
Defines functions valid_file_name check_file_name compute_active_name compute_name use_test use_r

Documented in use_r use_test

#' Create or edit R or test files
#' This pair of functions makes it easy to create paired R and test files,
#' using the convention that the tests for `R/foofy.R` should live
#' in `tests/testthat/test-foofy.R`. You can use them to create new files
#' from scratch by supplying `name`, or if you use RStudio, you can call
#' to create (or navigate to) the paired file based on the currently open
#' script.
#' @section Renaming files in an existing package:
#' Here are some tips on aligning file names across `R/` and `tests/testthat/`
#' in an existing package that did not necessarily follow this convention
#' before.
#' This script generates a data frame of `R/` and test files that can help you
#' identify missed opportunities for pairing:
#' ```
#' library(fs)
#' library(tidyverse)
#' bind_rows(
#'   tibble(
#'     type = "R",
#'     path = dir_ls("R/", regexp = "\\.[Rr]$"),
#'     name = as.character(path_ext_remove(path_file(path))),
#'   ),
#'   tibble(
#'     type = "test",
#'     path = dir_ls("tests/testthat/", regexp = "/test[^/]+\\.[Rr]$"),
#'     name = as.character(path_ext_remove(str_remove(path_file(path), "^test[-_]"))),
#'   )
#' ) %>%
#'   pivot_wider(names_from = type, values_from = path) %>%
#'   print(n = Inf)
#' ```
#' The [rename_files()] function can also be helpful.
#' @param name Either a string giving a file name (without directory) or
#'   `NULL` to take the name from the currently open file in RStudio.
#' @inheritParams edit_file
#' @seealso The [testing](https://r-pkgs.org/testing-basics.html) and
#'   [R code](https://r-pkgs.org/code.html) chapters of
#'   [R Packages](https://r-pkgs.org).
#' @export
use_r <- function(name = NULL, open = rlang::is_interactive()) {

  path <- path("R", compute_name(name))
  edit_file(proj_path(path), open = open)


#' @rdname use_r
#' @export
use_test <- function(name = NULL, open = rlang::is_interactive()) {
  if (!uses_testthat()) {

  path <- path("tests", "testthat", paste0("test-", compute_name(name)))
  if (!file_exists(path)) {
    use_template("test-example-2.1.R", save_as = path)
  edit_file(proj_path(path), open = open)


# helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------

compute_name <- function(name = NULL, ext = "R", error_call = caller_env()) {
  if (!is.null(name)) {
    check_file_name(name, call = error_call)

    if (path_ext(name) == "") {
      name <- path_ext_set(name, ext)
    } else if (path_ext(name) != ext) {
        "{.arg name} must have extension {.str {ext}}, not {.str {path_ext(name)}}.",
        call = error_call

  if (!rstudio_available()) {
      "{.arg name} is absent but must be specified.",
      call = error_call
    path = rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()$path,
    ext = ext,
    error_call = error_call

compute_active_name <- function(path, ext, error_call = caller_env()) {
  if (is.null(path)) {
        "No file is open in RStudio.",
        i = "Please specify {.arg name}."
      call = error_call

  ## rstudioapi can return a path like '~/path/to/file' where '~' means
  ## R's notion of user's home directory
  path <- proj_path_prep(path_expand_r(path))

  dir <- path_dir(proj_rel_path(path))
  if (!dir %in% c("R", "src", "tests/testthat")) {
    cli::cli_abort("Open file must be a code or test file.", call = error_call)

  file <- path_file(path)
  if (dir == "tests/testthat") {
    file <- gsub("^test[-_]", "", file)
  as.character(path_ext_set(file, ext))

check_file_name <- function(name, call = caller_env()) {
  if (!is_string(name)) {
    cli::cli_abort("{.arg name} must be a single string", call = call)

  if (name == "") {
    cli::cli_abort("{.arg name} must not be an empty string", call = call)

  if (path_dir(name) != ".") {
      "{.arg name} must be a file name without directory.",
      call = call

  if (!valid_file_name(path_ext_remove(name))) {
        "{.arg name} ({.str {name}}) must be a valid file name.",
        i = "A valid file name consists of only ASCII letters, numbers, '-', and '_'."
      call = call

valid_file_name <- function(x) {
  grepl("^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$", x)
r-pkgs/usethis documentation built on May 15, 2024, 2:19 a.m.