
#' Returns a scatter plot object.
#' This function takes input data.
#' The function calculates the number of missing values in the vector.
#'@import rbokeh
#'@param data: The data frame
#'@param x_var: String name of the variable.
#'@param y_var: String name of the variable.
#'@return A rbokeh plot object
scatter_plot <- function(data, x_var, y_var){
  p <- figure() %>%
    ly_points(eval(x_var), eval(y_var), data = data,
              hover = list(eval(x_var), eval(y_var)))

#' Returns a bar plot object.
#' This function takes input data.
#' The function calculates the number of missing values in the vector.
#'@import rbokeh
#'@param data: The data frame
#'@param x_var: String name of the variable.
#'@param y_var: String name of the variable.
#'@return A rbokeh plot object
bar_plot <- function(data, x_var, y_var){
  p <- figure() %>%
    ly_bar(eval(x_var), eval(y_var), data = data,
              hover = list(eval(x_var), eval(y_var)))

#' Returns a hist plot object.
#' This function takes input data.
#' The function calculates the number of missing values in the vector.
#'@import rbokeh
#'@param data: The data frame
#'@param x_var: String name of the variable.
#'@return A rbokeh plot object
his_plot <- function(data, x_var){
  p <- figure() %>%
    ly_hist(eval(x_var), data = data) %>% 
    ly_density(eval(x_var), data = data)

#' Returns a density plot object.
#' This function takes input data.
#' The function calculates the number of missing values in the vector.
#'@import rbokeh
#'@param data: The data frame
#'@param x_var: String name of the variable.
#'@return A rbokeh plot object
den_plot <- function(data, x_var){
  p <- figure() %>% 
    ly_density(eval(x_var), data = data)

#' Returns a density plot object.
#' This function takes input data.
#' The function calculates the number of missing values in the vector.
#'@import rbokeh
#'@import rmarkdown
#'@param data: The data frame
#'@param filename: String name for the report name.
#'@param output_format: Output Format.
#'@return A Report for the Data Analysis
exploratory_report <- function(data, filename = NULL, output_format = "html_document"){

  wd <- getwd()
    filename <- "eda_report.html"
  pkg_path <- system.file(package = "expdata", "inst")
  fname <- "/inst/template_rmarkdown.Rmd"
  md_path <- paste0(pkg_path, fname)
  #file.copy(md_path, wd)
                    params = list(data = data), 
    output_format = output_format, 
    output_file = filename, 
    output_dir = wd,
    intermediates_dir = wd,
    knit_root_dir = wd

#' Check Date Type
#' This function checkes if the input column is of date type.
#' @importFrom stats IQR median quantile sd
#' @import data.table
#' @param x: A single numeric column to get top n and min n numbers
#' @param n: count of top numbers to return
#' @return returns a data.frame with two columns with min and max numbers
#' @export
top_min_n <- function(data, x_var, n = 5){
  out <- data[order(-get(x_var))][,get(x_var)]
  max_numbers <- head(out, n)
  min_numbers <- tail(out, n)
  dd <- data.frame(max_numbers = max_numbers, min_numbers = min_numbers)
r2rahul/expdata documentation built on May 18, 2019, 2:36 a.m.