
Defines functions is_file_path file_path_update shim_library.dynam shim_library.dynam.unload shim_system.file insert_global_shims insert_imports_shims

Documented in shim_system.file

# Insert shim objects into a package's imports environment
# @param pkg A path or package object
insert_imports_shims <- function(package) {
  imp_env <- imports_env(package)
  imp_env$system.file <- shim_system.file
  imp_env$library.dynam.unload <- shim_library.dynam.unload
  imp_env$library.dynam <- shim_library.dynam

# Create a new environment as the parent of global, with devtools versions of
# help, ?, and system.file.
insert_global_shims <- function(force = FALSE) {
  if ("devtools_shims" %in% search()) {
    if (!force) {
      # If shims already present, just return

  e <- new.env()

  e$help <- shim_help
  e$`?` <- shim_question
  e$system.file <- shim_system.file

  base::attach(e, name = "devtools_shims", warn.conflicts = FALSE)

#' Replacement version of system.file
#' This function is meant to intercept calls to [base::system.file()],
#' so that it behaves well with packages loaded by devtools. It is made
#' available when a package is loaded with [load_all()].
#' When `system.file` is called from the R console (the global
#' environment), this function detects if the target package was loaded with
#' [load_all()], and if so, it uses a customized method of searching
#' for the file. This is necessary because the directory structure of a source
#' package is different from the directory structure of an installed package.
#' When a package is loaded with `load_all`, this function is also inserted
#' into the package's imports environment, so that calls to `system.file`
#' from within the package namespace will use this modified version. If this
#' function were not inserted into the imports environment, then the package
#' would end up calling `base::system.file` instead.
#' @inheritParams base::system.file
#' @rdname system.file
#' @name system.file
shim_system.file <- function(...,
                             package = "base",
                             lib.loc = NULL,
                             mustWork = FALSE) {

  # If package wasn't loaded with devtools, pass through to base::system.file.
  # If package was loaded with devtools (the package loaded with load_all)
  # search for files a bit differently.
  if (!(package %in% dev_packages())) {
      package = package,
      lib.loc = lib.loc,
      mustWork = mustWork

  # Note that the behavior isn't exactly the same as base::system.file with an
  # installed package; in that case, C and D would not be installed and so
  # would not be found. Some other files (like DESCRIPTION, data/, etc) would
  # be installed. To fully duplicate R's package-building and installation
  # behavior would be complicated, so we'll just use this simple method.

  if (dots_n(...) && is_string(..1)) {
    if (is_string("inst", ..1) || grepl("^inst/", ..1)) {
        "Paths can't start with `inst`",
        i = "Files in `inst` are installed at top-level."

  pkg_path <- find.package(package)

  # First look in inst/
  files_inst <- file.path(pkg_path, "inst", ...)
  present_inst <- file.exists(files_inst)

  # For any files that weren't present in inst/, look in the base path
  files_top <- file.path(pkg_path, ...)
  present_top <- file.exists(files_top)

  # Merge them together. Here are the different possible conditions, and the
  # desired result. NULL means to drop that element from the result.
  # files_inst:   /inst/A  /inst/B  /inst/C  /inst/D
  # present_inst:    T        T        F        F
  # files_top:      /A       /B       /C       /D
  # present_top:     T        F        T        F
  # result:       /inst/A  /inst/B    /C       NULL
  files <- files_top
  files[present_inst] <- files_inst[present_inst]
  # Drop cases where not present in either location
  files <- files[present_inst | present_top]

  if (length(files) > 0) {
    # Make sure backslahses are replaced with slashes on Windows
    normalizePath(files, winslash = "/")
  } else {
    if (mustWork) {
      cli::cli_abort("Can't find package file.", call = NULL)

shim_library.dynam.unload <- function(chname, libpath,
                                      verbose = getOption("verbose"),
                                      file.ext = .Platform$dynlib.ext) {

  # If package was loaded by devtools, we need to unload the dll ourselves
  # because libpath works differently from installed packages.
  if (!is.null(dev_meta(chname))) {

  # Should only reach this in the rare case that the devtools-loaded package is
  # trying to unload a different package's DLL.
  base::library.dynam.unload(chname, libpath, verbose, file.ext)

# This shim version of library.dynam addresses the issue raised in:
# https://github.com/r-lib/pkgload/issues/48 It helps `load_all()` to
# find libraries placed within inst/libs/ This CRAN-incompatible
# practice allows for including a custom compiled dll in an R package.
# See also https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8977346.
# This shim function first attempts using base::library.dynam() if
# that fails it uses `inst_library.dynam()` which is very similar but
# inserts "inst/" in the dll/so path.
shim_library.dynam <- function(chname,
                               verbose = getOption("verbose"),
                               file.ext = .Platform$dynlib.ext,
                               ...) {
  err <- tryCatch(
      verbose = getOption("verbose"),
      file.ext = .Platform$dynlib.ext,
    error = identity

  # Call version of library.dynam that adds the inst subdirectory to
  # the dll paths
      verbose = getOption("verbose"),
      file.ext = .Platform$dynlib.ext,
    error = identity

  # Signal original error for debugging

# Version of library.dynam that looks for libraries or objects to load
# within the `inst` package subdirectory
  inst_library.dynam <- modify_lang(base::library.dynam, file_path_update)

file_path_update <- function(x) {
  if (is_file_path(x)) {
    x[[3]] <- file.path("inst", "libs")

is_file_path <- function(x) {
  if (!is_call(x, "file.path")) {

  args <- as.list(x[2:3])
  identical(args, list(quote(pkg), "libs"))
r-pkgs/pkgload documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 4:21 p.m.