
context('numeric to character string')

v <- Vectorize(num2char)

test_that('informal and formal are identical in certain circumstances', {
  expect_identical(v(1:99), v(1:99, informal = TRUE))
  x <-  c(1000, 100, 19600, 12)
  expect_identical(v(x), v(x, informal = TRUE))
  x <- c(101, 10001, 7020, 591)
  expect_identical(v(x), gsub(' and ', ' ', v(x, informal = TRUE)))

test_that('negatives and positives give same result', {
  v1 <- v(1:1001, cap = FALSE)
  v2 <- gsub('negative ', '', v(-1:-1001, cap = FALSE))
  expect_identical(v1, v2)

test_that('no extra ands for informal case or 
          NAs in numbers with strings of 0s are printed', {
  x <- c(1, 21, 10001, 190001)
  expect_false(any(mapply(grepl, 'And|NA', v(x))))
raredd/rawr documentation built on May 19, 2024, 1:02 p.m.