
#' ws_data_avg_span_2_pgdb() retrieves the subset of ws with intersectin data
#' Same as ws_data_na_2_pgdb() , retrieves the weather data from the intersecting stations. 
#' It is known that NOAA enlist available data for certain years, months, or days; however, 
#' some of this information is missing. This function replaces the missing data with the average value of the dataset. 
#' The example shows the use of ws_metadata_span_2_pgdb(), but it can be very well be replaced by ws_metadata_2_pgdb().  
#' @keywords NOAA, weather station, rgdal, RPostgreSQL, rnoaa
#' @param ghcnd    String that refers to the Global Historical Climate Network (daily) dataset
#' @param geoid    FIPS number from census tables
#' @param type     Variable under investigation i.e. TMAX, TMIN, PRCP
#' @param span	   Indicates look-back time to search for available ws stations and data
#' @param ws_metadata  The table name of the subset of weather stations with intersecting data
#' @return Returns the name of the table that has been created. When fail, it returns 1.

#' @examples
#' ghcnd        <- 'GHCND'
#' geoid        <- '12087'
#' type         <- 'TMAX'
#' stations     <- as.data.frame( all_coor_ws( ghcnd, geoid, type) )
#' span         <- '2'
#' ws_metadata  <- ws_metadata_span_2_pgdb( geoid, type, stations, span ) 
#' ws_data_avg_span_2_pgdb( ghcnd, geoid, type, span, ws_metadata)
#' @export
ws_data_avg_span_2_pgdb <- function( ghcnd, geoid, type, span, ws_metadata){

  file   <- base::paste(Sys.getenv("HOME"), "/","pg_config.yml", sep = "")
  config <- yaml::yaml.load_file( file )

  driver <- "PostgreSQL"
  drv    <- RPostgres::Postgres()
  conn   <- RPostgres::dbConnect(drv, host = config$dbhost, port = config$dbport, dbname = config$dbname, user = config$dbuser, password = config$dbpwd)

  if (as.integer(geoid) < 100) {
    q1     <- base::paste("select NAME from cb_2013_us_state_20m where GEOID='", geoid, "'", sep = "")
    res    <- RPostgres::dbSendQuery(conn, q1)
    state  <- RPostgres::dbFetch(res)
    tableName <- base::paste(state, "_", geoid, "_ws_data_span_", span, "_avg_", sep = "")

  } else {

    q2     <- base::paste("select NAME from cb_2013_us_county_20m where GEOID='", geoid, "'", sep = "")
    res    <- RPostgres::dbSendQuery(conn, q2)
    county <- RPostgres::dbFetch(res)
    q3     <- base::paste("select NAME from cb_2013_us_state_20m where GEOID='", substr(geoid, 1, 2), "'", sep = "")
    res    <- RPostgres::dbSendQuery(conn, q3)
    state  <- RPostgres::dbFetch(res)
    tableName <- base::paste(state, "_", county, "_", geoid, "_ws_data_span_", span, "_avg_", sep = "")

  type      <- base::tolower(type)
  tableName <- base::gsub(" ", "_", tableName)
  tableName <- base::tolower(tableName) 
  tableName <- base::paste(tableName, type, sep = "")      

  cat("Creating Postgres weather information table \t\t\t\t\n")
  if (RPostgres::dbExistsTable(conn, tableName)) {

    msg <- base::paste("Done - Table ", tableName, " exists.\t\t\t\t\n", sep = "")
    cat("\nCheck Postgres table!")
  } else {
    q1 <- base::paste("select name as id, mindate as mindate, maxdate as maxdate, longitude as longitude, latitude as latitude from ", ws_metadata, sep = "")
    res <- RPostgres::dbSendQuery(conn, q1)
    station <- data.frame(RPostgres::dbFetch(res))
	  minDate <- base::as.Date(lubridate::ymd(station$mindate[1]))
	  maxDate <- base::as.Date(lubridate::ymd(station$maxdate[1]))
	  #One is end in a new year.  
	  ndays <- (lubridate::int_length(lubridate::interval(base::as.Date(minDate), base::as.Date(maxDate)))/(3600*24))+1 
	  dates <- as.character(seq.Date(minDate, by ="days", length.out = ndays))
	  # The NOAA API only allows queries from users to retrieve data sets by year; 
	  # thus, this code section limits each query to a different year for each iteration.  
	  # WARNING: There is 500 limit request per day with the current token 
	  for (i in 1:nrow( station ) ) {  
	    ws	 <- station$id[i]
	    sDate	 <- minDate
	    fDate	 <- minDate

  	    #lubridate::year( sDate )	<- lubridate::year( maxDate ) - 9   
	    #lubridate::year( fDate )	<- lubridate::year( maxDate ) - 9
	    lubridate::year(fDate) <- lubridate::year(fDate) + 1    #Interval (sDate, fDate) is one year.

	    #Temporal strings attached to the dates for consistency with NOAA 	    
	    ssDate <- base::paste(sDate, "T00:00:00", sep = "")
	    ffDate <- base::paste(fDate, "T00:00:00", sep = "")
      estacion  <- base::paste("GHCND:", ws, sep="")

	    weatherVar <- rnoaa::ncdc(datasetid = ghcnd, stationid = estacion, datatypeid = type, startdate = ssDate, enddate = ffDate , limit = 366, token = config$token)

	    # Verify that available information exist
      if (length(as.character( weatherVar$meta$totalCount)) == 0 ) {
        msg <- base::paste("Not Data Available for station ", estacion ," with variable type:  ", type, " exists.\t\t\t\t\n", sep = "" )
        cat( msg )
        print("Spotted a Null\n")
	      colnames( valores ) <- station$id[1:(i-1)]
        RPostgres::dbWriteTable(conn, tableName, as.data.frame(valores))
      }# endIF

	    weatherYear<- weatherVar$data  
            #if(length(as.character( weatherVar$meta$totalCount)) == 0 ){
            #  print("Spotted a Null\n")
	    #  colnames( valores ) <- station$id
            #  RPostgres::dbWriteTable( conn, tableName, as.data.frame( valores ) )
            #  RPostgres::dbDisconnect( conn )
            #  return(tableName) 


	      # Replaces starting year, year( sDate ), with a value of new time series
	      lubridate::year(sDate)  <- lubridate::year(sDate)  + 1

	      # Replaces starting day, day( sDate ), with a value of new time
	      lubridate::day(sDate)  <- lubridate::day(fDate)  + 1    

	      # Replaces ending year, year( fDate ), with a value of new time series
	      lubridate::year(fDate)  <- lubridate::year(fDate)  + 1

	      ssDate         <- base::paste(sDate, "T00:00:00", sep = "")
	      ffDate         <- base::paste(fDate, "T00:00:00", sep = "")

	      if( isTRUE( lubridate::year( fDate ) < lubridate::year( maxDate ) ) ) { 
	        weatherVar<-rnoaa::ncdc(datasetid = ghcnd, stationid = estacion, datatypeid = type, startdate = ssDate, enddate = ffDate , limit = 366, token = config$token)

		      # Verify that available information exist 
          if (length(as.character( weatherVar$meta$totalCount)) == 0 ) {
            msg <- base::paste("Not Data Available for station ", estacion, " for variable type:  ", type, " exists.\t\n", sep = "" )
            cat( msg )
            colnames( valores ) <- station$id[1:(i-1)]
            RPostgres::dbWriteTable(conn, tableName, as.data.frame(valores))
          }# endIF

		      # Delay needed since NOAA service accepts a maximum of 5 request per second.
	        weatherYear <- rbind(weatherYear, weatherVar$data)
	      } else { 
	        lubridate::month(fDate) <- lubridate::month(maxDate)
	        lubridate::day(fDate)   <- lubridate::day(maxDate)
	        ssDate                  <- base::paste( sDate, "T00:00:00", sep = "")
	        ffDate                  <- base::paste( fDate, "T00:00:00", sep = "")                      
	        weatherVar<-rnoaa::ncdc(datasetid = ghcnd, stationid = estacion, datatypeid = type, startdate = ssDate, enddate = ffDate , limit = 366, token = config$token)

		     # Verify that available information exist 
         if (length(as.character( weatherVar$meta$totalCount)) == 0 ) {
           msg <- base::paste("Not Data Available for station ", estacion, " for variable type:  ", type, " exists.\t\n", sep = "" )
	         colnames(valores) <- station$id[1:(i-1)]
           RPostgres::dbWriteTable(conn, tableName, as.data.frame(valores))
         }# endIF
	       weatherYear    <- rbind( weatherYear, weatherVar$data)      
       }# endIF/ELSE
	   }# endRepeat / End cycle to gather information for one weather station

	   # TMAX = Maximum temperature (tenths of degrees C)	    
	   promedio <- sprintf( "%.4f", mean(weatherYear$value/10))     
	   # NOAA specification of available data within a range often is not complete. 
	   # Individual dates are missing even within an specified range.
	   # SOLUTIONS:  
	   #  1) Average from the available number of samples.  
	   #  2) Interpolation when possible
     if (i == 1) {	    
       intervalAsDate     <- base::as.Date(weatherYear$date)
       # TMAX = Maximum temperature (tenths of degrees C)
       intervalAsValue    <- sprintf("%.4f", weatherYear$value/10)
       stationDataHash    <- hash::hash(intervalAsDate , intervalAsValue )
       allDatesHash       <- hash::hash(dates, rep(1, ndays))         # h1 <- hash( dates , rep(1, ndays ) )   
       hash::values(allDatesHash, keys=intervalAsDate) <- intervalAsValue
       v1.df              <- as.data.frame(hash::has.key(dates, stationDataHash))
       colnames(v1.df)    <- "value"
       # Section that guarantees that v1.df has at least one value
       if ( length( which( v1.df$value == FALSE) ) > 0  ) {
	       sub_v1.df       <- as.data.frame(subset(v1.df, value == FALSE))

		   # Dates from station which values do not exist in allDatasHash
	       dateKeys        <- as.character(rownames(sub_v1.df))  #print(dateKeys)
	       sizeSubV1       <- nrow(sub_v1.df)
	     #In v2 the vecPromedio variable hold the average value of the available data.
	       vecPromedio     <- rep(promedio, sizeSubV1)
		   #Update allDatesHash values found in 'dataKeys' with average 
	       hash::values( allDatesHash, keys = dateKeys) <- vecPromedio
	       valores <- as.data.frame( hash::values(allDatesHash, keys = NULL))
	     } else {  valores  <- as.data.frame(intervalAsValue) }# endIF/ELSE
	   } else {
	      intervalAsDate     <-  base::as.Date(weatherYear$date)

	      # TMAX = Maximum temperature (tenths of degrees C)
	      intervalAsValue    <- sprintf( "%.4f", weatherYear$value/10)
	      stationDataHash    <- hash::hash( intervalAsDate , intervalAsValue)
	      hash::values(allDatesHash, keys = dates) <- rep(1, ndays)
	      hash::values(allDatesHash, keys = intervalAsDate) <- intervalAsValue
	      v1.df              <- as.data.frame(hash::has.key(dates, stationDataHash)) 	      
	      colnames(v1.df)    <- "value"
	      #Section guarantees that v1.df has at least one value
	      if ( length( which( v1.df$value == FALSE) ) > 0  ) {            

	        sub_v1.df        <- as.data.frame(subset(v1.df, value == FALSE))
	        dateKeys         <- as.character(rownames(sub_v1.df))  # print(dateKeys)
	        sizeSubV1        <- nrow(sub_v1.df)
	        vecPromedio      <- rep(promedio, sizeSubV1)
	        hash::values( allDatesHash, keys = dateKeys) <- vecPromedio
	        subValores       <- as.data.frame(hash::values(allDatesHash, keys = NULL))
	        valores          <- as.data.frame(cbind( valores, subValores))
	      } else { 
		       valores         <- as.data.frame(cbind(valores, intervalAsValue)) 
        }# endIF/ELSE
	    }# endIF/ELSE
      rm( stationDataHash )
	  }# endFOR   (stick time series of different stations together)	
	  colnames( valores ) <- station$id      
    msg <- base::paste("\nCreating table ", tableName, ".\t\t\t\t\t", sep = "")
    RPostgres::dbWriteTable(conn, tableName, as.data.frame(valores))
    cat("Check Postgres table!\n")  
  }# endIF/ELSE


rabravo/ws2pgdb documentation built on May 26, 2019, 8:51 p.m.