
Defines functions subset.bigSNP snp_subset

Documented in snp_subset subset.bigSNP


#' Subset a bigSNP
#' Subset (copy) of a `bigSNP`, also stored on disk.
#' @inheritParams bigsnpr-package
#' @param ind.row Indices of the rows (individuals) to keep.
#'   Negative indices __can__ be used to exclude row indices.
#'   Default: keep them all.
#' @param ind.col Indices of the columns (SNPs) to keep.
#'   Negative indices __can__ be used to exclude column indices.
#'   Default: keep them all.
#' @param backingfile Prefix of the two new files created (".bk" and ".rds").
#'   By default, it is automatically determined by appending "_sub" and a number
#'   to the prefix of the input bigSNP backing files.
#' @export
#' @return The path to the RDS file that stores the `bigSNP` object.
#' @seealso [bigSNP][bigSNP-class]
#' @examples
#' str(test <- snp_attachExtdata())
#' # keep only first 50 samples and SNPs
#' rdsfile <- snp_subset(test, ind.row = 1:50, ind.col = 1:50)
#' str(snp_attach(rdsfile))
#' # remove only first 50 samples and SNPs
#' rdsfile2 <- snp_subset(test, ind.row = -(1:50), ind.col = -(1:50))
#' str(snp_attach(rdsfile2))
snp_subset <- function(x,
                       ind.row = rows_along(x$genotypes),
                       ind.col = cols_along(x$genotypes),
                       backingfile = NULL) {

  G <- x$genotypes

  # Support for negative indices
  ind.row <- rows_along(G)[ind.row]
  ind.col <- cols_along(G)[ind.col]


  if (is.null(x$fam)) {
    new_fam <- NULL
  } else {
    # https://stackoverflow.com/q/19565621/6103040
    new_fam <- x$fam[ind.row, , drop = FALSE]
    rownames(new_fam) <- rows_along(new_fam)

  if (is.null(x$map)) {
    new_map <- NULL
  } else {
    new_map <- x$map[ind.col, , drop = FALSE]
    rownames(new_map) <- rows_along(new_map)

  if (is.null(backingfile)) backingfile <- getNewFile(x, "sub")

  # Create new FBM and fill it
  G2 <- FBM.code256(
    nrow = length(ind.row),
    ncol = length(ind.col),
    code = G$code256,
    init = NULL,
    backingfile = backingfile,
    create_bk = TRUE
  replaceSNP(G2, G, rowInd = ind.row, colInd = ind.col)

  # Create the bigSNP object
  snp.list <- structure(list(genotypes = G2, fam = new_fam, map = new_map),
                        class = "bigSNP")

  # save it and return the path of the saved object
  rds <- sub_bk(G2$backingfile, ".rds")
  saveRDS(snp.list, rds)


#' @export
#' @rdname snp_subset
#' @param ... Not used.
subset.bigSNP <- function(x,
                          ind.row = rows_along(x$fam),
                          ind.col = rows_along(x$map),
                          backingfile = NULL,
                          ...) {


  snp_subset(x, ind.row = ind.row, ind.col = ind.col, backingfile = backingfile)

privefl/mypack documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 5:44 p.m.