    echo = TRUE,
    message = FALSE,
    warning = FALSE

#necessary to render tutorial correctly
#non tidyverse
# not used by student


#Read dat files needed for the tutorial

dance_tib <- discovr::cat_dance

cat_tbl <- dance_tib |> 
  dplyr::group_by(dance, reward) |> 
  dplyr::tally() |> 

cat_cont <- cat_tbl |> 
    names_from = "dance",
    values_from = "n"

cat_chi <- chisq.test(dance_tib$reward, dance_tib$dance)
cat_xtab <- xtabs(n ~ reward + dance, data = cat_tbl)
# Create bib file for R packages
here::here("inst/tutorials/discovr_19/packages.bib") |>
  knitr::write_bib(c('here', 'tidyverse', 'dplyr', 'readr', 'forcats', 'tibble', 'tidyr', 'knitr', 'kableExtra', 'stringr'), file = _)

discovr: categorical variables


discovr package hex sticker, female space pirate with gun. Gunsmoke forms the letter R. **Usage:** This tutorial accompanies [Discovering Statistics Using R and RStudio]( [@field_discovering_2023] by [Andy Field]( It contains material from the book so there are some copyright considerations but I offer them under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License]( Tl;dr: you can use this tutorial for teaching and non-profit activities but please don't meddle with it or claim it as your own work.

r cat_space(fill = blu) Welcome to the discovr space pirate academy

Hi, welcome to discovr space pirate academy. Well done on embarking on this brave mission to planet r rproj()s, which is a bit like Mars, but a less red and more hostile environment. That's right, more hostile than a planet without water. Fear not though, the fact you are here means that you can master r rproj(), and before you know it you'll be as brilliant as our pirate leader Mae Jemstone (she's the badass with the gun). I am the space cat-det, and I will pop up to offer you tips along your journey.

On your way you will face many challenges, but follow Mae's system to keep yourself on track:

It's not just me that's here to help though, you will meet other characters along the way:

Also, use hints and solutions to guide you through the exercises (Figure 1).

Each codebox has a hints or solution button that activates a popup window containing code and text to guide you through each exercise.
Figure 1: In a code exercise click the hints button to guide you through the exercise.

By for now and good luck - you'll be amazing!



This tutorial uses the following packages:

It also uses these tidyverse packages [@R-tidyverse; @tidyverse2019]: dplyr [@R-dplyr], forcats [@R-forcats], readr [@R-readr], tibble [@R-tibble] and tidyr [@R-tidyr].

Coding style

There are (broadly) two styles of coding:

  1. Explicit: Using this style you declare the package when using a function: package::function(). For example, if I want to use the mutate() function from the package dplyr, I will type dplyr::mutate(). If you adopt an explicit style, you don't need to load packages at the start of your Quarto document (although see below for some exceptions).

  2. Concise: Using this style you load all of the packages at the start of your Quarto document using library(package_name), and then refer to functions without their package. For example, if I want to use the mutate() function from the package dplyr, I will use library(dplyr) in my first code chunk and type the function as mutate() when I use it subsequently.

Coding style is a personal choice. The Google r rproj() style guide and tidyverse style guide recommend an explicit style, and I use it in teaching materials for two reasons (1) it helps you to remember which functions come from which packages, and (2) it prevents clashes resulting from using functions from different packages that have the same name. However, even with this style it makes sense to load tidyverse because the dplyr and ggplot2 packages contain functions that are often used within other functions and in these cases explicit code is difficult to read. Also, no-one wants to write ggplot2:: before every function from ggplot2.

You can use either style in this tutorial because all packages are pre-loaded. If working outside of the tutorial, load the tidyverse package (and any others if you're using a concise style) at the beginning of your Quarto document:



To work outside of this tutorial you need to download the following data file:

Set up an r rstudio() project in the way that I recommend in this tutorial, and save the data files to the folder within your project called [data]{.alt}. Place this code in the first code chunk in your Quarto document:

dance_tib <- here::here("data/cat_dance.csv") |> readr::read_csv()

Preparing data

To work outside of this tutorial you need to turn categorical variables into factors and set an appropriate baseline category using forcats::as_factor and forcats::fct_relevel. There are two categorical variables here: reward (the animal was trained using either food or affection, not both) and dance (the animal either learnt to dance or it did not). For each variable, think about which category you'd want as your baseline or reference. For reward it doesn't matter too much, but for dance it makes sense to have 'No' as the reference category. Therefore, you might convert these variables to factors using this code:

dance_tib <- dance_tib |> 
    dance = forcats::as_factor(dance) |>
    reward = forcats::as_factor(reward)

r bmu() Dancing cats and entering data [(1)]{.alt}

A researcher was interested in whether animals could be trained to dance. He took 200 cats and tried to train them to dance by giving them either food or affection as a reward for dance-like behaviour. (Historically in this example the cats were taught to line dance. I was tempted to update the example to something more contemporary, like twerking cats, but I'm now haunted by intrusive images of lines of twerking cats slowly but purposefully following me around, which proves that sometimes it's best to leave well alone.) At the end of the week he counted how many animals could line-dance and how many could not. There are two categorical variables here: reward (the animal was trained using either food or affection, not both) and dance (the animal either learnt to dance or it did not). By combining categories, we end up with four different categories. All we then need to do is to count how many cats fall into each category. Table 1 shows these frequencies.

  ~`Reward`, ~`Danced`, ~`Did not dance`,
  "Food", 28, 10,
  "Affection", 48, 114
) |> 
  knitr::kable(caption = "Table 1: Frequencies of cats dancing after training using different rewards") |> 
  kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = FALSE)

r bmu() Entering raw scores [(1)]{.alt}

The first way is to enter each cat's data as a row of the data. You would create two variables (reward and dance) and reward might take on values of 'Food' and 'Affection', and dance would have values of 'Yes' and 'no'.

r alien() Alien coding challenge

These are what the data look like in dance_tib. Inspect this object using the code box.


Note that there are 200 cats and, therefore, 200 rows of data. At this point you would convert reward and dance to factors (as described in [preparing the data]{.alt}). Within this tutorial the variables are already converted to factors with the levels set such that 'No' is the baseline category for dance, and 'food' is the baseline category for reward.

r robot() Code example

To transform these raw data into a contingency table we can use a couple of functions from dplyr. First we can group the data in [dance_tib]{.alt} by dance and reward by piping it into the group_by() function. We then use the tally() function, which count the number of cases. By first grouping by dance and reward, tally() will count how many cases fall into each combination of categories of those variables. In other words, it gives us the counts we need for the contingency table. We use ungroup() to remove the earlier grouping of the data so that when we use [cat_tbl]{.alt} in the future it operations are not grouped by dance and reward.

cat_tbl <- dance_tib |> 
  dplyr::group_by(dance, reward) |> 
  dplyr::tally() |> 

r alien() Alien coding challenge

Use the code example to create and view an object called [cat_tbl]{.alt} containing the frequencies for the combinations of categories of dance and reward.

cat_tbl <- dance_tib |> 
  dplyr::group_by(dance, reward) |> 
  dplyr::tally() |> 
cat_tbl # to view the object

We can see, for example, that 10 cats did not dance when rewarded with food. However, the format of the resulting tibble is long, whereas a contingency table typically spreads one variable across different columns. For example, we might choose to have the 'danced' or 'did not dance' data in separate columns. To achieve this we use the pivot_wider() function from tidyr, which we encountered in discovr_06 and discovr_09. To remind you, the pivot_wider() restructures rows into columns. It's general form is:

  data = tibble,
  id_cols = variables_that_you_do_not_want_to_restructure,
  names_from = "variable_containing_the_names_of_columns",
  values_from = " variable_containing_the_scores",

If we want to spread values associated with 'danced' and 'did not dance' across columns then we want to get the column [names_from]{.alt} the variable dance. The frequencies are stored in the variable n, so we'd want to get [values_from]{.alt} from that variable. Finally, we want to leave categories of reward in rows so we'd select reward as the [id_cols]{.alt} (although we can omit this argument because the function will assume that non-named variables should not be restructured).

r robot() Code example

To create a contingency table called [cat_cont]{.alt} we'd execute:

cat_cont <- cat_tbl |>  
    names_from = "dance",
    values_from = "n"

r bug() Alien coding challenge

Use the example code to create an object called [cat_cont]{.alt}, which is the contingency table for the number of cats that danced for different rewards.

cat_cont <- cat_tbl |> 
    values_from = "n",
    names_from = "dance"
cat_cont # This line displays the object we created above

r bmu() Entering data as a contingency table [(1)]{.alt}

If you don't have the raw data but know the frequencies, you can enter the contingency table directly using the tribble() function from tibble. To mimic the table that we just created we might create a tibble that has a variable reward that specifies whether the food was reward or affection, then a variable Yes containing the total number of cats that danced for food (28) and affection (10) and a variable called No containing the total number of cats that did not dance when food (48) and affection (114) were used as rewards.

r robot() Code example

We can create this a tibble like this called cat_cont using the tribble() function from the tibble package (which is part of tidyverse). The code is:

cat_cont <- tibble::tribble(
  ~reward, ~Yes, ~No,
  "Food", 28, 10,
  "Affection", 48, 114

The tribble() function lets you enter raw data in tabulated form, where each row represents a row of the data and columns are separated using commas. Notice the first row contains the variable names, so this sets up three columns, the first named reward the second Yes and so on. Each column name is preceded by a [~]{.alt}. After the first row, we input the raw data. For example row 2 tells r rproj() that the value of reward is the word ["Food"]{.alt}, the corresponding value of Yes is 28 and the corresponding value of No is 10. Note that each row is ended with a comma except the last.

`r cat_space()` **Tip** If you want to use a column name with a space (not advised but hey, ho), then you need to include the name in backticks. In the previous example, if we wanted to use **did not dance** as the variable name instead of **No** we can do so by using [\`did not dance\`]{.alt} as shown in the code below wzxhzdk:16

r alien() Alien coding challenge

Create and inspect the object cat_cont using the code example in the previous section:

cat_cont <- tibble::tribble(
  ~reward, ~Yes, ~No,
  "Food", 28, 10,
  "Affection", 48, 114

r user_visor() Tables of proportions [(2)]{.alt}

For interpretation purposes it can also be useful to convert the raw frequencies into proportions, but also to look at the proportions within each variable.

`r cat_space()` **Tip** If you enter the data directly as a contingency table, you will need to convert it to a tidy format to calculate these proportions. You can do this using `pivot_longer`, which we have used before. Essentially we reverse the earlier operation that we performed with `pivot_wider()` to make the tidy data into a wide contingency table. wzxhzdk:19

r robot() Code example

To convert the frequencies in [cat_tbl]{.alt} to overall proportions we can use mutate() to create a variable called prop that is the result of dividing each frequency (in the variable n) by the sum of all frequencies (sum(n)) to give us the proportions.

prop_total <- cat_tbl |> 
    prop = n/sum(n)

We can again use pivot_wider() to view these proportions in a contingency table, but this time setting [values_from = "prop"]{.alt} and setting [id_cols = "reward"]{.alt}

prop_total |> 
    id_cols = "reward",
    names_from = "dance",
    values_from = "prop"

r bug() Alien coding challenge

Use the code box to create and view a table of proportions (in wide format) called [prop_total]{.alt}.

prop_total <- cat_tbl |> 
    prop = n/sum(n)
  ) |> 
    id_cols = "reward",
    names_from = "dance",
    values_from = "prop"
prop_total #this line displays the object
prop_total <- cat_tbl |> 
    prop = sprintf("%.2f", n/sum(n)),
    perc = sprintf("%.0f", 100*n/sum(n))

cat_xtab <- xtabs(n ~ reward + dance, cat_tbl)
prop_dance <- proportions(cat_xtab, margin = "dance") |> 
  tibble::as_tibble() |> 
    perc = sprintf("%.0f", 100*n),
    n = sprintf("%.2f", n)
prop_reward <- proportions(cat_xtab, margin = "reward") |> 
    perc = sprintf("%.0f", 100*n),
    n = sprintf("%.2f", n)

The resulting table shows that r prop_total$prop[1] of all cats (r prop_total$perc[1]%) did not dance when given food, r prop_total$prop[2] of all cats (r prop_total$perc[2]%) did not dance when given affection, r prop_total$prop[3] of all cats (r prop_total$perc[3]%) danced when given food, and r prop_total$prop[4] of all cats (r prop_total$perc[4]%) danced when given affection.

It's also instructive to look at proportions within each variable. In other words, to ask the question of the cats that danced, what proportion received food? To get these proportions, we can use the proportions() function from base r rproj(), which unfortunately doesn't play nicely with tibbles. So, before we use this function we need to use the xtabs() function (also in base r rproj()) to convert the data into a tabulated format that works with proportions().

The xtabs() function takes the general form:

my_new_xtab <- xtabs(frequencies ~ row_variable + column_variable, data = tibble)

In which, [tibble]{.alt} is a tibble of frequencies in long format, in this case we could use [cat_tbl]{.alt}. Within xtabs() [frequencies]{.alt} is replaced with the name of the variable containing the frequencies and [row_variable]{.alt} and [column_variable]{.alt} are replaced with the variables in the data that you would like to form the rows and columns of the contingency table respectively.

r robot() Code example

To convert [cat_tbl]{.alt} to a contingency table in which reward is spread across rows and dance is spread across columns (this is the format we used previously), we'd execute

cat_xtab <- xtabs(n ~ reward + dance, data = cat_tbl)

r bug() Alien coding challenge

Use the code box to create a table of frequencies [cat_xtab]{.alt} for the variables of reward and dance. You should get a table that looks the same as [cat_cont]{.alt}, which we created earlier. (In fact, this would be a legitimate alternative way to create the contingency table.)

cat_xtab <- xtabs(n ~ reward + dance, data = cat_tbl)

Now we have the contingency table in non-tibble format, we can feed it into proportions(), which takes the general form

my_new_tbl <- proportions(x = contingency_table, margin = NULL)

in which [contingency_table]{.alt} is the name of your contingency table, and [margin]{.alt} determines whether proportions are computed within rows ([margin = 1]{.alt}) or within columns ([margin = 2]{.alt}).

r robot() Code example

Let's first look at the proportions within the variable dance. This variable is spread across columns in the contingency table, so we'd set [margin = 2]{.alt}. We'd use this code

prop_dance <- proportions(cat_xtab, margin = 2)

which creates table of proportions called [prop_dance]{.alt} by feeding our contingency table([cat_xtab]{.alt}) into the function and telling it to compute the proportions within columns by setting [margin = 2]{.alt}.

r bug() Alien coding challenge

Use the code box to create a table of proportions [prop_dance]{.alt} where the proportions are computed within each level of dance separately. View the resulting table.

prop_dance <- proportions(cat_xtab, margin = 2)

The resulting table shows that of the cats that did not dance r prop_dance$n[1] (r prop_dance$perc[1]%) were trained with food and r prop_dance$n[2] (r prop_dance$perc[2]%) with affection. In contrast, of the cats that did dance r prop_dance$n[3] (r prop_dance$perc[3]%) were trained with food and r prop_dance$n[4] (r prop_dance$perc[4]%) with affection.

r robot() Code example

Now let's look at the proportions within the variable reward. This variable is spread across rows in the contingency table, so we'd set [margin = 1]{.alt} and use this code

prop_reward <- proportions(cat_xtab, margin = 1)

which creates table of proportions called [prop_reward]{.alt} by feeding our contingency table([cat_xtab]{.alt}) into the function and telling it to compute the proportions within rows by setting [margin = 1]{.alt}.

r bug() Alien coding challenge

Use the code box to create a table of proportions [prop_reward]{.alt} where the proportions are computed within each level of reward separately. View the resulting table.

prop_reward <- proportions(cat_xtab, margin = 1)

The resulting table shows that of the cats rewarded with food r prop_reward$n[1] (r prop_reward$perc[1]%) did not dance and r prop_reward$n[3] (r prop_reward$perc[3]%) did dance. This pattern was reversed for cats trained with affection, with r prop_reward$n[2] (r prop_reward$perc[2]%) not dancing and r prop_reward$n[4] (r prop_reward$perc[4]%) dancing. In short, using a food reward about 3/4 of cats danced and 1/4 didn't, whereas with affection the opposite was true with about 1/3 of cats dancing and 2/3 refusing.

r bmu() The chi-square test [(1)]{.alt}

There is a function chisq.test() in base r rproj() to obtain a chi-square test. It takes the general form

chisq.test(x = contingency_table,
           y = second_categorical_variable, #omit for contingency tables
           correct = TRUE)

If feeding a contingency table into the function, [contingency_table]{.alt} is replaced with only the frequencies (i.e. the variables containing numbers) in your contingency table. If working with raw data then [contingency_table]{.alt} and [second_categorical_variable]{.alt} are replaced with the names of two categorical variables from the raw data.

The [correct]{.alt} argument, when [TRUE]{.alt} applies Yates' continuity correction when the contingency table is 2 $\times$ 2 in size. There's no reason to change the default of applying this correction.

r bmu() The chi-square test using a contingency table [(1)]{.alt}

I mentioned that when entering a contingency table into chisq.test we must include only the parts of that table containing numbers. The [cat_cont]{.alt} contingency table looks like this:


r robot() Code example

Note that the numbers are stored in the variables called Yes and No (the variable reward contains words describing which reward was given). We can do this by, for example, using select() to select these columns (in the code below I de-select reward which will leave us with Yes and No). We then pipe this into into chisq.test() and if we accept the continuity correction then we don't need to include any arguments.

cat_chi <- cat_cont |> 
  dplyr::select(-reward) |> 

This code creates an object called [cat_chi]{.alt} that stores information from the chi-square test. We are saving the test to an object because to fully interpret the test we need extract some of this information later.

r alien() Alien coding challenge

Use the example code to get a chi-square test for reward as a predictor of dance.

cat_chi <- cat_cont |> 
  dplyr::select(-reward) |> 
cat_chi #shows the results of the test
`r info()` **Reminder about scientific notation** Remember that in `r rproj()` when you see [e-x]{.alt} it means $\times$ 10^-x^ and when you see [e+x]{.alt} it means $\times$ 10^x^. For example, [e-07]{.alt} is $\times$ 10^-7^ and [e+22]{.alt} is $\times$ 10^22^. Therefore, the *p*-value of `r stringr::str_trunc(as.character(cat_chi$p.value), 8, "center", ellipsis = "")` is `r stringr::str_trunc(as.character(cat_chi$p.value), 4, "right", ellipsis = "")` $\times$ 10^-6^ = `r sprintf("%.7f", cat_chi$p.value)`.

`r info()` **Without Yates' correction** If we set [correct = F]{.alt} to remove the continuity correction we get the following results wzxhzdk:41 You can see a small increase to the chi-square statistic (because it hasn't been corrected) and a small decrease in the *p*-value (because the test statistic is larger). It doesn't change our conclusions though.

r bmu() The chi-square test using raw data [(1)]{.alt}

If you are working with raw scores rather than a contingency table you can either (1) create the contingency table (which you'd probably do anyway) and use the previous method; or (2) enter the raw data into the chisq.test() function.

r robot() Code example

If you choose to work with the raw data (i.e. two categorical variables) method then you need to set the [x]{.alt} and [y]{.alt} arguments within chisq.test() to the variables for which you want to quantify the association. In our case, the raw data [dance_tib]{.alt} contains only the variables dance and reward, and these are the variables we want to use, so we could execute

cat_chi <- chisq.test(x = dance_tib$reward, y = dance_tib$dance)

or more succinctly

cat_chi <- chisq.test(dance_tib$reward, dance_tib$dance)
`r cat_space()` **Tip** Remember that to specify a variable within a tibble we use `$` to mean 'within', so the general format is wzxhzdk:44 meaning 'the variable within the tibble'. For example, to access the variable **dance** within the tibble called [dance_tib]{.alt} we'd use wzxhzdk:45 meaning 'the variable called **dance** within the tibble called [dance_tib]{.alt}'.

r alien() Alien coding challenge

Use the example code to get a chi-square test for reward as a predictor of dance using the raw data.

cat_chi <- chisq.test(dance_tib$reward, dance_tib$dance)
cat_chi #shows the results of the test

r bmu() Interpreting the chi-square test [(1)]{.alt}

cat_chi <- chisq.test(dance_tib$reward, dance_tib$dance)

Whichever method you use, the output will be the same. The value of the chi-square statistic is r sprintf("%.2f", cat_chi$statistic) and this value is highly significant because the associated p is is smaller than 0.05 (it is r sprintf("%.8f", cat_chi$p.value)).

`r pencil()` **Report**`r rproj()` There was a significant association between the type of reward used and whether cats danced, $\chi^2$(`r cat_chi$parameter`) = `r sprintf("%.2f", cat_chi$statistic)`, *p* < 0.001.

r user_visor() Using cell proportions [(2)]{.alt}

We know that there is a significant association between the type of reward used and whether cats danced, but to understand what's driving that association we can look at the tables of proportions we obtained earlier. These proportions can be particularly useful for 2 × 2 contingency tables. For example, remember that the proportions of cats dancing within each reward was

prop_reward |> 
    id_cols = "reward",
    names_from = "dance",
    values_from = "n"

which shows us that of the cats rewarded with food r prop_reward$n[1] (r prop_reward$perc[1]%) did not dance and r prop_reward$n[3] (r prop_reward$perc[3]%) did dance. This pattern was reversed for cats trained with affection, with r prop_reward$n[2] (r prop_reward$perc[2]%) not dancing and r prop_reward$n[4] (r prop_reward$perc[4]%) dancing. In short, using a food reward about 3/4 of cats danced and 1/4 didn't, whereas with affection the opposite was true with about 1/3 of cats dancing and 2/3 refusing. The overall association between rewards and dancing seems to reflect the fact that food rewards were more effective at getting cats to dance than affection.

r user_astronaut() Using standardized residuals [(3)]{.alt}

Proportions are sometimes enough to make sense of a chi-square test, but it is not always as clear cut as this example. Also, for contingency tables larger than 2 × 2, proportions might not be as easy to interpret. Standardized residuals are another way to unpick a significant overall association between two variables. The standardized residual is a z-score: if the value lies outside of $\pm$1.96 then it is significant at p < 0.05, if it lies outside $\pm$2.58 then it is significant at p < 0.01, and if it lies outside $\pm$3.29 then it is significant at p < 0.001. These residuals are stored within the [cat_chi]{.alt} object that we created under the name residuals, so we can view them using


r alien() Alien coding challenge

View the residuals from [cat_chi]{.alt}.


There are four residuals: one for each combination of the type of reward and whether the cats danced. When food was used as a reward the standardized residual was significant for both those that danced (z = r sprintf("%.2f", cat_chi$residuals[1, 2])) and those that didn't dance (z = r sprintf("%.2f", cat_chi$residuals[1,1])). The plus or minus sign tells us something about the direction of the effect, as do the counts and expected counts within the cells. We can interpret these standardized residuals as follows: when food was used as a reward significantly more cats than expected danced, and significantly fewer cats than expected did not dance.

When affection was used as a reward the standardized residual was not significant both for those that danced (z = r sprintf("%.2f", cat_chi$residuals[2, 2])) and those that did not (z = r sprintf("%.2f", cat_chi$residuals[2, 1])). These residuals tell us that when affection was used a reward as many cats as expected danced and did not dance. In a nutshell, the cells for when food was used as a reward both significantly contribute to the overall chi-square statistic: the association between the type of reward and dancing is mainly driven by when food is a reward.

r bmu() Checking assumptions [(1)]{.alt}

Finally, let's check the expected frequencies. We have a 2 × 2 table, so all expected frequencies need to be greater than 5. The expected frequencies are stored in a variable called expected and we can acces sthem using


r alien() Alien coding challenge

View the expected frequencies from [cat_chi]{.alt}.


The smallest expected count is r sprintf("%.2f", min(cat_chi$expected)) (for cats that were trained with food and did dance). This value exceeds 5 and so the assumption has been met.

`r info()` **When assumptions are broken** When the expected frequencies of the contingency table are too small (i.e. the assumption of the chi-square test is broken), you should instead use Fisher's exact test, which is described later in this tutorial.

r user_visor() The odds ratio [(2)]{.alt}

A common and useful measure of effect size for categorical data is the odds ratio. We can use the oddsratio() function from the effectsize package to obtain this measure. Essentially we enter the object we created using chisq.test() into the function.

r robot() Code example

Using the contingency table we get


r alien() Alien coding challenge

Obtain and view the odds ratio from [cat_chi]{.alt}.

cat_or <- effectsize::oddsratio(cat_chi)

The output includes the odds ratio and its confidence interval. The observed odds ratio is r sprintf("%.2f", cat_or$Odds_ratio) and the limits of the 95% confidence interval are r sprintf("%.2f", cat_or$CI_low) and r sprintf("%.2f", cat_or$CI_high). An odds ratio of 1 represents no effect, so the important thing is that this 95% confidence interval does not cross 1. A value of 1 would mean that the odds of dancing after affection would be exactly the same as dancing after food. The fact that the interval does not include 1 suggests, if we assume that our sample is one of the 95% of samples that generates a 95% confidence interval containing the population value, that the population odds ratio is also not 1. In other words, there is a non-zero effect of reward on dancing.

`r info()` **Odds ratios** You can take the reciprocal of the odds ratio to reverse the direction of the effect. For example, we know that if a cat was trained with affection the odds of their dancing were `r sprintf("%.2f", cat_or$Odds_ratio)` times the odds if they had been trained with affection. Another way of stating this effect is that if a cat was trained with food the odds of their dancing were 1/`r sprintf("%.2f", cat_or$Odds_ratio)` = `r sprintf("%.2f", 1/cat_or$Odds_ratio)` times greater than the odds if they had been trained with affection.

`r pencil()` **Report**`r rproj()` There was a significant association between the type of reward used and whether cats danced, $\chi^2$(`r cat_chi$parameter`) = `r sprintf("%.2f", cat_chi$statistic)`, *p* < 0.001. If a cat was trained with affection the odds of their dancing were `r sprintf("%.2f", cat_or$Odds_ratio)` times the odds if they had been trained with affection, `r report_es(cat_or, col = "Odds_ratio")`

r user_visor() Fisher's exact test [(2)]{.alt}

When the expected frequencies of the contingency table are too small (i.e. the assumption of the chi-square test that we explored earlier is broken), you should instead use Fisher's exact test. The fisher.test() function, which is part of base rproj(), behaves exactly the same as the chisq.test() function, but has a few more arguments. The general form including the more relevant arguments is

fisher.test(x = contingency_table,
           y = second_categorical_variable, #omit for contingency tables
           alternative = "two.sided",
           or = 1,
  = TRUE,
           conf.level = 0.95,
           simulate.p.value = FALSE,
           B = 2000)

The default values are all fine but

r robot() Code example

Using the contingency table we get

cat_fish <- cat_cont |> 
  dplyr::select(-reward) |>

and using the raw variables we get

cat_fish <- fisher.test(dance_tib$reward, dance_tib$dance)

r alien() Alien coding challenge

Conduct and view Fisher's exact test.

cat_fish <- cat_cont |> 
  dplyr::select(-reward) |>
cat_fish #to view the results
cat_fish <- cat_cont |> 
  dplyr::select(-reward) |>

Although this is called a test, Fisher's exact test doesn't have a test statistic. Instead we get the odds ratio and its confidence interval (which tally to within rounding of what we have already calculated) and a p-value of the test that the odds ratio is different to 1 (by default). The fact that p < 0.001 tells us that the odds ratio of r sprintf("%.2f", cat_fish$estimate) is significantly different from 1.

The output includes the odds ratio and its confidence interval, and these tally (within rounding) of the values we calculated earlier. As mentioned before, an odds ratio of 1 represents no effect, so the test reveals that the observed odds ratio is significantly different from 'no effect'.

`r pencil()` **Report**`r rproj()` Fisher's exact test showed that the odds ratio was significantly different from 1, $\widehat{\text{OR}}$ = `r sprintf("%.2f", cat_fish$estimate)`, [`r sprintf("%.2f", cat_fish$[1])`, `r sprintf("%.2f", cat_fish$[2])`], *p* < 0.001. If we assume that our sample is one of the 95% of samples that generates a 95% confidence interval containing the population value, that the population odds ratio is also not 1. In other words, there was a non-zero effect of reward on dancing.

Resources {data-progressive=FALSE}


r rproj()


I'm extremely grateful to Allison Horst for her very informative blog post on styling learnr tutorials with CSS and also for sending me a CSS template file and allowing me to adapt it. Without Allison, these tutorials would look a lot worse (but she can't be blamed for my colour scheme).


profandyfield/discovr documentation built on May 4, 2024, 4:32 p.m.