### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# FIXME: update examples
#' Export `hyperSpec` objects to ASCII (text) files
#' These functions write `hyperSpec` objects to text files.
#' @rdname write_txt
#' @aliases write_txt_long
#' @param file Filename or connection to write the data.
#' @param object A `hyperSpec` object to export.
#' @param cols Column names specifying the order of columns in the output file.
#' @param order Which columns should be sorted using [base::order()]? The `order`
#' parameter is used as an index vector into a `data.frame` with columns
#' specified by `cols`.
#' @param na.last Passed to [base::order()] by `write_txt_long`.
#' @param quote,sep,col.names,row.names These parameters have their usual meaning
#' as used in [utils::write.table()], but with different default values.
#' For file import, `row.names` should usually be set to `NULL` so that the first
#' column becomes an extra data column (instead of row names of the extra data).
#' @param col.labels Should the column labels be used rather than the colnames?
#' @param append Should the output be appended to an existing file?
#' @param decreasing A logical vector specifying the sort order for columns.
#' @param header.lines Toggle one or two-line headers (wavelengths in the
#' second header line) for `write_txt_wide`.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to [utils::write.table()].
#' @concept io
#' @concept write to file
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Export & import Matlab files
#' if (require(R.matlab)) {
#' # Export to a Matlab file
#' writeMat(paste0(tempdir(), "/test.mat"),
#' x = flu[[]], wavelength = flu@wavelength,
#' label = lapply(flu@label, as.character)
#' )
#' # Read a Matlab file
#' data <- readMat(paste0(tempdir(), "/test.mat"))
#' print(data)
#' mat <- new("hyperSpec",
#' spc = data$x,
#' wavelength = as.numeric(data$wavelength),
#' label = data$label[, , 1]
#' )
#' }
#' ## ASCII export & import
#' write_txt_long(flu,
#' file = paste0(tempdir(), "/flu.txt"),
#' cols = c(".wavelength", "spc", "c"),
#' order = c("c", ".wavelength"),
#' decreasing = c(FALSE, TRUE)
#' )
#' read.txt.long(
#' file = paste0(tempdir(), "/flu.txt"),
#' cols = list(
#' .wavelength = expression(lambda / nm),
#' spc = "I / a.u", c = expression("/"(c, (mg / l)))
#' )
#' )
#' write_txt_wide(flu,
#' file = paste0(tempdir(), "/flu.txt"),
#' cols = c("c", "spc"),
#' col.labels = TRUE, header.lines = 2, row.names = TRUE
#' )
#' write_txt_wide(flu,
#' file = paste0(tempdir(), "/flu.txt"),
#' col.labels = FALSE, row.names = FALSE
#' )
#' read.txt.wide(
#' file = paste0(tempdir(), "/flu.txt"),
#' # Give columns in the same order as they are in the file
#' cols = list(
#' spc = "I / a.u",
#' c = expression("/"("c", "mg/l")),
#' filename = "filename",
#' # Plus wavelength label last
#' .wavelength = "lambda / nm"
#' ),
#' header = TRUE
#' )
write_txt_long <- function(object,
file = "",
order = c(".rownames", ".wavelength"),
na.last = TRUE,
decreasing = FALSE,
quote = FALSE,
sep = "\t",
row.names = FALSE,
cols = NULL,
col.names = TRUE,
# col.labels: use labels instead of column names?
col.labels = FALSE,
append = FALSE,
...) {
col.spc <- match("spc", colnames(object@data))
X <- as.long.df(object, rownames = TRUE)
if (!is.null(order)) {
if (is.character(order)) {
tmp <- match(order, colnames(X))
if (any(is.na(tmp))) {
"write_txt_long: no such columns: ",
paste(order[is.na(tmp)], collapse = ", ")
order <- tmp
if (length(decreasing) < length(order)) {
decreasing <- rep(decreasing, length.out = length(order))
order.data <- as.list(X[, order, drop = FALSE])
for (i in seq_along(order)) {
if (is.factor(order.data[[i]])) {
order.data[[i]] <-
rank(order.data[[i]], na.last = na.last | is.na(na.last))
if (decreasing[i]) {
order.data[[i]] <- -order.data[[i]]
X <- X[do.call(
c(order.data, na.last = na.last | is.na(na.last), decreasing = FALSE)
), ]
if (is.na(na.last)) {
X <- X[!is.na(X$spc), ]
if (!is.null(cols)) {
X <- X[, cols, drop = FALSE]
if (!row.names) {
X$.rownames <- NULL
} else {
cln[match(".rownames", cln)] <- "row"
if (col.names) {
if (col.labels) {
cln <- match(colnames(X), names(object@label))
cln[!is.na(cln)] <- object@label[cln[!is.na(cln)]]
cln[is.na(cln)] <- colnames(X)[is.na(cln)]
cln <- sapply(cln, as.character)
} else {
cln <- colnames(X)
write.table(matrix(cln, nrow = 1),
file = file, append = append,
quote = quote, sep = sep, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE
append <- TRUE
write.table(X, file,
append = append, quote = quote, sep = sep,
row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, ...
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