#' Lorenz curves for victimisation distributions
#' A wrapper for a series of functions to generate Lorenz plots from
#' vectors of counts of victimisation incidents. Includes option to include
#' Expected counts under Poisson or Negative Binomial expected counts.
#' @param x a vector of counts or the name of a column of counts in data
#' @param data a data frame
#' @param family an option based on \code{\link{gini_test}} that
#' adds curves for the expected counts under the null hypothesis
#' of a poisson or a negative binomial distribution using an aggregate
#' Monte Carlo simulation with 500 replicates
#' @param by_var the name of a factor variable in the data frame
#' @param reps passes option of replicates to \code{\link{gini_test}}
#' @export
#' @keywords Lorenz Curve, Monte Carlo, Count Data
#' @examples
#' victim_lorenz("bribes", data = testdata, family = "poisson")
victim_lorenz <- function(x, data = NULL, family = c("none", "poisson",
"nbinom"), reps = 500,
by_var = NULL)
if(is.data.frame(data)) {xvar <- data[,x]; xname <- x }
else {xvar <- x; xname <- deparse(substitute(x))}
if(!class(xvar) %in% c("numeric", "integer"))
{stop("Variable is not numeric.")}
v_table <- victim_table(x = x, data = data, print_option = "none")
v_cum <- victim_cumulative(v_table)
v_cum[is.na(v_cum)] <- 100
v_cum$type <- "Observed"
gg_v_cum <- reshape2::melt(v_cum[,c(-1,-5)], id.vars = c("Incidents", "type"),
variable.name = "pop",
value.name = "Targets")
if(family[1] %in% c("poisson", "nbinom"))
gini_test <- mc_gini_test(x = x, data = data, family = family[1],
keep_reps = TRUE, plots = FALSE, reps = reps)
all_expected <- unlist(gini_test$keep_reps)
expected_table <- victim_table(all_expected, print_option = "none")
expected_cumper <- victim_cumulative(expected_table)
expected_cumper[is.na(expected_cumper)] <- 100
expected_cumper$type <- family[1]
gg_expected <- reshape2::melt(expected_cumper[,c(-1,-5)],
id.vars = c("Incidents", "type"),
variable.name = "pop",
value.name = "Targets")
gg_data <- rbind(gg_v_cum, gg_expected)
gg_data <- gg_v_cum
by_name <- substitute(by_var)
by_v_table <- by(data[,x], data[ ,by_var], victim_table,
print_option = "none")
v_cum_l <- lapply(by_v_table, victim_cumulative)
v_cum <- do.call("rbind", v_cum_l)
v_cum[,by_name] <- rep(names(v_cum_l), sapply(v_cum_l, nrow))
v_cum[is.na(v_cum)] <- 100
v_cum$type <- "Observed"
gg_v_cum <- reshape2::melt(v_cum[,c(-1,-5)],
id.vars = c("Incidents", "type", by_name),
variable.name = "pop",
value.name = "Targets")
if(family[1] %in% c("poisson", "nbinom"))
by_gini_test <- by(data[,x], data[,by_var], function(x)
{mc_gini_test(x, keep_reps = TRUE, reps = reps)})
expected_list <- lapply(by_gini_test, function(x) unlist(x$keep_reps))
list_expected_tb <- lapply(expected_list, victim_table)
list_exp_cum_tb <- lapply(list_expected_tb, victim_cumulative)
expected_cumper <- do.call("rbind", list_exp_cum_tb)
expected_cumper[,by_name] <- rep(names(list_exp_cum_tb),
sapply(list_exp_cum_tb, nrow))
expected_cumper[is.na(expected_cumper)] <- 100
expected_cumper$type <- family[1]
gg_expected <- reshape2::melt(expected_cumper[,-1],
id.vars = c("Incidents", "type", by_name),
variable.name = "pop",
value.name = "Targets")
gg_data <- rbind(gg_v_cum, gg_expected)
gg_data <- gg_v_cum
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(gg_data, ggplot2::aes(Targets, Incidents, linetype = type)) +
ggplot2::geom_line() +
ggplot2::geom_segment(ggplot2::aes(x=1, y=1, xend=100, yend=100,
linetype = "Equality")) +
ggplot2::ggtitle(paste("Lorenz Curves: ", xname, sep = "")) +
#ggplot2::facet_wrap( ~ pop) +
ggplot2::theme_bw() +
plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0.5))
by_name <- substitute(by_var)
p <- p + ggplot2::facet_wrap(c(by_name, "pop"))
p <- p + ggplot2::facet_wrap( ~ pop)
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