
Defines functions expect_has_class_method

#' spec_compliance_methods
#' @family compliance specifications
#' @usage NULL
#' @format NULL
#' @importFrom callr r
#' @keywords NULL
#' @section DBI classes and methods:
spec_compliance_methods <- list(
  compliance = function(ctx) {
    #' A backend defines three classes,
    key_methods <- get_key_methods()

    #' which are subclasses of
        #' [DBIDriver-class],
        #' [DBIConnection-class],
        #' and [DBIResult-class].

    pkg <- package_name(ctx)

    where <- asNamespace(pkg)

    sapply(names(key_methods), function(name) {
      dbi_class <- paste0("DBI", name)

      classes <- Filter(function(class) {
        extends(class, dbi_class) && getClass(class)@virtual == FALSE
      }, getClasses(where))

      expect_gte(length(classes), 1)

      class <- classes[[1]]

      #' The backend provides implementation for all methods
      #' of these base classes
      #' that are defined but not implemented by DBI.
      mapply(function(method, args) {
        expect_has_class_method(method, class, args, where)
      }, names(key_methods[[name]]), key_methods[[name]])

  reexport = function(ctx) {
    #' All methods defined in \pkg{DBI} are reexported (so that the package can
    #' be used without having to attach \pkg{DBI}),
    pkg <- package_name(ctx)

    where <- asNamespace(pkg)

    dbi_names <- dbi_generics(ctx$tweaks$dbitest_version)

    # Suppressing warning "... may not be available when loading"
    exported_names <- suppressWarnings(callr::r(
      function(pkg) {
          error = function(e) character()
      args = list(pkg = pkg)

    # Guard against scenarios where package is not installed
    if (length(exported_names) == 0) {
      skip("reexport: package must be installed for this test")

    missing <- setdiff(dbi_names, exported_names)
    expect_equal(paste(missing, collapse = ", "), "")

  ellipsis = function(ctx) {
    #' and have an ellipsis `...` in their formals for extensibility.
    pkg <- package_name(ctx)

    where <- asNamespace(pkg)

    methods <- s4_methods(where, function(x) x == "DBI")
    methods <- methods[grep("^db", names(methods))]
    Map(expect_ellipsis_in_formals, methods, names(methods))

# Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @importFrom methods hasMethod
expect_has_class_method <- function(name, class, args, driver_package) {
  full_args <- c(class, args)
    expect_true(hasMethod(.(name), .(full_args), driver_package))

expect_ellipsis_in_formals <- function(method, name) {
  sym <- as.name(name)
    .(sym) <- method
    expect_true("..." %in% s4_real_argument_names(.(sym)))

get_key_methods <- function() {
    Driver = list(
      "dbConnect" = NULL,
      "dbDataType" = NULL
    Connection = list(
      "dbDisconnect" = NULL,
      "dbGetInfo" = NULL,
      "dbSendQuery" = "character",
      "dbListFields" = "character",
      "dbListTables" = NULL,
      "dbReadTable" = "character",
      "dbWriteTable" = c("character", "data.frame"),
      "dbExistsTable" = "character",
      "dbRemoveTable" = "character",
      "dbBegin" = NULL,
      "dbCommit" = NULL,
      "dbRollback" = NULL,
      "dbIsValid" = NULL,
      "dbQuoteString" = "character",
      "dbQuoteIdentifier" = "character"
    Result = list(
      "dbIsValid" = NULL,
      "dbFetch" = NULL,
      "dbClearResult" = NULL,
      "dbColumnInfo" = NULL,
      "dbGetRowsAffected" = NULL,
      "dbGetRowCount" = NULL,
      "dbHasCompleted" = NULL,
      "dbGetStatement" = NULL,
      "dbBind" = NULL
r-dbi/DBItest documentation built on Oct. 13, 2024, 8 a.m.