
Defines functions pool_cancel pool_run multi_req_perform req_perform_parallel

Documented in multi_req_perform req_perform_parallel

#' Perform a list of requests in parallel
#' @description
#' This variation on [req_perform_sequential()] performs multiple requests in
#' parallel. Exercise caution when using this function; it's easy to pummel a
#' server with many simultaneous requests. Only use it with hosts designed to
#' serve many files at once, which are typically web servers, not API servers.
#' `req_perform_parallel()` has a few limitations:
#' * Will not retrieve a new OAuth token if it expires part way through
#'   the requests.
#' * Does not perform throttling with [req_throttle()].
#' * Does not attempt retries as described by [req_retry()].
#' * Only consults the cache set by [req_cache()] before/after all requests.
#' If any of these limitations are problematic for your use case, we recommend
#' [req_perform_sequential()] instead.
#' @inherit req_perform_sequential params return
#' @param pool Optionally, a curl pool made by [curl::new_pool()]. Supply
#'   this if you want to override the defaults for total concurrent connections
#'   (100) or concurrent connections per host (6).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Requesting these 4 pages one at a time would take 2 seconds:
#' request_base <- request(example_url())
#' reqs <- list(
#'   request_base |> req_url_path("/delay/0.5"),
#'   request_base |> req_url_path("/delay/0.5"),
#'   request_base |> req_url_path("/delay/0.5"),
#'   request_base |> req_url_path("/delay/0.5")
#' )
#' # But it's much faster if you request in parallel
#' system.time(resps <- req_perform_parallel(reqs))
#' # req_perform_parallel() will fail on error
#' reqs <- list(
#'   request_base |> req_url_path("/status/200"),
#'   request_base |> req_url_path("/status/400"),
#'   request("FAILURE")
#' )
#' try(resps <- req_perform_parallel(reqs))
#' # but can use on_error to capture all successful results
#' resps <- req_perform_parallel(reqs, on_error = "continue")
#' # Inspect the successful responses
#' resps |> resps_successes()
#' # And the failed responses
#' resps |> resps_failures() |> resps_requests()
req_perform_parallel <- function(reqs,
                                 paths = NULL,
                                 pool = NULL,
                                 on_error = c("stop", "return", "continue"),
                                 progress = TRUE) {
  check_paths(paths, reqs)
  on_error <- arg_match(on_error)

  progress <- create_progress_bar(
    total = length(reqs),
    name = "Iterating",
    config = progress

  perfs <- vector("list", length(reqs))
  for (i in seq_along(reqs)) {
    perfs[[i]] <- Performance$new(
      req = reqs[[i]],
      path = paths[[i]],
      progress = progress,
      error_call = environment()

  pool_run(pool, perfs, on_error = on_error)

  map(perfs, ~ .$resp)

#' Perform a list of requests in parallel
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' Please use [req_perform_parallel()] instead, and note:
#' * `cancel_on_error = FALSE` is now `on_error = "continue"`
#' * `cancel_on_error = TRUE` is now `on_error = "return"`
#' @export
#' @param cancel_on_error Should all pending requests be cancelled when you
#'   hit an error? Set this to `TRUE` to stop all requests as soon as you
#'   hit an error. Responses that were never performed be `NULL` in the result.
#' @inheritParams req_perform_parallel
#' @keywords internal
multi_req_perform <- function(reqs,
                              paths = NULL,
                              pool = NULL,
                              cancel_on_error = FALSE) {

    reqs = reqs,
    paths = paths,
    pool = pool,
    on_error = if (cancel_on_error) "continue" else "return"

pool_run <- function(pool, perfs, on_error = "continue") {
  on.exit(pool_cancel(pool, perfs), add = TRUE)

  # The done and fail callbacks for curl::multi_add() are designed to always
  # succeed. If the request actually failed, they raise a `httr_fail`
  # signal (not error) that wraps the error. Here we catch that error and
  # handle it based on the value of `on_error`
  httr2_fail <- switch(on_error,
    stop =     function(cnd) cnd_signal(cnd$error),
    continue = function(cnd) zap(),
    return =   function(cnd) NULL

      run <- curl::multi_run(0.1, pool = pool, poll = TRUE)
      if (run$pending == 0) {
    interrupt = function(cnd) NULL,
    httr2_fail = httr2_fail


# Wrap up all components of request -> response in a single object
Performance <- R6Class("Performance", public = list(
  req = NULL,
  path = NULL,

  handle = NULL,
  resp = NULL,
  pool = NULL,
  error_call = NULL,
  progress = NULL,

  initialize = function(req, path = NULL, progress = NULL, error_call = NULL) {
    self$req <- req
    self$path <- path
    self$progress <- progress
    self$error_call <- error_call

    req <- auth_oauth_sign(req)
    req <- cache_pre_fetch(req)
    if (is_response(req)) {
      self$resp <- req
    } else {
      self$handle <- req_handle(req)
      curl::handle_setopt(self$handle, url = req$url)

  submit = function(pool = NULL) {
    if (!is.null(self$resp)) {
      # cached

    self$pool <- pool
      handle = self$handle,
      pool = self$pool,
      data = self$path,
      done = self$succeed,
      fail = self$fail

  succeed = function(res) {

    if (is.null(self$path)) {
      body <- res$content
    } else {
      # Only needed with curl::multi_run()
      if (!file.exists(self$path)) {
      body <- new_path(self$path)
    resp <- new_response(
      method = req_method_get(self$req),
      url = res$url,
      status_code = res$status_code,
      headers = as_headers(res$headers),
      body = body,
      request = self$req
    resp <- cache_post_fetch(self$req, resp, path = self$path)
    self$resp <- tryCatch(
      handle_resp(self$req, resp, error_call = self$error_call),
      error = identity
    if (is_error(self$resp)) {
      signal("", error = self$resp, class = "httr2_fail")

  fail = function(msg) {

    self$resp <- error_cnd(
      message = msg,
      request = self$req,
      call = self$error_call
    signal("", error = self$resp, class = "httr2_fail")

  cancel = function() {
    # No handle if response was cached
    if (!is.null(self$handle)) {

pool_cancel <- function(pool, perfs) {
  walk(perfs, ~ .x$cancel())
  curl::multi_run(pool = pool)
r-lib/httr2 documentation built on Aug. 24, 2024, 3:32 a.m.