    echo = TRUE,
    message = FALSE,
    warning = FALSE

#necessary to render tutorial correctly
#non tidyverse

# Create bib file for R packages
here::here("inst/tutorials/discovr_01/packages.bib") |>
  knitr::write_bib(c('tidyverse', 'dplyr', 'forcats', 'tibble', 'lubridate'), file = _)

discovr: Key Concepts in r rproj()


discovr package hex sticker, female space pirate with gun. Gunsmoke forms the letter R. **Usage:** This tutorial accompanies [Discovering Statistics Using R and RStudio]( [@field_discovering_2023] by [Andy Field]( It contains material from the book so there are some copyright considerations but I offer them under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License]( Tl;dr: you can use this tutorial for teaching and non-profit activities but please don't meddle with it or claim it as your own work.

r cat_space(fill = blu) Welcome to the discovr space pirate academy

Hi, welcome to discovr space pirate academy. Well done on embarking on this brave mission to planet r rproj()s, which is a bit like Mars, but a less red and more hostile environment. That's right, more hostile than a planet without water. Fear not though, the fact you are here means that you can master r rproj(), and before you know it you'll be as brilliant as our pirate leader Mae Jemstone (she's the badass with the gun). I am the space cat-det, and I will pop up to offer you tips along your journey.

On your way you will face many challenges, but follow Mae's system to keep yourself on track:

It's not just me that's here to help though, you will meet other characters along the way:

Also, use hints and solutions to guide you through the exercises (Figure 1).

Each codebox has a hints or solution button that activates a popup window containing code and text to guide you through each exercise.
Figure 1: In a code exercise click the hints button to guide you through the exercise.

By for now and good luck - you'll be amazing!



This tutorial uses the following packages:

It also uses these tidyverse packages [@R-tidyverse; @tidyverse2019]: dplyr [@R-dplyr], forcats [@R-forcats] and tibble [@R-tibble].

If working outside of the tutorial, load the lubridate and tidyverse packages at the beginning of your Quarto document:


r bmu() Communicating with r rproj() [(1)]{.alt}

To communicate with r rproj() you type commands that tell it what to do. This process might seem strange to you if you are used to interacting with software by using your mouse to click on options and on-screen buttons. The problem with pointing and clicking is that the process isn't easily reproducible. Often when analysing data we want to reproduce what we have done. By typing commands and saving those commands as a script, we are able to reproduce our analysis exactly.

The conversation that you have with r rproj() consists of you typing instructions, then doing something to execute those instructions. r rproj() will either dutifully carry out your instructions or complain that your instructions weren't clear enough. In short, you type commands, try to execute them and r rproj() either does what you ask or throws an error. In the early days of learning r rproj() you will become very familiar with error messages, they are typically indecipherable so fear not if they seem like gibberish.

A simple 'conversation' with r rproj() is made up of commands that follow the common structure shown in Figure 2.

object <- instructions

Which you can read as object is created from instructions. In the middle of each command is an arrow (<-) known as the assignment operator, so called because it assigns the stuff on the right of the command to the thing on the left (hence the arrow points right-to-left). The 'thing' on the left is an object that is created when the command is executed. An object can be a single value (e.g., a median of a set of scores) or collections of information (e.g. the details of a statistical model). The 'stuff' on the right, which I've called instructions, are typically a set of operations or the results of applying a function.

See text for details..
Figure 2: Examples of R commands.

For example, the first command in Figure 2:

metallica <- c("Lars","James","Jason", "Kirk")

creates an object called [metallica]{.alt}, consisting of the first names of the members (pre 2001) of the band Metallica. The 'instructions' used to create the object [metallica]{.alt} include the concatenate function, c(), which collects things together.

r alien() Alien coding challenge

Let's try this out. In the code box below type

metallica <- c("Lars","James","Jason", "Kirk")

and then click run code button{height=1em}.

metallica <- c("Lars","James","Jason", "Kirk")

You should find that nothing happened, which will be disconcerting. That's because we told r rproj() to create the object [metallica]{.alt} but not to show it to us. So, the object [metallica]{.alt} has been created and stored in r rproj()'s memory and we can refer back to it, use it to do other things, change it, and view it. To view it we execute its name. So, let's ask to see the object [metallica]{.alt} that we have created by executing its name:

metallica <- c("Lars","James","Jason", "Kirk")


Notice that the contents of the object [metallica]{.alt} are displayed:

metallica <- c("Lars","James","Jason", "Kirk")

We can do other things with our newly created object too, but we'll save that fun for another time.

`r cat_space()` **Tip: Keyboard shortcut** Simultaneously press the ![alt](./images/key_alt.png){height=1em} + ![hyphen](./images/key_hyphen.png){height=1em} keys to insert the assignment operator `<-`.

r bmu() Functions [(1)]{.alt}

In the previous section we used c() and referred to it as a function. A function is a bit of code that someone has written (and that you can write yourself) that typically has at least one argument and an output. A function takes inputs that are assigned to one of its arguments, and using these it creates and output that is returned when you use it. [Functions]{.alt} have a name followed by parenthesis, for example, ggplot(), mean() and plot(). [Arguments]{.alt} are the inputs to the function, which are pre-defined things that you specify within the parentheses. You can think of arguments like options that you set for the function. Most functions return an output, which could be a new data set, a value, information about a statistical model, a graph and so on.

You can think of a function as activating a dialog box and arguments as setting options within that dialog box. Let's take a simple function mean(), which (no surprises here) calculates the mean (or average) of a set of scores. This function takes the general form:

mean(x = variable_name, trim = 0, na.rm = FALSE, )

The function takes three named arguments:

Don't worry too much about understanding what the arguments do for now, we'll come back to this function in a later tutorial. Figure 3 maps this process of setting arguments within functions to ticking check boxes in a dialog box. In this imaginary statistics software, we have selected a menu called 'mean' that opens the dialog box in the figure. This action is comparable to typing mean(): it activates the function, but if we were to click OK nothing would happen because we haven't told the computer which variable to compute the mean on. Imagine I've dragged the variable songs_written to the space labelled Variable:. This is similar to assigning the variable songs_written to the [x]{.alt} argument within the function (i.e., mean(x = songs_written))

Having selected the variable, two options are available: the first determines what we do with missing values, and the second determines how much we trim the scores. Each option or 'argument' has a tick box. Having specified a variable, we could click on OK and we'd get some output because the options/arguments have default values (Figure 2 left): the tick box for removing missing values is unchecked, which is the same as typing [na.rm = FALSE]{.alt} into the function, and the checkbox for trimming the mean is unchecked which is the same as typing [trim = 0]{.alt} into the function. In other words it would be like executing:

mean(x = songs_written)

We don't need to write [trim = 0, na.rm = FALSE]{.alt} explicitly within the function because these are the defaults values that the function will use. However, we could change these defaults by changing these arguments. Going back to our imaginary dialog box, the right side of Figure 2 shows that same variable is selected (songs_written), but this time the user has selected the option for removing missing values, which equates to typing [na.rm = TRUE]{.alt} into the function. This equates to executing

mean(x = songs_written, na.rm = TRUE)

The user has also selected to trim means and type in a value of 5 to set the amount of trim, which is equivalent to typing [trim = 5]{.alt} into the function. Now, when we click on OK the mean will be calculated having trimmed 5% of scores from either side and excluding missing values. This process is equivalent to executing:

mean(x = songs_written, trim = 5, na.rm = TRUE)
See main text for description.
Figure 3: An imaginary dialog box to help you map the idea of setting arguments to selecting options in dialog boxes.
learnr::quiz(caption = "A fun ... ction quiz",
  learnr::question("What is a function in R?",
    learnr::answer("An instruction that typically creates an output from at least one input", correct = TRUE),
    learnr::answer("A lady who loves to boogie to Parliament and Funkadelic", message = "No, that's a funk Sian."),
    learnr::answer("Something created by R", message = "No, that's an object."),
    learnr::answer("The weird arrow thing (`<-`)", message = "No, that's the assignment operator (`<-`)."),
    correct = "Correct - well done!",
    random_answer_order = TRUE,
    allow_retry = T
  learnr::question("What is an argument in R?",
    learnr::answer("An option that can be set within a function that controls what it does", correct = TRUE),
    learnr::answer("When you tell R to do something and it throws an error message", message = "No, that's your life for the next few years."),
    learnr::answer("An instruction that typically creates an output from at least one input", message = "No, that's a function"),
    learnr::answer("The weird arrow thing (`<-`)", message = "No, that's the assignment operator (`<-`)."),
    correct = "Correct - well done!",
    random_answer_order = TRUE,
    allow_retry = T
`r cat_space()` **Tip: Naming arguments within functions** When you use a function you can name each argument you set, which I generally recommend because you are being explicit about the value of each argument. For example, when computing the mean of the variable **songs_written** with a 5% trim and excluding missing values we could execute: wzxhzdk:17 When naming arguments we can specify them in any order, so this code is equivalent to the above wzxhzdk:18 However, you can exclude the argument names if you specify them in the correct order. This code will also compute the mean of the variable **songs_written** with a 5% trim and excluding missing values: wzxhzdk:19 Note that we haven't included the names of the arguments, we have instead included only values. `r rproj()` will interpret this code by assigning the first value in the function to the first argument, the second value to the second argument and so on. How do you know the correct order of arguments? When you access the help file for a function (e.g. `?mean`) it tells you the available arguments, their order and their default value. However, I don't recommend this approach because your code is harder to understand and there is a lot of scope for unintended and unnoticed errors! My advice is * Always name arguments within a function when you are changing the default values.

r bmu() Coding style [(1)]{.alt}

There are (broadly) two styles of coding: verbose and concise

r bmu() Verbose coding style [(1)]{.alt}

Using verbose style you declare the package (a.k.a. [namespace]{.alt}) when using a function: package::function(). For example, if I want to use the mutate() function from the package dplyr, I will type dplyr::mutate(). If you adopt verbose style, you don't need to load packages at the start of your Quarto document using library()). Here's an example of verbose style

my_data <- my_data |> 

Note the use of dplyr:: to indicate that we're using select() from the dplyr package.

I use verbose style in teaching materials because (1) it helps you to remember which functions come from which packages, and (2) it prevents clashes resulting from using functions from different packages that have the same name. For example, there is a recode() function in both the Hmisc and car packages. If you have both packages loaded and you try to use recode(), r rproj() won't know which one to use or will guess incorrectly and throw an error. If you always specify the package as well as the function then r rproj() (and everyone else) will know which function you're using.

`r cat_space()` **Tip: verbose style** Even with verbose style it makes sense to load `dplyr` and `ggplot2` at the start of your document because there are functions within these packages that are often used within other functions and including the package name makes the code difficult to read. Also, if you plan to migrate to concise style in the future then it's good to get into the habit of loading packages even when using verbose style.

r bmu() Concise coding style [(1)]{.alt}

Using concise style you load all of the packages at the start of your Quarto document using library(package_name), and then refer to functions without their package. For example, if I want to use the mutate() function from the package dplyr, I will use library(dplyr) in my first code chunk and type the function as mutate() when I use it subsequently. See this tutorial on loading packages). Here's the code from the previous section but in concise style

my_data <- my_data |> 

Note that we load the dplyr package to make all of the functions from that package available to r rproj() and subsequently omit the dplyr:: before the select() function. Most code that you'll see is concise, but as a new r rproj() user I think there are benefits to using a verbose style.

learnr::quiz(caption = "Namespace quiz",
  learnr::question("In the R command `dplyr::filter()` ...",
    answer("`dplyr` is the name of a package and `filter()` is a function within that package.", correct = TRUE),
    answer("`filter()` is the name of a package and `dplyr` is a function within that package."),
    correct = "Correct - well done!",
    incorrect = "Sorry, that's incorrect. Try again.",
    random_answer_order = TRUE,
    allow_retry = T

r bmu() General style principals [(1)]{.alt}

While we're discussing good style, it is important to adopt consistent principles about how to name the objects you create in r rproj(). I recommend following Hadley Wickham's tidyverse style guide. The style guide has a lot to take in, so a few key tips are:

Good style

# object containing the first names of the members of metallica
metallica <- c("Lars","James","Jason", "Kirk")

This example shows good practice. Note how I have annotated what I am doing by using #, put spaces around the assignment operator (<-) and after commas, used lower case and an underscore for my object name and kept the name short.

Poor style

First_names_of_The.members_of.MetalliCa<-c("Lars","James","Jason", "Kirk")

This example shows poor style. Note that I have not annotated what I am doing, there are no spaces around the assignment operator (<-) or after commas, I have some capital letters in my object name, have not been consistent with how I separate words in the object name, and have a name that is unnecessarily long.

  question("Which of these is **not** an example of good style?",
    answer("Use upper case letters for important words when naming objects.", correct = TRUE, message = "This is poor style because capital letters increase the chance of making errors when later referring to objects that you have created. Use lower case throughout when naming objects."),
    answer("Avoid long names when naming objects."),
    answer("Place spaces around operators such as `+`, `<-`, `-` etc.."),
    answer("Use comments to remind yourself of what your code is doing."),
    correct = "Correct - well done!",
    incorrect = "Sorry, that's incorrect. Try again.",
    random_answer_order = TRUE,
    allow_retry = T

r bmu() The tidyverse [(1)]{.alt}

The tidyverse is a set of packages built upon a common philosophy of data science developed by Hadley Wickham [@wickhamAdvanced2014; @wickhamDataScience2017; @wickhamGgplot2ElegantGraphics2016]. Some of the ones we'll use are shown in Figure 4. In r rproj() there are always multiple ways to achieve the same goal, in general I follow the tidyverse approach.

A selection of Hex logos for the tidyverse packages forcats, dplyr, ggplot2, purrr, readr, stringr, tidyr and tibble.
Figure 4: some of the tidyverse packages.

You install and load the tidyverse packages as you would any package in r rproj(). You can install all of the tidyverse packages in one go using


Having done that, you can load them individually; for example


or load all of them using


Neither approach is correct: some people like the convenience of loading the entire ecosystem whereas others prefer to load only the tidyverse packages they want to use.

r bmu() The pipe operator |> [(1)]{.alt}

The tidyverse approach to coding r rproj() makes use of something called the pipe operator (|>) to link functions together. This operator, known as the [native pipe]{.alt}, is built into r rproj().

`r info()` **Information** Tidyverse has its own version of the pipe operator (`%>%`), in fact, their pipe came first! To use the tidyverse pipe operator the `magrittr` package needs to be installed and loaded. These tutorials use the native pipe because (1) it can be used without needing to load any packages, and (2) the team behind the tidyverse now recommend using the native pipe, suggesting that use of the native pipe will supersede the tidyverse pipe. In many cases, you can use the two pipes interchangeably. If you find code online that uses `%>%`, then you can probably replace `%>%` with `|>` and it will work. If it doesn't work, include `library(magrittr)` in your document and it will work. * `|>`: The native pipe, built into `r rproj()` * `%>%`: the tidyverse pipe. Requires `library(magrittr`) to work. * In most cases, the two pipes can be used interchangeably.

As the name suggests, the pipe operator involves thinking of any command as a pipe through which instructions flow from left to right. To take a really simple example, in the introduction tutorial to r rproj() and r rstudio(), we used the here::here() function to create a path to a file that we wanted to open with the function readr::read_csv(). The command we used was:

my_data <- readr::read_csv(here::here("data/metallica.csv"))

We can pipe this command to make it easier to read:

my_data <- here::here("data/metallica.csv") |>

Instead of embedding the here::here() function within readr::read_csv(), we put it first and feed or pipe its output into readr::read_csv() using |>.The code is easier to read, it makes clear that we're using here::here() to generate a path to the file that we want to open, and that we're feeding that file path into readr::read_csv().

  question("What's going on in the command `here::here(\"data/metallica.csv\") |> readr::read_csv()`?",
    answer("`here::here(\"data/metallica.csv\")` generates the filepath to the data file called 'metallica.csv' and this filepath is fed into `readr::read_csv()`, which reads in that file.", correct = TRUE, message = "Well done."),
    answer("`here::here(\"data/metallica.csv\")` opens the data file called 'metallica.csv' and `readr::read_csv()` converts it to a CSV file`", message = "the `here()` function generates a file path, it doesn;t open the file."),
    answer("The `|>` reads the data file back into the `here()` function", message = "The flow of commands is in the opposite direction"),
    random_answer_order = TRUE,
    allow_retry = T

By default, the pipe operator passes whatever comes through the pipe into the first unnamed argument. To explain what this means, let's explore the gsub() function, which takes a string of text as its input, finds some text that you specify, and replaces it with some different text that you specify. It has the following form

gsub(pattern = "find_this_text", replacement = "replace_it_with", x = my_text)

in which [my_text]{.alt} is the original text that you want to search, [find_this_text]{.alt} is whatever text you want to replace, and [replace_it_with]{.alt} is whatever you want to replace the text with. There are three arguments. The first is named [pattern]{.alt}, which you use to specify the text to search for, the second is named [replacement]{.alt}, which you use to specify the replacement text, and the third is named [x]{.alt} which you use to specify the original data.

Let's say we have the text "Andy's discovr tutorials are great", but we think they're not great so we want to replace the word 'great' with the word 'terrible' (or something more offensive if that's the way you roll). We can achieve this using the following code in which each argument is called by its name:

my_sentence <- "Andy's discovr tutorials are great."
gsub(pattern = "great", replacement = "terrible", x = my_sentence)

The first line creates an object called [my_sentence]{.alt}, which is the sentence "Andy's tutorials are great.". The second line uses gsub() and sets this object to be the data [x = my_sentence]{.alt}. It also asks the function to search for the word great and replace it with terrible. As mentioned earlier, we don't need to name the arguments because the function treats the first input as the first argument, the second input as the second argument and so on. Provided we specify the inputs in the correct order we'll get what we want. I advised against doing this but roll with it for now. This code is equivalent to the code above but involves less typing

my_sentence <- "Andy's discovr tutorials are great."
gsub("great", "terrible", my_sentence)

r alien() Alien coding challenge

Use the code box to execute the code above.

# Polite version
my_sentence <- "Andy's discovr tutorials are great."
gsub("great", "terrible", my_sentence)
# If you really hate the tutorials read on
# Less polite version
my_sentence <- "Andy's discovr tutorials are great."
gsub("great", "the rancid excretions of a diseased and sadistic mind", my_sentence)

You should see that gsub() returns a new sentence in which the word great has been replace with terrible.

What if we want to do the same thing using the pipe? You might think we could do something like

my_sentence <- "Andy's discovr tutorials are great."
my_sentence |> 
  gsub("great", "terrible")

So instead of setting [x = my_sentence]{.alt} within gsub(), we pipe the data into it instead.

r alien() Alien coding challenge

Use the code box to execute the code above.

my_sentence <- "Andy's discovr tutorials are great."
my_sentence |> 
  gsub("great", "terrible")

The function now returns the word terrible. Why?

It's because the pipe operator passes whatever comes through the pipe into the first unnamed argument. Therefore, the object [my_sentence]{.alt} has been passed into the argument named [pattern]{.alt}, which means that "great" is now assigned to the second argument ([replacement]{.alt}) and "terrible" is assigned to the third argument ([pattern]{.alt}). The code we have written is the same as writing

my_sentence <- "Andy's discovr tutorials are great."
gsub(pattern = my_sentence,  replacement = "great", x = "terrible")

Therefore, gsub() takes the word "terrible" as the initial data, searches it for the pattern "Andy's discovr tutorials are great.", which it doesn't find and, therefore, does not replace it, meaning that the original string is returned unchanged. Remember that the function thinks the original string is the word terrible, so that's what gets returned.

To avoid this we can either name the arguments before the one that we want the contents of the pipe to be assigned to. For example, this code will work

my_sentence <- "Andy's discovr tutorials are great."
my_sentence |> 
  gsub(pattern = "great", replacement =  "terrible")

because the first unnamed argument is [x]{.alt}, so the object [my_sentence]{.alt} coming through the pipe will be assigned to [x]{.alt}. Alternatively, if we don't want to name the preceding arguments, we can use the placeholder _ to tell the pipe which argument to pipe into. For example,

my_sentence <- "Andy's discovr tutorials are great."
my_sentence |> 
  gsub("great", "really terrible", x = _)

works because even though we haven't named the arguments, we have explicitly told the pipe to assign its contents to the argument named [x]{.alt} by including [x = _]{.alt}.

r alien() Alien coding challenge

Use the code box to get the gsub() function to work with a pipe.

# solution 1
my_sentence <- "Andy's discovr tutorials are great."
my_sentence |> 
  gsub(pattern = "great", replacement = "terrible")
# solution 2
my_sentence <- "Andy's discovr tutorials are great."
my_sentence |> 
  gsub("great", "terrible", x = _)
  question("Earlier we met the `mean()` function, that has three arguments: `mean(x, trim, na.rm,`). Imagine we have a variable called **confusion** containing scores from 20 students about how confused they are about the native pipe. We want to compute the mean of these scores. Select all of the following code examples that will work",
    answer("`confusion |> mean()`", correct = TRUE, message = "`confusion |> mean()` will work because the first unnamed argument for the function `mean()` is x (the data), so the pipe will pass **confusion** into that argument. This is the same as writing `mean(x = confusion)`."),
    answer("`confusion |> mean(x = _)`", correct = TRUE, message = "`confusion |> mean(x = _)` will work because you explicitly tell the pipe to pass **confusion** into the x argument. It's wordy, but it will work. This is the same as writing `mean(x = confusion)`."),
    answer("`confusion |> mean(trim = 5, na.rm = TRUE)`", correct = TRUE, message = "`confusion |> mean(trim = 5, na.rm = TRUE)` will work because the first unnamed argument for the function `mean()` is x (the data), so the pipe will pass **confusion** into that argument. This is the same as writing `mean(x = confusion, trim = 5, na.rm = TRUE)`."),
    answer("`confusion |> mean(5, TRUE)`", correct = TRUE, message = "`confusion |> mean(5, TRUE)` will work because the first unnamed argument for the function `mean()` is x (the data), so the pipe will pass **confusion** into that argument. This is the same as writing `mean(x = confusion, trim = 5, na.rm = TRUE)`."),
    answer("`confusion |> mean(trim = _)`", correct = FALSE, message = "`confusion |> mean(trim = _)` will NOT work because it tells the pipe to pass **confusion** into the trim argument. In fact, the function doesn't know what to compute the mean for because there is no default value of x. This is the same as writing `mean(x, trim = confusion, na.rm = FALSE)`."),
    random_answer_order = TRUE,
    allow_retry = T

r bmu() Data types [(1)]{.alt}

Often when analysing data you will input your data with an external software such as Microsoft Excel, Google sheets, or Numbers and then import it into r rproj(). However, you can enter data directly. It's also useful to know about the different ways in which r rproj() stores data. r rproj() can store information using several different data types:

We're going to extend our earlier Metallica example to explore these different data types. Table 1 shows the data that we're going to enter, which contains a character variable (name), two date variables (birth_date and death_date), a factor (the instrument they play), a logical (whether it is true or false that they are a current member of the band), two integers (how many songs they have written for Metallica and their net_worth).

  ~name, ~birth_date, ~death_date, ~instrument, ~current_member, ~songs_written, ~net_worth,
  "Lars Ulrich", "1963-12-26", NA, "Drums", TRUE, 111, 300000000,
  "James Hetfield", "1963-08-03", NA, "Guitar", TRUE, 112, 300000000,
  "Kirk Hammett", "1962-11-18", NA, "Guitar", TRUE, 56, 200000000,
  "Rob Trujillo", "1964-10-23", NA, "Bass",  TRUE, 16, 20000000,
  "Jason Newsted", "1963-03-04", NA, "Bass", FALSE, 3, 40000000,
  "Cliff Burton", "1962-02-10", "1986-09-27", "Bass", FALSE, 11, 1000000,
  "Dave Mustaine", "1961-09-13", NA, "Guitar", FALSE, 6, 20000000
  ) |> 
  knitr::kable(caption = "Some data about the rock band Metallica", format = "html") |> 
  kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped")

r bmu() Character variables [(1)]{.alt}

We created a character variable (also called a string variable) when we entered the names of the members of Metallica. To recap, we used the c() function to 'collect' together values. Each value (known as a character string) is separated by commas and placed in straight quotes so that r rproj() knows that it is text:

r robot() Code example

metallica <- c("Lars","James","Jason", "Kirk")

r alien() Alien coding challenge

Adapt the above code to enter the names in Table 1 and store these in an object called [name]{.alt} by executing:

# You were asked to call the object name, so start with:

name <- c()
# To complete the right hand side adapt the sample code to include surnames, and add the pre-2001 members:

c("Lars", "James", "Jason", "Kirk")
# Put this together, this gives you:

name <- c("Lars Ulrich", "James Hetfield", "Kirk Hammett", "Rob Trujillo", "Jason Newsted", "Cliff Burton", "Dave Mustaine")

# Don't forget that to see the object execute its name
name <- c("Lars Ulrich", "James Hetfield", "Kirk Hammett", "Rob Trujillo", "Jason Newsted", "Cliff Burton", "Dave Mustaine")

r bmu() Double or integer variables [(1)]{.alt}

We have two numeric variables in Table 1: the number of Metallica songs written by each member, and their net worth. A variable that contain numbers is called a numeric variable. By default, r rproj() stores numbers as double precision floating point numbers (double), which basically means it includes decimal places, but you can force r rproj() to store them as whole numbers (integer). Other things being equal storing numbers as doubles makes sense. To create a numeric variable, type the numeric values into the c() function in the order you want them. For example, to create the variables songs_written and net_worth we would execute:

r robot() Code example

songs_written <-  c(111, 112, 56, 16, 3, 11, 6)
net_worth <- c(300000000, 300000000, 200000000, 20000000, 40000000, 1000000, 20000000)

r alien() Alien coding challenge

Try entering these variables in the code box.

songs_written <-  c(111, 112, 56, 16, 3, 11, 6)
net_worth <- c(300000000, 300000000, 200000000, 20000000, 40000000, 1000000, 20000000)

# To view these variables:

r user_visor() Date variables [(2)]{.alt}

The second column of Table 1 contains dates. To create a date variable we do much the same as for a character variable except that we also need to tell r rproj() that the values are dates. The conversion from text to dates is important if you want to do computations on the dates. If your dates are stored as characters (rather than dates) computations won't work. The most versatile way to handle dates is the lubridate package (part of the tidyverse), which contains a suite of functions specifically designed for working with times and dates.

One function for converting character strings to dates is ymd(). The letters 'ymd' stand for 'year', 'month' and 'day' which expects the dates to be entered with the year first, then the month, then the day.

r robot() Code example

To create a variable using lubridate::ymd() you'd execute something like:

variable <- c("date 1", "date 2", "date 3", ... "final date") |>

Notice that I have used the pipe operator (|>) to connect two commands, the first inputs the dates (c("date 1", "date 2", "date 3", ... "final date")) and this information is fed into lubridate::ymd() to convert it to date format. Using ymd() each date would need to be in the format "year-month-day". For example, to enter Lars Ulrich's birthday we'd replace "date 1" with "1963-12-26".

r alien() Alien coding challenge

Create the variable called birth_date containing the dates of birth in Table 1.

# The variable is called birth_date, so start with:

birth_date <- c()
# To complete the right hand side adapt the sample code:

c("date 1", "date 2", "date 3", ...)

# Now replace date 1 with the first date, date 2 with the second and so on until all the dates are entered.
# Together, this gives you

birth_date <- c("1963-12-26", "1963-08-03", "1962-11-18", "1964-10-23", "1963-03-04", "1962-02-10", "1961-09-13")

# Now pipe it into lubridate::ymd
birth_date <- c("1963-12-26", "1963-08-03", "1962-11-18", "1964-10-23", "1963-03-04", "1962-02-10", "1961-09-13") |>
# To see the object execute its name

birth_date <- c("1963-12-26", "1963-08-03", "1962-11-18", "1964-10-23", "1963-03-04", "1962-02-10", "1961-09-13") |>


r bmu() Missing values [(1)]{.alt}

Although as researchers we strive to collect complete sets of data, it is often the case that we have missing data. We denote missing values with [NA]{.alt} (in capital letters), which stands for 'not available'. Many functions in r rproj() have arguments to specify how you handle missing values so if you have missing values remember to set a value for these arguments. The dates of the member's deaths are included in Table 1. At the time of writing all but one of the members are alive (Cliff Burton was tragically killed in a tour bus accident), so we (thankfully) have a lot of missing values. We enter these values as [NA]{.alt} (not in quotes).

r alien() Alien coding challenge

Use what you learnt in the previous section to create a variable called death_date containing the corresponding dates in Table 1. Whenever the data is missing, use NA (no quotes) instead of a date.

# To get you started
death_date <- c(NA, ...)

# Now enter the rest of the NAs and dates. 
# The completed data is:
death_date <- c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "1986-09-27", NA)

# Now use the pipe and ymd() function like you did before
# This creates the variable death_date
death_date <- c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "1986-09-27", NA) |>

# If we want to view the object remember we need to execute its name
# Solution
death_date <- c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "1986-09-27", NA) |>

r bmu() logical variables [(1)]{.alt}

Table 1 contains a logical variable, which is one that contains values of true and false. In this case true and false relate to whether the member is currently in the band. Logical variables are created much the same as integers and doubles except that you enter TRUE and FALSE (in upper case) instead of numbers into the c() function.

r robot() Code example

In general you create a logical variable as:

variable_name <- c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE ...)

r alien() Alien coding challenge

Create the variable current_member containing the corresponding dates in Table 1.

# To get you started
current_member <- c(TRUE, ...)

# Now enter the rest of the TRUEs and FALSEs. 
# The completed data is:
current_member <- c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)

# If we want to view the object remember we need to execute its name
# Solution
current_member <- c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)

r bmu() Factor variables [(1)]{.alt}

A factor variable is one that uses numbers to represent different categories or groups of data. It is a numeric variable, but the numbers represent names (i.e., it is a nominal variable). These groups of data could be levels of a treatment variable in an experiment, different groups of people, different geographic locations, different organisations, etc. In Table 1 we have a factor variable that codes the instrument played by each member. We could enter this variable as a character variable and hope that r rproj() treats the variable sensibly when we try to enter it into a statistical model. Often it will, but it is usually a good idea to explicitly define these variables as factors and assign the numeric codes that you want to each category.

When it comes to what instrument is played the codes can be somewhat arbitrary; for the sake of convention people typically use 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. We will use 0 = Guitar, 1 = Bass, 2 = drums. There are several ways to create factors in r rproj(). The first is to enter numeric values and then convert these values to a factor using the factor() function, the second is to enter the text and convert it to a factor using the forcats::as_factor() function (which is part of tidyverse). We'll use each in turn.

We want to enter the values Drums, Guitar, Guitar, Bass, Bass, Bass, Guitar. Using the coding I suggest above that means entering the numbers 2, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0. To turn these values into a factor, we use the factor() function, which takes the general form:

factor(variable, levels = c(x, y, … z), labels = c("label_1", "label_2", … "label_3"))

This function looks a bit scary, but it's not too bad really. Let's break it down:

r robot() Code example

Putting all of this together we could execute:

instrument <- c(2, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0)
instrument <- factor(instrument, levels = 0:2, labels = c("Guitar", "Bass", "Drums"))

The first line enters the numeric values, the second line converts the variable to a factor and applies labels to each numeric value, and the last line shows us the variable. Note that the variable is made up of the category labels and not the numeric values.

r alien() Alien coding challenge

Rather than using two commands, we could create instrument in a single command by linking the data entry and the conversion to a factor with a pipe. Try to do that below.

# First enter the data
instrument <- c(2, 0, ...)

# Complete the data entry and add a pipe               
instrument <- c(2, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0) |>

# Now add the factor() function
# Solution:
instrument <- c(2, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0) |>
  factor(levels = 0:2, labels = c("Guitar", "Bass", "Drums"))
# To view this variable:

The tidyverse method is slightly different. First, we create a character variable and then use the forcats::as_factor() function to convert it to a factor.

r robot() Code example

This generic code shows how to create factors the tidyverse way

instrument <- c("Instrument 1", "Instrument 2", ... "Final instrument") |>

r alien() Alien coding challenge

Try creating the variable instrument the tidyverse way

instrument <- c("Drums", "Guitar", "Guitar", "Bass", "Bass", "Bass", "Guitar") |>
# To view this variable:

Notice that with this method we don't specify the levels or labels of the factor, they are set automatically with levels ordered by the order they appear in the data. In this case entered drums first, so this is the first level. Guitar was entered second and so is the second level and so on. Were told this in the output by [Levels: Drums Guitar Bass]{.alt}.

r robot() Code example

If we don't want instruments ordered in this way we can use the forcats::fct_relevel() function to change the order. For example, to order the levels as we did in the earlier example (guitar, bass, drums) we would execute:

instrument <- c("Drums", "Guitar", "Guitar", "Bass", "Bass", "Bass", "Guitar") |>
instrument <- instrument |>
  forcats::fct_relevel("Guitar", "Bass", "Drums")

Notice that the order of levels has changed from [Levels: Drums Guitar Bass]{.alt} in the previous output to [Levels: Guitar Bass Drums]{.alt} in the current output.

r alien() Alien coding challenge

We could have incorporated the fct_relevel() function in the original command by using the pipe. See if you can do this.

# Set up the variable and enter the data:
instrument <- c("Drums", "Guitar", "Guitar", "Bass", "Bass", "Bass", "Guitar")

# Now pipe this into as_factor() like we did before
# The variable is created with default factor levels:

instrument <- c("Drums", "Guitar", "Guitar", "Bass", "Bass", "Bass", "Guitar") |>

# Now pipe the results into the fct_relevel() function
# Solution
instrument <- c("Drums", "Guitar", "Guitar", "Bass", "Bass", "Bass", "Guitar") |>
  forcats::as_factor() |>
  forcats::fct_relevel("Guitar", "Bass", "Drums")
# To view this variable:

r alien() Alien coding challenge

With any factor variable you can see the factor levels and their order by using the levels() function, in which you enter the name of the factor. So, to see the levels of our variable instrument variable we would execute: levels(instrument), try this:

instrument <- c("Drums", "Guitar", "Guitar", "Bass", "Bass", "Bass", "Guitar") |>
  forcats::as_factor() |>
  forcats::fct_relevel("Guitar", "Bass", "Drums")


r bmu() Tibbles [(1)]{.alt}

We have looked at how to create variables, but what if we want to combine these variables into a tabulated data set. The tidyverse way to do this is to create something called a tibble.

r robot() Code example

To create a tibble we use the tibble::tibble() function, and input into it the names of the variables you have created.

my_tib <- tibble::tibble(variable_1, variable_2, variable_3, ... variable_n)

This command creates an object called [my_tib]{.alt} (I tend to use [_tib]{.alt} to denote a tibble) that contains all of the variables listed in tibble(). They will be arranged in columns. You view a tibbles by executing its name. The contents of the tibble will be printed within the Quarto document below the code chunk. By default the first 10 rows will be displayed and as many columns as the width of the pane allows. The display is interactive so you can navigate across columns or down beyond the first 10 rows.

r alien() Alien coding challenge

Create a tibble of the Metallica data called [metalli_tib]{.alt}, which is made up of all of the variables from Table 1 that we have created in this tutorial (don't forget to execute its name to view it):

current_member <- c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)
instrument <- c("Drums", "Guitar", "Guitar", "Bass", "Bass", "Bass", "Guitar") |> forcats::as_factor() |> forcats::fct_relevel("Guitar", "Bass", "Drums")
name <- c("Lars Ulrich", "James Hetfield", "Kirk Hammett", "Rob Trujillo", "Jason Newsted", "Cliff Burton", "Dave Mustaine")
songs_written <-  c(111, 112, 56, 16, 3, 11, 6)
net_worth <- c(300000000, 300000000, 200000000, 20000000, 40000000, 1000000, 20000000)
birth_date <- c("1963-12-26", "1963-08-03", "1962-11-18", "1964-10-23", "1963-03-04", "1962-02-10", "1961-09-13") |>
death_date <- c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "1986-09-27", NA) |> 

# To get you started ...
metalli_tib <- tibble::tibble(name, ...)

# Add the other variables (birth_date, death_date, instrument, current_member, songs_written, net_worth)
metalli_tib <- tibble::tibble(name, birth_date, death_date, instrument, current_member, songs_written, net_worth)
# To view the tibble

From viewing the tibble, you can see that it collects together the objects called name, birth_date, death_date, instrument, current_member, songs_written, and net_worth into columns. When we created these variables we consistently entered the data in the order of Lars, James, Kirk, Rob, Jason, Cliff and Dave, therefore, each row represents the data for each member. For example, we can see that Lars plays drums and has a song writing credit on 111 songs. The whole thing looks like Table 1.

r bmu() Creating new variables using mutate() [(1)]{.alt}

We can create new variables within a tibble using the mutate() function from the dplyr (which is part of tidyverse package).

r robot() Code example

The dplyr::mutate() function takes the general form:

              variable_name_1 = data_for_variable,
              variable_name_2 = data_for_variable

In other words, we pass into the function the name of the tibble to which we want to add variables, followed by one or more commands that name the variables that we want to create and include the data for those variables or instructions to create that data (more on this later). We can also pipe a tibble into the function rather than specifying the tibble within the function itself:

tibble_name |>
    variable_name_1 = data_for_variable,
    variable_name_2 = data_for_variable
`r bug()` **De-bug: common mistakes when using mutate()** 1. In `mutate()`, variables are created using an equal sign (`=`), not the assignment operator (`<-`). Remember to use an equals sign within mutate. 2. Every line within the `mutate()` function ends with a comma except for the last. When `r rproj()` sees a comma it expects to see another command, so the lack of comma after the last command tells `r rproj()` that it is the last command. If you get an error message when using `mutate()` check you have remembered commas at the end of each line except the last.

r robot() Code example

Imagine that having created [metalli_tib]{.alt} we decide that we'd like to include information about how many of their 10 studio albums of original songs each member played on. The data are 10 (Lars), 10 (James), 10 (Kirk), 2 (Rob), 4 (Jason), 3 (Cliff), 0 (Dave). We can create a variable called albums like this

metalli_tib <- discovr::metallica |> 
  dplyr::select(-c(albums, worth_per_song))
metalli_tib <- metalli_tib |> 
        albums = c(10, 10, 10, 2, 4, 3, 0)
metalli_tib <- metalli_tib |> 
        albums = c(10, 10, 10, 2, 4, 3, 0)

The first line creates the object [metalli_tib]{.alt} from a version of itself in which the original tibble is passed through the pipe into dplyr::mutate(), where the new variable is created. You'll see that the new version of [metalli_tib]{.alt} has an extra column called albums that contains the values we entered.

r bmu() Creating new variables from existing variables [(1)]{.alt}

We can also compute variables from existing variables. Let's imagine we now wanted to work out how much money per song contributed each band member made. We know how many songs each member contributed to (songs_written) and their net worth (net_worth) so their 'worth per song' will be their net worth divided by the number of songs written. We can create a variable that takes the values for net_worth and divides them by the corresponding value of songs_written using one of the arithmetic operators built into r rproj(). Amongst other things, we can add, subtract, multiply and divide using [+]{.alt}, [-]{.alt}, [*]{.alt} and [/]{.alt} respectively. So, let's use [/]{.alt} to create a new variable that we'll call worth_per_song that is net_worth divided by songs_written. The command within mutate() to create this variable will be:

worth_per_song = net_worth/songs_written

r alien() Alien coding challenge

By adapting the code in the previous section and using the code above that computes the worth per song to, add the variable worth_per_song to the [metalli_tib]{.alt} tibble:

metalli_tib <- discovr::metallica |> 

# Start with the code form the previous section, but remove the stuff
# from within the mutate function:

metalli_tib <- metalli_tib |> 

# Now place the code that computes worth_per_song within mutate()
metalli_tib <- metalli_tib |> 
        worth_per_song = net_worth/songs_written
# Nice to view the tibble to see that the variable has, in fact, been added
metalli_tib <- metalli_tib |> 
        worth_per_song = net_worth/songs_written

Note that within the mutate() function we create the new variable (which we name on the left hand side of the equals sign) by taking the existing variable net_worth from the tibble and divided it by another existing variable in the tibble, songs_written. If you look at the resulting tibble you'll see that James and Lars earn about \$2.7 million per song they write, but the real winner here is Jason who contributed to only 3 songs which puts his earnings per song at around \$13 million. Nice work if you can get it.

r bmu() Selecting variables using select() [(1)]{.alt}

Sometimes we might want to subset tibbles to focus on specific variables or cases of data. First we'll look at selecting variables. The most extreme case would to look at or retain only at a single variable. To select variables from within a tibble we use the select() function from the dplyr package (which is loaded as part of tidyverse). The function takes this general form:

dplyr::select(tibble_name, list of variables)

Within the function you insert the name of the tibble and a list of the variable or variables that you want to retain. For example, to select the variables name and instrument we could execute:

dplyr::select(metalli_tib, name, instrument)

r robot() Code example

Better still, we could use a pipe (|>) that takes the tibble and feeds it into the function:

metalli_tib |> 
  dplyr::select(name, instrument)

You can also use dplyr::select() to drop variables from a tibble by placing a minus sign in front of the variable. For example, to show every variable except name we'd execute:

metalli_tib |> 

This command displays the tibble but without the column containing the band member's names.

r robot() Code example

To remove multiple variables, place them within c(). Remembering to place the minus sign outside of the function so that it applies to everything within it:

metalli_tib |> 
  dplyr::select(-c(name, instrument))

This command will display the tibble but without the columns containing the band member's names and instruments.

Sometimes we'd like to store the subset of variables within a new object for future use. To do this you would need to assign the commands that subset the tibble to an object, using the assignment operator (<-). For example, to save a version of [metalli_tib]{.alt} but without the band member's names into an object called [metalli_anon_tib]{.alt}, we'd execute:

metalli_anon_tib <- metalli_tib |> 


The object [metalli_anon_tib]{.alt}` is the same as [metalli_tib]{.alt} except that it doesn't contain the variable name.

`r cat_space()` **Tip** When selecting lots of variables it can be useful to use `x:y` to indicate 'all of the consecutive variables between x and y, including x and y'. For example the variables in [metalli_tib]{.alt} are now: **name**, **birth_date**, **death_date**, **instrument**, **current_member**, **songs_written**, **net_worth**, **albums**, and **worth_per_song**. If we wanted to select the variables **name**, **songs_written**, **net_worth**, **albums** and **worth_per_song** we could use: wzxhzdk:115 The [songs_written:worth_per_song]{.alt} is shorthand for selecting **songs_written**, **worth_per_song** and all variables in between them in the tibble.

r alien() Alien coding challenge

Select the variables name, instrument, and net_worth.

current_member <- c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)
instrument <- c("Drums", "Guitar", "Guitar", "Bass", "Bass", "Bass", "Guitar") |> forcats::as_factor() |> forcats::fct_relevel("Guitar", "Bass", "Drums")
name <- c("Lars Ulrich", "James Hetfield", "Kirk Hammett", "Rob Trujillo", "Jason Newsted", "Cliff Burton", "Dave Mustaine")
songs_written <-  c(111, 112, 56, 16, 3, 11, 6)
net_worth <- c(300000000, 300000000, 200000000, 20000000, 40000000, 1000000, 20000000)
birth_date <- c("1963-12-26", "1963-08-03", "1962-11-18", "1964-10-23", "1963-03-04", "1962-02-10", "1961-09-13") |>
death_date <- c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "1986-09-27", NA) |> 
metalli_tib <- tibble::tibble(name, birth_date, death_date, instrument, current_member, songs_written, net_worth) |> 
    albums = c(10, 10, 10, 2, 4, 3, 0),
    worth_per_song = net_worth/songs_written

# Selecting the variables **name**, **instrument**, and **net_worth**
metalli_tib |> 
  dplyr::select(name, instrument, net_worth)

r alien() Alien coding challenge

Exclude the variables death_date and net_worth.

# Excluding the variables **death_date**, and **net_worth**
metalli_tib |> 
  dplyr::select(-c(death_date, net_worth))

r alien() Alien coding challenge

Include the variables name, birth_date, death_date, instrument, current_member and worth_per_song.

# Include the variables **name**, **birth_date**, **death_date**, **instrument**, **current_member** and **worth_per_song**
metalli_tib |> 
  dplyr::select(name:current_member, worth_per_song)

# OR (this removes the three variables that we don't want to see)
metalli_tib |> 
`r cat_space()` **Tip: Don't forget about $** Sometimes, when you want to select only one variable from a tibble it is quicker to use the `$` symbol. For example, to select the variable **instrument** from the [metalli_tib]{.alt} tibble, we could execute: wzxhzdk:123 which you can read as 'the variable **instrument** within the tibble [metalli_tib]{.alt}'. This will return the raw values not wrapped in a tibble (it can be handy sometimes to have the raw values).

r alien() Alien coding challenge

Inspect the variable worth_per_song from [metalli_tib]{.alt}.

# Selecting the variable instrument from the metalli_tib tibble

r bmu() Selecting cases using filter() [(1)]{.alt}

Sometimes we want to select cases rather than (or as well as) variables. For example, maybe we want to work with only the current members of Metallica. To do this, we'd need to select rows of the tibble on the basis of whether the variable current_member was true. To filter rows of a tibble you use the filter() function from dplyr. Like the select() function in the previous section, you feed in the name of the tibble and some instructions about how to filter:

dplyr::filter(tibble_name, statement_about_how_to_filter)

Or using a pipe:

tibble_name |>

r robot() Code example

For example, to select the rows that represent current band members, we need to filter the rows where the variable current_member is was equal to [TRUE]{.alt}. We could do this by executing:

metalli_tib |> 
  dplyr::filter(current_member == TRUE)

Note that we use == to mean 'equal to'. We can also use != to mean 'not equal to', < to mean 'less than' and > to mean 'more than'.

r robot() Code example

For example, if we wanted to return the rows of members who had written more than 50 songs, we could execute:

metalli_tib |> 
  dplyr::filter(songs_written > 50)

This command returns the data for Lars, James and Kirk, who are the only members to have contributed to the writing of more than 50 songs.

We can also combine conditions to select rows of a tibble. First, we can ask for rows that match both of two conditions by using the & operator. For example, if we want the members of Metallica who play drums and have written more than 50 songs, we could combine the condition [songs_written > 50]{.alt} with the condition of [instrument == "Drums"]{.alt}. By using & we require both conditions to be true. The value of songs_written must be greater than 50 AND the value of instrument must be equal to 'Drums'.

r robot() Code example

To filter [metalli_tib]{.alt} according to the above conditions, we can insert those condition into the filter() function:

metalli_tib |> 
  dplyr::filter(songs_written > 50 & instrument == "Drums")

We can also use the OR operator (|) to select cases based on whether one of many conditions is met. For example, let's say we want to isolate the rhythm section, we need to include cases that either play drums or bass. We can achieve this with a statement such as: [instrument == "Drums" | instrument == "Bass"]{.alt}. The | denotes 'or', so this command would read as 'the value of the variable instrument is equal to the word 'Drums' OR the value of the variable instrument is equal to the phrase 'Bass'. Again, we'd insert this statement into the filter() function.

r robot() Code example

To filter [metalli_tib]{.alt} according to the above conditions, we can insert those condition into the filter() function:

metalli_tib |> 
  dplyr::filter(instrument == "Drums" | instrument == "Bass")

Notice that the result displays only the bassists and drummers.

r bmu() Combining selecting cases with selecting variables [(1)]{.alt}

We can combine what we have learnt in the previous sections to select variables and cases in a single command. For example, let's say we want to create a new object called [metalli_worth]{.alt} that contains only the names and net worth of the current members who have played on every album (i.e., Lars, James and Kirk). This involves two operations:

  1. Filter the cases to exclude everyone except Lars, James and Kirk.
  2. We want to exclude all of the variables except for net worth.

Let's first select the cases we want. We can do this in several ways, but one is to set a condition that the variable current_member is TRUE (this will give us Lars, James, Kirk and Rob) and a second condition that instrument is not equal (!=) to 'Bass', which will exclude Rob. This condition would be written as [current_member == TRUE & instrument != "Bass"]{.alt}. We could place this command into the filter() function:

r robot() Code example

To filter [metalli_tib]{.alt} according to the above conditions, we can insert those condition into the filter() function:

metalli_worth <- metalli_tib |> 
  dplyr::filter(current_member == TRUE & instrument != "Bass")

This command creates an object called [metalli_worth]{.alt} that contains the rows of [metalli_tib]{.alt} that meet the conditions that the variable current_member is equal to TRUE and the variable instrument is NOT equal to (!=) the phrase "Bass".

r robot() Code example

Having created this object, we could re-create it from itself but passed through the select() function to select only the variables called name and net_worth:

metalli_worth <- discovr::metallica |> 
  dplyr::filter(current_member == TRUE & instrument != "Bass")
metalli_worth <- metalli_worth |> 
  dplyr::select(name, net_worth)

Notice that by executing this command we overwrite the original object [metalli_worth]{.alt} with a new version that contains only the variables name and net_worth.

r alien() Alien coding challenge

The method just described is inefficient (but helpful for showing you the explicit steps that we want to take). A more efficient way to do achieve the same goal is to do both operations as part of the same pipeline. So you pipe the data into filter() and then pipe the result into select().

See if you can combine the previous two code examples to create [metalli_worth]{.alt} using a single pipeline.

# Start by creating metalli_worth from metalli_tib
metalli_worth <- metalli_tib
# Now use the pipe to apply the filter command from the code example
# So far:
metalli_worth <- metalli_tib |> 
  dplyr::filter(current_member == TRUE & instrument != "Bass") 

# Next use another pipe to apply the select function from the code example
# Solution to create metalli_worth:
metalli_worth <- metalli_tib |> 
  dplyr::filter(current_member == TRUE & instrument != "Bass") |> 
  dplyr::select(name, net_worth)
# To view this tibble:

We now begin to see the beauty of the pipe: it enables us to put together a sequence of operations in very clear, readable, code. The above code creates an object called [metalli_worth]{.alt} by taking the tibble called [metalli_tib]{.alt} and passing it into the filter() function, where cases are selected if they are current members and don't play bass, this filtered version of [metalli_tib]{.alt} is then passed again through the pipe to the select() command in which the variables name and net_worth are selected. The result is a tibble containing Lars', James', and Kirk's names and net worth.

discovr package hex sticker, female space pirate with gun. Gunsmoke forms the letter R. **A message from Mae Jemstone:** Well done on completing this mission! You have worked very hard and gained a good foundation in how to use `r rproj()`. You know how to enter data, how to store it as a tibble, and how to filter cases and select variables within a tibble. Fantastic work!

Resources {data-progressive=FALSE}


r rproj("h3")


I'm extremely grateful to Allison Horst for her very informative blog post on styling learnr tutorials with CSS and also for sending me a CSS template file and allowing me to adapt it. Without Allison, these tutorials would look a lot worse (but she can't be blamed for my colour scheme).


profandyfield/discovr documentation built on May 4, 2024, 4:32 p.m.