ong_tidy: Ong et al. (2011) data: tidy format

ong_tidyR Documentation

Ong et al. (2011) data: tidy format


A dataset from Field, A. P. (2023). Discovering statistics using R and RStudio (2nd ed.). London: Sage.




A tibble with 1100 rows and 9 variables.


A study by Ong et al., (2011) examining the relationship between a person's narcissism and other people's ratings of their profile picture on Facebook. The pictures were rated on each of four dimensions: coolness, glamour, fashionableness, and attractiveness. In addition, each person was measures on introversion/extroversion and narcissism. These data are in tidy format. The data contains the following variables:

  • id: a number identifying he participant

  • age: participant's age in years

  • sex: biological sex of the participant

  • status: frequency of changing ones Facebook status per week

  • profile: sum of profile picture ratings

  • extraversion: score on the NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) extraversion scale

  • narcissism: score on the Narcissistic Personality Questionnaire for Children-Revised (NPQC-R)

  • rating_type: the dimension along which profile pictures were rated (Attractiveness, Fashionable, Cool, Glamour)

  • rating: rating of the profile picture from 1 (not attractive/cool/fashionable/glamourous) to 5 (very attractive/cool/fashionable/glamourous)



  • Ong, E. Y. L., Ang, R. P., Ho, J. C. M., Lim, J. C. Y., Goh, D. H., Lee, C. S., & Chua, A. Y. K. (2011). Narcissism, extraversion and adolescents' self-presentation on Facebook. Personality and Individual Differences, 50, 180–185. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1016/j.paid.2010.09.022")}

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