
Defines functions standard_years qof_15_months qof_years build_date_fn select_by_year

Documented in build_date_fn qof_15_months qof_years select_by_year standard_years

#' Runs a series of selects over a year range and collects in a list of dataframes
#' This function applies a database select over a range of years and outputs as a list or a dataframe
#' The function can be parallelised using \code{parallel}.  
#' Because the same database connection cannot be used across threads, the input is a path to a database
#' rather than a database connection itself and a new connection is made with every fork.
#' \code{columns} can take a character vector of arbitrary length.  This means you can use it to
#' insert SQL clauses e.g. "DISTINCT patid".
#' Year start and year end criteria can be added to the where argument
#' as 'STARTDATE' and 'ENDDATE'.  These will get translated to the correct 
#' start and end dates specified by year_fn
#' Note that if you are working with temprary tables, you need to set \code{cores} to 1 and specify 
#' the open database connection with db
#' This is because the use of \code{mclapply} means that new database connections need to be started
#' for each fork and
#' temporary files can only be seen inside the same connection
#' The \code{selector_fn} argument determines how the database select operates. Default is the  
#' \code{select_events} function.
#' Alternatives are \code{first_events} and \code{last_events}
#' @export
#' @param dbname path to the database file
#' @param db a database connection
#' @param tables character vector of table names
#' @param columns character vector of columns to be selected from the tables
#' @param where character string representation of the selection criteria
#' @param year_range integer vector of years to be queried
#' @param year_fn function that determines how year start and end dates are calculated
#' @param as_list logical: Should the results be returned as a list of years? If not, the data is 
#' collapsed into a dataframe
#' @param selector_fn function to select from the database. See notes.
#' @param cores integer: The number of processor cores available.
#' @param \dots extra arguments to be passed to the \code{selector_fn}
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # Output from a single table
#' where_q <- "crd < STARTDATE & (is.null(tod) | tod > ENDDATE) & accept == 1"
#' ayears <- select_by_year(db, "Patient", columns = c("patid", "yob", "tod"), 
#'                          where = where_q, year_range = 2000:2003)
#' # Output from multiple tables
#' load("data/medical.RData")
#' a <- read.csv("data/chronic-renal-disease.csv")
#' a <- read_to_medcodes(a, medical, "code", lookup_readcodes= "readcode", 
#'                       lookup_medcodes="medcode", description = T)
#' where_q <- "eventdate >= STARTDATE & eventdate <= ENDDATE & medcode %in% .(a$medcode)"
#' byears <- byears <- select_by_year("~/rOpenHealth/CPRD_test/Coupland/Coupland", 
#'                                    c("Clinical", "Referral"), 
#' columns = c("patid", "eventdate", "medcode"), 
#' where = where_q, year_range = 2000:2003, as_list = FALSE,
#' cores = 10)
#' }
select_by_year <- function(dbname = NULL, db = NULL, tables, columns = "*", where, year_range, 
                           year_fn = qof_years, as_list = FALSE, selector_fn = select_events, 
                           cores = 1L, ...){
    if(cores > 1){
        assert_that(!is.null(dbname) && is.character(dbname))
    } else {
        if(!is.null(db) && class(db) == "SQLiteConnection"){
            message("Using open database connection")
        } else if(!is.null(dbname) && is.character(dbname)){
            message(sprintf("Opening connection to %s", dbname))
            db <- database(dbname)
        } else stop("You must supply either an SQLite database connection or a path to a SQLite database ")
        assert_that(!is.null(db) && class(db) == "SQLiteConnection")
    columns <- paste(columns, collapse = ", ")
    dat <- mclapply(year_range, function(year, ...){
        if(cores > 1) db <- database(dbname)
        this_year <- year_fn(year)
        where_year <- str_replace_all(where, "STARTDATE", sprintf("'%s'", this_year$startdate))
        where_year <- str_replace_all(where_year, "ENDDATE", sprintf("'%s'", this_year$enddate))
        if(length(tables) > 1){
            year_out <- bind_rows(lapply(tables, function(tab){
                out <- selector_fn(db = db, 
                                   tab = tab, columns = columns, where = where_year, 
                                   sql_only = FALSE, ...)
                    out$table <- tab    
                } else out <- NULL
            if(nrow(year_out)) year_out$year <- year
            if(cores > 1) dbDisconnect(db)
        } else {
            year_out <- selector_fn(db = db, 
                                    tab = tables, columns = columns, where = where_year, 
                                    sql_only = FALSE, ...)
                year_out$year <- year
            } else {
                year_out <- NULL
            if(cores > 1) dbDisconnect(db)
    }, mc.cores = min(cores, length(year_range)))
    names(dat) <- year_range
    } else {

#' Function to build start/enddate helper fuctions
#' This builds functions identical to qof_years but they can be customised to the user's preferences
#' @export
#' @param start list containing the offset in years, month and day as numerics for the start date
#' @param end list containing the offset in years, month and day as numerics for the end date
#' @return a function taking a year as an argument and returning a list of startdates and enddates
build_date_fn <- function(start, end){
    listnames <- c("offset", "month", "day")
    assert_that(is.list(start), is.list(end), all(names(start) == listnames), 
                all(names(end) == listnames),
                start$month <= 10, end$month <= 12, start$day <= 31, end$day <= 31)
        list(startdate = sprintf("%d-%s-%s", year + start$offset,
                                        str_pad(start$month, width = 2, side = "left", pad = "0"),
                                        str_pad(start$day, width = 2, side = "left", pad = "0")),
             enddate = sprintf("%d-%s-%s", year + end$offset,
                               str_pad(end$month, width = 2, side = "left", pad = "0"),
                               str_pad(end$day, width = 2, side = "left", pad = "0")),
             startoffset = start$offset,
             endoffset = end$offset)

#' Helper function providing startdate and enddate for a given year
#' Start and end dates matching QOF year start/ends
#' @export
#' @param year integer
qof_years <- function(year){
    list(startdate = paste0(year, "-04-01"),
         enddate = paste0(year+1, "-03-31"),
         startoffset = 0,
         endoffset = 1)

#' Helper function providing startdate and enddate for a given year
#' Start and end dates matching QOF year start/ends
#' @export
#' @param year integer
qof_15_months <- function(year){
    list(startdate = paste0(year, "-01-01"),
         enddate = paste0(year+1, "-03-31"),
         startoffset = 0,
         endoffset = 1)

#' Helper function providing startdate and enddate for a given year
#' Standard years
#' @export
#' @param year integer
standard_years <- function(year){
    list(startdate = paste0(year, "-01-01"),
         enddate = paste0(year, "-12-31"),
         startoffset = 0,
         endoffset = 0)
rOpenHealth/rEHR documentation built on Sept. 25, 2024, 5:32 p.m.