#' Calculate control limits for funnel plots
#' Calculates control limits adopting a consistent method as per the PHE
#' Fingertips Technical Guidance: https://fingertips.phe.org.uk/profile/guidance/supporting-information/PH-methods
#' @param data a data.frame containing the data to calculate control limits for;
#' unquoted string; no default
#' @param numerator field name from data containing the observed numbers of
#' cases in the sample meeting the required condition (the numerator or
#' observed counts for the control limits); unquoted string; no default
#' @param denominator field name from data containing the population(s) in the
#' sample (the denominator or expected counts for the control limits);
#' unquoted string; no default
#' @param type defines the data and metadata columns to be included in output;
#' "standard" (for all data) or "full" (for all data and metadata); quoted
#' string; default = "full"
#' @param multiplier the multiplier used to express the final values (eg 100 =
#' percentage); numeric; no default
#' @param statistic type of statistic to inform funnel calculations. Acceptable
#' values are "proportion", "ratio" or "rate"; string; no default
#' @param ratio_type if statistic is "ratio", specify either "count" or "isr"
#' (indirectly standardised ratio); string; no default
#' @param rate field name from data containing the rate data when creating
#' funnels for a Crude or Directly Standardised Rate; unquoted string; no
#' default
#' @param rate_type if statistic is "rate", specify either "dsr" or "crude";
#' string; no default
#' @param years_of_data number of years the data represents; this is required
#' for statistic = "rate"; numeric; no default
#' @return returns the original data.frame with the following appended: lower
#' 0.025 limit, upper 0.025 limit, lower 0.001 limit, upper 0.001 limit and
#' baseline average
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom rlang := .data sym
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' set.seed(123)
#' df <- data.frame(obs = sample(200, 19 * 2 * 5 * 4, replace = TRUE),
#' pop = sample(10000:20000, 19 * 2 * 5 * 4, replace = TRUE))
#' df %>%
#' calculate_funnel_limits(obs, pop, statistic = "proportion", multiplier = 100)
#' @export
#' @author Matthew Francis
#' @family PHEindicatormethods package functions
# Generate a dataframe of the control limits for plotting
# NB -this does not alter the original dataset but generates a dataframe of 100 records for
# plotting the control limits
calculate_funnel_limits <- function(data, numerator, denominator, rate,
type = "full",
multiplier = NULL, statistic = NULL,
ratio_type = NULL, rate_type = NULL,
years_of_data = NULL) {
# check required arguments present and valid ----
if (missing(statistic)) {
stop("statistic must be provided as proportion, rate or ratio")
if (statistic == "rate") {
if (missing(data) | missing(numerator) | missing(rate) |
is.null(rate_type) | is.null(years_of_data) | is.null(multiplier)) {
stop(paste0("the following arguments are required for rates: ",
"data, numerator, rate, rate_type, multiplier, years_of_data"))
} else if (any(is.na(pull(data, {{ numerator }})))) {
stop(paste0("for rates, numerators must be provided for all records, ",
"even when their values are zero"))
} else if (!missing(denominator)) {
if (any(
is.na(pull(data, {{ denominator }})) &
is.na(pull(data, {{ rate }})))) {
stop(paste0("for rates, rates must be provided for all records, ",
"or a denominator must be provided if the rate is zero"))
} else {
if (any(is.na(pull(data, {{ rate }})))) {
stop(paste0("for rates, rates must be provided for all records, ",
"or a denominator must be provided if the rate is zero"))
# any numerator of 0 needs a denominator > 0 to be provided
if (any(pull(data, {{ numerator }}) == 0)) {
if (missing(denominator)) {
stop(paste0("for rates, where there are 0 events for a record, the ",
"denominator field needs to be provided using the denominator argument"))
} else if (any(
pull(data, {{ numerator }}) == 0 &
(pull(data, {{ denominator }}) <= 0 | is.na(pull(data, {{ denominator }}))))) {
stop(paste0("for rates, where there are 0 events for a record, the ",
"denominator must be provided"))
rate_type <- match.arg(rate_type, c("dsr", "crude"))
} else if (statistic == "ratio") {
if (missing(data) | missing(numerator) | missing(denominator) |
is.null(ratio_type) | is.null(multiplier)) {
stop(paste0("the following arguments are required for ratios: ",
"data, numerator, denominator, ratio_type, multiplier"))
ratio_type <- match.arg(ratio_type, c("count", "isr"))
} else if (statistic == "proportion") {
if (missing(data) | missing(numerator) | missing(denominator) |
is.null(multiplier)) {
stop(paste0("the following arguments are required for proportions: ",
"data, numerator, denominator, multiplier"))
# if any numerators or denominators are NA - can't calc comparator avg so error
} else if (any(
is.na(pull(data, {{ numerator }})) |
is.na(pull(data, {{ denominator }})))
) {
stop(paste0("for proportions, numerators and denominators must be provided ",
"for all records, even when their values are zero"))
# check non-conditional string inputs are valid
type <- match.arg(type, c("full", "standard"))
statistic <- match.arg(statistic, c("proportion", "ratio", "rate"))
# derive denominators to use ----
if (statistic == "rate") {
data <- data %>% mutate( {{ rate }} := as.numeric({{ rate }}))
if (rate_type == "dsr") {
data <- data %>%
denominator_derived = case_when(
{{ numerator }} == 0 ~ NA_real_,
TRUE ~ multiplier * {{ numerator }} / {{ rate }}
} else if (rate_type == "crude") {
if (missing(denominator)) {
data <- data %>%
denominator_derived = multiplier * {{ numerator }} / {{ rate }}
} else {
data <- data %>%
denominator_derived = case_when(
{{ numerator }} == 0 ~ as.numeric({{ denominator }}),
TRUE ~ multiplier * {{ numerator }} / {{ rate }}
} else if (statistic %in% c("proportion", "ratio")) {
data <- data %>%
mutate(denominator_derived = as.numeric({{ denominator }}))
# aggregate data to calculate baseline average for funnel plot ----
summaries <- data %>%
av = sum({{ numerator }}) / sum(.data$denominator_derived, na.rm = TRUE),
min_denominator = min(.data$denominator_derived, na.rm = TRUE),
max_denominator = max(.data$denominator_derived, na.rm = TRUE)
av <- summaries$av
min_denominator <- summaries$min_denominator
max_denominator <- summaries$max_denominator
# function that rounds down to the desired significance level to make the axis display neat
signif.floor <- function(x, percentage_down = 0.95) {
n <- nchar(floor(x * percentage_down)) - 1
y <- floor(x * percentage_down / 10^n) * 10^n
# handle the x = 0 case
y[x == 0] <- 0
# function that rounds up to the desired significance level to make the axis display neat
signif.ceiling <- function(x, percentage_up = 1.05) {
n <- nchar(ceiling(x * percentage_up)) - 2
y <- ceiling(x * percentage_up / 10^n) * 10^n
# handle the x = 0 case
y[x == 0] <- 0
# calculate the min x-axis denominator ----
if (max_denominator > 2 * min_denominator) {
axis_minimum <- 0
} else {
if (statistic == "rate") {
axis_minimum <- signif.floor(min_denominator / years_of_data) *
} else if (statistic %in% c("proportion", "ratio")) {
axis_minimum <- signif.floor(min_denominator)
# calculate the max x-axis denominator ----
if (statistic == "rate") {
axis_maximum <- signif.ceiling(max_denominator / years_of_data) *
} else if (statistic %in% c("proportion", "ratio")) {
axis_maximum <- signif.ceiling(max_denominator)
# assign column header using useful labels ----
if (statistic == "proportion") {
col_header <- "Population"
} else if (statistic == "ratio") {
col_header <- "Observed_events"
} else if (statistic == "rate") {
col_header <- "Events"
axis_minimum <- floor(axis_minimum * av)
axis_maximum <- ceiling(axis_maximum * av)
# populate table of 100 rows to generate funnel line plot data for chart ----
# create 100 denom values to plot funnel points for spread so closer for smaller numbers
first_col <- max(1, axis_minimum)
for (j in 2:100) {
if (statistic %in% c("proportion", "rate")) {
offset <- j
} else if (statistic == "ratio") {
offset <- j - 1
first_col[j] <- max(round((axis_maximum / first_col[j - 1])^(1 / (101 - offset)) *
first_col[j - 1]),
first_col[j - 1] + 1)
# create empty tibble to build dataset
t <- tibble(!! rlang::sym(col_header) := first_col)
# build dataset of points for which the upper or lower 95% or 99.8% Ci would
# lie on Baseline average value
if (statistic == "proportion") {
t <- t %>%
group_by(.data$Population) %>%
lower_2s_limit = max(0,
sigma_adjustment(0.975, .data$Population, av, "low", multiplier)),
upper_2s_limit = min(100,
sigma_adjustment(0.975, .data$Population, av, "high", multiplier)),
lower_3s_limit = max(0,
sigma_adjustment(0.999, .data$Population, av, "low", multiplier)),
upper_3s_limit = min(100,
sigma_adjustment(0.999, .data$Population, av, "high", multiplier)),
baseline = av * multiplier
) %>%
} else if (statistic == "ratio") {
t <- t %>%
group_by(.data$Observed_events) %>%
lower_2s_exp_events = poisson_funnel(.data$Observed_events, 0.025, "high"),
lower_2s_limit = .data$Observed_events / .data$lower_2s_exp_events,
upper_2s_exp_events = poisson_funnel(.data$Observed_events, 0.025, "low"),
upper_2s_limit = .data$Observed_events / .data$upper_2s_exp_events,
lower_3s_exp_events = poisson_funnel(.data$Observed_events, 0.001, "high"),
lower_3s_limit = .data$Observed_events / .data$lower_3s_exp_events,
upper_3s_exp_events = poisson_funnel(.data$Observed_events, 0.001, "low"),
upper_3s_limit = .data$Observed_events / .data$upper_3s_exp_events,
) %>%
if (ratio_type == "count") {
t <- t %>%
function(x) x - 1))
} else if (ratio_type == "isr") {
t <- t %>%
function(x) x * 100))
} else if (statistic == "rate") {
t <- t %>%
group_by(.data$Events) %>%
lower_2s_population_1_year = poisson_funnel(.data$Events, 0.025, "high") / av,
lower_2s_limit = .data$Events / .data$lower_2s_population_1_year,
upper_2s_population_1_year = poisson_funnel(.data$Events, 0.025, "low") / av,
upper_2s_limit = .data$Events / .data$upper_2s_population_1_year,
lower_3s_population_1_year = poisson_funnel(.data$Events, 0.001, "high") / av,
lower_3s_limit = .data$Events / .data$lower_3s_population_1_year,
upper_3s_population_1_year = poisson_funnel(.data$Events, 0.001, "low") / av,
upper_3s_limit = .data$Events / .data$upper_3s_population_1_year,
baseline = av * multiplier,
function(x) x * multiplier),
function(x) x / years_of_data)
) %>%
# add metadata if type = full requested
if (type == "full") {
t$statistic <- statistic
t <- t %>%
mutate(statistic = case_when(
.env$statistic == "ratio" ~
paste0(.env$statistic, " (", ratio_type, ")"),
.env$statistic == "rate" ~
paste0(.env$statistic, " (", rate_type,
" per ", format(multiplier, big.mark = ",", scientific = FALSE), ")"),
TRUE ~ .env$statistic),
method = case_when(.env$statistic == "proportion" ~ "Wilson",
.env$statistic %in% c("ratio", "rate") ~ "Poisson")
#' Identifies whether each value in a dataset falls outside of 95 and/or 99.8
#' percent control limits based on the aggregated average value across the whole
#' dataset as an indicator of statistically significant difference.
#' This follows the funnel plot methodology published on the PHE Fingertips
#' Technical Guidance page:
#' https://fingertips.phe.org.uk/profile/guidance/supporting-information/PH-methods
#' @param data a data.frame containing the data to assign significance for;
#' unquoted string; no default
#' @param multiplier the multiplier that the rate is normalised with (ie, per
#' 100,000); only required when statistic = "rate"; numeric; no default
#' @inheritParams calculate_funnel_limits
#' @return returns the original data.frame with the significance level appended
#' @import dplyr
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' df <- data.frame(
#' Area = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
#' numerator = c(10232, 12321, 15123, 13213),
#' denominator = c(15232, 16123, 17932, 18475)
#' )
#' df %>%
#' assign_funnel_significance(numerator, denominator,
#' statistic = "proportion", multiplier = 100)
#' @export
#' @family PHEindicatormethods package functions
#' @author Matthew Francis
assign_funnel_significance <- function(data, numerator, denominator, rate,
statistic = NULL, rate_type = NULL,
multiplier = NULL) {
# check required arguments present and valid
if (missing(statistic)) {
stop("statistic must be provided as proportion, rate or ratio")
if (statistic == "rate") {
if (missing(data) | missing(numerator) | missing(rate) |
is.null(rate_type) | is.null(multiplier)) {
stop(paste0("the following arguments are required for rates: ",
"data, numerator, rate, rate_type, multiplier"))
} else if (any(is.na(pull(data, {{ numerator }})))) {
stop(paste0("for rates, numerators must be provided for all records, ",
"even when their values are zero"))
} else if (!missing(denominator)) {
if (any(
is.na(pull(data, {{ denominator }})) &
is.na(pull(data, {{ rate }})))) {
stop(paste0("for rates, rates must be provided for all records, ",
"or a denominator must be provided if the rate is zero"))
} else {
if (any(is.na(pull(data, {{ rate }})))) {
stop(paste0("for rates, rates must be provided for all records, ",
"or a denominator must be provided if the rate is zero"))
# any numerator of 0 needs a denominator > 0 to be provided
if (any(pull(data, {{ numerator }}) == 0)) {
if (missing(denominator)) {
stop(paste0("for rates, where there are 0 events for a record, the ",
"denominator field needs to be provided using the denominator argument"))
} else if (any(
pull(data, {{ numerator }}) == 0 &
(pull(data, {{ denominator }}) <= 0 | is.na(pull(data, {{ denominator }}))))) {
stop(paste0("for rates, where there are 0 events for a record, the ",
"denominator must be provided"))
# if any numerators or rates are NA - can't calc comparator avg so error
rate_type <- match.arg(rate_type, c("dsr", "crude"))
} else if (statistic %in% c("proportion", "ratio")) {
if (missing(data) | missing(numerator) | missing(denominator)) {
stop(paste0("the following arguments are required for ratios and proportions: ",
"data, numerator, denominator"))
# for proportions, if any numerators or denominators are NA - can't calc comparator avg so error
if (statistic == "proportion") {
if (any(
is.na(pull(data, {{ numerator }})) |
is.na(pull(data, {{ denominator }})))
) {
stop(paste0("for proportions, numerators and denominators must be provided ",
"for all records, even when their values are zero"))
# validate arguments
if (any(pull(data, {{ numerator }}) < 0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
stop("numerators must be greater than or equal to zero")
} else if (any(pull(data, {{ denominator }}) <= 0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
stop("denominators must be greater than zero")
if (statistic == "proportion") {
if (any(pull(data, {{ numerator }}) > pull(data, {{ denominator }}), na.rm = TRUE)) {
stop("numerators must be less than or equal to denominator for a proportion statistic")
if (statistic == "proportion") {
average <- sum(pull(data, {{ numerator }})) /
sum(pull(data, {{ denominator }}))
dummy_multiplier <- 1
significance <- data %>%
mutate(significance = case_when(
{{ numerator }} / {{ denominator }} < sigma_adjustment(p = 0.999,
population = {{ denominator }},
average_proportion = average,
side = "low",
multiplier = dummy_multiplier) ~ "Low (0.001)",
{{ numerator }} / {{ denominator }} < sigma_adjustment(p = 0.975,
population = {{ denominator }},
average_proportion = average,
side = "low",
multiplier = dummy_multiplier) ~ "Low (0.025)",
{{ numerator }} / {{ denominator }} > sigma_adjustment(p = 0.999,
population = {{ denominator }},
average_proportion = average,
side = "high",
multiplier = dummy_multiplier) ~ "High (0.001)",
{{ numerator }} / {{ denominator }} > sigma_adjustment(p = 0.975,
population = {{ denominator }},
average_proportion = average,
side = "high",
multiplier = dummy_multiplier) ~ "High (0.025)",
TRUE ~ "Not significant"
significance_levels <- c("High (0.001)",
"High (0.025)",
"Low (0.001)",
"Low (0.025)",
"Not significant")
} else if (statistic == "ratio") {
significance <- data %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(significance = case_when(
1 < funnel_ratio_significance({{ numerator }}, {{ denominator }}, 0.998, "low") ~ "High (0.001)",
1 < funnel_ratio_significance({{ numerator }}, {{ denominator }}, 0.95, "low") ~ "High (0.025)",
1 > funnel_ratio_significance({{ numerator }}, {{ denominator }}, 0.998, "high") ~ "Low (0.001)",
1 > funnel_ratio_significance({{ numerator }}, {{ denominator }}, 0.95, "high") ~ "Low (0.025)",
TRUE ~ "Not significant"
)) %>%
significance_levels <- c("High (0.001)",
"High (0.025)",
"Low (0.001)",
"Low (0.025)",
"Not significant")
} else if (statistic == "rate") {
# calculate approximate weighted average
if (rate_type == "dsr") {
data <- data %>%
denominator_derived = case_when(
{{ numerator }} == 0 ~ NA_real_,
TRUE ~ {{ numerator }} / {{ rate }} * multiplier
} else if (rate_type == "crude") {
if (missing(denominator)) {
data <- data %>%
denominator_derived = multiplier * {{ numerator }} / {{ rate }}
} else {
data <- data %>%
denominator_derived = case_when(
{{ numerator }} == 0 ~ as.numeric({{ denominator }}),
TRUE ~ multiplier * {{ numerator }} / {{ rate }}
weighted_average <- sum(pull(data, {{ numerator }})) /
sum(pull(data, .data$denominator_derived), na.rm = TRUE)
significance <- data %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(significance = case_when(
weighted_average < funnel_ratio_significance({{ numerator }}, .data$denominator_derived, 0.998, "low") ~ "High (0.001)",
weighted_average < funnel_ratio_significance({{ numerator }}, .data$denominator_derived, 0.95, "low") ~ "High (0.025)",
weighted_average > funnel_ratio_significance({{ numerator }}, .data$denominator_derived, 0.998, "high") ~ "Low (0.001)",
weighted_average > funnel_ratio_significance({{ numerator }}, .data$denominator_derived, 0.95, "high") ~ "Low (0.025)",
TRUE ~ "Not significant"
)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
if (rate_type == "dsr") {
significance <- significance %>%
significance = case_when(
{{ numerator }} < 10 ~ "Not applicable for events less than 10 for dsrs",
TRUE ~ significance
significance_levels <- c("High (0.001)",
"High (0.025)",
"Low (0.001)",
"Low (0.025)",
"Not significant",
"Not applicable for events less than 10 for dsrs")
significance <- significance %>%
mutate(significance = factor(significance,
levels = significance_levels))
#' For rate-based funnels: Derive rate and annual population values for charting
#' based. Process removes rates where the rate type is dsr and the number of
#' observed events are below 10.
#' @inheritParams calculate_funnel_limits
#' @export
#' @return returns the same table as provided with two additional fields. First
#' will have the same name as the rate field, with the suffix "_chart", the
#' second will be called denominator_derived
#' @family PHEindicatormethods package functions
#' @author Sebastian Fox, \email{sebastian.fox@@phe.gov.uk}
calculate_funnel_points <- function(data, numerator, denominator, rate,
rate_type = NULL, years_of_data = NULL,
multiplier = NULL) {
# check required arguments present
if (missing(data) | missing(numerator) | missing(rate) |
is.null(rate_type) | is.null(years_of_data) | is.null(multiplier)) {
stop(paste0("the following arguments are required for rates: ",
"data, numerator, rate, rate_type, years_of_data, multiplier"))
} else if (any(pull(data, {{ numerator }}) == 0)) {
if (missing(denominator)) {
stop(paste0("for rates, where there are 0 events for a record, the ",
"denominator field needs to be provided using the denominator argument"))
} else if (any(
pull(data, {{ numerator }}) == 0 &
(pull(data, {{ denominator }}) == 0 | is.na(pull(data, {{ denominator }}))))) {
stop(paste0("for rates, where there are 0 events for a record, the ",
"denominator must be provided"))
rate_type <- match.arg(rate_type, c("dsr", "crude"))
if (rate_type == "dsr") {
data <- data %>%
"{{ rate }}_chart" := case_when(
{{ numerator }} < 10 ~ NA_real_,
TRUE ~ as.numeric({{ rate }})
denominator_derived = case_when(
{{ numerator }} < 10 ~ NA_real_,
TRUE ~ (multiplier * {{ numerator }} / {{ rate }}) / years_of_data
} else if (rate_type == "crude") {
data <- data %>%
"{{ rate }}_chart" := as.numeric({{ rate }}))
if (missing(denominator)) {
data <- data %>%
denominator_derived = (multiplier * {{ numerator }} / {{ rate }}) / years_of_data
} else {
data <- data %>%
denominator_derived = case_when(
{{ numerator }} == 0 ~ as.numeric({{ denominator }}) / years_of_data,
TRUE ~ (multiplier * {{ numerator }} / {{ rate }}) / years_of_data
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