
wedge <- function(a1,b1,a2,b2,size,tau,N=3,lower.tail=TRUE,type=c("R","Rcpp","RcppParallel"),nb.threads) {
  #  Computes the wedge probability:
  #         P[-a1*t -b1 < Wt < a2*t +b2, for all t>0]
  #  where Wt is the standard Brownian motion.
  #  variables:
  #  a1, a2, b1, b2: vectors of numeric
  #  N: integer, number of terms to be computed.
  #  lower.tail: logical. If FALSE, the complement to 1
  #  (exit probability) is returned.
  #  Value: vector of numeric

  #----------------------------------------------- initialize threshold
  if(missing(tau)) tau<- wedge.threshold(N)
  #----------------------------------------------- check input sizes
  if(missing(size)) size <- min(length(a1),length(a2),length(b1),length(b2))
  #----------------------------------------------- select type of computation
  type <- match.arg(type)
      if(!("package:wedgeParallel" %in% search())) stop("ERROR: you need to install wedgeParallel first.")
      if(missing(nb.threads)) {
        nb.threads <- detectCores()
      RcppParallel::setThreadOptions(numThreads=nb.threads) # depending on the option

#----------------------------------------------- compute threshold
wedge.threshold <- function(N=3) {
  bb <- function(x){
    res <- exp(-8*x*(N-1)^2)/(4*x*(N-1))
    res <- res-(2/pi)^(3/2)*sqrt(x)/N*exp(2*x)*exp(-pi^2*N^2/(2*x))

#----------------------------------------------- pure R version
wedgeR <- function(a1,b1,a2,b2,size,tau,N=3,lower.tail=TRUE) {
  if(missing(size)) size <- min(length(a1),length(a2),length(b1),length(b2))
  if(missing(tau)) tau<- wedge.threshold(N)
  #---------------------------------------------- reduce to common size
  a1r <- a1[1:size]
  b1r <- b1[1:size]
  a2r <- a2[1:size]
  b2r <- b2[1:size]
  #----------------------------------------------- initialize result
  w <- rep(if(lower.tail) 0 else 1,size)
  #----------------------------------------------- positive values
  indnn <- (a1r>0)&(a2r>0)&(b1r>0)&(b2r>0)
  #----------------------------------------------- vectors of parameters
  a1r <- a1r[indnn]
  b1r <- b1r[indnn]
  a2r <- a2r[indnn]
  b2r <- b2r[indnn]

  a1b1 <- a1r*b1r
  a2b2 <- a2r*b2r
  a1b2 <- a1r*b2r
  a2b1 <- a2r*b1r

  ap <- (a1r+a2r)/2
  bp <- (b1r+b2r)/2
  abp <- ap*bp

  ga <- (a1b1-a2b2)/2
  de <- (a1b2-a2b1)/2
  #----------------------------------------------- which sum to use
  ind1 <- (abp>tau)                              # sum 1
  ind2 <- !ind1                                  # sum 2
  #----------------------------------------------- terms for each sum
  a1b1 <- a1b1[ind1]                             # for sum 1
  a2b2 <- a2b2[ind1]
  a1b2 <- a1b2[ind1]
  a2b1 <- a2b1[ind1]

  abp2 <- abp[ind2]                              # for sum2
  de2 <- de[ind2]
  ga2 <- ga[ind2]
  #----------------------------------------------- initialize
  w1 <- rep(0,sum(ind1))
  w2 <- rep(0,sum(ind2))
  #----------------------------------------------- main loop
  for(n in 1:N) {
  #----------------------------------------------- sum 1
     n2<-n^2; nm12<-(n-1)^2; nnm1<-n*(n-1); nnp1<-n*(n+1)
     An <- n2*a2b2+nm12*a1b1+nnm1*(a2b1+a1b2)
     Bn <- nm12*a2b2+n2*a1b1+nnm1*(a2b1+a1b2)
     Cn <- n2*(a1b1+a2b2)+nnm1*a2b1+nnp1*a1b2
     Dn <- n2*(a1b1+a2b2)+nnp1*a2b1+nnm1*a1b2
     w1 <- w1-exp(-2*An)-exp(-2*Bn)+exp(-2*Cn)+exp(-2*Dn)
  #----------------------------------------------- sum 2
     exp1 <- exp(-(2*pi*n)^2/(8*abp2))
     exp1 <- exp1*(cos(pi*n*de2/abp2)-cos(pi*n*ga2/abp2))
     exp2 <- exp(-(pi*(2*n-1))^2/(8*abp2))
     exp2 <- exp2*(cos(pi*(n-0.5)*de2/abp2)+cos(pi*(n-0.5)*ga2/abp2))
     w2 <- w2+exp1+exp2
  }                                              # end for
  w2 <- w2*sqrt(pi/(2*abp2))*exp(de2^2/(2*abp2))
  #----------------------------------------------- result
  if(lower.tail) w1 <- 1+w1 else { w1 <- (-w1); w2 <- 1-w2 }
  wr <- w[indnn]
  wr[ind1] <- w1
  wr[ind2] <- w2
  w[indnn] <- wr
rcqls/wedge documentation built on May 27, 2019, 3:05 a.m.