
Defines functions fit_point_process

Documented in fit_point_process

#' fit_point_process
#' @description Fit point process to randomize data
#' @param pattern ppp object with point pattern
#' @param n_random Integer with number of randomizations.
#' @param process Character specifying which point process model to use.
#' Either \code{"poisson"} or \code{"cluster"}.
#' @param return_para Logical if fitted parameters should be returned.
#' @param return_input Logical if the original input data is returned.
#' @param simplify Logical if only pattern will be returned if \code{n_random = 1}
#' and \code{return_input = FALSE}.
#' @param verbose Logical if progress report is printed.
#' @details
#' The functions randomizes the observed point pattern by fitting a point process to
#' the data and simulating \code{n_random} patterns using the fitted point process.
#' It is possible to choose between a Poisson process or a Thomas cluster process model.
#' For more information about the point process models, see e.g. Wiegand & Moloney (2014).
#' @return rd_pat
#' @examples
#' pattern_fitted <- fit_point_process(pattern = species_a, n_random = 39)
#' @references
#' Plotkin, J.B., Potts, M.D., Leslie, N., Manokaran, N., LaFrankie, J.V.,
#' Ashton, P.S., 2000. Species-area curves, spatial aggregation, and habitat specialization
#' in tropical forests. Journal of Theoretical Biology 207, 81–99.
#' <https://doi.org/10.1006/jtbi.2000.2158>
#' Wiegand, T., Moloney, K.A., 2014. Handbook of spatial point-pattern analysis in
#' ecology. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, Boca Raton. ISBN 978-1-4200-8254-8
#' @export
fit_point_process <- function(pattern, n_random = 1, process = "poisson", return_para = FALSE,
                              return_input = TRUE, simplify = FALSE, verbose = TRUE){

  # check if n_random is >= 1
  if (!n_random >= 1) {

    stop("n_random must be >= 1.", call. = FALSE)


  # unmark pattern
  if (spatstat.geom::is.marked(pattern)) {

    pattern <- spatstat.geom::unmark(pattern)

    if (verbose) message("Unmarking provided input pattern.")


  if (process == "poisson") {

    result <- lapply(seq_len(n_random), function(x) {

      simulated <- spatstat.random::runifpoint(n = pattern$n, win = pattern$window) # simulate poisson process

      if (verbose) {

        message("\r> Progress: n_random: ", x, "/", n_random, "\t\t", appendLF = FALSE)




    # calc parameters
    if (return_para) {

      number_points <- pattern$n
      lambda <- spatstat.geom::intensity(pattern)

      param_vec <- c(number_points = number_points,lambda = lambda)


  } else if (process == "cluster") {

    # fit cluster process
    fitted_process <- spatstat.model::kppm(pattern, cluster = "Thomas",
                                           statistic = "pcf",
                                           statargs = list(divisor = "d",
                                                           correction = "best"),
                                           method = "mincon", improve.type = "none")

    # calc parameters
    if (return_para) {

      number_parents <- fitted_process$clustpar[["kappa"]] * spatstat.geom::area(pattern$window)
      number_points <- fitted_process$mu
      cluster_area <- fitted_process$clustpar[["scale"]] ^ 2 * pi

      param_vec <- c(number_parents = number_parents, number_points = number_points,
                     cluster_area = cluster_area)


    result <- lapply(seq_len(n_random), function(x) {

      # simulate clustered pattern
      simulated <- spatstat.model::simulate.kppm(fitted_process, window = pattern$window,
                                                 nsim = 1, drop = TRUE)

      # remove points because more points in simulated
      if (pattern$n < simulated$n) {

        # difference between patterns
        difference <- simulated$n - pattern$n

        # id of points to remove
        remove_points <- sample(x = seq_len(simulated$n), size = difference)

        # remove points
        simulated <- simulated[-remove_points]

      # add points because less points in simulated
      } else if (pattern$n > simulated$n) {

        # difference between patterns
        difference <- pattern$n - simulated$n

        # create missing points
        missing_points <- spatstat.random::runifpoint(n = difference, win = pattern$window,
                                                    nsim = 1, drop = TRUE)

        # add missing points to simulated
        simulated <- spatstat.geom::superimpose(simulated, missing_points,
                                                W = pattern$window)


      if (verbose) {

        message("\r> Progress: n_random: ", x, "/", n_random, "\t\t", appendLF = FALSE)



  } else {

    stop("Please select either 'poisson' or 'cluster'.", call. = FALSE)


  # set param to NA
  if (!return_para) param_vec <- NA

  # set names
  names(result) <- paste0("randomized_", seq_len(n_random))

  # combine to one list
  result <- list(randomized = result, observed = pattern, method = "fit_point_process()",
                 energy_df = NA, stop_criterion = NA, iterations = NA, param = param_vec)

  # add param
  if (return_para) {
    result$param <- param_vec

  # set class of result
  class(result) <- "rd_pat"

  # remove input if return_input = FALSE
  if (!return_input) {

    # set observed to NA
    result$observed <- NA

    # check if output should be simplified
    if (simplify) {

      # not possible if more than one pattern is present
      if (n_random > 1) {

        warning("'simplify = TRUE' not possible for 'n_random > 1'.",
                call. = FALSE)

      # only one random pattern is present that should be returend
      } else if (n_random == 1) {

        result <- result$randomized[[1]]


  # return input if return_input = TRUE
  } else {

    # return warning if simply = TRUE because not possible if return_input = TRUE (only verbose = TRUE)
    if (simplify) {

      warning("'simplify = TRUE' not possible for 'return_input = TRUE'.", call. = FALSE)


  # write result in new line if progress was printed
  if (verbose) {



r-spatialecology/SHAR documentation built on July 29, 2024, 6:30 p.m.