
Defines functions findNextItem findNextCATItem findNextItem.lp

#' Find next CAT item
#' A function that returns the next item in the computerized adaptive, optimal assembly, or shadow test.
#' For direction manupulation of the internal objects this function should be used in conjunction
#' with the \code{\link{updateDesign}} and \code{customNextItem}.
#' Finally, the raw input forms can be used when a \code{customNextItem} function has been
#' defined in \code{\link{mirtCAT}}.
#' When a numeric \code{objective} is supplied the next item in the computerized adaptive test is found via
#' an integer solver through searching for a maximum. The raw input forms can be used
#' when a \code{customNextItem} function has been defined in \code{\link{mirtCAT}}, and requires
#' the definition of a \code{constr_fun} (see the associated element in \code{\link{mirtCAT}} for details,
#' as well as the examples below). Can be used to for 'Optimal Test Assembly',
#' as well as 'Shadow Testing' designs (van der Linden, 2005),
#' by using the \code{\link{lp}} function. When \code{objective} is not supplied the result follows the
#' typical maximum criteria of more standard adaptive tests.
#' @param x an object of class 'mirtCAT_design' returned from the \code{\link{mirtCAT}} function
#'   when passing \code{design_elements = TRUE}
#' @param person (required when \code{x} is missing) internal person object. To be
#'   used when \code{customNextItem} function has been defined
#' @param design (required when \code{x} is missing) internal design object. To be
#'   used when \code{customNextItem} function has been defined
#' @param test (required when \code{x} is missing) internal test object. To be
#'   used when \code{customNextItem} function has been defined
#' @param criteria item selection criteria (see \code{\link{mirtCAT}}'s \code{criteria} input).
#'   If not specified the value from \code{extract.mirtCAT(design, 'criteria')} will be used
#' @param objective a vector of values used as the optimization criteria to be passed to
#'   \code{lp(objective.in)}. This is typically the vector of criteria values returned from
#'   \code{\link{computeCriteria}}, however supplying other
#'   criteria are possible (e.g., to minimize the number of items administered simply pass a vector
#'   of -1's)
#' @param subset an integer vector indicating which items should be included in the optimal search;
#'   the default \code{NULL} includes all possible items. To allow only the first 10 items to be
#'   selected from this can be modified to \code{subset = 1:10}. This is useful when administering
#'   a multi-unidimensional CAT session where unidimensional blocks should be clustered together
#'   for smoother presentation. Useful when using the \code{customNextItem} function in
#'   \code{\link{mirtCAT}}
#' @param all_index logical; return all items instead of just the most optimal?
#'   When \code{TRUE} a vector of items is returned instead of the most optimal,
#'   where the items are sorted according to how
#'   well they fit the criteria (e.g., the first element is the most optimal, followed by the second
#'   most optimal, and so on). Note that this does not work for some selection criteria (e.g.,
#'   'seq' or 'random')
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to \code{\link{lp}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{mirtCAT}}, \code{\link{updateDesign}}, \code{\link{extract.mirtCAT}}
#' @export
#' @author Phil Chalmers \email{rphilip.chalmers@@gmail.com}
#' @return typically returns an integer value indicating the index of the next item to be selected or a
#'   value of \code{NA} to indicate that the test should be terminated. However, see the arguments for
#'   further returned object descriptions
#' @references 
#' Chalmers, R., P. (2012). mirt: A Multidimensional Item Response Theory
#' Package for the R Environment. \emph{Journal of Statistical Software, 48}(6), 1-29.
#' \doi{10.18637/jss.v048.i06}
#' Chalmers, R. P. (2016). Generating Adaptive and Non-Adaptive Test Interfaces for 
#' Multidimensional Item Response Theory Applications. \emph{Journal of Statistical Software, 71}(5), 
#' 1-39. \doi{10.18637/jss.v071.i05}
#' van der Linden, W. J. (2005). Linear models for optimal test design. Springer.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # test defined in mirtCAT help file, first example 
#' # equivalent to criteria = 'MI'
#' customNextItem <- function(design, person, test){
#'    item <- findNextItem(person=person, design=design, test=test,
#'                         criteria = 'MI')
#'    item
#'  }
#' response <- generate_pattern(mod, 1)
#' result <- mirtCAT(mo=mod, local_pattern = response, 
#'                   design = list(customNextItem=customNextItem))
#' -----------------------------------------------------------
#' # direct manupulation of internal objects
#' CATdesign <- mirtCAT(df, mod, criteria = 'MI', design_elements = TRUE)
#' # returns number 1 in this case, since that's the starting item
#' findNextItem(CATdesign)
#' # determine next item if item 1 and item 10 were answered correctly, and Theta = 0.5
#' CATdesign <- updateDesign(CATdesign, items = c(1, 10), responses = c(1, 1), Theta = 0.5)
#' findNextItem(CATdesign)
#' findNextItem(CATdesign, all_index = TRUE) # all items rank in terms of most optimal
#' # alternatively, update the Theta using the Update.thetas definition in design
#' CATdesign$design@Update.thetas(CATdesign$design, CATdesign$person, CATdesign$test)
#' findNextItem(CATdesign)
#' #-------------------------------------------------------------
#' ## Integer programming example (e.g., shadow testing)
#' # find maximum information subject to constraints
#' #  sum(xi) <= 5               ### 5 or fewer items
#' #  x1 + x2 <= 1               ### items 1 and 2 can't be together
#' #  x4 == 0                    ### item 4 not included
#' #  x5 + x6 == 1               ### item 5 or 6 must be included, but not both
#' # constraint function
#' constr_fun <- function(design, person, test){
#'   # left hand side constrains
#'   #    - 1 row per constraint, and ncol must equal number of items
#'   mo <- extract.mirtCAT(test, 'mo')
#'   nitems <- extract.mirt(mo, 'nitems')
#'   lhs <- matrix(0, 4, nitems)
#'   lhs[1,] <- 1
#'   lhs[2,c(1,2)] <- 1
#'   lhs[3, 4] <- 1
#'   lhs[4, c(5,6)] <- 1
#'   # relationship direction
#'   dirs <- c("<=", "<=", '==', '==')
#'   #right hand side
#'   rhs <- c(5, 1, 0, 1)
#'   #all together
#'   constraints <- data.frame(lhs, dirs, rhs)
#'   constraints
#' }
#' #### CATdesign <- mirtCAT(..., design_elements = TRUE,
#' ###                       design = list(constr_fun=constr_fun))
#' #' # MI criteria value associated with each respective item
#' objective <- computeCriteria(CATdesign, criteria = 'MI')
#' # most optimal item, given constraints
#' findNextItem(CATdesign, objective=objective)
#' # all the items which solve the problem
#' findNextItem(CATdesign, objective=objective, all_index = TRUE)
#' ## within a customNextItem() definition the above code would look like
#' # customNextItem <- function(design, person, test){
#' #   objective <- computeCriteria(person=person, design=design, test=test,
#' #                                criteria = 'MI')
#' #   item <- findNextItem(person=person, design=design, test=test,
#' #                        objective=objective)
#' #   item
#' # }
#' }
findNextItem <- function(x, person = NULL, test = NULL, design = NULL, criteria = NULL,
                         objective = NULL, subset = NULL, all_index = FALSE, ...){
    design <- x$design
    person <- x$person
    test <- x$test
  if(any(is.null(person) || is.null(test) || is.null(design)))
    stop('findNextItem has improper inputs', call.=FALSE)
    design@criteria <- criteria
  if(design@criteria == 'custom' && is.null(objective))
    stop('Please specify a valid selection criteria in findNextItem()', call.=FALSE)
  ret <- if(!is.null(objective)){
    findNextItem.lp(objective, person=person, design=design,
                    test=test, ...)
  } else {
    findNextCATItem(person=person, test=test, design=design,
                    subset=subset, all_index=all_index)

findNextCATItem <- function(person, test, design, subset = NULL, start = TRUE,
                            all_index = FALSE, values = FALSE){
  #heavy lifting CAT stuff just to find new item
  if(all(is.na(person$responses)) && start)
  lastitem <- sum(!is.na(person$items_answered))
  not_answered <- is.na(person$responses)
  not_answered[!person$valid_item] <- FALSE
  not_answered[design@excluded] <- FALSE
  which_not_answered <- which(not_answered)
  if(is.null(subset)) subset <- 1L:test@length
  which_not_answered <- which_not_answered[which_not_answered %in% subset]
  criteria <- design@criteria
  if(criteria == 'seq')
    which_not_answered <- which_not_answered[which_not_answered > lastitem]
  if(!length(which_not_answered)) stop('Ran out of items to administer.', call.=FALSE)
  K <- test@mo@Data$K
    if(criteria %in% c('seq', 'random'))
      stop('criteria makes no sense with values=TRUE', call.=FALSE)
    which_not_answered <- 1L:test@length
    which_not_answered <- which_not_answered[which_not_answered %in% subset]
    not_answered <- rep(TRUE, length(not_answered))
  if(criteria %in% c('MEI', 'MEPV', 'IKL', 'IKLP', 'IKLn', 'IKLPn')){
    possible_patterns <- matrix(person$responses, sum(K[not_answered]),
                                length(not_answered), byrow=TRUE)
    row <- 1L
    row_loc <- numeric(nrow(possible_patterns))
    for(ii in which(not_answered)){
      resp <- 0L:(K[ii] - 1L)
      row_loc[row:(row+length(resp)-1L)] <- ii
      for(j in seq_len(length(resp))){
        possible_patterns[row, ii] <- resp[j]
        row <- row + 1L
  method <- design@criteria_estimator
  #safety features
  if(length(unique(na.omit(person$responses))) < 2L) method <- 'MAP'
  if(sum(!is.na(person$responses)) < 5L) method <- 'MAP'
  thetas <- person$thetas
  if(criteria == 'seq'){
  } else if(criteria == 'random'){
    if(length(which_not_answered) == 1L) item <- which_not_answered
    else item <- sample(which_not_answered, 1L)
      dif <- design@content_prop - design@content_prop_empirical
      tmp <- names(dif)[which.max(dif)]
      if(length(tmp) > 1L) tmp <- tmp[sample(1L:length(tmp), 1L)]
      cpick <- design@content[which_not_answered]
      if(sum(cpick == tmp) > 1L)
        item <- sample(which_not_answered[cpick == tmp], 1L)
      if(sum(cpick == tmp) == 1L)
        item <- which_not_answered[cpick == tmp]
      #otherwise 0, item does not change
  } else if(criteria == 'custom'){
    tmp <- try(design@customNextItem(person=person, design=design, test=test), TRUE)
    if(is(tmp, 'try-error'))
      stop(paste0('customNextItem() returned the following error message:\n\n\t', tmp[1L]))
    if(length(tmp) != 1L)
      stop('customNextItem() must return a single item index or NA to terminate the CAT',
  index <- which_not_answered
  crit <- if(criteria == 'KL'){
       person=person, test=test, delta=design@KL_delta, thetas=thetas)
  } else if(criteria == 'KLn'){
       person=person, test=test, thetas=thetas,
  } else if(criteria == 'IKL'){
    IKL(which_not_answered=which_not_answered, possible_patterns=possible_patterns,
        person=person, test=test, row_loc=row_loc, delta=design@KL_delta, thetas=thetas)
  } else if(criteria == 'IKLP'){
    IKL(which_not_answered=which_not_answered, possible_patterns=possible_patterns,
        person=person, test=test, row_loc=row_loc, delta=design@KL_delta,
        den=TRUE, thetas=thetas)
  } else if(criteria == 'IKLn'){
    IKL(which_not_answered=which_not_answered, possible_patterns=possible_patterns,
        person=person, test=test, row_loc=row_loc, thetas=thetas,
  } else if(criteria == 'IKLPn'){
    IKL(which_not_answered=which_not_answered, possible_patterns=possible_patterns,
        person=person, test=test, row_loc=row_loc, thetas=thetas,
  } else if(criteria == 'MI'){
    MI(which_not_answered=which_not_answered, person=person, test=test, thetas=thetas)
  } else if(criteria == 'MEI'){
    MEI(which_not_answered=which_not_answered, possible_patterns=possible_patterns,
        person=person, test=test, row_loc=row_loc, thetas=thetas)
  } else if(criteria == 'MEPV'){
    -MEPV(which_not_answered=which_not_answered, possible_patterns=possible_patterns,
          person=person, test=test, design=design, row_loc=row_loc, thetas=thetas)
  } else if(criteria == 'MLWI'){
    MLWI(which_not_answered=which_not_answered, person=person, test=test, thetas=thetas)
  } else if(criteria == 'MPWI'){
    MLWI(which_not_answered=which_not_answered, person=person, test=test, thetas=thetas,
  } else if(criteria == 'Drule' || criteria == 'DPrule'){
    Drule(which_not_answered=which_not_answered, person=person, test=test, thetas=thetas,
          prior = criteria == 'DPrule')
  } else if(criteria == 'Erule' || criteria == 'EPrule'){
    Erule(which_not_answered=which_not_answered, person=person, test=test, thetas=thetas,
          prior = criteria == 'EPrule')
  } else if(criteria == 'Trule' || criteria == 'TPrule'){
    Trule(which_not_answered=which_not_answered, person=person, test=test,
          design=design, thetas=thetas,
          prior = criteria == 'TPrule')
  } else if(criteria == 'Arule' || criteria == 'APrule'){
           person=person, test=test, design=design, thetas=thetas,
           prior = criteria == 'APrule')
  } else if(criteria == 'Wrule' || criteria == 'WPrule'){
    Wrule(which_not_answered=which_not_answered, person=person, test=test,
          design=design, thetas=thetas,
          prior = criteria == 'WPrule')
  } else if(criteria == 'info_mats'){
    InfoMats(which_not_answered=which_not_answered, person=person, test=test, thetas=thetas)
  } else {
    stop('Selection criteria does not exist', call.=FALSE)
    names(crit) <- which_not_answered
  if(all_index) return(index[order(crit, decreasing = TRUE)])
    if(sum(!is.na(person$responses)) > 0){
      tmp <- table(design@content[!is.na(person$responses)])
      design@content_prop_empirical <- as.numeric(tmp/sum(tmp))
    dif <- design@content_prop - design@content_prop_empirical
    tmp <- names(dif)[which.max(dif)]
    if(length(tmp) > 1L) tmp <- tmp[sample(1L:length(tmp), 1L)]
    cpick <- design@content[which_not_answered]
    pick <- cpick == tmp
    if(sum(pick) > 0L){
      index <- index[pick]
      crit <- crit[pick]
  if(design@exposure_type != 'none'){
    if(design@exposure_type == 'sample'){
      exposure <- design@exposure[lastitem+1L]
      if(exposure == 1L){
        item <- index[which.max(crit)][1L]
      } else {
        rnk <- length(crit) - rank(crit, ties.method = 'random') + 1L
        pick <- which(rnk %in% 1L:exposure)
        item <- index[sample(pick, 1L)]
    } else if(design@exposure_type == 'SH'){
        item <- index[which.max(crit)][1L]
        comp <- runif(1, 0, 1)
        if(design@exposure[item] >= comp && person$valid_item[item]) break
        if(length(crit) == 1L) break
        person$valid_item[item] <- FALSE
        pick <- index != item
        index <- index[pick]
        crit <- crit[pick]
  } else item <- index[which.max(crit)][1L]
    pick <- sapply(design@constraints, function(x, item){
      any(item == x)
    }, item=item)
    constr <- design@constraints[pick]
    if(any(names(constr) == 'independent')){
      pick2 <- sapply(constr, c)[, 1L]
      person$valid_item[pick2[pick2 != item]] <- FALSE
    } else if(any(names(constr) == 'ordered')){
      item <- constr[[1L]][1L]
    prev <- last_item(person$items_answered)
    pick <- sapply(design@constraints, function(x, item){
      any(item == x)
    }, item=prev)
    tmp <- design@constraints[pick]$ordered
    constr <- design@constraints[pick]
    if(any(names(constr) == 'ordered')){
      if(any(prev == tmp)){
        tmp2 <- which(tmp == prev) + 1L
        if(tmp2 <= length(tmp)) item <- tmp[tmp2]

findNextItem.lp <- function(objective, person, design, test, all_index = FALSE, ...){
  constr_fun <- design@constr_fun
  nitems <- extract.mirt(test@mo, 'nitems')
  constraints <- constr_fun(person=person, test=test, design=design)
  if(ncol(constraints) != nitems + 2)
    stop('constr_fun() does not have nitem + 2 columns')
  lhs <- as.matrix(constraints[,1L:nitems, drop=FALSE])
  dirs <- as.character(constraints[,nitems+1L])
  rhs <- constraints[,nitems+2L]
  resp <- as.numeric(!is.na(person$responses))
  items_answered <- person$items_answered[1L:sum(resp)]
  objective2 <- objective
  objective[items_answered] <- objective[items_answered] * resp[items_answered]
  lhs <- rbind(lhs, resp)
  dirs <- c(dirs, "==")
  rhs <- c(rhs, sum(resp))
  out <- lp(direction = 'max', objective, const.mat=lhs,
            const.dir=dirs, const.rhs=rhs, all.bin = TRUE)
  if(out$status != 0L)
    stop('lp() solver could not find solution', call.=FALSE)
  solution <- out$solution
    return(which(solution == 1L))
  } else {
    solution[items_answered] <- 0
    ret <- if(sum(solution) == 0) NA else which.max(solution * objective2)
qcsong/EDCAT documentation built on May 14, 2019, 12:54 a.m.