
Defines functions new_upstream_but_origin_is_not_fork new_fork_upstream_is_not_origin_parent new_fork_cannot_push_origin new_maybe_fork new_maybe_ours_or_theirs new_fork new_theirs new_ours new_no_github cfg_upstream_but_origin_is_not_fork cfg_fork_upstream_is_not_origin_parent cfg_fork_cannot_push_origin cfg_maybe_fork cfg_fork cfg_maybe_ours_or_theirs cfg_theirs cfg_ours cfg_no_github read_more_maybe read_more all_configs check_can_push check_for_config check_for_maybe_config check_for_bad_config stop_maybe_github_remote_config stop_bad_github_remote_config ui_github_remote_config_wat github_remote_config_wat print.github_remote_config format.github_remote_config pre_format_fields pre_format_remote target_repo_spec target_repo github_remote_config new_github_remote_config github_remotes github_remote_list github_url_from_git_remotes parse_repo_url parse_github_remotes make_spec spec_repo spec_owner parse_repo_spec

parse_repo_spec <- function(repo_spec) {
  repo_split <- strsplit(repo_spec, "/")[[1]]
  if (length(repo_split) != 2) {
    ui_abort("{.arg repo_spec} must be of the form {.val owner/repo}.")
  list(owner = repo_split[[1]], repo = repo_split[[2]])

spec_owner <- function(repo_spec) parse_repo_spec(repo_spec)$owner
spec_repo <- function(repo_spec) parse_repo_spec(repo_spec)$repo

make_spec <- function(owner = NA, repo = NA) {
  no_spec <- is.na(owner) | is.na(repo)
  as.character(ifelse(no_spec, NA, glue("{owner}/{repo}")))

# named vector or list of GitHub URLs --> data frame of URL parts
# more general than the name suggests
# definitely designed for GitHub URLs but not overtly GitHub-specific
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2514859/regular-expression-for-git-repository
# https://git-scm.com/docs/git-clone#_git_urls
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27745/getting-parts-of-a-url-regex
github_remote_regex <- paste0(

parse_github_remotes <- function(x) {
  # https://github.com/r-lib/usethis
  #                                    --> https, github.com,      rlib, usethis
  # https://github.com/r-lib/usethis.git
  #                                    --> https, github.com,      rlib, usethis
  # https://github.com/r-lib/usethis#readme
  #                                    --> https, github.com,      rlib, usethis
  # https://github.com/r-lib/usethis/issues/1169
  #                                    --> https, github.com,      rlib, usethis
  # https://github.acme.com/r-lib/devtools.git
  #                                    --> https, github.acme.com, rlib, usethis
  # git@github.com:r-lib/usethis.git
  #                                    --> ssh,   github.com,      rlib, usethis
  # ssh://git@github.com/rstudio/packrat.git
  #                                    --> ssh,   github.com,      rlib, usethis
  dat <- re_match(x, github_remote_regex)

  dat$protocol <- sub("://$", "", dat$protocol)
  dat$user <- sub("@$", "", dat$user)
  dat$repo_name <- sub("[.]git$", "", dat$repo_name)
  dat$url <- dat$.text

  # as.character() necessary for edge case of length-0 input
  dat$protocol <- as.character(ifelse(dat$protocol == "https", "https", "ssh"))
  dat$name <- if (rlang::is_named(x)) {
  } else {
    rep_len(NA_character_, length.out = nrow(dat))

  dat[c("name", "url", "host", "repo_owner", "repo_name", "protocol")]

parse_repo_url <- function(x) {
  dat <- re_match(x, github_remote_regex)
  if (is.na(dat$.match)) {
    list(repo_spec = x, host = NULL)
  } else {
    dat <- parse_github_remotes(x)
    # TODO: generalize here for GHE hosts that don't include 'github'
    if (!grepl("github", dat$host)) {
      ui_abort("URL doesn't seem to be associated with GitHub: {.val {x}}")
      repo_spec = make_spec(owner = dat$repo_owner, repo = dat$repo_name),
      host = glue("https://{dat$host}")

github_url_from_git_remotes <- function() {
  tr <- tryCatch(target_repo(github_get = NA), error = function(e) NULL)
  if (is.null(tr)) {
  parsed <- parse_github_remotes(tr$url)
  glue_data_chr(parsed, "https://{host}/{repo_owner}/{repo_name}")

#' Gather LOCAL data on GitHub-associated remotes
#' Creates a data frame where each row represents a GitHub-associated remote.
#' The data frame is initialized via `gert::git_remote_list()`, possibly
#' filtered for specific remote names. The remote URLs are parsed into parts,
#' like `host` and `repo_owner`. This is filtered again for rows where the
#' `host` appears to be a GitHub deployment (currently a crude search for
#' "github"). Some of these parts are recombined or embellished to get new
#' columns (`host_url`, `api_url`, `repo_spec`). All operations are entirely
#' mechanical and local.
#' @param these Intersect the list of remotes with `these` remote names. To keep
#'   all remotes, use `these = NULL` or `these = character()`.
#' @param x Data frame with character columns `name` and `url`. Exposed as an
#'   argument for internal reasons. It's so we can call the functions that
#'   marshal info about GitHub remotes with 0-row input to obtain a properly
#'   typed template without needing a Git repo or calling GitHub. We just want
#'   to get a data frame with zero rows, but with the column names and types
#'   implicit in our logic.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
github_remote_list <- function(these = c("origin", "upstream"), x = NULL) {
  x <- x %||% gert::git_remote_list(repo = git_repo())
  check_character(these, allow_null = TRUE)
  if (length(these) > 0) {
    x <- x[x$name %in% these, ]

  parsed <- parse_github_remotes(set_names(x$url, x$name))
  # TODO: generalize here for GHE hosts that don't include 'github'
  is_github <- grepl("github", parsed$host)
  parsed <- parsed[is_github, ]

  parsed$remote <- parsed$name
  parsed$host_url <- glue_chr("https://{parsed$host}")
  parsed$api_url <- map_chr(parsed$host_url, get_apiurl)
  parsed$repo_spec <- make_spec(parsed$repo_owner, parsed$repo_name)

    "url", "host_url", "api_url", "host", "protocol",
    "repo_owner", "repo_name", "repo_spec"

#' Gather LOCAL and (maybe) REMOTE data on GitHub-associated remotes
#' Creates a data frame where each row represents a GitHub-associated remote,
#' starting with the output of `github_remote_list()` (local data). This
#' function's job is to (maybe) add information we can only get from the GitHub
#' API. If `github_get = FALSE`, we don't even attempt to call the API.
#' Otherwise, we try and will succeed if gh discovers a suitable token. The
#' resulting data, even if the API data is absent, is massaged into a data
#' frame.
#' @inheritParams github_remote_list
#' @param github_get Whether to attempt to get repo info from the GitHub API. We
#'   try for `NA` (the default) and `TRUE`. If we aren't successful, we proceed
#'   anyway for `NA` but error for `TRUE`. When `FALSE`, no attempt is made to
#'   call the API.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
github_remotes <- function(these = c("origin", "upstream"),
                           github_get = NA,
                           x = NULL) {
  grl <- github_remote_list(these = these, x = x)
  get_gh_repo <- function(repo_owner, repo_name,
                          api_url = "https://api.github.com") {
    if (isFALSE(github_get)) {
      f <- function(...) list()
    } else {
      f <- purrr::possibly(gh::gh, otherwise = list())
      "GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}",
      owner = repo_owner, repo = repo_name, .api_url = api_url
  repo_info <- purrr::pmap(
    grl[c("repo_owner", "repo_name", "api_url")],
  # NOTE: these can be two separate matters:
  # 1. Did we call the GitHub API? Means we know `is_fork` and the parent repo.
  # 2. If so, did we call it with auth? Means we know if we can push.
  grl$github_got <- map_lgl(repo_info, ~ length(.x) > 0)
  if (isTRUE(github_get) && any(!grl$github_got)) {
    oops <- which(!grl$github_got)
    oops_remotes <- grl$remote[oops]
    oops_hosts <- unique(grl$host[oops])
      "Unable to get GitHub info for these remotes: {.val {oops_remotes}}.",
      "Are we offline? Is GitHub down? Has the repo been deleted?",
      "Otherwise, you probably need to configure a personal access token (PAT)
       for {.val {oops_hosts}}.",
      "See {.run usethis::gh_token_help()} for advice."

  grl$default_branch <- map_chr(repo_info, "default_branch", .default = NA)
  grl$is_fork <- map_lgl(repo_info, "fork", .default = NA)
  # `permissions` is an example of data that is not present if the request
  # did not include a PAT
  grl$can_push <- map_lgl(repo_info, c("permissions", "push"), .default = NA)
  grl$can_admin <- map_lgl(repo_info, c("permissions", "admin"), .default = NA)
  grl$perm_known <- !is.na(grl$can_push)
  grl$parent_repo_owner <-
    map_chr(repo_info, c("parent", "owner", "login"), .default = NA)
  grl$parent_repo_name <-
    map_chr(repo_info, c("parent", "name"), .default = NA)
  grl$parent_repo_spec <-  make_spec(grl$parent_repo_owner, grl$parent_repo_name)

  parent_info <- purrr::pmap(
      grl[c("parent_repo_owner", "parent_repo_name", "api_url")],
      ~ sub("parent_", "", .x)
  grl$can_push_to_parent <-
    map_lgl(parent_info, c("permissions", "push"), .default = NA)


#' Classify the GitHub remote configuration
#' @description
#' Classify the active project's GitHub remote situation, so diagnostic and
#' other downstream functions can decide whether to proceed / abort / complain &
#' offer to fix.
#' We only consider the remotes where:
#' * Name is `origin` or `upstream` and the remote URL "looks like github"
#'   (github.com or a GHE deployment)
#' We have to call the GitHub API to fully characterize the GitHub remote
#' situation. That's the only way to learn if the user can push to a remote,
#' whether a remote is a fork, and which repo is the parent of a fork.
#' `github_get` controls whether we make these API calls.
#' Some functions can get by with the information that's available locally, i.e.
#' we can use simple logic to decide whether to target `origin` or `upstream` or
#' present the user with a choice. We can set `github_get = FALSE` in this case.
#' Other functions, like the `pr_*()` functions, are more demanding and we'll
#' always determine the config with `github_get = TRUE`.
#' Most usethis functions should call the higher-level functions `target_repo()`
#' or `target_repo_spec()`.
#' Only functions that really need full access to the GitHub remote config
#' should call this directly. Ways to work with a config:
#' * `cfg <- github_remote_config(github_get = )`
#' * `check_for_bad_config(cfg)` errors for obviously bad configs (by default)
#'   or you can specify the configs considered to be bad
#' * Emit a custom message then call `stop_bad_github_remote_config()` directly
#' * If the config is suboptimal-but-supported, use
#'   `ui_github_remote_config_wat()` to educate the user and give them a chance
#'   to back out.
#' Fields in an instance of `github_remote_config`:
#' * `type`: explained below
#' * `pr_ready`: Logical. Do the `pr_*()` functions support it?
#' * `desc`: A description used in messages and menus.
#' * `origin`: Information about the `origin` GitHub remote.
#' * `upstream`: Information about the `upstream` GitHub remote.
#' Possible GitHub remote configurations, the common cases:
#' * no_github: No `origin`, no `upstream`.
#' * ours: `origin` exists, is not a fork, and we can push to it. Owner of
#'   `origin` could be current user, another user, or an org. No `upstream`.
#'   - Less common variant: `upstream` exists, `origin` does not, and we can
#'     push to `upstream`. The fork-ness of `upstream` is not consulted.
#' * fork: `origin` exists and we can push to it. `origin` is a fork of the repo
#'   configured as `upstream`. We may or may not be able to push to `upstream`.
#' * theirs: Exactly one of `origin` and `upstream` exist and we can't push to
#'   it. The fork-ness of this remote repo is not consulted.
#' Possible GitHub remote configurations, the peculiar ones:
#' * fork_upstream_is_not_origin_parent: `origin` exists, it's a fork, but its
#'   parent repo is not configured as `upstream`. Either there's no `upstream`
#'   or `upstream` exists but it's not the parent of `origin`.
#' * fork_cannot_push_origin: `origin` is a fork and its parent is configured
#'   as `upstream`. But we can't push to `origin`.
#' * upstream_but_origin_is_not_fork: `origin` and `upstream` both exist, but
#'   `origin` is not a fork of anything and, specifically, it's not a fork of
#'   `upstream`.
#'  Remote configuration "guesses" we apply when `github_get = FALSE` or when
#'  we make unauthorized requests (no PAT found) and therefore have no info on
#'  permissions
#'  * maybe_ours_or_theirs: Exactly one of `origin` and `upstream` exists.
#'  * maybe_fork: Both `origin` and `upstream` exist.
#' @inheritParams github_remotes
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
new_github_remote_config <- function() {
  ptype <- github_remotes(
    x = data.frame(name = character(), url = character(), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # 0-row df --> a well-named list of properly typed NAs
  ptype <- map(ptype, ~ c(NA, .x))
      type = NA_character_,
      host_url = NA_character_,
      pr_ready = FALSE,
      desc = "Unexpected remote configuration.",
      origin   = c(name = "origin",   is_configured = FALSE, ptype),
      upstream = c(name = "upstream", is_configured = FALSE, ptype)
    class = "github_remote_config"

github_remote_config <- function(github_get = NA) {
  cfg <- new_github_remote_config()
  grl <- github_remotes(github_get = github_get)

  if (nrow(grl) == 0) {

  cfg$origin$is_configured   <- "origin"   %in% grl$remote
  cfg$upstream$is_configured <- "upstream" %in% grl$remote

  single_remote <- xor(cfg$origin$is_configured, cfg$upstream$is_configured)

  if (!single_remote) {
    if (length(unique(grl$host)) != 1) {
        "Internal error: Multiple GitHub hosts.",
        "{.val {grl$host}}"
    if (length(unique(grl$github_got)) != 1) {
        "Internal error: Got GitHub API info for some remotes, but not all.",
        "Do all the remotes still exist? Do you still have access?"
    if (length(unique(grl$perm_known)) != 1) {
        Internal error: Know GitHub permissions for some remotes, but not all.")
  cfg$host_url <- unique(grl$host_url)
  github_got <- any(grl$github_got)
  perm_known <- any(grl$perm_known)

  if (cfg$origin$is_configured) {
    cfg$origin <-
      utils::modifyList(cfg$origin, grl[grl$remote == "origin",])

  if (cfg$upstream$is_configured) {
    cfg$upstream <-
      utils::modifyList(cfg$upstream, grl[grl$remote == "upstream",])

  if (github_got && !single_remote) {
    cfg$origin$parent_is_upstream <-
      identical(cfg$origin$parent_repo_spec, cfg$upstream$repo_spec)

  if (!github_got || !perm_known) {
    if (single_remote) {
    } else {
  # `github_got` must be TRUE
  # `perm_known` must be TRUE

  # origin only
  if (single_remote && cfg$origin$is_configured) {
    if (cfg$origin$is_fork) {
      if (cfg$origin$can_push) {
      } else {
    } else {
      if (cfg$origin$can_push) {
      } else {

  # upstream only
  if (single_remote && cfg$upstream$is_configured) {
    if (cfg$upstream$can_push) {
    } else {

  # origin and upstream
  if (cfg$origin$is_fork) {
    if (cfg$origin$parent_is_upstream) {
      if (cfg$origin$can_push) {
      } else {
    } else {
  } else {

#' Select a target (GitHub) repo
#' @description

#' Returns information about ONE GitHub repository. Used when we need to
#' designate which repo we will, e.g., open an issue on or activate a CI service
#' for. This information might be used in a GitHub API request or to form URLs.

#' Examples:
#' * Badge URLs
#' * URLs where you can activate a CI service
#' * URLs for DESCRIPTION fields such as URL and BugReports

#' `target_repo()` passes `github_get` along to `github_remote_config()`. If
#' `github_get = TRUE`, `target_repo()` will error for configs other than
#' `"ours"` or `"fork"`. `target_repo()` always errors for bad configs. If
#' `github_get = NA` or `FALSE`, the "maybe" configs are tolerated.
#' `target_repo_spec()` is a less capable function for when you just need an
#' `OWNER/REPO` spec. Currently, it does not set or offer control over
#' `github_get`, although I've considered explicitly setting `github_get =
#' FALSE` or adding this argument, defaulting to `FALSE`.

#' @inheritParams github_remotes

#' @param cfg An optional GitHub remote configuration. Used to get the target
#'   repo when the function had some need for the full config.
#' @param role We use "source" to mean the principal repo where a project's
#'   development happens. We use "primary" to mean the principal repo this
#'   particular user interacts with or has the greatest power over. They can be
#'   the same or different. Examples:
#' * For a personal project you own, "source" and "primary" are the same.
#'   Presumably the `origin` remote.
#' * For a collaboratively developed project, an outside contributor must create
#'   a fork in order to make a PR. For such a person, their fork is "primary"
#'   (presumably `origin`) and the original repo that they forked is "source"
#'   (presumably `upstream`).
#' This is *almost* consistent with terminology used by the GitHub API. A fork
#' has a "source repo" and a "parent repo", which are usually the same. They
#' only differ when working with a fork of a repo that is itself a fork. In this
#' rare case, the parent is the immediate fork parent and the source is the
#' ur-parent, i.e. the root of this particular tree. The source repo is not a
#' fork.
#' @param ask In some configurations, if `ask = TRUE` and we're in an
#'   interactive session, user gets a choice between `origin` and `upstream`.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
target_repo <- function(cfg = NULL,
                        github_get = NA,
                        role = c("source", "primary"),
                        ask = is_interactive(),
                        ok_configs = c("ours", "fork", "theirs")) {
  cfg <- cfg %||% github_remote_config(github_get = github_get)
  stopifnot(inherits(cfg, "github_remote_config"))
  role <- match.arg(role)


  if (isTRUE(github_get)) {
    check_for_config(cfg, ok_configs = ok_configs)

  # upstream only
  if (cfg$upstream$is_configured && !cfg$origin$is_configured) {

  # origin only
  if (cfg$origin$is_configured && !cfg$upstream$is_configured) {

  if (!ask || !is_interactive()) {
      source  = cfg$upstream,
      primary = cfg$origin

  choices <- c(
    origin   = ui_pre_glue("<<cfg$origin$repo_spec>> = {.val origin}"),
    upstream = ui_pre_glue("<<cfg$upstream$repo_spec>> = {.val upstream}")
  choices_formatted <- map_chr(choices, cli::format_inline)
  title <- "Which repo should we target?"
  choice <- utils::menu(choices_formatted, graphics = FALSE, title = title)

target_repo_spec <- function(role = c("source", "primary"),
                             ask = is_interactive()) {
  tr <- target_repo(role = match.arg(role), ask = ask)

# formatting github remote configurations for humans ---------------------------
pre_format_remote <- function(remote) {
  effective_spec <- function(remote) {
    if (remote$is_configured) {
      ui_pre_glue("{.val <<remote$repo_spec>>}")
    } else {
      ui_special("not configured")
  push_clause <- function(remote) {
    if (!remote$is_configured || is.na(remote$can_push)) {
    if (remote$can_push) " (can push)" else " (can not push)"
  out <- c(
    glue("{remote$name} = {effective_spec(remote)}"),
    if (isTRUE(remote$is_fork)) {
      ui_pre_glue(" = fork of {.val <<remote$parent_repo_spec>>}")

pre_format_fields <- function(cfg) {
    type = ui_pre_glue("Type = {.val <<cfg$type>>}"),
    host_url = ui_pre_glue("Host = {.val <<cfg$host_url>>}"),
    # extra brackets here ensure value is formatted as logical (vs string)
    pr_ready = ui_pre_glue("Config supports a pull request = {.val {<<cfg$pr_ready>>}}"),
    origin = pre_format_remote(cfg$origin),
    upstream = pre_format_remote(cfg$upstream),
    desc = cfg$desc

#' @export
format.github_remote_config <- function(x, ...) {
  x_fmt <- pre_format_fields(x)
  x_fmt$desc <- map_chr(x_fmt$desc, cli::format_inline)
  x_fmt <- purrr::map_if(x_fmt, function(x) length(x) == 1, cli::format_inline)
  out <- unlist(unname(x_fmt))

  nms <- names2(out)
  nms <- ifelse(nzchar(nms), nms, "*")
  names(out) <- nms


#' @export
print.github_remote_config <- function(x, ...) {
  withr::local_options(usethis.quiet = FALSE)
  ui_bullets(format(x, ...))

# refines output of format_fields() to create input better suited to
# ui_github_remote_config_wat() and stop_bad_github_remote_config()
github_remote_config_wat <- function(cfg, context = c("menu", "abort")) {
  context <- match.arg(context)
  adjective <- switch(context, menu = "Unexpected", abort = "Unsupported")
  out <- format(cfg)

  type_idx <- grep("^Type", out)
  out[type_idx] <- ui_pre_glue("
    <<adjective>> GitHub remote configuration: {.val <<cfg$type>>}")
  names(out)[type_idx] <- "x"

  pr_idx <- grep("pull request", out)
  out <- out[-pr_idx]


# returns TRUE if user selects "no" --> exit the calling function
# return FALSE if user select "yes" --> keep going, they've been warned
ui_github_remote_config_wat <- function(cfg) {
    github_remote_config_wat(cfg, context = "menu"),
    yes = "Yes, I want to proceed. I know what I'm doing.",
    no = "No, I want to stop and straighten out my GitHub remotes first.",
    shuffle = FALSE

stop_bad_github_remote_config <- function(cfg) {
    github_remote_config_wat(cfg, context = "abort"),
    class = "usethis_error_bad_github_remote_config",
    cfg = cfg

stop_maybe_github_remote_config <- function(cfg) {
  msg <- c(
      Pull request functions can't work with GitHub remote configuration:
      {.val <<cfg$type>>}."),
    "The most likely problem is that we aren't discovering your GitHub personal
     access token.",
  idx <- grep("Unexpected GitHub remote configuration", msg)
  msg <- msg[-idx]

    message = unlist(msg),
    class = "usethis_error_invalid_pr_config",
    cfg = cfg

check_for_bad_config <- function(cfg,
                                 bad_configs = c(
                                 )) {
  if (cfg$type %in% bad_configs) {

check_for_maybe_config <- function(cfg) {
  maybe_configs <- grep("^maybe_", all_configs(), value = TRUE)
  if (cfg$type %in% maybe_configs) {

check_for_config <- function(cfg = NULL,
                             ok_configs = c("ours", "fork", "theirs")) {
  cfg <- cfg %||% github_remote_config(github_get = TRUE)
  stopifnot(inherits(cfg, "github_remote_config"))

  if (cfg$type %in% ok_configs) {


  bad_configs <- grep("^maybe_", all_configs(), invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)
  bad_configs <- setdiff(bad_configs, ok_configs)

  check_for_bad_config(cfg, bad_configs = bad_configs)

    Internal error: Unexpected GitHub remote configuration: {.val {cfg$type}}.")

check_can_push <- function(tr = target_repo(github_get = TRUE),
                           objective = "for this operation") {
  if (isTRUE(tr$can_push)) {
    You don't seem to have push access for {.val {tr$repo_spec}}, which
    is required {objective}.")

# github remote configurations -------------------------------------------------
all_configs <- function() {

read_more <- function() {
    "i" = "Read more about the GitHub remote configurations that usethis supports at:",
    " " = "{.url https://happygitwithr.com/common-remote-setups.html}."

read_more_maybe <- function() {
    "i" = "Read more about what this GitHub remote configuration means at:",
    " " = "{.url https://happygitwithr.com/common-remote-setups.html}."

cfg_no_github <- function(cfg) {
      type = "no_github",
      pr_ready = FALSE,
      desc = c(
        "!" = "Neither {.val origin} nor {.val upstream} is a GitHub repo.",

cfg_ours <- function(cfg) {
      type = "ours",
      pr_ready = TRUE,
      desc = c(
        "i" = "{.val origin} is both the source and primary repo.",

cfg_theirs <- function(cfg) {
  configured <- if (cfg$origin$is_configured) "origin" else "upstream"
      type = "theirs",
      pr_ready = FALSE,
      desc = c(
        "!" = ui_pre_glue("
                The only configured GitHub remote is {.val <<configured>>},
                which you cannot push to."),
        "i" = "If your goal is to make a pull request, you must fork-and-clone.",
        "i" = "{.fun usethis::create_from_github} can do this.",

cfg_maybe_ours_or_theirs <- function(cfg) {
  if (cfg$origin$is_configured) {
    configured <- "origin"
    not_configured <- "upstream"
  } else {
    configured <- "upstream"
    not_configured <- "origin"
      type = "maybe_ours_or_theirs",
      pr_ready = NA,
      desc = c(
        "!" = ui_pre_glue("
                {.val <<configured>>} is a GitHub repo and
                {.val <<not_configured>>} is either not configured or is not a
                GitHub repo."),
        "i" = "We may be offline or you may need to configure a GitHub personal
               access token.",
        "i" = "{.run usethis::gh_token_help()} can help with that.",

cfg_fork <- function(cfg) {
      type = "fork",
      pr_ready = TRUE,
      desc = c(
        "i" = ui_pre_glue("
                {.val origin} is a fork of {.val <<cfg$upstream$repo_spec>>},
                which is configured as the {.val upstream} remote."),

cfg_maybe_fork <- function(cfg) {
      type = "maybe_fork",
      pr_ready = NA,
      desc = c(
        "!" = ui_pre_glue("
                Both {.val origin} and {.val upstream} appear to be GitHub
                repos. However, we can't confirm their relationship to each
                other (e.g., fork and fork parent) or your permissions (e.g.
                push access)."),
        "i" = "We may be offline or you may need to configure a GitHub personal
               access token.",
        "i" = "{.run usethis::gh_token_help()} can help with that.",

cfg_fork_cannot_push_origin <- function(cfg) {
      type = "fork_cannot_push_origin",
      pr_ready = FALSE,
      desc = c(
        "!" = ui_pre_glue("
                The {.val origin} remote is a fork, but you can't push to it."),

cfg_fork_upstream_is_not_origin_parent <- function(cfg) {
      type = "fork_upstream_is_not_origin_parent",
      pr_ready = FALSE,
      desc = c(
        "!" = ui_pre_glue("
                The {.val origin} GitHub remote is a fork, but its parent is
                not configured as the {.val upstream} remote."),

cfg_upstream_but_origin_is_not_fork <- function(cfg) {
      type = "upstream_but_origin_is_not_fork",
      pr_ready = FALSE,
      desc = c(
        "!" = ui_pre_glue("
                Both {.val origin} and {.val upstream} are GitHub remotes, but
                {.val origin} is not a fork and, in particular, is not a fork of
                {.val upstream}."),

# construct instances of `github_remote_config` for dev/testing purposes--------
new_no_github <- function() {
  cfg <- new_github_remote_config()

new_ours <- function() {
  remotes <- data.frame(name = "origin", url = "https://github.com/OWNER/REPO.git")
  grl <- github_remotes(github_get = FALSE, x = remotes)
  grl$github_got <- grl$perm_known <- TRUE
  grl$default_branch <- "DEFAULT_BRANCH"

  grl$is_fork <- FALSE
  grl$can_push <- grl$can_admin <- TRUE

  cfg <- new_github_remote_config()
  cfg$origin <- utils::modifyList(cfg$origin, grl[grl$remote == "origin",])
  cfg$host_url <- grl$host_url
  cfg$origin$is_configured <- TRUE

new_theirs <- function() {
  remotes <- data.frame(name = "origin", url = "https://github.com/OWNER/REPO.git")
  grl <- github_remotes(github_get = FALSE, x = remotes)
  grl$github_got <- grl$perm_known <- TRUE
  grl$default_branch <- "DEFAULT_BRANCH"

  grl$can_push <- grl$can_admin <- FALSE

  cfg <- new_github_remote_config()
  cfg$origin <- utils::modifyList(cfg$origin, grl[grl$remote == "origin",])
  cfg$host_url <- grl$host_url
  cfg$origin$is_configured <- TRUE

new_fork <- function() {
  remotes <- data.frame(
    name = c("origin", "upstream"),
    url = c("https://github.com/CONTRIBUTOR/REPO.git", "https://github.com/OWNER/REPO.git")
  grl <- github_remotes(github_get = FALSE, x = remotes)
  grl$github_got <- grl$perm_known <- TRUE
  grl$default_branch <- "DEFAULT_BRANCH"

  grl$is_fork <- c(TRUE, FALSE)
  grl$parent_repo_owner <- c("OWNER", NA)
  grl$parent_repo_name <- c("REPO", NA)
  grl$can_push_to_parent <- c(FALSE, NA)
  grl$parent_repo_spec <-  make_spec(grl$parent_repo_owner, grl$parent_repo_name)

  grl$can_push <- grl$can_admin <- c(TRUE, FALSE)

  cfg <- new_github_remote_config()
  cfg$origin <- utils::modifyList(cfg$origin, grl[grl$remote == "origin",])
  cfg$upstream <- utils::modifyList(cfg$upstream, grl[grl$remote == "upstream",])
  cfg$host_url <- grl$host_url[1]
  cfg$origin$is_configured <- cfg$upstream$is_configured <- TRUE
  cfg$origin$parent_is_upstream <- TRUE

new_maybe_ours_or_theirs <- function() {
  remotes <- data.frame(name = "origin", url = "https://github.com/OWNER/REPO.git")
  grl <- github_remotes(github_get = FALSE, x = remotes)
  grl$github_got <-grl$perm_known <- FALSE
  grl$default_branch <- "DEFAULT_BRANCH"

  cfg <- new_github_remote_config()
  cfg$origin <- utils::modifyList(cfg$origin, grl[grl$remote == "origin",])
  cfg$host_url <- grl$host_url
  cfg$origin$is_configured <- TRUE

new_maybe_fork <- function() {
  remotes <- data.frame(
    name = c("origin", "upstream"),
    url = c("https://github.com/CONTRIBUTOR/REPO.git", "https://github.com/OWNER/REPO.git")
  grl <- github_remotes(github_get = FALSE, x = remotes)
  grl$github_got <-grl$perm_known <- FALSE
  grl$default_branch <- "DEFAULT_BRANCH"

  cfg <- new_github_remote_config()
  cfg$origin <- utils::modifyList(cfg$origin, grl[grl$remote == "origin",])
  cfg$upstream <- utils::modifyList(cfg$upstream, grl[grl$remote == "upstream",])
  cfg$host_url <- grl$host_url[1]
  cfg$origin$is_configured <- cfg$upstream$is_configured <- TRUE

new_fork_cannot_push_origin <- function() {
  remotes <- data.frame(
    name = c("origin", "upstream"),
    url = c("https://github.com/CONTRIBUTOR/REPO.git", "https://github.com/OWNER/REPO.git")
  grl <- github_remotes(github_get = FALSE, x = remotes)
  grl$github_got <-grl$perm_known <- TRUE
  grl$default_branch <- "DEFAULT_BRANCH"

  cfg <- new_github_remote_config()
  cfg$origin <- utils::modifyList(cfg$origin, grl[grl$remote == "origin",])
  cfg$upstream <- utils::modifyList(cfg$upstream, grl[grl$remote == "upstream",])
  cfg$host_url <- grl$host_url[1]
  cfg$origin$is_configured <- cfg$upstream$is_configured <- TRUE

  cfg$origin$parent_is_upstream <- FALSE


new_fork_upstream_is_not_origin_parent<- function() {
  remotes <- data.frame(
    name = c("origin", "upstream"),
    url = c("https://github.com/CONTRIBUTOR/REPO.git", "https://github.com/OLD_OWNER/REPO.git")
  grl <- github_remotes(github_get = FALSE, x = remotes)
  grl$github_got <- grl$perm_known <- TRUE
  grl$default_branch <- "DEFAULT_BRANCH"

  grl$is_fork <- c(TRUE, FALSE)
  grl$parent_repo_owner <- c("NEW_OWNER", NA)
  grl$parent_repo_name <- c("REPO", NA)
  grl$can_push_to_parent <- c(FALSE, NA)
  grl$parent_repo_spec <-  make_spec(grl$parent_repo_owner, grl$parent_repo_name)
  grl$can_push <- grl$can_admin <- c(TRUE, FALSE)

  cfg <- new_github_remote_config()
  cfg$origin <- utils::modifyList(cfg$origin, grl[grl$remote == "origin",])
  cfg$upstream <- utils::modifyList(cfg$upstream, grl[grl$remote == "upstream",])
  cfg$host_url <- grl$host_url[1]
  cfg$origin$is_configured <- cfg$upstream$is_configured <- TRUE


new_upstream_but_origin_is_not_fork <- function() {
  remotes <- data.frame(
    name = c("origin", "upstream"),
    url = c("https://github.com/CONTRIBUTOR/REPO.git", "https://github.com/OWNER/REPO.git")
  grl <- github_remotes(github_get = FALSE, x = remotes)
  grl$github_got <-grl$perm_known <- TRUE
  grl$default_branch <- "DEFAULT_BRANCH"

  grl$is_fork <- FALSE

  cfg <- new_github_remote_config()
  cfg$origin <- utils::modifyList(cfg$origin, grl[grl$remote == "origin",])
  cfg$upstream <- utils::modifyList(cfg$upstream, grl[grl$remote == "upstream",])
  cfg$host_url <- grl$host_url[1]
  cfg$origin$is_configured <- cfg$upstream$is_configured <- TRUE

  cfg$origin$parent_is_upstream <- FALSE

r-pkgs/usethis documentation built on May 15, 2024, 2:19 a.m.