

compute_cost <- function(block_num, corr.tril, thr_r2) {
  corr.tril %>%
    as("dgTMatrix") %>%
    { .@x[block_num[.@i + 1L] != block_num[.@j + 1L]]^2 } %>%
    { sum(.[. >= thr_r2]) }


#' Independent LD blocks
#' Split a correlation matrix in blocks as independent as possible.
#' This will find the splitting in blocks that minimize the sum of squared
#' correlation between these blocks (i.e. everything outside these blocks).
#' @param corr Sparse correlation matrix. Usually, the output of [snp_cor()].
#' @param thr_r2 Threshold under which squared correlations are ignored.
#' @param min_size Minimum size of each block (`infos.pos[last] - infos.pos[first]`).
#' @param max_size Maximum number of variants (`infos.pos[last] - infos.pos[first]`).
#' @param max_K Maximum number of blocks to consider.
#' @param infos.pos Position for each variant in `corr`. If `NULL` (default),
#'   this function just uses indices. If using genetic positions (cM), then you
#'   can use `min_size = 1e-4` and `max_size = 3e-3`. If using physical
#'   positions (Kbp), then you can use `min_size = 100` and `max_size = 10e3`.
#'   Note that sizes are multiplied by 1000 internally.
#' @return A tibble with five columns:
#'   - `$n_block`: Number of blocks.
#'   - `$cost`: The sum of squared correlations outside the blocks.
#'   - `$block_num`: Resulting block numbers for each variant.
#'   - `$all_last`: Last index of each block.
#'   - `$all_size`: Sizes of the blocks.
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @example examples/example-split-LD.R
snp_ldsplit <- function(corr, thr_r2, min_size, max_size, max_K, infos.pos = NULL) {

  m <- ncol(corr)
  if (is.null(infos.pos)) infos.pos <- 1000 * seq_len(m)
  assert_lengths(infos.pos, cols_along(corr), rows_along(corr))
  sapply(c(thr_r2, min_size, max_size), assert_pos, strict = FALSE)

  corr <- Matrix::tril(corr)
  min_size <- 1000 * min_size
  max_size <- 1000 * max_size

  # Precomputing L, E and computing all cost paths
  cost_path <- corr %>%
    { get_L(.@p, .@i, .@x, thr_r2 = thr_r2) } %>%
    # L now has an extra column with all 0s for convenience
    { Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = .$i, j = .$j, x = .$x, dims = c(m, m + 1),
                           triangular = FALSE, index1 = FALSE) } %>%
    get_C(pos = infos.pos, min_size = min_size, max_size = max_size, K = max_K)

  # Reconstructing paths"rbind", lapply(1:max_K, function(K) {

    cost <- cost_path$C[1, K]
    if ( return(NULL)

    all_last <- list()
    j <- 0
    k <- K
    repeat {
      j <- cost_path$best_ind[j + 1L, k]
      all_last[[length(all_last) + 1L]] <- j
      if (k == 1) break
      k <- k - 1L

    all_last <- unlist(all_last)
    stopifnot(length(all_last) == K)

    all_first <- c(1L, all_last[-K] + 1L)
    all_size <- infos.pos[all_last] - infos.pos[all_first]
    stopifnot(all(all_size >= min_size & all_size <= max_size))

    block_num <- rowSums(outer(1:m, all_last, ">")) + 1L

      n_block   = length(all_last),
      cost      = cost,
      block_num = list(block_num),
      all_last  = list(all_last),
      all_size  = list(all_size)

privefl/bigsnpr documentation built on May 10, 2024, 10:29 a.m.