#' Create a package or project
#' @description
#' These functions create an R project:
#' * `create_package()` creates an R package
#' * `create_project()` creates a non-package project, i.e. a data analysis
#' project
#' Both functions can be called on an existing project; you will be asked before
#' any existing files are changed.
#' @inheritParams use_description
#' @param fields A named list of fields to add to `DESCRIPTION`, potentially
#' overriding default values. See [use_description()] for how you can set
#' personalized defaults using package options.
#' @param path A path. If it exists, it is used. If it does not exist, it is
#' created, provided that the parent path exists.
#' @param roxygen Do you plan to use roxygen2 to document your package?
#' @param rstudio If `TRUE`, calls [use_rstudio()] to make the new package or
#' project into an [RStudio
#' Project](https://r-pkgs.org/workflow101.html#sec-workflow101-rstudio-projects).
#' If `FALSE` and a non-package project, a sentinel `.here` file is placed so
#' that the directory can be recognized as a project by the
#' [here](https://here.r-lib.org) or
#' [rprojroot](https://rprojroot.r-lib.org) packages.
#' @param open If `TRUE`, [activates][proj_activate()] the new project:
#' * If using RStudio desktop, the package is opened in a new session.
#' * If on RStudio server, the current RStudio project is activated.
#' * Otherwise, the working directory and active project is changed.
#' @return Path to the newly created project or package, invisibly.
#' @seealso [create_tidy_package()] is a convenience function that extends
#' `create_package()` by immediately applying as many of the tidyverse
#' development conventions as possible.
#' @export
create_package <- function(path,
fields = list(),
rstudio = rstudioapi::isAvailable(),
roxygen = TRUE,
check_name = TRUE,
open = rlang::is_interactive()) {
path <- user_path_prep(path)
name <- path_file(path_abs(path))
if (check_name) {
challenge_nested_project(path_dir(path), name)
local_project(path, force = TRUE)
proj_desc_create(name, fields, roxygen)
use_namespace(roxygen = roxygen)
if (rstudio) {
if (open) {
if (proj_activate(proj_get())) {
# working directory/active project already set; clear the scheduled
# restoration of the original project
#' @export
#' @rdname create_package
create_project <- function(path,
rstudio = rstudioapi::isAvailable(),
open = rlang::is_interactive()) {
path <- user_path_prep(path)
name <- path_file(path_abs(path))
challenge_nested_project(path_dir(path), name)
local_project(path, force = TRUE)
if (rstudio) {
} else {
"v" = "Writing a sentinel file {.path {pth('.here')}}.",
"_" = "Build robust paths within your project via {.fun here::here}.",
"i" = "Learn more at {.url https://here.r-lib.org}."
if (open) {
if (proj_activate(proj_get())) {
# working directory/active project already set; clear the scheduled
# restoration of the original project
#' Create a project from a GitHub repo
#' @description
#' Creates a new local project and Git repository from a repo on GitHub, by
#' either cloning or
#' [fork-and-cloning](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/fork-a-repo).
#' In the fork-and-clone case, `create_from_github()` also does additional
#' remote and branch setup, leaving you in the perfect position to make a pull
#' request with [pr_init()], one of several [functions for working with pull
#' requests][pull-requests].
#' `create_from_github()` works best when your GitHub credentials are
#' discoverable. See below for more about authentication.
#' @template double-auth
#' @seealso
#' * [use_github()] to go the opposite direction, i.e. create a GitHub repo
#' from your local repo
#' * [git_protocol()] for background on `protocol` (HTTPS vs SSH)
#' * [use_course()] to download a snapshot of all files in a GitHub repo,
#' without the need for any local or remote Git operations
#' @inheritParams create_package
#' @param repo_spec A string identifying the GitHub repo in one of these forms:
#' * Plain `OWNER/REPO` spec
#' * Browser URL, such as `"https://github.com/OWNER/REPO"`
#' * HTTPS Git URL, such as `"https://github.com/OWNER/REPO.git"`
#' * SSH Git URL, such as `"git@github.com:OWNER/REPO.git"`
#' @param destdir Destination for the new folder, which will be named according
#' to the `REPO` extracted from `repo_spec`. Defaults to the location stored
#' in the global option `usethis.destdir`, if defined, or to the user's
#' Desktop or similarly conspicuous place otherwise.
#' @param fork If `FALSE`, we clone `repo_spec`. If `TRUE`, we fork
#' `repo_spec`, clone that fork, and do additional setup favorable for
#' future pull requests:
#' * The source repo, `repo_spec`, is configured as the `upstream` remote,
#' using the indicated `protocol`.
#' * The local `DEFAULT` branch is set to track `upstream/DEFAULT`, where
#' `DEFAULT` is typically `main` or `master`. It is also immediately pulled,
#' to cover the case of a pre-existing, out-of-date fork.
#' If `fork = NA` (the default), we check your permissions on `repo_spec`. If
#' you can push, we set `fork = FALSE`, If you cannot, we set `fork = TRUE`.
#' @param host GitHub host to target, passed to the `.api_url` argument of
#' [gh::gh()]. If `repo_spec` is a URL, `host` is extracted from that.
#' If unspecified, gh defaults to "https://api.github.com", although gh's
#' default can be customised by setting the GITHUB_API_URL environment
#' variable.
#' For a hypothetical GitHub Enterprise instance, either
#' "https://github.acme.com/api/v3" or "https://github.acme.com" is
#' acceptable.
#' @param rstudio Initiate an [RStudio
#' Project](https://r-pkgs.org/workflow101.html#sec-workflow101-rstudio-projects)?
#' Defaults to `TRUE` if in an RStudio session and project has no
#' pre-existing `.Rproj` file. Defaults to `FALSE` otherwise (but note that
#' the cloned repo may already be an RStudio Project, i.e. may already have a
#' `.Rproj` file).
#' @inheritParams use_github
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' create_from_github("r-lib/usethis")
#' # repo_spec can be a URL
#' create_from_github("https://github.com/r-lib/usethis")
#' # a URL repo_spec also specifies the host (e.g. GitHub Enterprise instance)
#' create_from_github("https://github.acme.com/OWNER/REPO")
#' }
create_from_github <- function(repo_spec,
destdir = NULL,
fork = NA,
rstudio = NULL,
open = rlang::is_interactive(),
protocol = git_protocol(),
host = NULL) {
parsed_repo_spec <- parse_repo_url(repo_spec)
if (!is.null(parsed_repo_spec$host)) {
repo_spec <- parsed_repo_spec$repo_spec
host <- parsed_repo_spec$host
whoami <- suppressMessages(gh::gh_whoami(.api_url = host))
no_auth <- is.null(whoami)
user <- if (no_auth) NULL else whoami$login
hint <- code_hint_with_host("gh_token_help", host)
if (no_auth && is.na(fork)) {
"x" = "Unable to discover a GitHub personal access token.",
"x" = "Therefore, can't determine your permissions on {.val {repo_spec}}.",
"x" = "Therefore, can't decide if {.arg fork} should be {.code TRUE} or {.code FALSE}.",
"i" = "You have two choices:",
"_" = "Make your token available (if in doubt, DO THIS):",
" " = "Call {.code {hint}} for instructions that should help.",
"_" = "Call {.fun create_from_github} again, but with {.code fork = FALSE}.",
" " = "Only do this if you are absolutely sure you don't want to fork.",
" " = "Note you will NOT be in a position to make a pull request."
if (no_auth && isTRUE(fork)) {
"x" = "Unable to discover a GitHub personal access token.",
"i" = "A token is required in order to fork {.val {repo_spec}}.",
"_" = "Call {.code {hint}} for help configuring a token."
# one of these is true:
# - gh is discovering a token for `host`
# - gh is NOT discovering a token, but `fork = FALSE`, so that's OK
source_owner <- spec_owner(repo_spec)
repo_name <- spec_repo(repo_spec)
gh <- gh_tr(list(repo_owner = source_owner, repo_name = repo_name, api_url = host))
repo_info <- gh("GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}")
# 2023-01-28 We're seeing the GitHub bug again around default branch in a
# fresh fork. If I create a fork, the POST payload *sometimes* mis-reports the
# default branch. I.e. it reports `main`, even though the actual default
# branch is `master`. Therefore we're reverting to consulting the source repo
# for this info
default_branch <- repo_info$default_branch
if (is.na(fork)) {
fork <- !isTRUE(repo_info$permissions$push)
fork_status <- glue("fork = {fork}")
ui_bullets(c("v" = "Setting {.code {fork_status}}."))
# fork is either TRUE or FALSE
if (fork && identical(user, repo_info$owner$login)) {
Can't fork, because the authenticated user {.val {user}} already owns the
source repo {.val {repo_info$full_name}}.")
destdir <- user_path_prep(destdir %||% conspicuous_place())
challenge_nested_project(destdir, repo_name)
repo_path <- path(destdir, repo_name)
if (fork) {
## https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/forks/#create-a-fork
ui_bullets(c("v" = "Forking {.val {repo_info$full_name}}."))
upstream_url <- switch(
https = repo_info$clone_url,
ssh = repo_info$ssh_url
repo_info <- gh("POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/forks")
ui_bullets(c("i" = "Waiting for the fork to finalize before cloning..."))
origin_url <- switch(
https = repo_info$clone_url,
ssh = repo_info$ssh_url
"v" = "Cloning repo from {.val {origin_url}} into {.path {repo_path}}."
gert::git_clone(origin_url, repo_path, verbose = FALSE)
proj_path <- find_rstudio_root(repo_path)
local_project(proj_path, force = TRUE) # schedule restoration of project
# 2023-01-28 again, it would be more natural to trust the default branch of
# the fork, but that cannot always be trusted. For now, we're still using
# the default branch learned from the source repo.
ui_bullets(c("i" = "Default branch is {.val {default_branch}}."))
if (fork) {
"v" = "Adding {.val upstream} remote: {.val {upstream_url}}"
use_git_remote("upstream", upstream_url)
upstream_remref <- glue("upstream/{default_branch}")
"v" = "Setting remote tracking branch for local {.val {default_branch}}
branch to {.val {upstream_remref}}."
gert::git_branch_set_upstream(upstream_remref, repo = git_repo())
config_key <- glue("remote.upstream.created-by")
gert::git_config_set(config_key, "usethis::create_from_github", repo = git_repo())
rstudio <- rstudio %||% rstudio_available()
rstudio <- rstudio && !is_rstudio_project()
if (rstudio) {
use_rstudio(reformat = FALSE)
if (open) {
if (proj_activate(proj_get())) {
# Working directory/active project changed; so don't undo on exit
# If there's a single directory containing an .Rproj file, use it.
# Otherwise work in the repo root
find_rstudio_root <- function(path) {
rproj <- rproj_paths(path, recurse = TRUE)
if (length(rproj) == 1) {
} else {
challenge_nested_project <- function(path, name) {
if (!possibly_in_proj(path)) {
# creates an undocumented backdoor we can exploit when the interactive
# approval is impractical, e.g. in tests
if (isTRUE(getOption("usethis.allow_nested_project", FALSE))) {
"!" = "New project {.val {name}} is nested inside an existing project
{.path {pth(path)}}, which is rarely a good idea.",
"i" = "If this is unexpected, the {.pkg here} package has a function,
{.fun here::dr_here} that reveals why {.path {pth(path)}} is regarded
as a project."
if (ui_nah("Do you want to create anyway?")) {
ui_abort("Cancelling project creation.")
challenge_home_directory <- function(path) {
homes <- unique(c(path_home(), path_home_r()))
if (!path %in% homes) {
qualification <- if (is_windows()) {
glue("a special directory, i.e. some applications regard it as ")
} else {
"!" = "{.path {pth(path)}} is {qualification}your home directory.",
"i" = "It is generally a bad idea to create a new project here.",
"i" = "You should probably create your new project in a subdirectory."
if (ui_nah("Do you want to create anyway?")) {
ui_abort("Good move! Cancelling project creation.")
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