
Defines functions get_variation_sources json_list_variation_source_tbl variation_source_tbl

Documented in get_variation_sources

variation_source_tbl <- function(species_name = character(),
                                 db_name = character(),
                                 type = character(),
                                 version = character(),
                                 somatic_status = character(),
                                 description = character(),
                                 url = character(),
                                 data_types = list()
) {

  tbl <- tibble::tibble(
    species_name = species_name,
    db_name = db_name,
    type = type,
    version = version,
    somatic_status = somatic_status,
    description = description,
    url = url,
    data_types = data_types

json_list_variation_source_tbl <- function(species_name, json_list) {

  tbl <- variation_source_tbl(
    species_name = species_name,
    db_name = purrr::pluck(json_list, 'name', .default = NA_character_),
    type = purrr::pluck(json_list, 'type', .default = NA_character_),
    version = purrr::pluck(json_list, 'version', .default = NA_character_),
    somatic_status = purrr::pluck(json_list, 'somatic_status', .default = NA_character_),
    description = purrr::pluck(json_list, 'description', .default = NA_character_),
    url = purrr::pluck(json_list, 'url', .default = NA_character_),
    data_types = purrr::pluck(json_list, 'data_types', .default = list(NA_character_))

  # Convert empty strings to NA_character_
  tbl2 <- empty_strings_to_NA(tbl)


#' Retrieve variant sources
#' This function retrieves variant sources, i.e. a list of databases used by
#' Ensembl from which variant information is retrieved.
#' @param species_name The species name, i.e., the scientific name, all letters
#'   lowercase and space replaced by underscore. Examples: \code{'homo_sapiens'}
#'   (human), \code{'ovis_aries'} (Domestic sheep) or \code{'capra_hircus'}
#'   (Goat).
#' @param verbose Whether to be chatty.
#' @param warnings Whether to print warnings.
#' @param progress_bar Whether to show a progress bar.
#' @return A \code{\link[tibble]{tibble}}, each row being a variant database,
#'   of 8 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{species_name}{Ensembl species name: this is the name used internally
#'   by Ensembl to uniquely identify a species by name. It is the scientific
#'   name but formatted without capitalisation and spacing converted with an
#'   underscore, e.g., \code{'homo_sapiens'}.}
#' \item{db_name}{Database name.}
#' \item{type}{Database type, e.g., `chip` (genotyping chip) or `lsdb`
#' (locus-specific database).}
#' \item{version}{Database version.}
#' \item{somatic_status}{Somatic status.}
#' \item{description}{Database description.}
#' \item{url}{Database's URL.}
#' \item{data_types}{Data types to be found at database.}
#' }
#' @details # Ensembl REST API endpoints
#' `get_variation_sources` makes GET requests to
#' [info/variation/:species](https://rest.ensembl.org/documentation/info/variation).
#' @md
#' @examples
#' # Retrieve variant sources for human (default)
#' get_variation_sources()
#' # Retrieve variant sources for mouse
#' get_variation_sources(species_name = 'mus_musculus')
#' @export
get_variation_sources <- function(species_name = 'human',
                                  verbose = FALSE,
                                  warnings = TRUE,
                                  progress_bar = TRUE) {

  # Assert species_name argument.

  # Assert verbose argument.
  # Assert warnings argument.
  # Assert progress_bar argument.

  resource_urls <- glue::glue('/info/variation/',

  responses <-
      verbose = verbose,
      warnings = warnings,
      progress_bar = progress_bar

  # Only keep those responses that responded successfully, i.e. with status == "OK".
  responses_ok <- purrr::keep(responses, ~ identical(.x$status, 'OK'))

  responses_ok_lgl <- purrr::map_lgl(responses, ~ identical(.x$status, 'OK'))
  species_name2 <- species_name[responses_ok_lgl]

  # If none of the responses were successful then return an empty tibble.
  if (rlang::is_empty(responses_ok)) return(variation_source_tbl())

      .x = responses_ok,
      .f = ~ json_list_variation_source_tbl(
        species_name = species_name2[.y],
        json_list = .x$content
ramiromagno/ensemblr documentation built on Oct. 19, 2023, 11:12 a.m.