
Defines functions sf_as_json sf_to_json json_to_sf sf_lines_to_df sf_points_to_df sf_as_tbl gtfs_transform shape_as_sf_linestring get_trip_geometry get_route_geometry shapes_as_sf stops_as_sf gtfs_as_sf

Documented in get_route_geometry get_trip_geometry gtfs_as_sf gtfs_transform json_to_sf sf_as_tbl sf_lines_to_df sf_points_to_df sf_to_json shape_as_sf_linestring shapes_as_sf stops_as_sf

#' Convert stops and shapes to Simple Features
#' Stops are converted to POINT sf data frames. Shapes are converted to a
#' LINESTRING data frame. Note that this function replaces stops and shapes
#' tables in \code{gtfs_obj}.
#' @param gtfs_obj gtfs feed (tidygtfs object, created by [read_gtfs()])
#' @param skip_shapes if TRUE, shapes are not converted. Default FALSE.
#' @param crs optional coordinate reference system (used by sf::st_transform) to transform 
#'            lon/lat coordinates of stops and shapes
#' @param quiet boolean whether to print status messages
#' @return tidygtfs object with stops and shapes as sf dataframes
#' @seealso \code{\link{sf_as_tbl}}, \code{\link{stops_as_sf}}, \code{\link{shapes_as_sf}}
#' @export
gtfs_as_sf <- function(gtfs_obj, skip_shapes = FALSE, crs = NULL, quiet = TRUE) {
  if(!quiet) message('Converting stops to simple features')
  if(!feed_contains(gtfs_obj, "stops")) {
    stop("No stops table in feed")
  } else if(!inherits(gtfs_obj$stops, "sf")) {
    gtfs_obj$stops <- try(stops_as_sf(gtfs_obj$stops, crs))
  if(feed_contains(gtfs_obj, "shapes") && !skip_shapes && !inherits(gtfs_obj$shapes, "sf")) {
    if(!quiet) message('Converting shapes to simple features')
    gtfs_obj$shapes <- try(shapes_as_sf(gtfs_obj$shapes, crs))

#' Convert stops into Simple Features Points
#' @param stops a gtfs$stops dataframe
#' @param crs optional coordinate reference system (used by sf::st_transform) to transform 
#'            lon/lat coordinates
#' @return an sf dataframe for gtfs routes with a point column
#' @seealso \code{\link{gtfs_as_sf}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(gtfs_duke)
#' some_stops <- gtfs_duke$stops[sample(nrow(gtfs_duke$stops), 40),]
#' some_stops_sf <- stops_as_sf(some_stops)
#' plot(some_stops_sf[,"stop_name"])
stops_as_sf <- function(stops, crs = NULL) {
  stops_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(stops,
                           coords = c("stop_lon", "stop_lat"),
                           crs = 4326)
  if(!is.null(crs)) {
    stops_sf <- sf::st_transform(stops_sf, crs)

#' Convert shapes into Simple Features Linestrings
#' @param gtfs_shapes a gtfs$shapes dataframe
#' @param crs optional coordinate reference system (used by sf::st_transform) to transform 
#'            lon/lat coordinates
#' @return an sf dataframe for gtfs shapes
#' @seealso \code{\link{gtfs_as_sf}}
#' @export
shapes_as_sf <- function(gtfs_shapes, crs = NULL) {
  list_of_line_tibbles <- split(gtfs_shapes, gtfs_shapes$shape_id)
  list_of_linestrings <- lapply(list_of_line_tibbles, shape_as_sf_linestring)
  shape_linestrings <- sf::st_sfc(list_of_linestrings, crs = 4326)
  shapes_sf <- sf::st_sf(shape_id = names(list_of_line_tibbles), geometry = shape_linestrings)
  shapes_sf$shape_id <- as.character(shapes_sf$shape_id)
  if(!is.null(crs)) {
    shapes_sf <- sf::st_transform(shapes_sf, crs)

#' Get all trip shapes for a given route and service
#' @param gtfs_sf_obj tidytransit gtfs object with sf data frames
#' @param route_ids routes to extract
#' @param service_ids service_ids to extract
#' @return an sf dataframe for gtfs routes with a row/linestring for each trip
#' @importFrom dplyr inner_join distinct
#' @importFrom sf st_cast
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(gtfs_duke)
#' gtfs_duke_sf <- gtfs_as_sf(gtfs_duke)
#' routes_sf <- get_route_geometry(gtfs_duke_sf)
#' plot(routes_sf[c(1,1350),])
get_route_geometry <- function(gtfs_sf_obj, route_ids = NULL, service_ids = NULL) {
  if(!inherits(gtfs_sf_obj$shapes, "sf")) {
    stop("shapes not converted to sf, use gtfs_obj <- gtfs_as_sf(gtfs_obj)")
  trips <- gtfs_sf_obj$trips
  if(!is.null(route_ids)) {
    trips <- filter(trips, route_id %in% route_ids)
    if(nrow(trips) == 0) {
      warning("No trips with route_id ", route_ids, " found")
  if(!is.null(service_ids)) {
    trips <- filter(trips, service_id %in% service_ids)
    if(nrow(trips) == 0) {
      warning("No trips with service_id ", service_ids, " found")

  shape_ids = distinct(trips, route_id, shape_id)
  trip_shapes <- inner_join(gtfs_sf_obj$shapes, shape_ids, by = "shape_id")
  route_shapes <- trip_shapes %>% 
    group_by(route_id) %>% 
    summarise() %>% 

#' Get all trip shapes for given trip ids
#' @param gtfs_sf_obj tidytransit gtfs object with sf data frames
#' @param trip_ids trip_ids to extract shapes
#' @return an sf dataframe for gtfs routes with a row/linestring for each trip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(gtfs_duke)
#' gtfs_duke <- gtfs_as_sf(gtfs_duke)
#' trips_sf <- get_trip_geometry(gtfs_duke, c("t_726295_b_19493_tn_41", "t_726295_b_19493_tn_40"))
#' plot(trips_sf[1,"shape_id"])
get_trip_geometry <- function(gtfs_sf_obj, trip_ids) {
  if(!inherits(gtfs_sf_obj$shapes, "sf")) {
    stop("shapes not converted to sf, use gtfs_obj <- gtfs_as_sf(gtfs_obj)")
  id_diff = setdiff(trip_ids, gtfs_sf_obj$trips$trip_id)
  if(length(id_diff) > 0) {
    warning('"', paste(id_diff, collapse=", "), '" not found in trips data frame')

  trips = gtfs_sf_obj$trips %>% filter(trip_id %in% trip_ids)
  trips_shapes = dplyr::inner_join(gtfs_sf_obj$shapes, trips, by = "shape_id")


#' return an sf linestring with lat and long from gtfs
#' @param df dataframe from the gtfs shapes split() on shape_id
#' @keywords internal
#' @return st_linestring (sfr) object
shape_as_sf_linestring <- function(df) {
  # as suggested by www.github.com/mdsumner

  m <- as.matrix(df[order(df$shape_pt_sequence),
                    c("shape_pt_lon", "shape_pt_lat")])


#' Transform coordinates of a gtfs feed
#' @param gtfs_obj gtfs feed (tidygtfs object)
#' @param crs target coordinate reference system, used by sf::st_transform
#' @return tidygtfs object with transformed stops and shapes sf dataframes
#' @importFrom sf st_transform
#' @return gtfs object with transformed sf tables
#' @export
gtfs_transform = function(gtfs_obj, crs) {
  gtfs_obj <- gtfs_as_sf(gtfs_obj)
  for(tbl in names(gtfs_obj)) {
    if(inherits(gtfs_obj[[tbl]], "sf")) {
      gtfs_obj[[tbl]] <- st_transform(gtfs_obj[[tbl]], crs)

#' Convert stops and shapes from sf objects to tibbles
#' Coordinates are transformed to lon/lat columns (`stop_lon`/`stop_lat` or 
#' `shape_pt_lon`/`shape_pt_lat`)
#' @param gtfs_obj gtfs feed (tidygtfs object)
#' @return tidygtfs object with stops and shapes converted to tibbles
#' @seealso \code{\link{gtfs_as_sf}}
#' @export
sf_as_tbl = function(gtfs_obj) {
  if(inherits(gtfs_obj$stops, "sf")) {
    gtfs_obj$stops <- dplyr::as_tibble(sf_points_to_df(gtfs_obj$stops))
  if(feed_contains(gtfs_obj, "shapes") && inherits(gtfs_obj$shapes, "sf")) {
    gtfs_obj$shapes <- dplyr::as_tibble(sf_lines_to_df(gtfs_obj$shapes))

#' Adds the coordinates of an sf POINT object as columns
#' @param pts_sf sf object
#' @param coord_colnames names of the new columns (existing columns are overwritten)
#' @param remove_geometry remove sf geometry column?
#' @keywords internal
sf_points_to_df = function(pts_sf,
                           coord_colnames = c("stop_lon", "stop_lat"), 
                           remove_geometry = TRUE) {
  stopifnot(inherits(pts_sf, "sf"))
  stopifnot(sf::st_geometry_type(pts_sf, FALSE) == "POINT")
  stopifnot(length(coord_colnames) == 2)
  pts_sf <- sf::st_transform(pts_sf, 4326)
  mtrx = matrix(unlist(sf::st_geometry(pts_sf)), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
  pts_sf[coord_colnames[1]] <- mtrx[,1]
  pts_sf[coord_colnames[2]] <- mtrx[,2]

  if(remove_geometry) {
    pts_sf <- sf::st_set_geometry(pts_sf, NULL)

#' Adds the coordinates of an sf LINESTRING object as columns and rows
#' @param lines_sf sf object
#' @param coord_colnames names of the new columns (existing columns are overwritten)
#' @param remove_geometry remove sf geometry column?
#' @importFrom geodist geodist
#' @keywords internal
sf_lines_to_df = function(lines_sf,
                          coord_colnames = c("shape_pt_lon", "shape_pt_lat"), 
                          remove_geometry = TRUE) {
  stopifnot(inherits(lines_sf, "sf"))
  stopifnot(sf::st_geometry_type(lines_sf, FALSE) == "LINESTRING")
  stopifnot(length(coord_colnames) == 2)
  lines_sf <- sf::st_transform(lines_sf, 4326)
  shps_list = lapply(sf::st_geometry(lines_sf), function(x) {
    df = as.data.frame(as.matrix(x))
    colnames(df) <- coord_colnames
    df$shape_pt_sequence <- seq_len(nrow(df))
    gdist = geodist(df[c("shape_pt_lon", "shape_pt_lat")], sequential = TRUE)
    df$shape_dist_traveled <- c(0, cumsum(round(gdist,1)))
  names(shps_list) <- lines_sf$shape_id
  dplyr::bind_rows(shps_list, .id = "shape_id")

#' Convert a json (read with jsonlite) to sf object
#' The json object is written to a temporary file and re-read with sf::read().
#' @param json_list list as read by jsonlite::read_json (in gtfsio)
#' @return sf object
#' @importFrom jsonlite write_json
#' @importFrom sf read_sf
#' @keywords internal
json_to_sf = function(json_list) {
  tmpfile = tempfile(fileext = ".geojson")
  write_json(json_list, tmpfile, digits = 8, auto_unbox = TRUE)

#' Convert an sf object to a json list
#' The sf object is written to a temporary file and re-read with jsonlite::read_json().
#' @param sf_obj sf table
#' @return json list
#' @importFrom jsonlite read_json
#' @importFrom sf write_sf
#' @keywords internal
sf_to_json = function(sf_obj, layer_name) {
  tmpfile = tempfile(fileext = ".geojson")
  write_sf(sf_obj, tmpfile, driver = "GeoJSON", layer = layer_name)

sf_as_json = function(gtfs_obj) {
  for(geojson_file in names(gtfs_reference_filetype[gtfs_reference_filetype == "geojson"])) {
    if(feed_contains(gtfs_obj, geojson_file) && inherits(gtfs_obj[[geojson_file]], "sf")) {
      json = sf_to_json(gtfs_obj[[geojson_file]], geojson_file)
      json$name <- geojson_file
      gtfs_obj[[geojson_file]] <- json
r-transit/tidytransit documentation built on Feb. 17, 2025, 10:35 a.m.