
Defines functions issue_details issue_gh issue_info issue_edit issue_comment_add issue_reprex_needed issue_close_community

Documented in issue_close_community issue_reprex_needed

#' Helpers for GitHub issues
#' @description
#' The `issue_*` family of functions allows you to perform common operations on
#' GitHub issues from within R. They're designed to help you efficiently deal
#' with large numbers of issues, particularly motivated by the challenges faced
#' by the tidyverse team.
#' * `issue_close_community()` closes an issue, because it's not a bug report or
#'   feature request, and points the author towards RStudio Community as a
#'   better place to discuss usage (<https://community.rstudio.com>).
#' * `issue_reprex_needed()` labels the issue with the "reprex" label and
#'   gives the author some advice about what is needed.
#' @section Saved replies:
#' Unlike GitHub's "saved replies", these functions can:
#' * Be shared between people
#' * Perform other actions, like labelling, or closing
#' * Have additional arguments
#' * Include randomness (like friendly gifs)
#' @param number Issue number
#' @param reprex Does the issue also need a reprex?
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' issue_close_community(12, reprex = TRUE)
#' issue_reprex_needed(241)
#' }
#' @name issue-this

#' @export
#' @rdname issue-this
issue_close_community <- function(number, reprex = FALSE) {
  tr <- target_repo(github_get = TRUE)
  if (!tr$can_push) {
    # https://docs.github.com/en/github/setting-up-and-managing-organizations-and-teams/repository-permission-levels-for-an-organization#repository-access-for-each-permission-level
    # I have not found a way to detect triage permission via API.
    # It seems you just have to try?
      "!" = "You don't seem to have push access for {.val {tr$repo_spec}}.",
      "i" = "Unless you have triage permissions, you won't be allowed to close
             an issue."
    if (ui_nah("Do you want to try anyway?")) {
      ui_bullets(c("x" = "Cancelling."))

  info <- issue_info(number, tr)
  issue <- issue_details(info)
    "v" = "Closing issue {.val {issue$shorthand}} ({.field {issue$author}}):
           {.val {issue$title}}."
  if (info$state == "closed") {
    ui_abort("Issue {.val {number}} is already closed.")

  reprex_insert <- glue("
    But before you ask there, I'd suggest that you create a \\
    [reprex](https://reprex.tidyverse.org/articles/reprex-dos-and-donts.htm), \\
    because that greatly increases your chances getting help.")

  message <- glue(
    "Hi {issue$author},\n",
    "This issue doesn't appear to be a bug report or a specific feature ",
    "request, so it's more suitable for ",
    "[RStudio Community](https://community.rstudio.com). ",
    if (reprex) reprex_insert else "",

  issue_comment_add(number, message = message, tr = tr)
  issue_edit(number, state = "closed", tr = tr)

#' @export
#' @rdname issue-this
issue_reprex_needed <- function(number) {
  tr <- target_repo(github_get = TRUE)
  if (!tr$can_push) {
    # https://docs.github.com/en/github/setting-up-and-managing-organizations-and-teams/repository-permission-levels-for-an-organization#repository-access-for-each-permission-level
    # I can't find anyway to detect triage permission via API.
    # It seems you just have to try?
      "!" = "You don't seem to have push access for {.val {tr$repo_spec}}.",
      "i" = "Unless you have triage permissions, you won't be allowed to label
             an issue."
    if (ui_nah("Do you want to try anyway?")) {
      ui_bullets(c("x" = "Cancelling."))

  info <- issue_info(number, tr)
  labels <- map_chr(info$labels, "name")
  issue <- issue_details(info)
  if ("reprex" %in% labels) {
    ui_abort("Issue {.val {number}} already has {.val reprex} label.")

    "v" = "Labelling and commenting on issue {.val {issue$shorthand}}
           ({.field {issue$author}}): {.val {issue$title}}."

  message <- glue("
    Can you please provide a minimal reproducible example using the \\
    [reprex](http://reprex.tidyverse.org) package?
    The goal of a reprex is to make it as easy as possible for me to \\
    recreate your problem so that I can fix it.
    If you've never made a minimal reprex before, there is lots of good advice \\
  issue_comment_add(number, message = message, tr = tr)
  issue_edit(number, labels = as.list(union(labels, "reprex")), tr = tr)

# low-level operations ----------------------------------------------------

issue_comment_add <- function(number, message, tr = NULL) {
    "POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{issue_number}/comments",
    number = number,
    body = message,
    tr = tr

issue_edit <- function(number, ..., tr = NULL) {
    "PATCH /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{issue_number}",
    number = number,
    tr = tr

issue_info <- function(number, tr = NULL) {
    "GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{issue_number}",
    number = number,
    tr = tr

# Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Assumptions:
# * Issue number is called `issue_number`; make sure to tweak `endpoint` if
#   necessary.
# * The user-facing caller should pass information about the target repo,
#   because that is required to vet the GitHub remote config anyway.
#   The fallback to target_repo() is purely for development convenience.
issue_gh <- function(endpoint, ..., number, tr = NULL) {
  tr <- tr %||% target_repo(github_get = NA)
  gh <- gh_tr(tr)
  out <- gh(endpoint, ..., issue_number = number)
  if (substr(endpoint, 1, 4) == "GET ") {
  } else {

issue_details <- function(info) {
  repo_dat <- parse_github_remotes(info$html_url)
    shorthand = glue(
    author = glue("@{info$user$login}"),
    title = info$title
r-pkgs/usethis documentation built on May 15, 2024, 2:19 a.m.