
Defines functions use_github_action_check_full use_github_action_pr_commands use_github_action_check_standard use_github_action_check_release use_github_actions browse_travis use_appveyor_badge use_appveyor use_pkgdown_travis use_travis_badge use_travis deprecate_warn_repo_spec deprecate_warn_auth_token deprecate_warn_host deprecate_warn_credentials use_git_credentials git_credentials use_tidy_eval use_tidy_ci use_tidy_labels git_branch_default github_token browse_github_pat browse_github_token pr_sync pr_pull_upstream

Documented in browse_github_pat browse_github_token browse_travis git_branch_default git_credentials github_token pr_pull_upstream pr_sync use_appveyor use_appveyor_badge use_git_credentials use_github_action_check_full use_github_action_check_release use_github_action_check_standard use_github_action_pr_commands use_github_actions use_pkgdown_travis use_tidy_ci use_tidy_eval use_tidy_labels use_travis use_travis_badge

#' Defunct PR functions
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("defunct")`
#' * `pr_pull_upstream()` has been replaced by [pr_merge_main()].
#' * `pr_sync()` has been replaced by [pr_pull()] + [pr_merge_main()] + [pr_push()]
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
pr_pull_upstream <- function() {
    when = "2.0.0",
    what = "pr_pull_upstream()",
    with = "pr_merge_main()",

#' @rdname pr_pull_upstream
#' @export
pr_sync <- function() {
    when = "2.0.0",
    what = "pr_sync()",
    details = "Sync a PR with:`pr_pull(); pr_merge_main(); pr_push();`"

#' Defunct GitHub functions
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("defunct")`
#' * `browse_github_token()` and `browse_github_pat()` have been replaced by
#'    [create_github_token()].
#' * `github_token()` has been replaced by [gh::gh_token()]
#' * `git_branch_default()` has been replaced by [git_default_branch()].
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
browse_github_token <- function(...) {
    when = "2.0.0",
    what = "browse_github_token()",
    with = "create_github_token()"

#' @rdname browse_github_token
#' @export
browse_github_pat <- function(...) {
    what = "browse_github_pat()",
    with = "create_github_token()"

#' @rdname browse_github_token
#' @export
github_token <- function() {
  details <- glue("
    Call `gh::gh_token()` to retrieve a GitHub personal access token.
    Call `usethis::gh_token_help()` if you need help getting or configuring \\
    your token.")
    what = "github_token()",
    details = details

#' @rdname browse_github_token
#' @export
git_branch_default <- function() {
  lifecycle::deprecate_soft("2.1.0", "git_branch_default()", "git_default_branch()")

#' Defunct tidyverse functions
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("defunct")`
#' * `use_tidy_labels()` has been replaced by [use_tidy_github_labels()].
#' * `use_tidy_ci()` has been replaced by [use_tidy_github_actions()].
#' * `use_tidy_eval()` is defunct because there's no longer a need to
#'    systematically import and re-export a large number of functions in order
#'    to use tidy evaluation. Instead, use [use_import_from()] to tactically
#'    import functions as you need them.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
use_tidy_labels <- function() {
  lifecycle::deprecate_stop("2.1.0", "use_tidy_labels()", "use_tidy_github_labels()")

#' @rdname use_tidy_labels
#' @export
use_tidy_ci <- function(...) {
  lifecycle::deprecate_stop("2.1.0", "use_tidy_ci()", "use_tidy_github_actions()")

#' @rdname use_tidy_labels
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
use_tidy_eval <- function() {
    details = c(
      "There is no longer a need to systematically import and/or re-export functions",
      "Instead import functions as needed, with e.g.:",
      'usethis::use_import_from("rlang", c(".data", ".env"))'

#' Defunct git2r functions
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("defunct")`
#' In usethis v2.0.0, usethis switched from git2r to gert (+ credentials) for
#' all Git operations. This pair of packages (gert + credentials) is designed to
#' discover and use the same credentials as command line Git. As a result, a
#' great deal of credential-handling assistance has been removed from usethis,
#' primarily around SSH keys.
#' If you have credential problems, focus your troubleshooting on getting the
#' credentials package to find your credentials. The [introductory
#' vignette](https://docs.ropensci.org/credentials/articles/intro.html)
#' is a good place to start.
#' If you use the HTTPS protocol (which we recommend), a GitHub personal access
#' token will satisfy all auth needs, for both Git and the GitHub API, and is
#' therefore the easiest approach to get working. See [gh_token_help()] for
#' more.
#' @param protocol Deprecated.
#' @param auth_token Deprecated.
#' @param credentials Deprecated.
#' @return These functions raise a warning and return an invisible `NULL`.
#' @export
git_credentials <- function(protocol = deprecated(),
                            auth_token = deprecated()) {
    details = git2r_explanation

#' @rdname git_credentials
#' @export
use_git_credentials <- function(credentials = deprecated()) {
    details = git2r_explanation

git2r_explanation <- glue("
  usethis now uses the gert package for Git operations, instead of git2r, and
  gert relies on the credentials package for auth. Therefore git2r credentials
  are no longer accepted.")

deprecate_warn_credentials <- function(whos_asking, details = NULL) {
  whos_asking <- sub("[()]+$", "", whos_asking)
  what <- glue("{whos_asking}(credentials = )")

    details = details %||% git2r_explanation

deprecate_warn_host <- function(whos_asking, details = NULL) {
  whos_asking <- sub("[()]+$", "", whos_asking)
  what <- glue("{whos_asking}(host = )")

  host_explanation <- glue("
    usethis now determines the `host` from the current project's \\
    Git remotes.
    The `host` argument is ignored and will eventually be removed.")

    details = details %||% host_explanation

deprecate_warn_auth_token <- function(whos_asking, details = NULL) {
  whos_asking <- sub("[()]+$", "", whos_asking)
  what <- glue("{whos_asking}(auth_token = )")

  auth_token_explanation <- glue("
    usethis now delegates token lookup to the gh package, which retrieves \\
    credentials based on the targeted host URL.
    This URL is determined by the current project's Git remotes.
    The `auth_token` argument is ignored and will eventually be removed.")

    details = details %||% auth_token_explanation

deprecate_warn_repo_spec <- function(whos_asking, details = NULL) {
  whos_asking <- sub("[()]+$", "", whos_asking)
  what <- glue("{whos_asking}(repo_spec = )")

  repo_spec_explanation <- glue("
    usethis now consults the current project's Git remotes to determine the \\
    target repo.
    The `repo_spec` argument is ignored and will eventually be removed.")

    details = details %||% repo_spec_explanation

# ci ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Defunct Travis and Appveyor functions
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("defunct")`
#' These functions which formally supported CI on Appveyor and Travis are
#' now defunct as we no longer recommend using these services. We now
#' recommend using GitHub actions, e.g. with [use_github_action()].
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
use_travis <- function(browse = rlang::is_interactive(),
                       ext = c("com", "org")) {

    when = "2.0.0",
    what = "use_travis()",
    with = "use_github_action()"

#' @export
#' @rdname use_travis
use_travis_badge <- function(ext = c("com", "org"), repo_spec = NULL) {
    when = "2.0.0",
    what = "use_travis_badge()"

#' @export
#' @rdname use_travis
use_pkgdown_travis <- function() {
    when = "2.0.0",
    what = "use_pkgdown_travis()",
    with = "use_pkgdown_github_pages()"

#' @export
#' @rdname use_travis
use_appveyor <- function(browse = rlang::is_interactive()) {
    when = "2.0.0",
    what = "use_appveyor()",
    with = "use_github_action()"

#' @export
#' @rdname use_travis
use_appveyor_badge <- function(repo_spec = NULL) {
    when = "2.0.0",
    what = "use_appveyor_badge()",

#' @export
#' @rdname use_travis
browse_travis <- function(package = NULL, ext = c("com", "org")) {
    when = "2.2.0",
    what = "browse_travis()",

# GitHub actions --------------------------------------------------------------

#' Defunct GitHub Actions workflows
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' * `use_github_actions()` is deprecated because it was just an alias
#'   for [use_github_action_check_release()].
#' * `use_github_action_check_full()` is overkill for most packages and is
#'    not recommended.
#' * `use_github_action_check_release()`, `use_github_action_check_standard()`,
#'   and `use_github_action_pr_commands()` are deprecated in favor of
#'   [use_github_action()], which can now suggest specific workflows to use.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
use_github_actions <- function() {
    when = "2.2.0",
    what = "use_github_actions()",
    with = "use_github_action('check-release')"

#' @rdname use_github_actions
#' @export
use_github_action_check_release <- function(save_as = "R-CMD-check.yaml",
                                            ref = NULL,
                                            ignore = TRUE,
                                            open = FALSE) {

    when = "2.2.0",
    what = "use_github_action_check_release()",
    with = "use_github_action('check-release')"

    ref = ref,
    save_as = save_as,
    ignore = ignore,
    open = open

#' @rdname use_github_actions
#' @export
use_github_action_check_standard <- function(save_as = "R-CMD-check.yaml",
                                             ref = NULL,
                                             ignore = TRUE,
                                             open = FALSE) {
    when = "2.2.0",
    what = "use_github_action_check_standard()",
    with = "use_github_action('check-standard')"

    ref = ref,
    save_as = save_as,
    ignore = ignore,
    open = open

#' @rdname use_github_actions
#' @export
use_github_action_pr_commands <- function(save_as = "pr-commands.yaml",
                                          ref = NULL,
                                          ignore = TRUE,
                                          open = FALSE) {
    when = "2.2.0",
    what = "use_github_action_pr_commands()",
    with = "use_github_action('pr-commands')"

    ref = ref,
    save_as = save_as,
    ignore = ignore,
    open = open

#' @rdname use_github_actions
#' @export
use_github_action_check_full <- function(save_as = "R-CMD-check.yaml",
                                         ignore = TRUE,
                                         open = FALSE,
                                         repo_spec = NULL) {
  details <- glue("
    It is overkill for the vast majority of R packages.
    The \"check-full\" workflow is among those configured by \\
    If you really want it, request it by name with `use_github_action()`.")
    details = details
r-pkgs/usethis documentation built on May 15, 2024, 2:19 a.m.