


######################### Input validation tests #######################################################

test_that('epsilon checks throw correct warning', {
    rangeIncome <- c(-10000, 713000)
    rangeEducation <- c(1, 16)
    range <- list(rangeIncome, rangeEducation)

    expect_error(dpCovariance$new(mechanism="mechanismLaplace",varType = 'numeric', n = 10000,
                     epsilon = -0.1, columns = c("income", "education"), rng = range),
                 "Privacy parameter epsilon must be a value greater than zero.")

test_that('range checks throw correct error', {
    rng <- list(c(100))

    expect_error(dpCovariance$new(mechanism='mechanismLaplace', varType='numeric', n= 10000,
                                  epsilon = 0.1, columns = c("income", "education"),
                 "Input was expected to be of length  2  but is instead of length  1")

    rng <- matrix(c(-10,0,100), nrow=1)

    expect_error(dpCovariance$new(mechanism='mechanismLaplace', varType='numeric', n=10000,
                                    epsilon=0.1, columns = c("income", "education"),
                   "Input was expected to be of length  2  but is instead of length  1")

test_that('error thrown when n not positive or a whole number',{

    expect_error(dpCovariance$new(mechanism="mechanismLaplace",varType = 'numeric', n = -1,
                                  epsilon = 1, columns = c("income", "educ"), rng = range, formula='x~y'),
                 "n must be a positive whole number")
    expect_error(dpCovariance$new(mechanism="mechanismLaplace",varType = 'numeric', n = 0.5,
                                  epsilon = 1, columns = c("income", "educ"), rng = range, formula='x~y'),
                 "n must be a positive whole number")

test_that('different forms of epsilon inputs operate as intended',{
  range.income <- range(PUMS5extract10000['income'])
  range.education <- range(PUMS5extract10000['educ'])
  range.age <- range(PUMS5extract10000['age'])
  range <- list(range.income, range.education, range.age)
  dpCov <- dpCovariance$new(mechanism="mechanismLaplace",varType = 'numeric', n = 10000,
                            epsilon = rep(1,6), columns = c("income", "educ", 'age'), rng = range, formula='income~educ')
  dpCov <- expect_warning(dpCovariance$new(mechanism="mechanismLaplace",varType = 'numeric', n = 10000,
                            globalEps = 6, columns = c("income", "educ", 'age'), rng = range, formula='income~educ'))
  expect_equal(dpCov$epsilon, rep(1,6))
  dpCov <- expect_warning(dpCovariance$new(mechanism="mechanismLaplace",varType = 'numeric', n = 10000,
                            globalEps = 6, epsilonDist = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5, 0.1, 0.1), columns = c("income", "educ", 'age'), rng = range, formula='income~educ'))
  expect_equal(dpCov$epsilon, c(0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 3, 0.6, 0.6))
  dpCov <- expect_error(dpCovariance$new(mechanism="mechanismLaplace",varType = 'numeric', n = 10000,
                                         epsilon = 1, columns = c("income", "educ", 'age'), rng = range, formula='income~educ'))

  dpCov <- expect_error(dpCovariance$new(mechanism="mechanismLaplace",varType = 'numeric', n = 10000,
                                         epsilon = c(1,1,1), columns = c("income", "educ", 'age'), rng = range, formula='income~educ'))
  dpCov <- dpCovariance$new(mechanism="mechanismLaplace",varType = 'numeric', n = 10000,
                                         accuracy = 1, columns = c("income", "educ", 'age'), rng = range, formula='income~educ')
  expect_equal(length(dpCov$epsilon), 6)

######################### Workflow tests #######################################################

test_that('DP covariance workflow runs', {
    range.income <- range(PUMS5extract10000['income'])
    range.education <- range(PUMS5extract10000['educ'])
    range.age <- range(PUMS5extract10000['age'])
    range <- list(range.income, range.education, range.age)

    dpCov <- dpCovariance$new(mechanism="mechanismLaplace",varType = 'numeric', n = 10000,
                              epsilon = rep(1,6), columns = c("income", "educ", 'age'), rng = range, formula='income~educ')
    out <- dpCov$release(PUMS5extract10000)

test_that('coefficient release function operational in workflow', {

    range.income <- range(PUMS5extract10000['income'])
    range.education <- range(PUMS5extract10000['educ'])
    range.age <- range(PUMS5extract10000['age'])
    range <- list(range.income, range.education, range.age)

    eps <- c(rep(10000000000,6))

    #Next line expected to throw warning due to high epsilon val.
    dpCov <- expect_warning(dpCovariance$new(mechanism="mechanismLaplace",varType = 'numeric', n = 10000,
                              epsilon = eps, columns = c("income", "educ", "age"), rng = range, formula='income~educ'))
    out <- dpCov$release(PUMS5extract10000)
    coeffs <- coefficientRelease('income~age', out$release, n=10000)
    expect_equal(length(coeffs), 4)
    linreg <- lm(income~age, data=PUMS5extract10000)

    output <- as.numeric(coeffs$coefficients[[1]][1]) #extracts coefficient from output
    expectedOutput <- as.numeric(linreg[[1]][2])
    expect_equal(floor(output), floor(expectedOutput)) #check floor of values due to fact that there is some noise added here

test_that('sensitivity calculation is correct', {
    range.sex <- range(PUMS5extract10000['sex'])
    range.married <- range(PUMS5extract10000['married'])
    range <- list(range.sex, range.married)
    dpCov <- dpCovariance$new(mechanism="mechanismLaplace",varType = 'numeric', n = 10000, rng=range,
                                             globalEps = 1, columns = c("sex", "married"))
    expect_equal(dpCov$sens, rep(2/10000, 3))
privacytoolsproject/PSI-Library documentation built on Feb. 17, 2020, 2:03 p.m.