R/Calc Max Delta t.r

Defines functions MaxDeltaT

Documented in MaxDeltaT

#' Time-interval (DeltaT) for which Phi_ij(DeltaT) reaches its minimum or maximum (together with that minimum or maximum)
#' Time-interval (DeltaT) for which Phi_ij(DeltaT) reaches its minimum or maximum (together with that minimum or maximum). The interactive web application 'Phi-and-Psi-Plots and Find DeltaT' also contains this functionality, you can find it on my website: \url{https://www.uu.nl/staff/RMKuiper/Websites\%20\%2F\%20Shiny\%20apps}.
#' @param DeltaT Optional. The time interval used. By default, DeltaT = 1.
#' @param Phi Matrix of size q times q of (un)standardized lagged effects.
#' It also takes a fitted object from the classes "varest" (from the VAR() function in vars package) and "ctsemFit" (from the ctFit() function in the ctsem package); see example below. From such an object, the (standardized) Drift matrix is calculated/extracted.
#' @param Drift Optional (either Phi or Drift). Matrix of size q times q of (un)standardized continuous-time lagged effects, called drift matrix. Note that Phi(DeltaT) = expm(Drift*DeltaT). By default, input for Phi is used; only when Phi = NULL, Drift will be used.
#' @return The output renders, per element (i,j), the time-interval for which Phi_ij reaches its minimum/maximum together with this minimum/maximum Phi_ij. Note that even though a matrix is presented, the elements in it refer to different time-intervals when DeltaT differs per element (see in examples below).
#' @importFrom expm expm
#' @importFrom nleqslv nleqslv
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # library(CTmeta)
#' ## Example 1 ##
#' ##################################################################################################
#' # Input needed in examples below with q=2 variables.
#' # I will use the example matrices stored in the package:
#' DeltaT <- 1
#' Phi <- myPhi[1:2, 1:2]
#' # or: Drift
#' Drift <- myDrift
#' ##################################################################################################
#' MaxDeltaT(DeltaT = DeltaT, Phi = Phi)
#' # or
#' MaxDeltaT(DeltaT, Phi)
#' # Note that the DeltaT for which Phi_ij reaches its maximum or minimum ('DeltaT_MinOrMaxPhi') differs per Phi_ij.
#' # Therefore, the matrix 'MinOrMaxPhi' is not a Phi-matrix, but each element should be inspected separately.
#' # To obtain the full Phi-matrix for a specific DeltaT one can use:
#' DeltaT_MinOrMaxPhi <- MaxDeltaT(DeltaT, Phi)$DeltaT_MinOrMaxPhi
#' StandTransPhi(DeltaTStar = DeltaT_MinOrMaxPhi[1,2], DeltaT, N = NULL, Phi)$Phi_DeltaTStar
#' # If you would use the drift matrix Drift as input, then use:
#' MaxDeltaT(DeltaT, Drift = Drift)
#' # Note that the function 'PhiPlot' can help to see (per element) whether a minimum or maximum is reached.
#' PhiPlot(DeltaT, Phi)
#' # or:
#' ggPhiPlot(DeltaT, Phi)
#' # Often there is a minimum and a maximum, the function can give this by
#' # calculating the optimum from three different starting points.
#' ## Example 2: input from fitted object of class "varest" ##
#' #
#' data <- myData
#' if (!require("vars")) install.packages("vars")
#' library(vars)
#' out_VAR <- VAR(data, p = 1)
#' DeltaT <- 1
#' MaxDeltaT(DeltaT, out_VAR)
#' #
#' ggPhiPlot(DeltaT, out_VAR)

MaxDeltaT <- function(DeltaT = 1, Phi = NULL, Drift = NULL) {

  #DeltaT <- 1
  #Drift <- matrix(c( -3.12 , 0.08, 0.00,  2.56, -2.80, -0.32,
  #                   -11.68, 9.44,-6.64), 3,3, byrow=TRUE)

  # Checks:
  if(length(DeltaT) != 1){
    ErrorMessage <- (paste0("The argument DeltaT should be a scalar, that is, one number, that is, a vector with one element. Currently, DeltaT = ", DeltaT))
  # Check on Phi
  if(any(class(Phi) == "varest")){
    Phi <- Acoef(Phi)[[1]]
    CTMp <- CTMparam(DeltaT, Phi)
      B <- -CTMp$Drift  # Drift <- logm(Phi)/DeltaT  # Phi <- expm(Drift * DeltaT)
      ErrorMessage <- CTMp$ErrorMessage
  } else if(any(class(Phi) == "ctsemFit")){
    B <- -1 * summary(Phi)$DRIFT
  } else{

    # Drift = A = -B
    # B is drift matrix that is pos def, so Phi(DeltaT) = expm(-B*DeltaT)
        CTMp <- CTMparam(DeltaT, Phi)
          B <- -CTMp$Drift  # Drift <- logm(Phi)/DeltaT  # Phi <- expm(Drift * DeltaT)
          ErrorMessage <- CTMp$ErrorMessage
      }else{ # is.null(Phi)
        ErrorMessage <- ("Either the drift matrix Drift or the autoregressive matrix Phi should be input to the function.")
        #("Note that Phi(DeltaT) = expm(-B*DeltaT).")
    }else{ # !is.null(Drift)
      B <- -Drift
    # Check on B
    if(length(B) > 1){
      if(all(Re(eigen(B)$val) < 0)){
        cat("All (the real parts of) the eigenvalues of the drift matrix Drift are positive. Therefore. I assume the input for Drift was B = -A instead of A (or -Phi instead of Phi). I will use Drift = -B = A.")
        cat("Note that Phi(DeltaT) = expm(-B*DeltaT) = expm(A*DeltaT) = expm(Drift*DeltaT).")
        B = -B
      if(any(Re(eigen(B)$val) < 0)){
        #ErrorMessage <- ("The function stopped, since some of (the real parts of) the eigenvalues of the drift matrix Drift are positive.")
        cat("If the function stopped, this is because some of (the real parts of) the eigenvalues of the drift matrix Drift are positive.")
  if(length(B) == 1){
    q <- 1
    q <- dim(B)[1]

  message <- "There is a DeltaT such that the Phi(DeltaT) functions reach a minimum or maximum."

  SolveForMaxDelta_ij_fie <- function(q, B, i, j) {
    function(x) {
      y <- numeric(1)
      y <- -((-B) %*% expm(-B*x))[i,j]

  MaxDeltaT_mx <- matrix(NA, nrow = q, ncol = q)
  # If single i and j
  #i <- 1
  #j <- 2
  # If loop
  for(i in 1:q){
    for(j in 1:q){
      SolveForMaxDelta_ij <- SolveForMaxDelta_ij_fie(q, B, i, j)
      xstart_ij <- 0
      fstart_ij <- SolveForMaxDelta_ij(xstart_ij)
      # Check
      if(all(is.nan(fstart_ij) == FALSE) == FALSE){
        ("There is no DeltaT such that the Phi(DeltaT) functions reach a minimum or maximum!")
        message <- "There is no DeltaT such that the Phi(DeltaT) functions reach a minimum or maximum."
      sol_ij <- nleqslv(xstart_ij, SolveForMaxDelta_ij, control=list(btol=.0000001, allowSingular = TRUE)) #, method="Newton")
      MaxDeltaT_ij <- sol_ij$x
      # Function terminated if sol$termcd does not equal 1 (and 1 is "Function criterion is near zero. Convergence of function values has been achieved.")
      if(sol_ij$termcd != 1){
        cat("The nleqslv-function terminated.")
        cat("Hence, there is no DeltaT such that the Phi(DeltaT) functions reach a minimum or maximum.")
        message <- "There is no DeltaT such that the Phi(DeltaT) functions reach a minimum or maximum."
      MaxDeltaT_mx[i,j] <- MaxDeltaT_ij
    } #end loop j
  } #end loop i

  ## For a single i and j
  #cat("Phi(Max DeltaT)_ij = ")
  #cat("Check on zero for 1st order deriv = ")
  #cat((B %*% expm(-B*MaxDeltaT_mx[i,j]))[i,j])

  # If loop is in place
  Phi_MaxDeltaT_mx <- matrix(NA, nrow = q, ncol = q)
  for(i in 1:q){
    for(j in 1:q){
      Phi_MaxDeltaT_mx[i,j] <- (expm(-B*MaxDeltaT_mx[i,j]))[i,j]
      #cat("Phi(Max DeltaT)_ij = ")
      #cat("Check on zero for 1st order deriv = ")
      #cat((B %*% expm(-B*MaxDeltaT_mx[i,j]))[i,j])


  # Check Second optimum

  MaxDeltaT_mx_2 <- matrix(NA, nrow = q, ncol = q)
  # If single i and j
  #i <- 1
  #j <- 2
  # If loop
  for(i in 1:q){
    for(j in 1:q){
      SolveForMaxDelta_ij <- SolveForMaxDelta_ij_fie(q, B, i, j)
      xstart_ij <- max(MaxDeltaT_mx)
      fstart_ij <- SolveForMaxDelta_ij(xstart_ij)
      # Check
      if(all(is.nan(fstart_ij) == FALSE) == FALSE){
        ("There is no DeltaT such that the Phi(DeltaT) functions reach a minimum or maximum!")
        message <- "There is no DeltaT such that the Phi(DeltaT) functions reach a minimum or maximum."
      sol_ij <- nleqslv(xstart_ij, SolveForMaxDelta_ij, control=list(btol=.0000001, allowSingular = TRUE)) #, method="Newton")
      MaxDeltaT_ij <- sol_ij$x
      # Function terminated if sol$termcd does not equal 1 (and 1 is "Function criterion is near zero. Convergence of function values has been achieved.")
      if(sol_ij$termcd != 1){
        cat("The nleqslv-function terminated.")
        cat("Hence, there is no DeltaT such that the Phi(DeltaT) functions reach a minimum or maximum.")
        message <- "There is no DeltaT such that the Phi(DeltaT) functions reach a minimum or maximum."
      MaxDeltaT_mx_2[i,j] <- MaxDeltaT_ij
    } #end loop j
  } #end loop i
  Phi_MaxDeltaT_mx_2 <- matrix(NA, nrow = q, ncol = q)
  for(i in 1:q){
    for(j in 1:q){
      Phi_MaxDeltaT_mx_2[i,j] <- (expm(-B*MaxDeltaT_mx_2[i,j]))[i,j]



  # Check Third optimum

  MaxDeltaT_mx_3 <- matrix(NA, nrow = q, ncol = q)
  # If single i and j
  #i <- 1
  #j <- 2
  # If loop
  for(i in 1:q){
    for(j in 1:q){
      SolveForMaxDelta_ij <- SolveForMaxDelta_ij_fie(q, B, i, j)
      xstart_ij <- max(MaxDeltaT_mx_2)
      fstart_ij <- SolveForMaxDelta_ij(xstart_ij)
      # Check
      if(all(is.nan(fstart_ij) == FALSE) == FALSE){
        ("There is no DeltaT such that the Phi(DeltaT) functions reach a minimum or maximum!")
        message <- "There is no DeltaT such that the Phi(DeltaT) functions reach a minimum or maximum."
      sol_ij <- nleqslv(xstart_ij, SolveForMaxDelta_ij, control=list(btol=.0000001, allowSingular = TRUE)) #, method="Newton")
      MaxDeltaT_ij <- sol_ij$x
      # Function terminated if sol$termcd does not equal 1 (and 1 is "Function criterion is near zero. Convergence of function values has been achieved.")
      if(sol_ij$termcd != 1){
        cat("The nleqslv-function terminated.")
        cat("Hence, there is no DeltaT such that the Phi(DeltaT) functions reach a minimum or maximum.")
        message <- "There is no DeltaT such that the Phi(DeltaT) functions reach a minimum or maximum."
      MaxDeltaT_mx_3[i,j] <- MaxDeltaT_ij
    } #end loop j
  } #end loop i
  Phi_MaxDeltaT_mx_3 <- matrix(NA, nrow = q, ncol = q)
  for(i in 1:q){
    for(j in 1:q){
      Phi_MaxDeltaT_mx_3[i,j] <- (expm(-B*MaxDeltaT_mx_3[i,j]))[i,j]



  final <- list(DeltaT_MinOrMaxPhi = MaxDeltaT_mx,
                MinOrMaxPhi = Phi_MaxDeltaT_mx,
                DeltaT_MinOrMaxPhi_2 = MaxDeltaT_mx_2,
                MinOrMaxPhi_2 = Phi_MaxDeltaT_mx_2,
                DeltaT_MinOrMaxPhi_3 = MaxDeltaT_mx_3,
                MinOrMaxPhi_3 = Phi_MaxDeltaT_mx_3


rebeccakuiper/CTmeta documentation built on May 19, 2024, 11:30 p.m.