

# GWAS summary statistics for Epilepsy (supposedly in EUR+EAS+AFR)
gz <- runonce::download_file(
  dir = "tmp-data")
readLines(gz, n = 3)

sumstats <- bigreadr::fread2(
  gz, select = c("CHR", "BP", "Allele2", "Allele1", "Freq1"),
  col.names = c("chr", "pos", "a0", "a1", "freq")
) %>%
  mutate_at(3:4, toupper)
# It is a good idea to filter for similar per-variant N (when available..)

all_freq <- bigreadr::fread2(
                         dir = "tmp-data", fname = "ref_freqs.csv.gz"))
projection <- bigreadr::fread2(
                         dir = "tmp-data", fname = "projection.csv.gz"))

matched <- snp_match(
  mutate(sumstats, chr = as.integer(chr), beta = 1),
  return_flip_and_rev = TRUE
) %>%
  mutate(freq = ifelse(`_REV_`, 1 - freq, freq))

res <- snp_ancestry_summary(
  freq = matched$freq,
  info_freq_ref = all_freq[matched$`_NUM_ID_`, -(1:5)],
  projection = projection[matched$`_NUM_ID_`, -(1:5)],
  correction = c(1, 1, 1, 1.008, 1.021, 1.034, 1.052, 1.074, 1.099,
                 1.123, 1.15, 1.195, 1.256, 1.321, 1.382, 1.443)

# Some ancestry groups are very close to each other, and should be merged
group <- colnames(all_freq)[-(1:5)]
group[group %in% c("Scandinavia", "United Kingdom", "Ireland")]   <- "Europe (North West)"
group[group %in% c("Europe (South East)", "Europe (North East)")] <- "Europe (East)"

tapply(res, factor(group, unique(group)), sum)
privefl/bigsnpr documentation built on May 10, 2024, 10:29 a.m.