teach_method: Method of teaching data (3 groups)

teach_methodR Documentation

Method of teaching data (3 groups)


A dataset from Field, A. P. (2023). Discovering statistics using R and RStudio (2nd ed.). London: Sage.




A tibble with 30 rows and 3 variables.


To test how different teaching methods affected students' knowledge I took three statistics modules where I taught the same material. For one module I wandered around with a large cane and beat anyone who asked daft questions or got questions wrong (punish). In the second I encouraged students to discuss things that they found difficult and gave anyone working hard a nice sweet (reward). In the final course I neither punished nor rewarded students' efforts (indifferent). I measured the students' exam marks (percentage). This fictional data contains the following variables

  • id: participant's id

  • group: The type of teaching method used (Punish, Reward, Indifferent)

  • exam: The exam mark (%)



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