToFit,
seed = clf$params$seed)
clf.g <- terga2(language = l,
sparsity = clf$params$sparsity,
nCores = clf$params$nCores,
nb_generations = 1, # random generation without evolution
evalToFit = clf$params$evalToFit,
seed = clf$params$seed)
generator[[length(generator)+1]] <- clf.g
} # end if config yes
} # end for languages
} # end for algorithms
if(nrow(mat) == 1)
# Add the unificator using the language space
l = rownames(mat)
# Add the unificator by default in terinter
l = "terinter"
generator[[length(generator)+1]] <- terga2(sparsity = clf$params$sparsity,
evolver = clf$params$unificator.evolver,
language = l,
nb_generations = 50,
size_pop_random = 0,
size_pop = 500,
evalToFit = clf$params$evalToFit,
# add the attributes
generator$attributes <- list()
for(i in 1:(length(generator)-2))
generator$attributes[[length(generator$attributes)+1]] <- 'G'
generator$attributes[[length(generator$attributes)+1]] <- 'U'
# give names to the generators
a = unlist(generator[length(generator)])
b = populationGet_X(element2get = "learner", toVec = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE)(pop = generator[-length(generator)])
c = c(1: c(length(generator) -2),"")
names(generator)[-length(generator)] <- paste(paste(a,c,sep=""), b, sep="_")
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