
Defines functions coeftest.cluster summary.cluster

Documented in coeftest.cluster

#' R function for computing two-way cluster-robust standard errors.  The code
#' below was adapted by Ian Gow on 2011-05-16 using code supplied via Mitchell
#' Petersen's website by Mahmood Arai, 2008-01-21. Modified on 2014-04-18 to
#' return White (1980) standard errors if no cluster variable is provided and to
#' add links to test code.  source: http://iangow.me/~igow/code/cluster2.R Apart
#' from a little cleanup of the code, the main difference between this and the
#' earlier code is in the handling of missing values. Look at the file
#' cluster.test.R to see example usage. Note that care should be taken to do
#' subsetting outside of the call to lm or glm, as it is difficult to recon-
#' struct subsetting of this kind from the fitted model. However, the code does
#' handle transformations of variables in the model (e.g., logs). Please report
#' any bugs, suggestions, or errors to iandgow(at)gmail.com.  The output has been
#' tested fairly extensively against output of Mitchell Petersen'scluster2.ado
#' commmand (hence implicitly against the Matlab and SAS code posted elsewhere
#' here), but I have not tested the code against code for non-linear models, such
#' as logit2.ado.  For testing code, see here:
#' http://www.iangow.me/~igow/code/cluster_test.Rnw For output, see
#' here:http://www.iangow.me/~igow/code/cluster_test.pdf

#' See: Thompson (2006), Cameron, Gelbach and Miller (2006) and Petersen (2010).
#' and Gow, Ormazabal, and Taylor (2010) for more discussion of this code and
#' two-way cluster-robust standard errors.

#' The arguments of the function are data, fitted model, cluster1 and cluster2 You
#' need to install packages `sandwich' by Thomas Lumley and Achim Zeileis and
#' `lmtest' by Torsten Hothorn, Achim Zeileis, Giovanni Millo and David Mitchell.
#' (For example, type install.packages('sandwich') on the R console.)
#' @export
#' @import sandwich
#' @import lmtest
coeftest.cluster <- function(data, fm, cluster1 = NULL, cluster2 = NULL, ret = "test") {
    # Return White (1980) standard errors if no cluster variable is provided
    if (is.null(cluster1)) {
        if (ret == "cov") {
            return(vcovHC(fm, type = "HC0"))
        } else {
            return(coeftest(fm, vcov = vcovHC(fm, type = "HC0")))
    # Calculation shared by covariance estimates
    est.fun <- estfun(fm)
    # est.fun <- sweep(fm$model,MARGIN=2,fm$residuals,`*`)
    # Need to identify observations used in the regression (i.e., non-missing)
    # values, as the cluster vectors come from the full data set and may not be in
    # the regression model.
    inc.obs <- !is.na(est.fun[, 1])
    est.fun <- est.fun[inc.obs, ]
    # Shared data for degrees-of-freedom corrections
    N <- dim(fm$model)[1]
    NROW <- NROW(est.fun)
    K <- fm$rank
    # Calculate the sandwich covariance estimate
    cov <- function(cluster) {
        cluster <- factor(cluster, exclude = NULL)
        # Calculate the 'meat' of the sandwich estimators
        u <- apply(est.fun, 2, function(x) tapply(x, cluster, sum))
        meat <- crossprod(u)/N
        # Calculations for degrees-of-freedom corrections, followed by calculation of the
        # variance-covariance estimate.  NOTE: NROW/N is a kluge to address the fact that
        # sandwich uses the wrong number of rows (includes rows omitted from the
        # regression).
        M <- length(levels(cluster))
        dfc <- M/(M - 1) * (N - 1)/(N - K)
        # print (sandwich(fm, meat=meat))
        return(dfc * NROW/N * sandwich(fm, meat = meat))
    # Calculate the covariance matrix estimate for the first cluster.
    cluster1 <- data[inc.obs, cluster1]
    cov1 <- cov(cluster1)
    # print(cov1)
    if (is.null(cluster2)) {
        # If only one cluster supplied, return single cluster results
        if (ret == "cov") {
        } else {
            return(coeftest(fm, cov1))
    } else {
        # Otherwise do the calculations for the second cluster and the 'intersection'
        # cluster.
        cluster2 <- data[inc.obs, cluster2]
        cluster12 <- paste(cluster1, cluster2, sep = "")
        # Calculate the covariance matrices for cluster2, the 'intersection' cluster,
        # then then put all the pieces together.
        cov2 <- cov(cluster2)
        cov12 <- cov(cluster12)
        covMCL <- (cov1 + cov2 - cov12)
        # Return the output of coeftest using two-way cluster-robust standard errors.
        # print(ret)
        if (ret == "cov") {
        } else {
            return(coeftest(fm, covMCL))

# Following based on suggestion from
# https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2011-January/264777.html provided by
# Achim Zeileis.
summary.cluster <- function(obj, data, cluster1, cluster2 = NULL, alpha = 0.05) {
    # Get original summary
    s <- getSummary(obj, alpha = alpha)
    ## replace Wald tests of coefficients
    s$coef[, 1:4] <- coeftest.cluster(data, obj, cluster1, cluster2)
    ## replace confidence intervals
    crit <- qt(alpha/2, obj$df.residual)
    s$coef[, 5] <- s$coef[, 1] + crit * s$coef[, 2]
    s$coef[, 6] <- s$coef[, 1] - crit * s$coef[, 2]
    # Note that some components of s$sumsstat will be inconsistent with the clustered
    # calculations
pwkraft/pmisc documentation built on May 26, 2019, 11:34 a.m.