## ---- Check Data Types ------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Checking Datatypes of Columns of a Pedigree
#' @description
#' The datatypes given in pl_dtype$dtp are compared to the actual datatypes
#' in the pedigree for the columns given in pl_dtype$col. If the datatypes
#' do not match, then the records causing the problems are returned in the
#' result list as a tibble.
#' @details
#' The format of the argument pl_dtype can be determined from the result of
#' the function get_pedigree_datatypes().
#' @param ps_pedig_path path to the pedigree input file
#' @param ps_delim column delimiting character
#' @param ps_id_col column title for animal IDs
#' @param pl_dtype list of column names with required data-types
#' @param pcol_types column types of pedigree in ps_pedig_path used by read_prp_pedigree
#' @param ptbl_pedigree tibble containing pedigree information
#' @return list with datatype problems
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' check_pedigree_datatypes(ps_pedig_path = system.file('extdata',
#' 'PopReport_SN_ohne_20210115.csv_adaptfin2.csv',
#' package = 'qprppedigree'))
#' }
#' @importFrom readr parse_character
#' @importFrom readr parse_date
#' @importFrom readr parse_datetime
#' @importFrom readr parse_double
#' @importFrom readr parse_factor
#' @importFrom readr parse_integer
#' @importFrom readr parse_logical
#' @importFrom readr parse_number
#' @importFrom readr parse_time
#' @export check_pedigree_datatypes
check_pedigree_datatypes <- function(ps_pedig_path,
ps_delim = '|',
ps_id_col = '#IDTier',
pl_dtype = NULL,
pcol_types = NULL,
ptbl_pedigree = NULL){
# check whether pedigree must be read
if (is.null(ptbl_pedigree)){
tbl_pedigree <- read_prp_pedigree(ps_pedig_path = ps_pedig_path, ps_delim = ps_delim, pcol_types = pcol_types)
} else {
tbl_pedigree <- ptbl_pedigree
# check that all columns specified in pl_dtype$col are valid columnnames of tbl_pedigree
vec_ped_colnames <- colnames(tbl_pedigree)
if (! all(is.element(pl_dtype$col, vec_ped_colnames))){
stop(" *** ERROR in check_pedigree_datatypes invalid columnnames specified: ", pl_dtype$col)
# initialise tibble that stores problem
tbl_parse_problem <- NULL
l_ped_dt_result <- get_pedigree_datatypes(ps_pedig_path = ps_pedig_path,
ps_delim = ps_delim,
pcol_types = pcol_types,
ptbl_pedigree = ptbl_pedigree)
for (idx in seq_along(pl_dtype$col)){
# determine datatype of current column
s_cur_col_parser <- readr::guess_parser(tbl_pedigree[[pl_dtype$col[idx]]], guess_integer = TRUE)
# check whether s_cur_col_parser corresponds to the required datatype
if (s_cur_col_parser != pl_dtype$dtp[idx]){
# find the record with problems
parfun <- match.fun(paste('parse_', pl_dtype$dtp[idx], sep = ''))
par_result <- parfun(tbl_pedigree[[pl_dtype$col[idx]]])
# extract problems
tbl_cur_problems <- readr::problems(par_result)
# add pedigree column name
tbl_cur_problems <- dplyr::bind_cols(tibble::tibble(ped_col = rep(pl_dtype$col[idx], nrow(tbl_cur_problems))), tbl_cur_problems)
# add record that cause problems to the result
if (is.null(tbl_parse_problem)){
tbl_parse_problem <- tbl_cur_problems
} else {
tbl_parse_problem <- dplyr::bind_rows(tbl_parse_problem, tbl_cur_problems)
# return list of results
return(list(PedFile = ps_pedig_path,
ReqDType = pl_dtype,
CurDType = l_ped_dt_result$l_dtype,
DTypeProblems = tbl_parse_problem))
## ---- Get Data Types --------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Determine Datatypes of Columns in a Pedigree
#' @description
#' The datatypes of the columns are determined using the function readr::guess_parser().
#' @details
#' The result is returned as a list that can be used as input for the function
#' check_pedigree_datatypes
#' @param ps_pedig_path path to pedigree input file
#' @param ps_delim column delimiter in pedigree input file
#' @param pcol_types column types in the format of cols() used by read_prp_pedigree
#' @param ptbl_pedigree a tibble containing a pedigree
#' @return list with datatypes
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_pedigree_datatypes(ps_pedig_path = system.file('extdata',
#' 'PopReport_SN_ohne_20210115.csv_adaptfin2.csv',
#' package = 'qprppedigree'))
#' }
#' @export get_pedigree_datatypes
get_pedigree_datatypes <- function(ps_pedig_path,
ps_delim = '|',
pcol_types = NULL,
ptbl_pedigree = NULL){
# check whether pedigree must be read
if (is.null(ptbl_pedigree)){
tbl_pedigree <- read_prp_pedigree(ps_pedig_path = ps_pedig_path, ps_delim = ps_delim, pcol_types = pcol_types)
} else {
tbl_pedigree <- ptbl_pedigree
# obtain the column types in tbl_pedigree
vec_ped_col <- colnames(tbl_pedigree)
# obtain datatypes via guess_parser
vec_ped_dtp <- sapply(vec_ped_col, function(x) readr::guess_parser(tbl_pedigree[[x]], guess_integer = TRUE), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
# return result
return(list(PedFile = ps_pedig_path,
l_dtype = list(col = vec_ped_col,
dtp = vec_ped_dtp)))
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