
Defines functions .use_fpc .c3 .intrval3 .greatrthan2 .lssthan2 .intrval2 .greatrthan .lssthan .intrval .intrval0 .get_intrval

.get_intrval <-
    if (!is.null(dim(interval))) {
        if (ncol(interval) > 2L)
            warning("only first 2 columns of interval object are used")
        a <- pmin(interval[,1L], interval[,2L], na.rm=FALSE)
        b <- pmax(interval[,1L], interval[,2L], na.rm=FALSE)
    } else {
        if (length(interval) > 2L)
            warning("only first 2 elements of interval object are used")
        if (is.list(interval)) {
            a <- pmin(interval[[1L]], interval[[2L]], na.rm=FALSE)
            b <- pmax(interval[[1L]], interval[[2L]], na.rm=FALSE)
        } else {
            a <- pmin(interval[1L], interval[2L], na.rm=FALSE)
            b <- pmax(interval[1L], interval[2L], na.rm=FALSE)
    list(a=a, b=b)

.intrval0 <-
function(x, interval, type)
    type_a <- substr(type, 1L, 1L)
    type_b <- substr(type, 2L, 2L)
    ab <- .get_intrval(interval)
    A <- switch(type_a,
        "[" = x %>=% ab$a,
        "]" = x %<=% ab$a,
        "(" = x %>>% ab$a,
        ")" = x %<<% ab$a)
    B <- switch(type_b,
        "[" = x %>=% ab$b,
        "]" = x %<=% ab$b,
        "(" = x %>>% ab$b,
        ")" = x %<<% ab$b)
    list(A=A, B=B)

.intrval <-
function(x, interval, type)
    type <- match.arg(type,
        c("[]", "[)", "(]", "()", "][", "](", ")[", ")("))
    i <- .intrval0(x, interval, type)
    i$A & i$B

.lssthan <-
function(x, interval, type)
    ab <- .get_intrval(interval)
    switch(match.arg(type, c("[", "(")),
        "[" = x %<<% ab$a,
        "(" = x %<=% ab$a)

.greatrthan <-
function(x, interval, type)
    ab <- .get_intrval(interval)
    switch(match.arg(type, c("]", ")")),
        "]" = x %>>% ab$b,
        ")" = x %>=% ab$b)

## a1 %[]% c(a2, b2) | b1 %[]% c(a2, b2)
.intrval2 <-
function(interval1, interval2, overlap=TRUE, closed=TRUE)
    ab <- .get_intrval(interval1)
    A <- .greatrthan(ab$a, interval2, if (closed) "]" else ")")
    B <- .lssthan(ab$b, interval2, if (closed) "[" else "(")
    if (overlap)
        !(A | B) else (A | B)

## b1 < a2
.lssthan2 <-
function(interval1, interval2, closed=TRUE)
    ab <- .get_intrval(interval1)
    .lssthan(ab$b, interval2, if (closed) "[" else "(")

## a1 > b2
.greatrthan2 <-
function(interval1, interval2, closed=TRUE)
    ab <- .get_intrval(interval1)
    .greatrthan(ab$a, interval2, if (closed) "]" else ")")

## this function can be used for general 2-interval comparisons
.intrval3 <-
function(interval1, interval2, type1, type2)
    iv1 <- .get_intrval(interval1)
    iv2 <- .get_intrval(interval2)

    type1 <- match.arg(type1, c("[]", "[)", "(]", "()"))
    type2 <- match.arg(type2, c("[]", "[)", "(]", "()"))

    b1 <- ifelse(iv1$a %<<% iv2$a, iv1$b, iv2$b)
    a2 <- ifelse(iv1$a %<<% iv2$a, iv2$a, iv1$a)
    type1v <- ifelse(iv1$a %<<% iv2$a, substr(type1, 2L, 2L), substr(type2, 2L, 2L))
    type2v <- ifelse(iv1$a %<<% iv2$a, substr(type2, 1L, 1L), substr(type1, 1L, 1L))

    ifelse(type1v == "]" & type2v == "[",
        b1 %>=% a2,
        b1 %>>% a2)

## cut the number line into 3 intervals: -Inf, a, b, +Inf
.c3 <-
function(x, interval, type)
    type <- match.arg(type, c("[]", "[)", "(]", "()"))
    i <- .intrval0(x, interval, type)
    out <- integer(length(x))
    out[!i$A & i$B] <- -1L
    out[i$A & !i$B] <- +1L

## fpCompare functions
# "%>=%" <- fpCompare::`%>=%`
# "%>>%" <- fpCompare::`%>>%`
# "%<=%" <- fpCompare::`%<=%`
# "%<<%" <- fpCompare::`%<<%`
# "%==%" <- fpCompare::`%==%`
# "%!=%" <- fpCompare::`%!=%`

# "%>=%" <- base::`>=`
# "%>>%" <- base::`>`
# "%<=%" <- base::`<=`
# "%<<%" <- base::`<`
# "%==%" <- base::`==`
# "%!=%" <- base::`!=`

.use_fpc <- function() {

"%>=%" <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (.use_fpc() && is.numeric(e1) && is.numeric(e2))
        fpCompare::`%>=%`(e1, e2) else base::`>=`(e1, e2)
"%>>%" <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (.use_fpc() && is.numeric(e1) && is.numeric(e2))
        fpCompare::`%>>%`(e1, e2) else base::`>`(e1, e2)
"%<=%" <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (.use_fpc() && is.numeric(e1) && is.numeric(e2))
        fpCompare::`%<=%`(e1, e2) else base::`<=`(e1, e2)
"%<<%" <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (.use_fpc() && is.numeric(e1) && is.numeric(e2))
        fpCompare::`%<<%`(e1, e2) else base::`<`(e1, e2)
"%==%" <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (.use_fpc() && is.numeric(e1) && is.numeric(e2))
        fpCompare::`%==%`(e1, e2) else base::`==`(e1, e2)
"%!=%" <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (.use_fpc() && is.numeric(e1) && is.numeric(e2))
        fpCompare::`%!=%`(e1, e2) else base::`!=`(e1, e2)
psolymos/intrval documentation built on Oct. 12, 2024, 1:40 p.m.