
Defines functions nlp_ner_crf_pretrained new_nlp_ner_crf_model new_nlp_ner_crf validator_nlp_ner_crf nlp_ner_crf.tbl_spark nlp_ner_crf.ml_pipeline nlp_ner_crf.spark_connection nlp_ner_crf

Documented in nlp_ner_crf nlp_ner_crf_pretrained

#' Spark NLP NerCrfApproach
#' Spark ML estimator that allows for a generic model to be trained by utilizing a CRF machine learning algorithm. 
#' Its train data (train_ner) is either a labeled or an external CoNLL 2003 IOB based spark dataset with Annotations 
#' columns. Also the user has to provide word embeddings annotation column.
#' Optionally the user can provide an entity dictionary file for better accuracy.
#' See \url{https://nlp.johnsnowlabs.com/docs/en/annotators#ner-crf}
#' @template roxlate-nlp-algo
#' @template roxlate-inputs-output-params
#' @param label_col If DatasetPath is not provided, this sequence of Annotation type of column should have labeled data per token
#' @param min_epochs Minimum number of epochs to train
#' @param max_epochs Maximum number of epochs to train
#' @param l2 L2 regularization coefficient for CRF
#' @param C0 c0 defines decay speed for gradient
#' @param loss_eps If epoch relative improvement lass than this value, training is stopped
#' @param min_w Features with less weights than this value will be filtered out
#' @param external_features_path Path to file or folder of line separated file 
#' @param external_features_delimiter something like this: Volvo:ORG with such delimiter
#' @param external_features_read_as readAs LINE_BY_LINE or SPARK_DATASET 
#' @param external_features_options named list of options passed to the latter.
#' @param entities Array of entities to recognize
#' @param verbose Verbosity level
#' @param random_seed random seed
#' @export
nlp_ner_crf <- function(x, input_cols, output_col,
                 label_col = NULL, min_epochs = NULL, max_epochs = NULL, l2 = NULL, C0 = NULL, loss_eps = NULL, 
                 min_w = NULL, external_features_path = NULL, external_features_delimiter = NULL, external_features_read_as = "LINE_BY_LINE", 
                 external_features_options = list(format = "text"), entities = NULL, verbose = NULL, random_seed = NULL,
                 uid = random_string("ner_crf_")) {

#' @export
nlp_ner_crf.spark_connection <- function(x, input_cols, output_col,
                 label_col = NULL, min_epochs = NULL, max_epochs = NULL, l2 = NULL, C0 = NULL, loss_eps = NULL, 
                 min_w = NULL, external_features_path = NULL, external_features_delimiter = NULL, external_features_read_as = "LINE_BY_LINE", 
                 external_features_options = list(format = "text"), entities = NULL, verbose = NULL, random_seed = NULL,
                 uid = random_string("ner_crf_")) {
  args <- list(
    input_cols = input_cols,
    output_col = output_col,
    label_col = label_col,
    min_epochs = min_epochs,
    max_epochs = max_epochs,
    l2 = l2,
    C0 = C0,
    loss_eps = loss_eps,
    min_w = min_w,
    external_features_path = external_features_path,
    external_features_delimiter = external_features_delimiter,
    external_features_read_as = external_features_read_as,
    external_features_options = external_features_options,
    entities = entities,
    verbose = verbose,
    random_seed = random_seed,
    uid = uid
  ) %>%

  jobj <- sparklyr::spark_pipeline_stage(
    x, "com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotators.ner.crf.NerCrfApproach",
    input_cols = args[["input_cols"]],
    output_col = args[["output_col"]],
    uid = args[["uid"]]
  ) %>%
    sparklyr::jobj_set_param("setLabelColumn", args[["label_col"]])  %>%
    sparklyr::jobj_set_param("setMinEpochs", args[["min_epochs"]])  %>%
    sparklyr::jobj_set_param("setMaxEpochs", args[["max_epochs"]])  %>%
    sparklyr::jobj_set_param("setL2", args[["l2"]])  %>%
    sparklyr::jobj_set_param("setC0", args[["C0"]])  %>%
    sparklyr::jobj_set_param("setLossEps", args[["loss_eps"]])  %>%
    sparklyr::jobj_set_param("setMinW", args[["min_w"]])  %>%
    sparklyr::jobj_set_param("setEntities", args[["entities"]])  %>%
    sparklyr::jobj_set_param("setVerbose", args[["verbose"]])  %>%
    sparklyr::jobj_set_param("setRandomSeed", args[["random_seed"]])

    if (!is.null(args[["external_features_path"]])) {
      sparklyr::invoke(jobj, "setExternalFeatures", args[["external_features_path"]], args[["external_features_delimiter"]],
                       read_as(x, args[["external_features_read_as"]]), args[["external_features_options"]])

#' @export
nlp_ner_crf.ml_pipeline <- function(x, input_cols, output_col,
                 label_col = NULL, min_epochs = NULL, max_epochs = NULL, l2 = NULL, C0 = NULL, loss_eps = NULL, 
                 min_w = NULL, external_features_path = NULL,external_features_delimiter = NULL,  external_features_read_as = "LINE_BY_LINE", 
                 external_features_options = list(format = "text"), entities = NULL, verbose = NULL, random_seed = NULL,
                 uid = random_string("ner_crf_")) {

  stage <- nlp_ner_crf.spark_connection(
    x = sparklyr::spark_connection(x),
    input_cols = input_cols,
    output_col = output_col,
    label_col = label_col,
    min_epochs = min_epochs,
    max_epochs = max_epochs,
    l2 = l2,
    C0 = C0,
    loss_eps = loss_eps,
    min_w = min_w,
    external_features_path = external_features_path,
    external_features_delimiter = external_features_delimiter,
    external_features_read_as = external_features_read_as,
    external_features_options = external_features_options,
    entities = entities,
    verbose = verbose,
    random_seed = random_seed,
    uid = uid

  sparklyr::ml_add_stage(x, stage)

#' @export
nlp_ner_crf.tbl_spark <- function(x, input_cols, output_col,
                 label_col = NULL, min_epochs = NULL, max_epochs = NULL, l2 = NULL, C0 = NULL, loss_eps = NULL, 
                 min_w = NULL, external_features_path = NULL, external_features_delimiter = NULL, external_features_read_as = "LINE_BY_LINE", 
                 external_features_options = list(format = "text"), entities = NULL, verbose = NULL, random_seed = NULL,
                 uid = random_string("ner_crf_")) {
  stage <- nlp_ner_crf.spark_connection(
    x = sparklyr::spark_connection(x),
    input_cols = input_cols,
    output_col = output_col,
    label_col = label_col,
    min_epochs = min_epochs,
    max_epochs = max_epochs,
    l2 = l2,
    C0 = C0,
    loss_eps = loss_eps,
    min_w = min_w,
    external_features_path = external_features_path,
    external_features_delimiter = external_features_delimiter,
    external_features_read_as = external_features_read_as,
    external_features_options = external_features_options,
    entities = entities,
    verbose = verbose,
    random_seed = random_seed,
    uid = uid

  stage %>% sparklyr::ml_fit(x)
#' @import forge
validator_nlp_ner_crf <- function(args) {
  args[["input_cols"]] <- cast_string_list(args[["input_cols"]])
  args[["output_col"]] <- cast_string(args[["output_col"]])
  args[["label_col"]] <- cast_nullable_string(args[["label_col"]])
  args[["min_epochs"]] <- cast_nullable_integer(args[["min_epochs"]])
  args[["max_epochs"]] <- cast_nullable_integer(args[["max_epochs"]])
  args[["l2"]] <- cast_nullable_double(args[["l2"]])
  args[["C0"]] <- cast_nullable_integer(args[["C0"]])
  args[["loss_eps"]] <- cast_nullable_double(args[["loss_eps"]])
  args[["min_w"]] <- cast_nullable_double(args[["min_w"]])
  args[["external_features_path"]] <- cast_nullable_string(args[["external_features_path"]])
  args[["external_features_delimiter"]] <- cast_nullable_string(args[["external_features_delimiter"]])
  args[["external_features_read_as"]] <- cast_choice(args[["external_features_read_as"]], choices = c("LINE_BY_LINE", "SPARK_DATASET"))
  #args[["external_features_options"]] <- cast_string_list(args[["external_features_options"]])
  args[["entities"]] <- cast_nullable_string_list(args[["entities"]])
  args[["verbose"]] <- cast_nullable_integer(args[["verbose"]])
  args[["random_seed"]] <- cast_nullable_integer(args[["random_seed"]])

new_nlp_ner_crf <- function(jobj) {
  sparklyr::new_ml_estimator(jobj, class = "nlp_ner_crf")

new_nlp_ner_crf_model <- function(jobj) {
  sparklyr::new_ml_transformer(jobj, class = "nlp_ner_crf_model")

#' Load a pretrained Spark NLP NER CRF model
#' Create a pretrained Spark NLP \code{NerCrfModel} model
#' @template roxlate-pretrained-params
#' @template roxlate-inputs-output-params
#' @export
nlp_ner_crf_pretrained <- function(sc, input_cols, output_col,
                                      name = NULL, lang = NULL, remote_loc = NULL) {
  args <- list(
    input_cols = input_cols,
    output_col = output_col
  args[["input_cols"]] <- forge::cast_string_list(args[["input_cols"]])
  args[["output_col"]] <- forge::cast_string(args[["output_col"]])
  model_class <- "com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotators.ner.crf.NerCrfModel"
  model <- pretrained_model(sc, model_class, name, lang, remote_loc)
  spark_jobj(model) %>%
    sparklyr::jobj_set_param("setInputCols", args[["input_cols"]]) %>% 
    sparklyr::jobj_set_param("setOutputCol", args[["output_col"]])
r-spark/sparknlp documentation built on Oct. 15, 2022, 10:50 a.m.