
#' Generates random variates from multivariate normal populations with intraclass
#' covariance matrices.
#' We generate \eqn{n_k} observations \eqn{(k = 1, \ldots, K_0)} from each of
#' \eqn{K_0} multivariate normal distributions such that the Euclidean distance
#' between each of the means and the origin is equal and scaled by
#' \eqn{\Delta \ge 0}.
#' Let \eqn{\Pi_k} denote the \eqn{k}th population with a \eqn{p}-dimensional
#' multivariate normal distribution, \eqn{N_p(\mu_k, \Sigma_k)} with mean vector
#' \eqn{\mu_k} and covariance matrix \eqn{\Sigma_k}. Also, let \eqn{e_k} be the
#' \eqn{k}th standard basis vector (i.e., the \eqn{k}th element is 1 and the
#' remaining values are 0). Then, we define \deqn{\mu_k = \Delta
#' \sum_{j=1}^{p/K_0} e_{(p/K_0)(k-1) + j}.} Note that \eqn{p} must be divisible
#' by \eqn{K_0}. By default, the first 10 dimensions of \eqn{\mu_1} are set to
#' \eqn{\Delta} with all remaining dimensions set to 0, the second 10 dimensions
#' of \eqn{\mu_2} are set to \eqn{\Delta} with all remaining dimensions set to
#' 0, and so on.
#' Also, we consider intraclass covariance (correlation) matrices such that
#' \eqn{\Sigma_k = \sigma^2 (1 - \rho_k) J_p + \rho_k I_p}, where
#' \eqn{-(p-1)^{-1} < \rho_k < 1}, \eqn{I_p} is the \eqn{p \times p} identity
#' matrix, and \eqn{J_p} denotes the \eqn{p \times p} matrix of ones.
#' By default, we let \eqn{K_0 = 5}, \eqn{\Delta = 0}, and \eqn{\sigma^2 = 1}.
#' Furthermore, we generate 25 observations from each population by default.
#' For \eqn{\Delta = 0} and \eqn{\rho_k = \rho}, \eqn{k = 1, \ldots, K_0}, the
#' \eqn{K_0} populations are equal.
#' @param n a vector (of length K_0) of the sample sizes for each population
#' @param p the dimension of the multivariate normal populations
#' @param rho a vector (of length K_0) of the intraclass constants for each
#' population
#' @param delta the fixed distance between each population and the origin
#' @param sigma2 the coefficient of each intraclass covariance matrix
#' @param seed seed for random number generation (If \code{NULL}, does not set
#' seed)
#' @return named list containing:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{x:}{A matrix whose rows are the observations generated and whose
#'   columns are the \code{p} features (variables)}
#'   \item{y:}{A vector denoting the population from which the observation in
#'   each row was generated.}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data_generated <- sim_normal(n = 10 * seq_len(5), seed = 42)
#' dim(data_generated$x)
#' table(data_generated$y)
#' data_generated2 <- sim_normal(p = 10, delta = 2, rho = rep(0.1, 5))
#' table(data_generated2$y)
#' sample_means <- with(data_generated2,
#'                      tapply(seq_along(y), y, function(i) {
#'                             colMeans(x[i,])
#'                      }))
#' (sample_means <- do.call(rbind, sample_means))
sim_normal <- function(n = rep(25, 5), p = 50, rho = rep(0.9, 5), delta = 0,
                       sigma2 = 1, seed = NULL) {
  # The number of populations
  K_0 <- length(n)

  if (delta < 0) {
    stop("The value for 'delta' must be a nonnegative constant.")
  if (sigma2 <= 0) {
    stop("The value for 'sigma2' must be positive.")
  if (length(n) != length(rho)) {
    stop("The length of the vectors 'n' and 'rho' must be equal.")
  if (p %% K_0 != 0) {
    stop("We require that 'p' be divisible by 'K_0'")
  if(!is.null(seed)) {

  # A matrix whose rows are the population means.
  means <- lapply(seq.int(K_0), function(k) {
    mu_k <- matrix(0, nrow = K_0, ncol = p / K_0)
    mu_k[k, ] <- delta
  means <- do.call(cbind, means)

  # A list containing each of the covariance matrices.
  cov_list <- lapply(rho, intraclass_cov, p = p)

  # Generates the data in a list of length K_0.
  # Then, we rbind the data together.
  x <- lapply(seq_len(K_0), function(k) {
    rmvnorm(n[k], means[k, ], cov_list[[k]])
  x <- do.call(rbind, x)
  y <- do.call(c, sapply(seq_len(K_0), function(k) {
    rep.int(k, n[k])
  }, simplify = FALSE))
  list(x = x, y = y)

#' Constructs an intraclass covariance matrix.
#' We define a \eqn{p \times p} intraclass covariance (correlation)
#' matrix to be \eqn{\Sigma = \sigma^2 (1 - \rho) J_p + \rho I_p},
#' where \eqn{-(p-1)^{-1} < \rho < 1}, \eqn{I_p} is the
#' \eqn{p \times p} identity matrix, and \eqn{J_p} denotes the
#' \eqn{p \times p} matrix of ones.
#' @param p the dimension of the matrix
#' @param rho the intraclass covariance (correlation) constant
#' @param sigma2 the coefficient of the intraclass covariance matrix
#' @return an intraclass covariance matrix of size \eqn{p \times p}
intraclass_cov <- function(p, rho, sigma2 = 1) {
  if (rho <= -(p-1)^(-1) || rho >= 1) {
    stop("The value for 'rho' must be exclusively between -1 / (p - 1) and 1.")
  if (sigma2 <= 0) {
    stop("The value for 'sigma2' must be positive.")
  sigma2 * ((1 - rho) * matrix(1, nrow = p, ncol = p) + rho * diag(p))
ramhiser/clusteval documentation built on May 26, 2019, 10:07 p.m.