
Defines functions knnst_spatial_cor

Documented in knnst_spatial_cor

#' Compute spatial correlation after KNN space-time disaggregation
#' `knnst_spatial_cor()` computes the spatial correlation for all monthly data
#' between the specifed site(s) (`sites`) and all other sites.
#' If there are more  than one simulations, the correlation is computed for each
#' simulation across all years. If there is only one simulation, then the user
#' must specify the `bin_size` that is used to compute the correlation across
#' moving windows of this specified size.
#' @inheritParams knnst_nsim
#' @param sites One or more sites to compute correlations from.
#' @param bin_size Number of years for each bin when there is only one
#'   simulation.
#' @return A `knnst_spcor` object.
#' @seealso [plot.knnst_spcor()], [knnst_temporal_cor()]
#' @examples
#' knnst_spatial_cor(ex_disagg, "Cameo", 100)
#' knnst_spatial_cor(ex_disagg, c("Cameo", "Hoover"), 100)
#' @export
knnst_spatial_cor <- function(disagg, sites, bin_size = NULL)
  #TODO: check that sites name exists in data


  nsim <- knnst_nsim(disagg)
  nyrs <- nrow(disagg$disagg_sims[[1]]$disagg_flow) / 12

  if (nsim == 1) {
    assert_that(is.numeric(bin_size) && length(bin_size) == 1)

  # if there is more than 1 simulation, then set bin_size to full length of data
  if (nsim > 1) {
    message('More than 1 simulation exists, so correlation computed for all years in each simulation.')
    bin_size <- nyrs

  assert_that(bin_size <= nyrs)

  df <- as.data.frame(disagg)

  # simulated data as data frame
  # TODO: only need this if we are trying to compute annual values
  # df <- df %>%
  #   dplyr::mutate_at("ym", list(~get_agg_year(., disagg[["start_month"]])))

  # xx is site(s) to compute correlation with all toher sites
  # yy is all other sites (including cameo)

  # pattern flow cor ---------------
  i <- match(sites, colnames(disagg$mon_flow))
  xx <- as.matrix(disagg$mon_flow[,i, drop = FALSE])
  yy <- as.matrix(disagg$mon_flow)
  hist_cor <- stats::cor(xx, yy)

  # disagg results cor -------------
  # compute cor for all sites; do this independently for every simulation
  all_res <- data.frame()

  # TODO: this could be made more efficient instead of looping through all
  # simulations, could make it mirror the loop/array approach of the different
  # window lengths
  for (s in seq_len(nsim)) {
    tmp <- dplyr::filter_at(df, 'simulation', dplyr::all_vars(. == s))
    xx <- dplyr::select_at(tmp, sites)
    yy <- dplyr::select_at(
        -tidyselect::one_of("month", "simulation", "index_year", "ym", "year")

    # this is monthly data
    n <- nrow(yy) / 12 - bin_size + 1

    # preallocate results matrix
    # number of bins x sites to correlate from x sites to correlate to
    res <- array(
      dim = c(n, ncol(xx), ncol(yy)),
      dimnames = list(1:n, colnames(xx), colnames(yy))

    bin_size_month <- bin_size * 12
    for (i in 1:n) {
      offset <- (i - 1) * 12
      rr <- (1 + offset):(bin_size_month + offset)
      tmp <- stats::cor(xx[rr,], yy[rr,])
      res[i,,] <- tmp

    # convert to data frame ----------------
    res <- as.data.frame(res)
    res <- tidyr::pivot_longer(
      names_to = "site",
      values_to = "cor"

    # split the combined name to get site_from and site_to
    site_names <- simplify2array(strsplit(res[["site"]], ".", fixed = TRUE))
    res[["site_from"]] <- site_names[1,]
    res[["site_to"]] <- site_names[2,]
    res[["site"]] <- NULL
    res[['simulation']] <- s

    all_res <- dplyr::bind_rows(res, all_res)

  # convert historical corelation to df
  hist_cor <- as.data.frame(hist_cor)
  hist_cor[["site_from"]] <- rownames(hist_cor)

  hist_cor <- tidyr::pivot_longer(
    names_to = "site_to",
    values_to = "cor"

  res <- list(
    disagg_cor = all_res,
    pattern_cor = hist_cor,
    orig_sites = colnames(yy),
    bin_size = bin_size

    class = "knnst_spcor"
rabutler-usbr/knnstdisagg documentation built on Sept. 14, 2023, 2:47 p.m.