
Defines functions unregister_methods unregister_namespace register_namespace is_loaded register_s3 parse_ns_file setup_ns_exports setup_ns_imports create_ns_env ns_path ns_env

Documented in ns_env parse_ns_file

#' Return the namespace environment for a package.
#' Contains all (exported and non-exported) objects, and is a descendant of
#' `R_GlobalEnv`. The hierarchy is `<namespace:pkg>`,
#' `<imports:pkg>`, `<namespace:base>`, and then
#' `R_GlobalEnv`.
#' If the package is not loaded, this function returns `NULL`.
#' @param package package name.
#' @keywords internal
#' @seealso [pkg_env()] for the attached environment that
#'   contains the exported objects.
#' @seealso [imports_env()] for the environment that contains
#'   imported objects for the package.
#' @export
ns_env <- function(package) {
  if (!is_loaded(package)) return(NULL)


ns_path <- function(package) {
  ns <- asNamespace(package)
  if (isBaseNamespace(ns))
  getNamespaceInfo(ns, "path")

# Create the namespace environment for a package
create_ns_env <- function(path = ".", call = caller_env()) {
  path <- pkg_path(path)
  package <- pkg_name(path)
  version <- pkg_version_raw(path)

  if (is_loaded(package)) {
      "Namespace for {.pkg {package}} can't already exist.",
      call = call

  env <- makeNamespace(package, version)
  methods::setPackageName(package, env)
  # Create devtools metadata in namespace

  setNamespaceInfo(env, "path", path)


# This is taken directly from base::loadNamespace()
# https://github.com/wch/r-source/blob/tags/R-3-3-0/src/library/base/R/namespace.R#L235-L258

        # Find makeNamespace definition
        comp_lang, y = quote(makeNamespace <- NULL), idx = 1:2)[[3]],

      # Replace call to .Internal(registerNamespace()) is replaced by a call to
      # register_namespace
      function(x) {
        if (comp_lang(x, quote(.Internal(registerNamespace(name, env))))) {
          quote(register_namespace(name, env))
        } else {

# Read the NAMESPACE file and set up the imports metadata.
# (which is stored in .__NAMESPACE__.)
setup_ns_imports <- function(path = ".") {
  path <- pkg_path(path)
  package <- pkg_name(path)

  nsInfo <- parse_ns_file(path)
  setNamespaceInfo(package, "imports", nsInfo$imports)

# Read the NAMESPACE file and set up the exports metadata. This must be
# run after all the objects are loaded into the namespace because
# namespaceExport throw errors if the objects are not present.
setup_ns_exports <- function(path = ".") {
  path <- pkg_path(path)
  package <- pkg_name(path)

  nsInfo <- parse_ns_file(path)
  nsenv <- ns_env(package)

  # This code is from base::loadNamespace
  exports <- nsInfo$exports
  for (p in nsInfo$exportPatterns) {
    # FIXME! Needs a test for `exportPatterns`
    exports <- c(ls(nsenv, pattern = p, all.names = TRUE), exports)

  # Don't try to export objects that are missing from the namespace and imports
  ns_and_imports <- c(
  extra_exports <- setdiff(exports, ns_and_imports)

  if (length(extra_exports) > 0) {
      "Objects listed as exports, but not present in namespace: ",
      set_names(extra_exports, "*")
    exports <- intersect(ns_and_imports, exports)

  # Add any S4 methods or classes, this needs to be done after checking for
  # missing exports as S4 methods with generics imported from other packages
  # are not defined in the namespace.
  exports <- add_classes_to_exports(
    ns = nsenv,
    package = package,
    exports = exports,
    nsInfo = nsInfo

  # Update the exports metadata for the namespace with base::namespaceExport
  # It will throw warnings if objects are already listed in the exports
  # metadata, so catch those warnings and ignore them.
    namespaceExport(nsenv, exports)


# Lookup S4 classes for export
# This function uses code from base::loadNamespace. Previously this code was
# copied directly, now it is dynamically looked up instead, to prevent drift as
# base::loadNamespace changes.
    pattern <- if (getRversion() >= "4.1.0") {
      quote(if (.isMethodsDispatchOn() && hasS4m && !identical(package, "methods"))  NULL)
    } else {
      quote(if (.isMethodsDispatchOn() && .hasS4MetaData(ns) && !identical(package, "methods"))  NULL)
    make_function(alist(ns =, package =, exports =, nsInfo =),
        quote(lev <- 0L),
        quote(hasS4m <- .hasS4MetaData(ns)),
          f = comp_lang,
          y = pattern,
          idx = c(1, 2),
          modify_lang(body(base::loadNamespace), strip_internal_calls, "methods")
      ), asNamespace("methods")

#' Parses the NAMESPACE file for a package
#' @inheritParams load_all
#' @examples
#' if (has_tests()) {
#' parse_ns_file(pkgtest("testLoadHooks"))
#' }
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
parse_ns_file <- function(path = ".") {
  path <- pkg_path(path)

  parseNamespaceFile(basename(path), dirname(path),
    mustExist = FALSE)

# Register the S3 methods for this package
register_s3 <- function(path = ".") {
  path <- pkg_path(path)
  package <- pkg_name(path)

  nsInfo <- parse_ns_file(path)

  # Adapted from loadNamespace
  try(registerS3methods(nsInfo$S3methods, package, ns_env(package)))

# Reports whether a package is loaded into a namespace. It may be
# attached or not attached.
is_loaded <- function(package) {
  package %in% loadedNamespaces()

# Register a namespace
register_namespace <- function(name = NULL, env = NULL) {
  if (!is.character(name) || name == "" || length(name) != 1) {
    cli::cli_abort("{.arg name} must be a non-empty character string.")
  if (!is.environment(env)) {
    cli::cli_abort("{.arg env} must be an environment.")
  if (name %in% loadedNamespaces()) {
    cli::cli_abort("Namespace {.arg {name}} can't be already registered.")

  # Add the environment to the registry
  nsr <- ns_registry_env()
  nsr[[name]] <- env


# Unregister a namespace - should be used only if unloadNamespace()
# fails for some reason
unregister_namespace <- function(name = NULL) {
  if (!is_string(name) || name == "") {
    cli::cli_abort("{.arg name} must be a non-empty character string.")
  if (!(name %in% loadedNamespaces())) {
    cli::cli_abort("{.pkg {name}} must be a registered namespace.")

  # Force all bindings of the namespace in case of dangling
  # references. If lazy bindings are forced after the namespace is
  # unloaded, it might lead to decompress errors if unloaded or to
  # inconsistencies if reloaded (the bindings are resolved in the new
  # namespace).
  # We take precautions not to trigger active bindings in case these
  # have side effects such as throwing an error.
  ns <- ns_env(name)
  active_bindings <- env_binding_are_active(ns)
  env_get_list(ns, names(active_bindings)[!active_bindings])

  # Remove the item from the registry
  env_unbind(ns_registry_env(), name)

unregister_methods <- function(package) {
  # Unloading S3 methods manually avoids lazy-load errors when the new
  # package is loaded overtop the old one. It also prevents removed
  # methods from staying registered.

  # S4 classes that were created by the package need to be removed in a special way.
r-lib/pkgload documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 12:45 p.m.