#' pak SITuation REPort
#' It prints
#' * pak version,
#' * platform the package was built on, and the current platform,
#' * the current library path,
#' * versions of dependencies,
#' * whether dependencies can be loaded.
#' @export
#' @family pak housekeeping
#' @section Examples:
#' ```{asciicast pak-sitrep}
#' pak_sitrep()
#' ```
pak_sitrep <- function() {
## version
ver <- as.character(utils::packageVersion("pak"))
cat0("* pak version:\n- ", ver, "\n")
## platform data
ver <- pak_sitrep_data
plt <- R.Version()$platform
comp <- platform_match(ver$platform, plt)
cat0("* Version information:\n")
"- pak platform: ", ver$platform,
" (current: ", R.Version()$platform, if (comp) ", compatible", ")\n"
if (!comp) cat0("- platform is incompatible!\n")
repo <- ver$`github-repository`
sha <- ver$`github-sha`
if (repo != "r-lib/pak") {
"- pak repository: ", repo,
if (repo == "-") " (local install?)",
if (repo != "-" || sha != "-") cat0("- pak sha: ", sha, "\n")
## recommended packages
xpkgs <- extra_packages()
if (length(xpkgs)) {
xinst <- pkg_is_installed(xpkgs)
if (any(xinst)) {
cat0("* Optional packages installed:\n")
cat0(paste0("- ", xpkgs[xinst], "\n"))
if (any(!xinst)) {
cat0("* Optional packages missing:\n")
cat0(paste0("- ", xpkgs[!xinst], "\n"))
## library path
cat0("* Library path:\n")
cat(paste0("- ", .libPaths()), sep = "\n")
lib <- private_lib_dir()
if (!is.null(asNamespace("pak")[[".__DEVTOOLS__"]])) {
cat0("* Using `load_all()` from ", find.package("pak"), ".\n")
cat0("* Private library location:\n- ", lib, "\n")
} else {
cat0("* pak is installed at ", find.package("pak"), ".\n")
dver <- pak_library_versions(lib)
cat0("* Dependency versions:\n")
"- ",
" ",
ifelse(is.na(dver$sha), "", paste0(" (", substr(dver$sha, 1, 7), ")")),
ret <- tryCatch(
# TODO: check that all packages can be loaded in subprocess
error = function(e) e
if (isTRUE(ret)) {
cat0("* Dependencies can be loaded\n")
} else {
cat("! Could not load dependencies, pak installation is broken. :(\n")
cat0("Error: ", conditionMessage(ret))
pak_library_versions <- function(lib) {
pkgs <- dir(lib)
vers <- lapply(pkgs, function(pkg) get_ver(file.path(lib, pkg)))
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
package = pkgs,
version = vcapply(vers, "[", 1),
sha = vcapply(vers, "[", 2)
# this is slightly different than the one in install-embedded.R
get_ver <- function(path) {
if (!file.exists(path)) {
desc <- file.path(path, "DESCRIPTION")
if (!file.exists(desc)) {
dsc <- read.dcf(desc)
ver <- package_version(dsc[, "Version"])
devver <- as.numeric(ver[1, 4])
if (!is.na(devver) && devver >= 9000) {
if ("RemoteSha" %in% colnames(dsc)) {
sha <- dsc[, "RemoteSha"]
return(c(ver, sha))
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