Man pages for r4atlantis/atlantisom
Generates Data Sets From Atlantis Scenarios

aggregate_compsFunction to aggregate compositions into a shorter range of...
aggregateDataAggregate and select data from Atlantis output
aggregateDensityDataAggregate and select density data from Atlantis output
calc_age2lengthCalculate length from ages
calc_avgwtstage2ageApproximating the average weight at true age from...
calc_biomass_ageCalculate biomass in t per age-structured-groups per polygon,...
calc_biomass_poolCalculate biomass in t per non-age-structured groups (biomass...
calc_pred_consCalculate eaten total biomass in tonnes for each functional...
calc_pred_dietCalculate eaten biomass in tonnes for each functional group.
calc_stage2ageApproximating the true numbers at age within each box,...
calc_timestep2timeConverts timestep from Atlantis output to real time
calc_ZCalculate total mortality for age structured groups
create_fishery_subsetCreate fishery subset from Atlantis output
create_surveyCreate survey observations from Atlantis output
create_survey_dietCreate survey diet observations from Atlantis output
create_survey_envCreate environmental survey data subset from Atlantis output
get_boundaryGet boundary boxes from Atlantis box information.
load_agebioindLoad Atlantis '[...]AgeBiomIndx.txt' file
load_bioindLoad Atlantis '[...]BiomIndx.txt' file
load_biolprmLoad Atlantis '_Biol.prm' file
load_boxLoad the box specification file for an Atlantis scenario
load_boxareaExtract the box area from the bgm-file
load_bpsExtracts the names of the epibenthic biomasspools from the...
load_catchLoad Atlantis '[...]catch.txt' file
load_detailed_diet_compLoad Atlantis diet composition by box and layer from...
load_diet_compLoad Atlantis diet composition data from 'diet_check.txt'
load_fgsLoad the functional group file
load_fisheriesLoad the fisheries group file
load_metaOpen the necessary files to document the atlantis model used...
load_ncLoad Atlantis outputfiles (netcdf)
load_nc_annageLoad Atlantis annual age outputfiles (netcdf)
load_nc_catchtonsLoad Atlantis catch tons by fleet and polygon outputfiles...
load_nc_physicsLoad Atlantis outputfiles (netcdf)
load_runprmLoad Atlantis '_run.prm' file
load_yoyLoad Atlantis '[...]YOY.txt' file
om_compsGenerate composition data from atlantisom
om_consindexGenerate predator total consumption index data from...
om_dietGenerate diet composition data from atlantisom
om_indexGenerate index data from atlantisom
om_initInitializes atlantisom
om_speciesSpecies-specific atlantisom outputs
read_savedfisheriesRead saved fishery outputs into R object
read_savedsurvsRead saved survey outputs into R object
reformat_compositionsReformat compositional data for input in to Stock Synthesis
run_stocksynthesisFunction to execute an SS run
run_truthLoad Atlantis scenario output
sample_agesAdd observation error to numbers-at-age data
sample_dietSample total consumption to create diet composition data
sample_fishSample numbers-at-age to create composition data
sample_fishery_totcatchSample a fishery catch index from an atlantis scenario
sample_survey_biomassSample a biomass index of abundance from an atlantis scenario
sample_survey_consumptionSample total consumption by predator from an atlantis...
sample_survey_numbersSample a numbers index of abundance from an atlantis scenario
SS_write_biolWrites life history parameters
SS_write_compsFunction to write age and length composition data from...
SS_write_EWAAFunction to write an empirical weight at age SS file...
SS_write_tsFunction to write the CPUE from an atlantis OM into a Stock...
write_metaWrite metadata to the disk.
write_SS_ctlwrite SS control
write_SS_datRead SS dat
r4atlantis/atlantisom documentation built on Nov. 12, 2023, 2:59 a.m.