
test_that("can parse special cases", {
  url <- url_parse("file:///tmp")
  expect_equal(url$scheme, "file")
  expect_equal(url$path, "/tmp")

test_that("can round trip urls", {
  urls <- list(

  expect_equal(map(urls, ~ url_build(url_parse(.x))), urls)

test_that("can parse relative urls", {
  base <- "http://example.com/a/b/c/"
  expect_equal(url_parse("d", base)$path, "/a/b/c/d")
  expect_equal(url_parse("..", base)$path, "/a/b/")

  expect_equal(url_parse("//archive.org", base)$scheme, "http")

test_that("can print all url details", {

test_that("password also requires username", {
  url <- url_parse("http://username:pwd@example.com")
  url$username <- NULL
  expect_snapshot(url_build(url), error = TRUE)

test_that("url_build validates its input", {
  expect_snapshot(url_build("abc"), error = TRUE)

# modify url -------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("url_modify checks its inputs", {
  url <- "http://example.com"

  expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, {
    url_modify(url, scheme = 1)
    url_modify(url, hostname = 1)
    url_modify(url, port = "x")
    url_modify(url, username = 1)
    url_modify(url, password = 1)
    url_modify(url, path = 1)
    url_modify(url, fragment = 1)

test_that("no arguments is idempotent", {
  string <- "http://example.com/"
  url <- url_parse(string)

  expect_equal(url_modify(string), string)
  expect_equal(url_modify(url), url)

test_that("can accept query as a string or list", {
  url <- "http://test/"

  expect_equal(url_modify(url, query = "a=1&b=2"), "http://test/?a=1&b=2")
  expect_equal(url_modify(url, query = list(a = 1, b = 2)), "http://test/?a=1&b=2")

  expect_equal(url_modify(url, query = ""), "http://test/")
  expect_equal(url_modify(url, query = list()), "http://test/")
test_that("checks various query formats", {
  url <- "http://example.com"

  expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, {
    url_modify(url, query = 1)
    url_modify(url, query = list(1))
    url_modify(url, query = list(x = 1:2))

test_that("path always starts with /", {
  expect_equal(url_modify("https://x.com/abc", path = "def"), "https://x.com/def")
  expect_equal(url_modify("https://x.com/abc", path = ""), "https://x.com/")
  expect_equal(url_modify("https://x.com/abc", path = NULL), "https://x.com/")

# relative url ------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("can set relative urls", {
  base <- "http://example.com/a/b/c/"
  expect_equal(url_modify_relative(base, "d"), "http://example.com/a/b/c/d")
  expect_equal(url_modify_relative(base, ".."), "http://example.com/a/b/")
  expect_equal(url_modify_relative(base, "//archive.org"), "http://archive.org/")

test_that("is idempotent", {
  string <- "http://example.com/"
  url <- url_parse(string)

  expect_equal(url_modify_relative(string, "."), string)
  expect_equal(url_modify_relative(url, "."), url)

# modify query -------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("can add, modify, and delete query components", {
    url_modify_query("http://test/path", new = "value"),
    url_modify_query("http://test/path", new = "one", new = "two"),
    url_modify_query("http://test/path?a=old&b=old", a = "new"),
    url_modify_query("http://test/path?remove=me&keep=this", remove = NULL),

test_that("can control space formatting", {
    url_modify_query("http://test/path", new = "a b"),
    url_modify_query("http://test/path", new = "a b", .space = "form"),

test_that("is idempotent", {
  string <- "http://example.com/"
  url <- url_parse(string)

  expect_equal(url_modify_query(string), string)
  expect_equal(url_modify_query(url), url)

test_that("validates inputs", {
  url <- "http://example.com/"

  expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, {
    url_modify_query(url, 1)
    url_modify_query(url, x = 1:2)

# query -------------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("missing query values become empty strings", {
  expect_equal(url_query_parse("?q="), list(q = ""))
  expect_equal(url_query_parse("?q"), list(q = ""))
  expect_equal(url_query_parse("?a&q"), list(a = "", q = ""))

test_that("handles equals in values", {
  expect_equal(url_query_parse("?x==&y=="), list(x = "=", y = "="))

test_that("empty queries become NULL", {
  expect_equal(url_query_parse("?"), NULL)
  expect_equal(url_query_parse(""), NULL)

test_that("validates inputs", {
  expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, {
    url_query_build(list(x = 1:2, y = 1:3))

# format_query_param ------------------------------------------------------

test_that("handles all atomic vectors", {
  expect_equal(format_query_param(NA, "x"), "NA")
  expect_equal(format_query_param(TRUE, "x"), "TRUE")
  expect_equal(format_query_param(1L, "x"), "1")
  expect_equal(format_query_param(1.3, "x"), "1.3")
  expect_equal(format_query_param("x", "x"), "x")
  expect_equal(format_query_param(" ", "x"), "%20")

test_that("doesn't add extra spaces", {
    format_query_param(c(1, 1000), "x", multi = TRUE),
    c("1", "1000")
    format_query_param(c("a", "bcdef"), multi = TRUE, "x"),
    c("a", "bcdef")

test_that("formats numbers nicely", {
  expect_equal(format_query_param(1e9, "x"), "1000000000")

test_that("can opt out of escaping", {
  expect_equal(format_query_param(I(","), "x"), ",")

test_that("can't opt out of escaping non strings", {
  expect_snapshot(format_query_param(I(1), "x"), error = TRUE)
r-lib/httr2 documentation built on Jan. 11, 2025, 10:21 a.m.