
#' @include Solver-proto.R

#' Problem solvers
#' Specify the software and configurations used to solve a conservation planning
#' problem. Below is a list of different solvers that can be added to a
#' \code{\link{ConservationProblem-class}} object.
#' \describe{
#'  \item{\code{default_solver}}{This solver uses the best software
#'    currently installed on the system.}
#'   \item{\code{add_gurobi_solver}}{\href{http://gurobi.com}{Gurobi} is a
#'     state-of-the-art commercial optimization software with an R package
#'     interface. It is by far the fastest of the solvers available in this
#'     package, however, it is also the only one that isn"t free. That said,
#'     free academic licenses are available. The \code{gurobi} package is
#'     distributed with the Gurobi software suite. This solver uses the
#'     \code{gurobi} package to solve problems.}
#'   \item{\code{add_rsymphony_solver}}{
#'     \href{https://projects.coin-or.org/SYMPHONY}{SYMPHONY} is an open-source
#'     integer programming solver that is part of the Computational
#'     Infrastructure for Operations Research (COIN-OR) project, an initiative
#'     to promote development of open-source tools for operations research (a
#'     field that includes linear programming). The \code{Rsymphony} package
#'     provides an interface to COIN-OR and is available on CRAN. This solver
#'     uses the \code{Rsymphony} package to solve problems.}
#'  \item{\code{add_lpsymphony_solver}}{The \code{lpsymphony} package provides a
#'    different interface to the COIN-OR software suite. Unlike the
#'    \code{Rsymhpony} package, the \code{lpsymphony} package is distributed
#'    through
#'    \href{http://bioconducto/packages/release/bioc/html/lpsymphony.html}{Bioconductor}.
#'    On Windows and Mac, \code{lpsymphony} may be easier to
#'    may be easier to install. This solver uses the \code{lpsymphony} package
#'    to solve.}
#' }
#' @param x \code{\link{ConservationProblem-class}} object.
#' @param gap \code{numeric} gap to optimality. This gap is relative when
#'   solving problems using \code{gurobi}, and will cause the optimizer to
#'   terminate when the difference between the upper and lower objective
#'   function bounds is less than the gap times the upper bound. For example, a
#'   value of 0.01 will result in the optimizer stopping when the difference
#'   between the bounds is 1 percent of the upper bound. But for other solvers
#'   (eg. \code{Rsymhpony}), this gap is absolute and expresses the acceptable
#'   deviance from the optimal objective. For example, solving a
#'   minimum set objective problem with a gap of 5 will cause the solver
#'   to terminate when the cost of the solution is within 5 cost units
#'   from the optimal solution.
#' @param time_limit \code{numeric} time limit in seconds to run the optimizer.
#'   The solver will return the current best solution when this time limit is
#'   exceeded.
#' @param first_feasible \code{logical} should the first feasible solution be
#'   be returned? If \code{first_feasible} is set to \code{TRUE}, the solver
#'   will return the first solution it encounters that meets all the
#'   constraints, regardless of solution quality. Note that the first feasible
#'   solution is not an arbitrary solution, rather it is derived from the
#'   relaxed solution, and is therefore often reasonably close to optimality.
#' @param verbosity \code{integer} how verbose should the solver be when
#'   reporting progress on solving the problem?
#' @param threads \code{integer} number of threads to use for the
#'   optimization algorithm. The default value of 1 will result in only
#'   one thread being used.
#' @param presolve \code{integer} number indicating how intensively the
#'   solver should try to simplify the problem before solving it. The default
#'   value of 2 indicates to that the solver should be very aggressive in
#'   trying to simplify the problem.
#' @param ... arguments passed to the default solver.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # load packages
#' require(gurobi)
#' require(lpsymphony)
#' require(Rsymphony)
#' # load data
#' data(sim_pu_raster, sim_features)
#' # create basic problem
#' p <- problem(sim_pu_raster, sim_features) %>%
#'   add_min_set_objective() %>%
#'   add_relative_targets(0.1)
#' # create vector to store plot titles
#' titles <- c()
#' # create empty stack to store solutions
#' s <- stack()
#' # create problem with added rsymphony solver and limit the time spent
#' # searching for the optimal solution to 2 seconds
#' if (requireNamespace("Rsymphony", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   titles <- c(titles, "Rsymphony (2s)")
#'   p1 <- p %>% add_rsymphony_solver(time_limit = 2)
#'   s <- addLayer(s, solve(p1))
#' }
#' # create problem with added rsymphony solver and limit the time spent
#' # searching for the optimal solution to 5 seconds
#' if (requireNamespace("Rsymphony", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   titles <- c(titles, "Rsymphony (5s)")
#'   p2 <- p %>% add_rsymphony_solver(time_limit = 5)
#'   s <- addLayer(s, solve(p2))
#' }
#' # if the gurobi is installed: create problem with added gurobi solver
#' if (requireNamespace("gurobi", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   titles <- c(titles, "gurobi (5s)")
#'   p3 <- p %>% add_gurobi_solver(gap = 0.1, presolve = 2, time_limit = 5)
#'   s <- addLayer(s, solve(p3))
#' }
#' # if the lpsymphony is installed: create problem with added lpsymphony solver
#' if (requireNamespace("lpsymphony", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   titles <- c(titles, "lpsymphony")
#'   p4 <- p %>% add_lpsymphony_solver(gap = 0.1, time_limit = 5)
#'   s <- addLayer(s, solve(p4))
#' }
#' # plot solutions
#' plot(s, main = titles)
#' }
#' @name solvers

#' @rdname solvers
#' @export
add_default_solver <- function(x, ...) {
  if (requireNamespace("gurobi", quietly = TRUE)) {
    return(add_gurobi_solver(x, ...))
  } else if (requireNamespace("Rsymphony", quietly = TRUE)) {
    return(add_rsymphony_solver(x, ...))
  } else if (requireNamespace("lpsymphony", quietly = TRUE)) {
    return(add_lpsymphony_solver(x, ...))
  } else {
    stop("no optimization problem solvers found on system.")

#' @export
methods::setClass("GurobiSolver", contains = "Solver")

#' @rdname solvers
#' @export
add_gurobi_solver <- function(x, gap=0.1, time_limit=.Machine$integer.max,
                              presolve=2, threads=1, first_feasible=0) {
  # assert that arguments are valid
  assertthat::assert_that(inherits(x, "ConservationProblem"),
    isTRUE(all(is.finite(gap))), assertthat::is.scalar(gap), isTRUE(gap <= 1),
    isTRUE(gap >= 0), isTRUE(all(is.finite(time_limit))),
    assertthat::is.count(time_limit), isTRUE(all(is.finite(presolve))),
    assertthat::is.count(presolve), isTRUE(presolve <= 2),
    isTRUE(all(is.finite(threads))), assertthat::is.count(threads),
    isTRUE(threads <= parallel::detectCores()),
    isTRUE(first_feasible == 1 | first_feasible == 0),
    requireNamespace("gurobi", quietly = TRUE))
  # add solver
    name = "Gurobi",
    parameters = parameters(
      integer_parameter("presolve", presolve, lower_limit = 0L,
                        upper_limit = 2L),
      proportion_parameter("gap", gap),
      integer_parameter("time_limit", time_limit, lower_limit = -1L,
                        upper_limit = as.integer(.Machine$integer.max)),
      integer_parameter("threads", threads, lower_limit = 1L,
                        upper_limit = parallel::detectCores()),
      binary_parameter("first_feasible", first_feasible)),
    solve = function(self, x) {
      model <- list(
        modelsense = x$modelsense(),
        vtype = x$vtype(),
        obj = x$obj(),
        A = x$A(),
        rhs = x$rhs(),
        sense = x$sense(),
        lb = x$lb(),
        ub = x$ub())
      p <- list(Presolve = self$parameters$get("presolve"),
                MIPGap = self$parameters$get("gap"),
                TimeLimit = self$parameters$get("time_limit"),
                Threads = self$parameters$get("threads"),
                SolutionLimit = self$parameters$get("first_feasible"))
      if (p$SolutionLimit == 0)
        p$SolutionLimit <- NULL
      x <- gurobi::gurobi(model = model, params = p)$x
      if (file.exists("gurobi.log")) unlink("gurobi.log")

#' @export
methods::setClass("RsymphonySolver", contains = "Solver")

#' @rdname solvers
#' @export
add_rsymphony_solver <- function(x, gap=0.1, time_limit=-1, first_feasible=0,
                             verbosity=1) {
  # assert that arguments are valid
  assertthat::assert_that(inherits(x, "ConservationProblem"),
    isTRUE(all(is.finite(gap))), assertthat::is.scalar(gap), isTRUE(gap <= 1),
    isTRUE(gap >= 0), isTRUE(all(is.finite(time_limit))),
    assertthat::is.count(time_limit) || isTRUE(time_limit == -1),
    isTRUE(all(is.finite(verbosity))), assertthat::is.count(abs(verbosity)),
    isTRUE(verbosity <= 1), isTRUE(verbosity >= -2),
    isTRUE(first_feasible == 1 || isTRUE(first_feasible == 0)),
    requireNamespace("Rsymphony", quietly = TRUE))
  # add solver
    name = "Rsymphony",
    parameters = parameters(
      integer_parameter("verbosity", verbosity, lower_limit = -2L,
                        upper_limit = 1L),
      proportion_parameter("gap", gap),
      integer_parameter("time_limit", time_limit, lower_limit = -1,
                        upper_limit = .Machine$integer.max),
      binary_parameter("first_feasible", first_feasible)),
    solve = function(self, x) {
      model <- list(
        obj = x$obj(),
        mat = as.matrix(x$A()),
        dir = x$sense(),
        rhs = x$rhs(),
        types = x$vtype(),
        bounds = list(lower = list(ind = seq_along(x$lb()), val = x$lb()),
                      upper = list(ind = seq_along(x$ub()), val = x$ub())),
        max = x$modelsense() == "max")
      p <- as.list(self$parameters)
      model$dir <- replace(model$dir, model$dir == "=", "==")
      model$types <- replace(model$types, model$types == "S", "C")
      names(p)[which(names(p) == "gap")] <- "gap_limit"
      p$first_feasible <- as.logical(p$first_feasible)
      s <- do.call(Rsymphony::Rsymphony_solve_LP, append(model, p))
      if (names(s$status) %in% c("TM_NO_SOLUTION", "PREP_NO_SOLUTION"))

#' @export
methods::setClass("LpsymphonySolver", contains = "Solver")

#' @rdname solvers
#' @export
add_lpsymphony_solver <- function(x, gap = 0.1, time_limit = -1, verbosity = 1,
                                  first_feasible = 0) {
  # assert that arguments are valid
  assertthat::assert_that(inherits(x, "ConservationProblem"),
    isTRUE(all(is.finite(gap))), assertthat::is.scalar(gap), isTRUE(gap <= 1),
    isTRUE(gap >= 0), isTRUE(all(is.finite(time_limit))),
    assertthat::is.count(time_limit) || isTRUE(time_limit == -1),
    isTRUE(all(is.finite(verbosity))), assertthat::is.count(abs(verbosity)),
    isTRUE(verbosity <= 1), isTRUE(verbosity >= -2),
    isTRUE(first_feasible == 1 || isTRUE(first_feasible == 0)),
    requireNamespace("lpsymphony", quietly = TRUE))
  # add solver
    name = "Lpsymphony",
    parameters = parameters(
      integer_parameter("verbosity", verbosity, lower_limit = -2L,
                        upper_limit = 1L),
      proportion_parameter("gap", gap),
      integer_parameter("time_limit", time_limit, lower_limit = -1,
                        upper_limit = .Machine$integer.max),
      binary_parameter("first_feasible", first_feasible)),
    solve = function(self, x) {
      model <- list(
        obj = x$obj(),
        mat = as.matrix(x$A()),
        dir = x$sense(),
        rhs = x$rhs(),
        types = x$vtype(),
        bounds = list(lower = list(ind = seq_along(x$lb()), val = x$lb()),
                      upper = list(ind = seq_along(x$ub()), val = x$ub())),
        max = x$modelsense() == "max")
      p <- as.list(self$parameters)
      names(p)[which(names(p) == "gap")] <- "gap_limit"
      model$dir <- replace(model$dir, model$dir == "=", "==")
      model$types <- replace(model$types, model$types == "S", "C")
      p$first_feasible <- as.logical(p$first_feasible)
      s <- do.call(lpsymphony::lpsymphony_solve_LP, append(model, p))
      if (names(s$status) %in% c("TM_NO_SOLUTION", "PREP_NO_SOLUTION"))
prioritizr/prioritizrutils documentation built on May 25, 2019, 12:20 p.m.