



test_that("sub_bed() works", {
  expect_identical(sub_bed("toto.bed"), "toto")
  expect_identical(sub_bed("toto.bed", ".bim"), "toto.bim")
               "Path 'toto.bed2' must have 'bed' extension.")
  expect_error(sub_bed("toto.bed", "bim"), "extension starting with '.'")
  expect_identical(sub_bed("toto.bed", "bim", stop_if_not_ext = FALSE), "totobim")


test <- snp_attachExtdata()
G <- test$genotypes

bedfile <- snp_writeBed(test, tempfile(fileext = ".bed"))
# bedfile <- system.file("extdata", "example.bed", package = "bigsnpr")


test_that("same genotype matrix as gaston (reversed)", {
  test2 <- gaston::read.bed.matrix(bedfile, verbose = FALSE)
  expect_equivalent(G[], 2L - gaston::as.matrix(test2))
  expect_equivalent(test$fam, test2@ped[1:6])
  expect_equivalent(test$map, test2@snps[1:6])

test_that("good class", {
  expect_s3_class(test, "bigSNP")


path <- sub_bk(G$backingfile)

test_that("Error: already exists", {
  expect_error(snp_readBed(bedfile, backingfile = path),
               sprintf("File '%s' already exists.", paste0(path, ".bk")),
               fixed = TRUE)


test_that("same sign as PLINK (no switch 0 <-> 2)", {


  plink <- download_plink(verbose = FALSE)
  prefix <- sub_bed(bedfile)
  tmp <- tempfile()
  file.create(assoc_file <- paste0(tmp, ".assoc"))
  system(paste(plink, "--bfile", prefix, "--assoc --allow-no-sex --out", tmp),
         ignore.stdout = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE)
  sumstats <- bigreadr::fread2(assoc_file)

  gwas <- big_univLogReg(G, test$fam$affection - 1L)
  expect_gt(cor(gwas$estim, log(sumstats$OR)), 0.99)


test_that("snp_readBed2() works", {

  bedfile <- system.file("extdata", "example.bed", package = "bigsnpr")

  ind.row <- sample(nrow(G), nrow(G) / 2, replace = TRUE)
  ind.col <- sample(ncol(G), ncol(G) / 2, replace = TRUE)

  test2 <- snp_attach(snp_readBed2(bedfile, backingfile = tempfile(),
                                   ind.row, ind.col, ncores = 2))
  test3 <- snp_attach(subset(test, ind.row, ind.col))
  expect_equal(test2$genotypes[], test3$genotypes[])
  expect_equal(test2[-1], test3[-1])

  test4 <- snp_attach(snp_readBed2(bedfile, backingfile = tempfile()))
  expect_equal(test4$genotypes[], test$genotypes[])
  expect_equal(test4[-1], test[-1])


test_that("bed accessors work", {

  bedfile <- system.file("extdata", "example-missing.bed", package = "bigsnpr")
  bed <- bed(bedfile)
  expect_type(bed[], "integer")
  expect_true(all(bed[] %in% c(0:2, NA)))

  ind.row <- sample(nrow(bed), nrow(bed) / 2, replace = TRUE)
  ind.col <- sample(ncol(bed), ncol(bed) / 2, replace = TRUE)

  rds <- snp_readBed2(bedfile, backingfile = tempfile(), ind.row, ind.col)
  G <- snp_attach(rds)$genotypes[]
  expect_equal(bed[ind.row, ind.col], G)
  expect_equal(bed[ind.row, ind.col[1]], G[, 1])
  expect_equal(bed[ind.row, ind.col[1], drop = FALSE], G[, 1, drop = FALSE])
  expect_equal(bed[ind.row[2], ind.col], G[2, ])
  expect_equal(bed[ind.row[2], ind.col, drop = FALSE], G[2, , drop = FALSE])
  expect_equal(dim(bed[-(1:5), ind.col]), c(nrow(bed) - 5, length(ind.col)))
  expect_equal(bed[c(TRUE, FALSE), ind.col], bed[][c(TRUE, FALSE), ind.col])
  expect_equal(bed[ind.row, c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)],
               bed[,][ind.row, c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)])

privefl/bigsnpr documentation built on May 10, 2024, 10:29 a.m.