
Defines functions get_data .copy_files .download_files http_address .removeprotocol .getprotocol .getdomain .download_rothamsted_files .download_zenodo_files .download_dryad_files .download_ckan_files .download_dataverse_files .dataverse_unzip filter_files simple_uri

Documented in get_data simple_uri

# Author: Robert J. Hijmans
# Sept 2019
# version 1
# license 	

simple_uri <- function(uri, reverse=FALSE) {
	if (reverse) {
		if (grepl(":", uri)) {
			return(gsub("_", "/", uri))
		} else {
			return(gsub("_", "/", sub("_", ":", uri))	)
	ur <- .removeprotocol(uri)
	if (grepl("dx.doi.org/", ur)) {
		u <- gsub("dx.doi.org/", "", ur)
		u <- paste0("doi_", u)
	} else if (grepl("doi.org/", ur)) {
		u <- gsub("doi.org/", "", ur)
		u <- paste0("doi_", u)
	} else if (grepl("persistentId=doi:", ur)) {
		u <- unlist(strsplit(ur, "persistentId=doi:"))[2]
		u <- paste0("doi_", u)
	} else if (grepl("^doi:", ur)) {
		u <- gsub("^doi:", "doi_", ur)		
	} else if (grepl("persistentId=hdl:", ur)) {
		u <- unlist(strsplit(ur, "persistentId=hdl:"))[2]
		u <- paste0("hdl_", u)
	} else if (grepl("^hdl:", ur)) {
		u <- gsub("^hdl:", "hdl_", ur)		
	} else if (grepl("hdl.handle.net/", ur)) {
		u <- gsub("hdl.handle.net/", "", ur)
		u <- paste0("hdl_", u)
	} else {
		stop(paste0("Not a valid object identifier (DOI or HDL)"))
	gsub("/", "_", u)

filter_files <- function(x) { 
	x <- grep("\\.json$|ok\\.txt$|\\.pdf$|_files.txt$|\\.zip$|\\.doc$|\\.docx$", x, value=TRUE, invert=TRUE)
	# remove opened excel files
	grep("/~$", x, fixed=TRUE, invert=TRUE, value=TRUE)

.dataverse_unzip <- function(zipf, path, unzip) {
	allf <- NULL
	for (z in zipf) {
		zf <- utils::unzip(z, list=TRUE)
		zf <- zf$Name[zf$Name != "MANIFEST.TXT"]
		zf <- grep("/$", zf, invert=TRUE, value=TRUE)
		allf <- c(allf, zf)
		if (unzip) {
			ff <- list.files(path, recursive=TRUE, include.dirs=TRUE)
			there <- (zf %in% ff)
			if (!all(there)) {
				utils::unzip(z, zf[!there], exdir = path)
				## zipfiles in zipfile...
				zipzip <- grep("\\.zip$", zf[!there], ignore.case=TRUE, value=TRUE)
				if (length(zipzip) > 0) {
					zipzip <- file.path(path, zipzip)
					for (zz in zipzip) {
						utils::unzip(zz, exdir = path)
					allf <- c(allf, utils::unzip(zz, list=TRUE))
	ff <- filter_files(allf) 
	file.path(path, ff)

.download_dataverse_files <- function(u, baseu, path, uname, domain, protocol, unzip, zipf) {
	pid <- unlist(strsplit(u, "\\?"))[2]
	uu <- paste0(baseu, "/api/datasets/:persistentId?", pid)
	# the nice way
	#r <- httr::GET(uu)
	#js <- httr::content(r, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
	# but for cimmyt...
	tmpf <- tempfile()
	if (grepl("worldagroforestry", uu) || grepl("cirad.fr", uu) || grepl("cipotato", uu)) {
		# temporary fix because WorldAgroFor https cert has expired
		# not sure why for CIP on Ubuntu (cert expired)
		utils::download.file(uu, tmpf, quiet=TRUE, method="curl", extra="-k")
	} else {
		utils::download.file(uu, tmpf, quiet=TRUE)
	js <- readLines(tmpf, encoding = "UTF-8", warn=FALSE)
	js <- jsonlite::fromJSON(js)
	fjs <- js$data$latestVersion$files
	jsp <- jsonlite::toJSON(js, pretty=TRUE)
	writeLines(jsp, file.path(path, paste0(uname, ".json")))
	f <- if(is.null(fjs$dataFile)) {fjs$datafile} else {fjs$dataFile}
	f$checksum <- NULL
	f$tabularTags <- NULL
	if (!is.null(f$categories)) {
		fc <- unlist(f$categories)
		if (!is.list(fc) && length(fc) == nrow(f)) {
			f$categories <- fc
		} else {
			f$categories <- NULL		
	fn <- file.path(path, paste0(uname, "_files.txt"))
	#try(utils::write.csv(f, fn))
	try(data.table::fwrite(f, fn))
	rest <- f$restricted
	if (!is.null(rest)) {
		f <- f[!rest, ]
		if (nrow(f) == 0) {
			stop("access to the files is restricted")
		warning("access to some files is restricted")
	if (nrow(f) == 0) {
		stop("no files!")
	if (sum(f$originalFileSize, na.rm=TRUE) < 10000000) {
		files <- paste0(f$id, collapse = ",")
		fu <- paste0(protocol, domain, "/api/access/datafiles/", files, "?format=original")
	## temporary fix because WorldAgroFor https cert has expired
		if (grepl("worldagroforestry", fu) || grepl("cirad.fr", fu) || grepl("cipotato", fu)) {
			utils::download.file(fu, zipf, quiet=TRUE, mode="wb", method="curl", extra="-k")
		} else {
			utils::download.file(fu, zipf, mode="wb", quiet=TRUE)
	} else {
		#for (i in 1:nrow(f)) {
		#	print(paste("part", i)); utils::flush.console()
		#	fu <- paste0(protocol, domain, "/api/access/datafiles/", f$id[i], "?format=original")
		#	zipi <- file.path(path, paste0(uname, "_", i, ".zip"))
		#	utils::download.file(fu, zipi, mode="wb", quiet=TRUE)
## temporary fix because WorldAgroFor https cert has expired
##			utils::download.file(fu, zipi, quiet=TRUE, mode="wb", method="curl", extra="-k")
		#	zipf <- c(zipf, zipi)
		f$originalFileSize[is.na(f$originalFileSize)] <- 10000
		i <- 1
		zipf <- NULL
		while(TRUE) {
#			print(paste("part", i)); utils::flush.console()
			if (!is.null(f$originalFileSize)) {
				cs <- cumsum(f$originalFileSize)
			} else {
				cs <- cumsum(f$filesize)
			k <- which (cs < 9000000)
			if (length(k) == 0) k <- 1
			files <- paste0(f$id[k], collapse = ",")
			fu <- paste0(protocol, domain, "/api/access/datafiles/", files, "?format=original")
			zipi <- file.path(path, paste0(uname, "_", i, ".zip"))
			if (grepl("worldagroforestry", uu)  || grepl("cirad.fr", fu) || grepl("cipotato", fu)) {
## temporary fix for expired https certificates
				utils::download.file(fu, zipi, quiet=TRUE, mode="wb", method="curl", extra="-k")
			} else {
				utils::download.file(fu, zipi, mode="wb", quiet=TRUE)
			f <- f[-k,]
			zipf <- c(zipf, zipi)
			if (nrow(f) == 0) break
			i <- i + 1
	ff <- .dataverse_unzip(zipf, path, unzip)
	f7 <- list.files(path, pattern="\\.7z$", full.names=TRUE)
	if (length(f7) > 0) {
		for (f in f7) {
			fext <- archive::archive_extract(f, path)
			ff <- c(ff, file.path(path, fext))
		ff <- ff[!(ff %in% f7)]
	writeLines(c(utils::timestamp(quiet=TRUE), uu), file.path(path, "ok.txt"))


.download_ckan_files <- function(u, baseu, path, uname, overwrite=TRUE) {
	pid <- unlist(strsplit(u, "dataset/"))[2]
	uu <- paste0(baseu, "/api/3/action/package_show?id=", pid)
	y <- httr::GET(uu)
	if (y$status_code != 200) {
	ry <- httr::content(y, as="raw")
	meta <- rawToChar(ry)
	writeLines(meta, file.path(path, paste0(uname, ".json")))
	js <- jsonlite::fromJSON(meta)
	d <- js$result$resources
	done <- TRUE
	files <- ""[0]
	i <- duplicated(tolower(d$name))
	d$name[i] <- paste0(d$name[i], "_dup")
	i <- duplicated(tolower(d$name))
	d$name[i] <- paste0(d$name[i], "_2")
	for (i in 1:nrow(d)) {
		u <- file.path(baseu, "dataset", d$package_id[i], "resource", d$id[i], "download", d$name[i])
		#if (d$available[i] == "yes") { "active" ?
		outf <- file.path(path, d$name[i])
		if ((!overwrite) & file.exists(outf)) next
		ok <- try(utils::download.file(d$url[i], outf, mode="wb", quiet=TRUE), silent=TRUE )
		if (inherits(ok, "try-error")) {
			print("cannot download")
			done <- FALSE
		} else {
			files <- c(files, outf)
	if (done) writeLines(c(utils::timestamp(quiet=TRUE), uu), file.path(path, "ok.txt"))

.download_dryad_files <- function(u, baseu, path, uname){ 
	pid <- gsub(":", "%253A", gsub("/", "%252F", unlist(strsplit(u, "dataset/"))[2]))
	uu <- paste0(baseu, "/api/v2/datasets/", pid)
	y <- httr::GET(uu)
	if (y$status_code != 200) {
	ry <- httr::content(y, as="raw")
	meta <- rawToChar(ry)
	writeLines(meta, file.path(path, paste0(uname, ".json")))
	js <- jsonlite::fromJSON(meta)
	d <- js$id
	done <- TRUE
	files <- ""[0]
	outf <- file.path(path, paste0(uname, ".zip"))
	ok <- try(utils::download.file(file.path(uu,"download"), outf, headers = c("User-Agent" = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)"), mode="wb", quiet=TRUE) )
	if (inherits(ok, "try-error")) {
		print("cannot download ", uname)
		done <- FALSE
	} else {
		files <- c(files, outf)
	utils::unzip(outf, exdir = file.path(path))
	if (done) writeLines(c(utils::timestamp(quiet=TRUE), uu), file.path(path, "ok.txt"))
	list.files(file.path(path), full.names = TRUE)

.download_zenodo_files <- function(u, path, uname){
#	pid <- gsub("https://zenodo.org/records/", "", u)
#	uu <- paste0("zenodo.org/api/deposit/depositions/", pid, "/files")
	pid <- basename(u)
	uu <- paste0("https://zenodo.org/api/records/", pid)
	y <- httr::GET(uu)
	if (y$status_code != 200) {
	ry <- httr::content(y, as="raw")
	meta <- rawToChar(ry)
	writeLines(meta, file.path(path, paste0(uname, ".json")))
	js <- jsonlite::fromJSON(meta)
	# d <- js$links$download
	d <- js$files$links |> unlist()
	d <- gsub("/draft", "", d)
	done <- TRUE
	files <- ""[0]
	outz <- file.path(path, paste0(uname, ".zip"))
	#dir.create(file.path(path, uname))
	#outf <- file.path(path, uname)
	for (link in d) {
		outf <- file.path(path, basename(gsub("/content", "", link)))
		ok <- try(utils::download.file(link, outf, mode="wb", quiet=TRUE))
		if (inherits(ok, "try-error")) {
			message(paste("cannot download", uname))
			done <- FALSE
		} else {
			files <- c(files, outf)
	## utils::zip can fail if Sys.getenv("R_ZIPCMD", "zip") returns an empty string
	#utils::zip(outz, list.files(outf, full.names = TRUE), flags = "-q")
	#utils::unzip(outz, junkpaths = TRUE, exdir=path)
	#unlink(file.path(path, uname), recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
	if (done) writeLines(c(utils::timestamp(quiet=TRUE), uu), file.path(path, "ok.txt"))

	list.files(file.path(path), full.names = TRUE)

.download_rothamsted_files <- function(u, path, uname) {

	uu <- gsub("dataset", "metadata", u)
	bn <- basename(u)
	uu <- gsub("01-", "", uu)
	uu <- paste0(uu, "/", bn, ".zip")
	zipf <- file.path(path, basename(uu))
	dir.create(path, showWarnings=FALSE)
	ok <- try(utils::download.file(uu, zipf, mode="wb", quiet=TRUE))
	if (inherits(ok, "try-error")) {
		print("cannot download ", uname)
		done <- FALSE
	utils::unzip(zipf, junkpaths=TRUE, exdir=path)

	writeLines(c(utils::timestamp(quiet=TRUE), uu), file.path(path, "ok.txt"))
	list.files(path, full.names = TRUE)

.getdomain <- function(x) strsplit(gsub("http://|https://|www\\.", "", x), "/")[[c(1, 1)]]
.getprotocol <- function(x) paste0(strsplit(x, "/")[[c(1, 1)]], "//")
.removeprotocol <- function(x) gsub("http://|https://|www\\.", "", x)

http_address <- function(uri) {
	if (grepl("^doi:", uri)) {
		gsub("^doi:", "https://dx.doi.org/", uri)
	} else if (grepl("^hdl:", uri)) {
		gsub("^hdl:", "https://hdl.handle.net/", uri)

.download_files <- function(path, files, cache) {

	outf <- gsub("%20", "_", basename(files))
	outf <- file.path(path, outf)
	oks <- rep(1, length(outf))

	if (cache && file.exists(file.path(path, "ok.txt"))) {
		have <- file.exists(outf)
		if (all(have)) {
			outf <- list.files(path, full.names=TRUE)
		oks[have] <- 0

	for (i in 1:length(files)) {
		if (oks[i] == 1) {
			oks[i] <- utils::download.file(files[i], outf[i], mode="wb", quiet=TRUE)
	zf <- grep("\\.zip$", outf, value=TRUE)
	if (length(zf) > 0) {
		for (z in zf) {
			.dataverse_unzip(z, path, TRUE)
		outf <- list.files(path, full.names=TRUE)
	if (all(oks == 0)) {
		writeLines(c(utils::timestamp(quiet=TRUE), files), file.path(path, "ok.txt"))


.copy_files <- function(path, files, cache) {

	outf <- file.path(path, basename(files))

	if (cache && file.exists(file.path(path, "ok.txt"))) {
		have <- file.exists(outf)
		if (all(have)) {
		ok <- file.copy(files[!have], outf[!have])
	} else {
		ok <- file.copy(files, outf)
	if (all(ok)) {
		writeLines(c(utils::timestamp(quiet=TRUE), files), file.path(path, "ok.txt"))

get_data <- function(uri, path, group, files=NULL, cache=TRUE) {

	if (is.null(path)) {
		path <- file.path(tempdir(), "carob")
	path <- file.path(path, "data/raw", group)
	if (is.null(files)) {	
		uname <- carobiner::simple_uri(uri)
	} else {
		uname <- gsub("/|:", "_", uri)
	#if (uripath) 
	path <- file.path(path, uname)
	if (!file.exists(file.path(path, "ok.txt"))) {
		cache <- FALSE

	dir.create(path, FALSE, TRUE)

	if (!is.null(files)) {
		http <- grepl("^http", files)
		if (all(http)) {
			return(.download_files(path, files, cache))
		} else if (all(!http)) {
			return(.copy_files(path, files, cache))
		} else {
			stop("Either all files, or no files should start with 'http'" )

	if (cache && file.exists(file.path(path, "ok.txt"))) {
		ff <- list.files(path, full.names=TRUE, recursive=TRUE)
	zipf <- file.path(path, paste0(uname, ".zip"))
	if (cache & file.exists(zipf)) {
		zipf <- list.files(path, paste0(uname, ".*zip$"), full.names=TRUE)		
		return(.dataverse_unzip(zipf, path, unzip))

	uri <- carobiner:::http_address(uri)
	if (!file.exists(path)) {
		stop(paste("cannot create path:", path))
	# temporary fix because WorldAgroFor https cert has expired
	httr::set_config(httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = 0L))

	# For CIRAD dataverse
	if (grepl("18167", uri)) {
		x <- httr::GET(uri, httr::add_headers("user-agent" = "Mozilla/5.0", "Cache-Control" = "no-cache"))
	} else {
		x <- httr::GET(uri)

	if (!x$status_code %in% c(200, 202)) {
		message(paste("Dataset or resource not reachable.\nStatus code: ", x$status_code))
	u <- x$url
	domain <- carobiner:::.getdomain(u)
	protocol <- carobiner:::.getprotocol(u)
	baseu <- paste0(protocol, domain)

	if (grepl("/stash/", u)) {	
		ff <- .download_dryad_files(u, baseu, path, uname)
	} else if (grepl("rothamsted", u)) {
		ff <- .download_rothamsted_files(u, path, uname)
	} else if (grepl("/dataset/", u)) {	
		ff <- .download_ckan_files(u, baseu, path, uname)
	} else if (grepl("zenodo", u)) {
		ff <- .download_zenodo_files(u, path, uname)
	} else {
		ff <- .download_dataverse_files(u, baseu, path, uname, domain, protocol, unzip, zipf)

# uri <- "doi:10.5061/dryad.pj76g30"
# path <- getwd()
# group <- "fertilizer"
# ff <- get_data(uri, path, group)
reagro/carobiner documentation built on Dec. 4, 2024, 3:21 p.m.