
Defines functions optimalModels

optimalModels <- function(theData, nSubset, iteration, nPop,
                          mutRate, crossRate, longitudinal,
                          numTime, seed, co, consMatrix, mixture,
                          log) {

  #masterList to store the pareto fronts

  if (longitudinal){
    #get the number of instances of one time slice
    numInstances <- nrow(theData) / (numTime - 1)

    #compute the size of Subset
    sizeSubset <- floor(numInstances / 2) * (numTime - 1)

    #compute sizeSubsetGetData, how many instances drawn from each time slice
    sizeSubsetGetData <- floor(numInstances / 2)

    #compute the number of variables,
    #asummed data already in reshaped network t_0..t_i
    numVar <- ncol(theData) / 2

    #compute the size of the a longitudinal model string
    stringSize <- (numVar * numVar + (numVar * (numVar - 1))) #inter + intra

  } else {
    #for variable sizeSubset
    sizeSubset <- floor(nrow(theData) / 2)

    #for variable numVar, the number of variables in the data
    numVar <- ncol(theData)

    #the size of a model string
    stringSize <- (numVar * (numVar - 1))

  #form constraint
  if (is.null(consMatrix)) {
    constraint1 <- 0
    consMatrix <- matrix(0, 1, 2, byrow = TRUE)
  } else {
    constraint1 <- convertCons(consMatrix, numVar)

  l <- NULL
  # the main loop / outer loop -----------------------------------------
  #masterList <- foreach(l = 1:nSubset, .inorder = FALSE, .export = c(), .packages = c('stablespec')) %dopar% {
  masterList <- foreach(l = 1:nSubset, .inorder = FALSE, .packages = c('stablespec')) %dopar% {
    #set seed

    if (!is.null(log)) {
      sink(log, append=TRUE)
      cat(paste(Sys.time(), ": Starting subset ", l, "\n", sep = ''))
    #draw a subset from the data
    if (longitudinal) {

      newData <- getDataLongi(theData, numTime, sizeSubsetGetData)

    } else { #if cross-sectional data
      newData <- getDataCross(theData, sizeSubset)

    #make an initial population
    initialModels <- initialPopulation(numVar, stringSize,
                                       longitudinal, consMatrix)
    initialModels <- rbind(initialModels,
                           genPopulation(nPop-nrow(initialModels), numVar,
                                         longitudinal, constraint1))

    #perform initial computation
    initialResult <- gatherFitness(newData, initialModels, sizeSubset,
                                   numVar, l, longitudinal, co, mixture)

      # FIRST GENERATION----------------------------------------------------

      # sorted first generation, here is P0
      preP0 <- fastNonDominatedSort(initialResult)

      #to get the matrix of indices from Front1..n
      indexP0 <- convertFront(preP0)
      P0 <- initialModels[indexP0, ]

      # initial Selection
      currentPop <- P0

      # to get the first front's fitness
      front1Fitness <- initialResult[preP0[[1]], ]

      #to get the first front's models
      front1Model <- initialModels[preP0[[1]], ]

      # the loop of NSGA --------------------------------------------
      for (j in 1:iteration) {
        # Crossover
        i <- 1
        while (i < nPop) {
          toss <- runif(1, 0, 1)
          if (toss <= crossRate) {
            #generate crossovered offspring, by taking two consecutive models
            offsprings <- crossOver(currentPop[i, ],
                                    currentPop[i+1, ], numVar, longitudinal)
            currentPop[i, ] <- offsprings[[1]]
            currentPop[i+1, ] <- offsprings[[2]]
          #to take the next two consecutive models
          i <- i + 2

        # MUTATION -----------------------------
        for (i in 1:nPop) {
          currentPop[i,] <- mutation(currentPop[i, ], mutRate,
                                     numVar, constraint1, longitudinal)

        allR0 <- rbind(P0, currentPop)
        preR0 <- gatherFitness(newData, allR0, sizeSubset, numVar,
                               l, longitudinal, co, mixture)

        ranking <- fastNonDominatedSort(preR0)
        rnkIndex <- integer(nPop)
        i <- 1
        while (i <= length(ranking)) {
          rnkIndex[ranking[[i]]] <- i
          i <- i + 1

        #to get the range of each objective
        objRange <- apply(preR0[, 1:2], 2, max) - apply(preR0[, 1:2], 2, min)

        #to assign the crowded distance for each member in each front
        assignedDist <- crowdingDistance(preR0, ranking, objRange)

        #to sort the members in each front in R0 based on the crowded distance
        sortedDist <- sortBasedOnDist(ranking, assignedDist)

        #order and get R0
        indexR0 <- convertFront(sortedDist)
        R0 <- allR0[indexR0, ]

        #new P0
        P0 <- R0[1:nPop, ]

        # if the length of the first front < nPop, take them all
        # or take them as many as nPop otherwise (if length is more than nPop)
        if (length(sortedDist[[1]]) < nPop) {
          lengthInd <- length(sortedDist[[1]])
          takenInd <- sortedDist[[1]]
        } else {
          lengthInd <- nPop
          takenInd <- sortedDist[[1]][1:nPop]

        front1Fitness <- rbind(front1Fitness, preR0[takenInd, ])

        #to get the first front models
        front1Model <- rbind(front1Model, allR0[takenInd, ])

        # New currentPop
        currentPop <- cbind(P0, rnkIndex[indexR0[1:nPop, ]],
                            assignedDist[indexR0[1:nPop, ], ])
        currentPop <- nsga2R::tournamentSelection(currentPop, nPop, 2)
        currentPop <- currentPop[, 1:stringSize]

      toFrontOneIndex <- fastNonDominatedSort(front1Fitness)

      #to get the model of 1st front of all FrontOne
      firstFront1Model <- front1Model[toFrontOneIndex[[1]], ]

      #to get the fitness of 1st front of FrontOne
      firstFront1Fitness <- front1Fitness[toFrontOneIndex[[1]], ]

      firstFront1Merged <- cbind(firstFront1Model, firstFront1Fitness)

      uniqueFirstFront <- unique(firstFront1Merged)

      if (!is.null(log)) {
        sink(log, append=TRUE)
        cat(paste(Sys.time(), ": Finished subset ", l, "\n", sep = ""))


  return(list(listOfFronts=masterList, num_var=numVar,
              string_size=stringSize, cons_matrix = consMatrix))
rahmarid/stablespec documentation built on May 26, 2019, 9:51 p.m.