#' Report working directory and usethis/RStudio project
#' @description `proj_sitrep()` reports
#' * current working directory
#' * the active usethis project
#' * the active RStudio Project
#' @description Call this function if things seem weird and you're not sure
#' what's wrong or how to fix it. Usually, all three of these should coincide
#' (or be unset) and `proj_sitrep()` provides suggested commands for getting
#' back to this happy state.
#' @return A named list, with S3 class `sitrep` (for printing purposes),
#' reporting current working directory, active usethis project, and active
#' RStudio Project
#' @export
#' @family project functions
#' @examples
#' proj_sitrep()
proj_sitrep <- function() {
out <- list(
working_directory = getwd(),
active_usethis_proj = if (proj_active()) proj_get(),
active_rstudio_proj = if (rstudioapi::hasFun("getActiveProject")) {
## TODO(?): address home directory to help clarify fs issues on Windows?
## home_usethis = fs::path_home(),
## home_r = normalizePath("~")
out <- ifelse(map_lgl(out, is.null), out, as.character(path_tidy(out)))
structure(out, class = "sitrep")
#' @export
print.sitrep <- function(x, ...) {
keys <- format(names(x), justify = "right")
purrr::walk2(keys, x, kv_line)
rstudio_proj_is_active <- !is.null(x[["active_rstudio_proj"]])
usethis_proj_is_active <- !is.null(x[["active_usethis_proj"]])
rstudio_proj_is_not_wd <- rstudio_proj_is_active &&
x[["working_directory"]] != x[["active_rstudio_proj"]]
usethis_proj_is_not_wd <- usethis_proj_is_active &&
x[["working_directory"]] != x[["active_usethis_proj"]]
usethis_proj_is_not_rstudio_proj <- usethis_proj_is_active &&
rstudio_proj_is_active &&
x[["active_rstudio_proj"]] != x[["active_usethis_proj"]]
if (rstudio_available() && !rstudio_proj_is_active) {
"i" = "You are working in RStudio, but are not in an RStudio Project.",
"i" = "A Project-based workflow offers many advantages. Read more at:",
" " = "{.url https://docs.posit.co/ide/user/ide/guide/code/projects.html}",
" " = "{.url https://rstats.wtf/projects}"
if (!usethis_proj_is_active) {
"i" = "There is currently no active {.pkg usethis} project.",
"i" = "{.pkg usethis} attempts to activate a project upon first need.",
"_" = "Call {.run usethis::proj_get()} to initiate project discovery.",
"_" = 'Call {.code proj_set("path/to/project")} or
{.code proj_activate("path/to/project")} to provide an explicit
if (usethis_proj_is_not_wd) {
"i" = "Your working directory is not the same as the active usethis project.",
"_" = "Set working directory to the project: {.code setwd(proj_get())}.",
"_" = "Set project to working directory: {.code usethis::proj_set(getwd())}."
if (rstudio_proj_is_not_wd) {
"i" = "Your working directory is not the same as the active RStudio Project.",
"_" = "Set working directory to the Project:
{.code setwd(rstudioapi::getActiveProject())}."
if (usethis_proj_is_not_rstudio_proj) {
"i" = "Your active RStudio Project is not the same as the active
{.pkg usethis} project.",
"_" = "Set active {.pkg usethis} project to RStudio Project:
{.code usethis::proj_set(rstudioapi::getActiveProject())}.",
"_" = "Restart RStudio in the active {.pkg usethis} project:
{.code rstudioapi::openProject(usethis::proj_get())}.",
"_" = "Open the active {.pkg usethis} project in a new instance of RStudio:
{.code usethis::proj_activate(usethis::proj_get())}."
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