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# @script: sota.svm.R
# @author: Edi Prifti
# @author: Blaise Hanczar
# @date: September 2016
# @date: December 2016 (a working integrated version with predomics)
#' sota.svm: launching svm classifier
#' @title sota.svm
#' @importFrom kernlab ksvm
#' @importFrom kernlab predict
#' @description sota.svm is a wrapper that executes svm using the same framework as for the predomics package.
#' @param sparsity: number of features in a given model. This is a vector with multiple lengths.
#' @param objective: prediction mode (default: auc)
#' @param max.nb.features: create the glmnet object using only the top most significant features (default:1000)
#' @param language is the language that is used by the different algorithms {bin, bininter, ter, terinter, ratio}, (default:"sota")
#' @param intercept: (Interceot for the a given model) (default:NULL)
#' @param evalToFit: Which model property will be used to select the best model among different k_sparsities (default: auc_)
#' @param k_penalty: Penalization of the fit by the k_sparsity (default: 0)
#' @param scaled: ??
#' @param type: ??
#' @param kernel: ??
#' @param kpar: ??
#' @param C: (??)
#' @param nu: ??
#' @param epsilon.hp: (??) (for the SVM)
#' @param prob.model: ??
#' @param class.weights: ??
#' @param fit: ??
#' @param cache: (??)
#' @param tol: ??
#' @param shrinking: ??
#' @param na.action: ??
#' @param popSaveFile: (??)
#' @param seed: the seed to be used for reproductibility. If seed=NULL than it is not taken into account (default:NULL).
#' @param nCores: the number of CPUs to run the program in parallel
#' @param plot: Plot graphics indicating the evolution of the simulation (default:FALSE)
#' @param verbose: print out information on the progress of the algorithm (default:TRUE)
#' @param warnings: Print out warnings when runnig (default:FALSE).
#' @param debug: print out information on the progress of the algorithm (default:FALSE)
#' @param print_ind_method: One of c("short","graphical") indicates how to print a model and subsequently a population during the run (default:"short").
#' @param experiment.id: The id of the experiment that is to be used in the plots and comparitive analyses (default is the learner's name, when not specified)
#' @param experiment.description: A longer description of the experiment. This is important when many experiments are run and can also be printed in by the printExperiment function.
#' @param experiment.save: Data from an experiment can be saved with different levels of completness, with options to be selected from c("nothing", "minimal", "full"), default is "minimal"
#' @return an object containing a list of parameters for this classifier
#' @export
sota.svm <- function(sparsity = c(1:30), # when sparsity == 0 it means that we can not fix it.
objective = "auc",
max.nb.features = 1000,
intercept = 0, # ksvm incorporates the threshold in the score.
language = "svm",
evalToFit = "auc_",
scaled = TRUE,
type = NULL,
kernel ="rbfdot",
kpar = "automatic",
C = c(0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000),
nu = 0.2,
epsilon.hp = 0.1, # hyper parameter
prob.model = FALSE,
class.weights = NULL,
# cross = 0, done by the fit function of predomics
fit = TRUE,
cache = 40,
tol = 0.001,
shrinking = TRUE,
na.action = na.omit,
popSaveFile = "NULL",
seed = "NULL",
nCores = 4,
verbose = TRUE,
plot = FALSE,
warnings = FALSE,
debug = FALSE,
print_ind_method = "short",
experiment.id = NULL,
experiment.description = NULL,
experiment.save = "nothing")
clf <- list() # create a classifier object
clf$learner <- "sota.svm" # name of the method
clf$params <- list() # parameter list
clf$params$scoreFormula <- "NULL"
clf$params$parallel <- FALSE
clf$params$sparsity <- sparsity # number of non zero variables in the model
clf$params$scaled <- scaled
clf$params$objective <- objective
clf$params$max.nb.features <- max.nb.features
clf$params$language <- language
clf$params$intercept <- intercept
clf$params$type <- type # A logical vector indicating the variables to be scaled. If scaled is of length 1, the value is recycled as many times as needed and all non-binary variables are scaled. Per default, data are scaled internally (both x and y variables) to zero mean and unit variance. The center and scale values are returned and used for later predictions.
# C-svc C classification
# nu-svc nu classification
# C-bsvc bound-constraint svm classification
# spoc-svc Crammer, Singer native multi-class
# kbb-svc Weston, Watkins native multi-class
# one-svc novelty detection
# eps-svr epsilon regression
# nu-svr nu regression
# eps-bsvr bound-constraint svm regression
clf$params$kernel <- kernel
clf$params$kpar <- kpar
clf$params$C <- C # cost of constraints violation (default: 1) this is the āCā-constant of the regularization term in the Lagrange formulation
clf$params$nu <- nu # parameter needed for nu-svc, one-svc, and nu-svr. The nu parameter sets the upper bound on the training error and the lower bound on the fraction of data points to become Support Vectors (default: 0.2).
clf$params$epsilon.hp <- epsilon.hp # epsilon in the insensitive-loss function used for eps-svr, nu-svr and eps-bsvm (default: 0.1)
clf$params$prob.model <- prob.model # if set to TRUE builds a model for calculating class probabilities or in case of regression, calculates the scaling parameter of the Laplacian distribution fitted on the residuals. Fitting is done on output data created by performing a 3-fold cross-validation on the training data. For details see references. (default: FALSE)
clf$params$class.weights <- class.weights # a named vector of weights for the different classes, used for asymmetric class sizes. Not all factor levels have to be supplied (default weight: 1). All components have to be named.
#clf$params$cross <- cross # if a integer value k>0 is specified, a k-fold cross validation on the training data is performed to assess the quality of the model: the accuracy rate for classification and the Mean Squared Error for regression
clf$params$fit <- fit # indicates whether the fitted values should be computed and included in the model or not (default: TRUE)
clf$params$cache <- cache # cache memory in MB (default 40)
clf$params$tol <- tol # tolerance of termination criterion (default: 0.001)
clf$params$shrinking <- shrinking # option whether to use the shrinking-heuristics (default: TRUE)
clf$params$na.action <- na.action # A function to specify the action to be taken if NAs are found. The default action is na.omit, which leads to rejection of cases with missing values on any required variable. An alternative is na.fail, which causes an error if NA cases are found. (NOTE: If given, this argument must be named.)
clf$params$popSaveFile <- popSaveFile
clf$params$seed <- seed
clf$params$nCores <- nCores # parallel computing
clf$params$parallel <- nCores > 1 # parallel computing
clf$params$plot <- plot # plot out logs.
clf$params$verbose <- verbose # print out graphics
clf$params$warnings <- warnings # print out warnings
clf$params$debug <- debug # print out logs.
clf$params$print_ind_method <- print_ind_method # method to print individual
clf$params$evalToFit <- evalToFit
clf$params$k_penalty <- k_penalty
# Experiment information
clf$experiment$id <- experiment.id
clf$experiment$id <- clf$learner
clf$experiment$description <- experiment.description
} else
clf$experiment$description <- paste(clf$learner, date() , sep = " ")
clf$experiment$save <- experiment.save
sota.svm_fit <- function(X, y, clf)
# transpose (in the predomics package we have observations in the columns)
x <- as.matrix(t(X))
model_collection <- list()
for (i in 1:length(clf$params$sparsity)) # sparsity is = k, i.e. the number of features in a model
k <- clf$params$sparsity[i]
if(clf$params$verbose) cat("... ... Resolving problem with\t", k, "\tvariables ...\n")
selected.features <- rownames(clf$feature.cor)[order(clf$feature.cor$p)][1:k]
x.reduced <- x[,selected.features]
# Optimization of the hyper-parameter C
best.C <- NA
if(length(clf$params$C)>1) # find the best C
optimize.C <- list() # unify the results
if(clf$params$parallel) # If parallel computing
optimize.C <- foreach (j = 1:length(clf$params$C)) %dopar%
set.seed(clf$params$seed) # otherwise each time this will be different
svm <- ksvm(x = x.reduced, y=y,
type = clf$params$type,
scaled = clf$params$scaled,
kernel = clf$params$kernel,
kpar = clf$params$kpar,
C = clf$params$C[j],
nu = clf$params$nu,
epsilon = clf$params$epsilon.hp,
prob.model = clf$params$prob.model,
class.weights = clf$params$class.weights,
cross = 5,
fit = clf$params$fit,
cache = clf$params$cache,
tol = clf$params$tol,
shrinking = clf$params$shrinking,
na.action = clf$params$na.action
} # end foreach loop
names(optimize.C) <- clf$params$C
for (j in 1:length(clf$params$C))
set.seed(clf$params$seed) # otherwise each time this will be different
svm <- ksvm(x = x.reduced, y=y,
type = clf$params$type,
scaled = clf$params$scaled,
kernel = clf$params$kernel,
kpar = clf$params$kpar,
C = clf$params$C[j],
nu = clf$params$nu,
epsilon = clf$params$epsilon,
prob.model = clf$params$prob.model,
class.weights = clf$params$class.weights,
cross = 5,
fit = clf$params$fit,
cache = clf$params$cache,
tol = clf$params$tol,
shrinking = clf$params$shrinking,
na.action = clf$params$na.action
optimize.C[[j]] <- c(attr(svm,"cross"))
} # end for loop
names(optimize.C) <- clf$params$C
} # end else //
best.C <- clf$params$C[which.min(unlist(optimize.C))]
print(paste("best.C", best.C))
}else # if C is fixed use it as the best.C
best.C <- clf$params$C
# Launch ksvm with the parameters from the clf
svm <- ksvm(x = x.reduced, y=y,
type = clf$params$type,
scaled = clf$params$scaled,
kernel = clf$params$kernel,
kpar = clf$params$kpar,
C = best.C,
nu = clf$params$nu,
epsilon = clf$params$epsilon,
prob.model = clf$params$prob.model,
class.weights = clf$params$class.weights,
cross = 0,
fit = clf$params$fit,
cache = clf$params$cache,
tol = clf$params$tol,
shrinking = clf$params$shrinking,
na.action = clf$params$na.action
# build the model for this given sparsity
mod.res <- list() # to send the results
# Fill the object up with the rest of the values
mod.res$learner <- clf$learner
mod.res$language <- clf$params$language
mod.res$names_ <- selected.features
# match the index
mod.res$indices_ <- match(selected.features, rownames(X))
mod.res$coeffs_ <- NA
# add the objective in the model, needed for visualization
mod.res$objective <- clf$params$objective
#mod.res$indices_ <- which(rownames(X) %in% selected.features)
mod.res$eval.sparsity <- length(unique(mod.res$names_))
# Add the svm object
mod.res$obj <- svm
mod.res$auc_ <- NA
mod.res$cor_ <- NA
mod.res$aic_ <- NA
mod.res$score_ <- NA
mod.res$fit_ <- NA
mod.res$unpenalized_fit_ <- NA
mod.res$intercept_ <- NA
mod.res$sign_ <- NA
# evaluate all
mod.res <- computeCoeffSVMLin(X, y, clf=clf, mod=mod.res) # compute the coefficients for the linear SVM
mod.res <- evaluateModel(mod = mod.res,
X = X,
y = y,
clf = clf,
eval.all = TRUE,
force.re.evaluation = TRUE,
estim.feat.importance = TRUE)
try(printModel(mod = mod.res, method = clf$params$print_ind_method, score = "fit_"), silent = TRUE)
# Create a resulting model collection object
model_collection[[i]] <- list(mod.res)
} # end of sparsity loop
names(model_collection) <- paste("k", clf$params$sparsity, sep="_")
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