
Defines functions extract_height

Documented in extract_height

#' Get LiDAR derived tree heights based on Latitude and Longitude
#' @description Extract canopy height from the LiDAR derived map of
#' tree heights produced by Simard et al. 2011 (asdf)
#' @param Site The site ID
#' @param Lat The site Latitude
#' @param Lon The site Longitude
#' @param site_crs The coordinate reference system of the points, preferably designated
#' as an EPSG code. For example, the most common geographic system is WGS84 and its EPSG 
#' code is 4326. 
#' @return Site ID, Latitude, Longitude, and tree height
#' @export

#Extracting canopy height from Simard et al. (2011) for our site
#Map downloaded from http://webmap.ornl.gov/wcsdown/dataset.jsp?ds_id=10023
  #Simard, M., N. Pinto, J. B. Fisher, and A. Baccini (2011), Mapping forest canopy
  #height globally with spaceborne lidar, J. Geophys. Res., 116, G04021,
extract_height <- function(Site_ID, Lat, Lon, site_crs){
  #Import the Simard et al. (2011) dataset 
    simard2011 <- raster::raster(paste0(.libPaths(), "/StreamLightUtils/data/simard2011.tif"))
  # #Import the Simard et al. (2011) dataset if it is not already loaded
  #   if(!exists("simard2011")){data("simard2011", package = "StreamLightUtils")}

  #Defining the min and max values (by default these are not associated with the raster)
    map_ranges <- raster::setMinMax(simard2011)
  #Create a simple features object from the site location
    site_location <- data.frame(Lat, Lon)
  #Check if the data is in WGS84, if not reproject to WGS84
    if(site_crs == 4326){
      xy_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(site_location, coords = c('Lon', 'Lat'), crs = site_crs)
    } else{
      xy_native <- sf::st_as_sf(site_location, coords = c('Lon', 'Lat'), crs = site_crs)
      xy_sf <- sf::st_transform(xy_native, crs = 4326)
    } #End if else statement    
  #Extracting the canopy height at our site
    suppressWarnings(TH <- raster::extract(map_ranges, xy_sf))

  #Bind together the final information
    bound <- setNames(data.frame(Site_ID, Lat, Lon, TH), c("Site_ID", "Lat", "Lon", "TH"))

} #End extract_height function
psavoy/StreamLightUtils documentation built on Aug. 1, 2024, 9:35 a.m.