#' @include MariaDBConnection.R
#' Read and write MariaDB tables.
#' These methods read or write entire tables from a MariaDB database.
#' @return A data.frame in the case of `dbReadTable()`; otherwise a logical
#' indicating whether the operation was successful.
#' @note The data.frame returned by `dbReadTable()` only has
#' primitive data, e.g., it does not coerce character data to factors.
#' Temporary tables are ignored for `dbExistsTable()` and `dbListTables()` due to
#' limitations of the underlying C API. For this reason, a prior existence check
#' is performed only before creating a regular persistent table; an attempt to
#' create a temporary table with an already existing name will fail with a
#' message from the database driver.
#' @param conn a [MariaDBConnection-class] object, produced by
#' [DBI::dbConnect()]
#' @param name a character string specifying a table name.
#' @param check.names If `TRUE`, the default, column names will be
#' converted to valid R identifiers.
#' @inheritParams DBI::sqlRownamesToColumn
#' @param ... Unused, needed for compatibility with generic.
#' @examples
#' if (mariadbHasDefault()) {
#' con <- dbConnect(RMariaDB::MariaDB(), dbname = "test")
#' # By default, row names are written in a column to row_names, and
#' # automatically read back into the row.names()
#' dbWriteTable(con, "mtcars", mtcars[1:5, ], temporary = TRUE)
#' dbReadTable(con, "mtcars")
#' dbReadTable(con, "mtcars", row.names = FALSE)
#' }
#' @name mariadb-tables
db_append_table <- function(conn, name, value, warn_factor = TRUE, safe = TRUE, transact = TRUE) {
path <- tempfile("RMariaDB", fileext = ".tsv")
is_list <- vlapply(value, is.list)
colnames <- dbQuoteIdentifier(conn, names(value))
if (any(is_list)) {
set <- paste0(
"SET ",
colnames[is_list], " = UNHEX(@X", which(is_list), ")",
collapse = ", "
colnames[is_list] <- paste0("@X", which(is_list))
} else {
set <- ""
quoted_name <- dbQuoteIdentifier(conn, name)
if (length(quoted_name) != 1) {
stop("Must pass one table name", call. = FALSE)
sql <- paste0(
"LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE ", dbQuoteString(conn, path), "\n",
"INTO TABLE ", quoted_name, "\n",
"CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 \n",
"(", paste0(colnames, collapse = ", "), ")",
file <- file(path, "wb")
csv_quote(value, warn_factor, conn), file, quote = "none", delim = "\t", na = "\\N",
col_names = FALSE
# Close connection manually, unlink when done to save disk space
on.exit(unlink(path), add = FALSE)
if (safe) {
if (transact) {
on.exit(dbRollback(conn), add = TRUE)
sql_count <- paste0("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ", quoted_name)
count_before <- dbGetQuery(conn, sql_count)[[1]]
out <- dbExecute(conn, sql)
# Some servers don't return a record count here,
# need to count manually
if (out == 0) {
count_after <- dbGetQuery(conn, sql_count)[[1]]
out <- as.numeric(count_after - count_before)
if (transact) {
if (out < nrow(value)) {
stopc("Error writing table: sent ", nrow(value), " rows, added ", out, " rows.")
# Manual cleanup
on.exit(NULL, add = FALSE)
} else {
dbExecute(conn, sql)
csv_quote <- function(x, warn_factor, conn) {
old <- options(digits.secs = 6)
x[] <- lapply(x, csv_quote_one, conn)
factor_to_string(x, warn = warn_factor)
csv_quote_one <- function(x, conn) {
if (inherits(x, "AsIs")) {
class(x) <- setdiff(class(x), "AsIs")
if (is.factor(x)) {
levels(x) <- csv_quote_char(levels(x))
} else if (is.character(x)) {
x <- csv_quote_char(x)
} else if (is.integer(x)) {
x_orig <- x
x <- as.character(x)
# Failure to load BIT(1) columns with a verbatim 0 (???)
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/17836602/946850
x[!is.na(x_orig) & x_orig == 0] <- ""
} else if (is.integer64(x)) {
x_orig <- x
x <- as.character(x)
# Failure to load BIT(1) columns with a verbatim 0 (???)
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/17836602/946850
x[!is.na(x_orig) & x_orig == 0] <- ""
} else if (is.numeric(x)) {
x_orig <- x
if (all_integerish(x)) {
x <- formatC(x, format = "d")
} else {
# https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/number-literals.html
x <- formatC(x, digits = 17, format = "E")
x[is.na(x_orig) | is.infinite(x_orig)] <- NA_character_
} else if (is.logical(x)) {
x <- as.character(as.integer(x))
} else if (inherits(x, "Date")) {
x <- as.character(x)
} else if (inherits(x, "difftime")) {
x <- hms::as_hms(x)
x <- as.character(x)
} else if (inherits(x, "POSIXt")) {
x <- format(x, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OS", tz = conn@timezone)
} else if (inherits(x, "list")) {
x_orig <- x
x <- vcapply(x, function(x) paste(format(x), collapse = ""))
x[vlapply(x_orig, is.null)] <- NA_character_
} else {
stop("NYI: ", paste(class(x), collapse = "/"), call. = FALSE)
csv_quote_char <- function(x) {
x <- enc2utf8(x)
x <- gsub("\\", "\\\\", x, fixed = TRUE)
x <- gsub("\t", "\\t", x, fixed = TRUE)
x <- gsub("\r", "\\r", x, fixed = TRUE)
x <- gsub("\n", "\\n", x, fixed = TRUE)
all_integerish <- function(x) {
x <- x[!is.na(x)]
if (any(is.infinite(x))) {
all(x >= -2147483647) && all(x <= 2147483647) && all(x == as.integer(x))
get_char_type <- function(x) {
width <- max(nchar(enc2utf8(x)), 1, na.rm = TRUE)
if (width > 255) {
} else {
paste0("VARCHAR(", width, ")")
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