Man pages for quangnguyen1995/MCTools
Supplemental Functions to work with microbiome data in R

convert.matrixConvert existing data matrix into a MCSim object of type...
extractExtract simluation type specific data
extractionExtracting data sets from index after matching
load_dataLoad data sets from pre-specified sources
load_mainMain function to load all data
mctools.matchingMatching functions between two data sets
missing.imputationMatching between unq_ids and mblid for metabolomics to match...
outcome.simSimulating multivariate outcome data from specified...
tax.simSimluating taxonomic data based upon a set correlation...
tree.checkChecking for phylogenetic tree and constructing tree
quangnguyen1995/MCTools documentation built on May 23, 2019, 8:56 a.m.