
# based on the original shiny app in package epicontacts

# a variable to quickload data during development
dev <- FALSE

# converts types of a data.frame
guess_coltypes <- function(df) {
  if (! {
  for(col in colnames(df)) {
    col_v <- df[[col]]
    parser <- readr::guess_parser(col_v)
    if (parser == "integer") {
      df[[col]] <- as.integer(df[[col]])
    if (parser == "date") {
      df[[col]] <- lubridate::as_date(df[[col]])
    if (parser == "double") {
      df[[col]] <- as.numeric(df[[col]])

shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {

  linelist_data <- shinyHelpers::dataimportServer("import_linelist",
                                                  sampleDatasets = linelist_examples)
  contact_data <- shinyHelpers::dataimportServer("import_contact_data",
                                                 sampleDatasets = contacts_examples)

  output$choose_id_column <- renderUI({
    dat <- linelist_data()
    choices <- names(dat)
      inputId = "id_column",
      label = "Select ID column",
      choices = choices,
      selected = 1

  output$choose_from_column <- renderUI({
    dat <- contact_data()
    choices <- names(dat)
      inputId = "from_column",
      label = "Select 'from' column",
      choices = choices,
      selected = choices[1]

  output$choose_to_column <- renderUI({
    dat <- contact_data()
    choices <- names(dat)
      inputId = "to_column",
      label = "Select 'to' column",
      choices = choices,
      selected = choices[2]

  base_data <- reactive({
    linelist <- guess_coltypes(linelist_data())
    contacts <- guess_coltypes(contact_data())
    if (!is.null(linelist) && nrow(linelist) > 0 &&
        !is.null(contacts) && nrow(contacts) > 0) {
      make_epicontacts(linelist, contacts, directed = input$directed,
                       id = input$id_column,
                       from = input$from_column,
                       to = input$to_column)
    } else if (dev) {
      make_epicontacts(outbreaks::mers_korea_2015$linelist, outbreaks::mers_korea_2015$contacts, directed = TRUE)

  current_data <- reactive({
    ## dat <- base_data()
    ## input$subset # trigger if clicked
    ## if (input$subset_filter_data) {
    ##   # build arguments for subsetting
    ##   subsetarglist <- list()
    ##   interact <- isolate(input$interact)
    ##   dynamic <- isolate(input$dynamic)
    ##   if (inherits(dat$linelist[, interact], "Date")) {
    ##     subsetarglist[[1]] <-
    ##       c(as.Date(dynamic[1]), as.Date(dynamic[2]))
    ##   } else if (inherits(dat$linelist[, interact], "numeric")) {
    ##     subsetarglist[[1]] <- dynamic
    ##   } else {
    ##     subsetarglist[[1]] <- dynamic
    ##   }
    ##   names(subsetarglist)[1] <- interact

    ##   # call epicontacts method for subsetting
    ##   subset(dat, node.attribute = subsetarglist)
    ## } else {
    ##   dat
    ## }

  output$summary_data <- renderPrint({

  ## output$ui_subset <- renderUI({
  ##   # create list of attributes from linelist minus the id column
  ##   dat <- base_data()$linelist
  ##   datcols <- colnames(dat)[-1]
  ##   selectInput("interact", "Linelist Attributes", choices = datcols)
  ## })

  output$ui_node_color <- renderUI({
    dat <- base_data()$linelist
    choices <- c("[none]", names(dat))
    selectInput("node_color", "Color nodes with",
                choices = choices, selected = "[none]")

  output$ui_edge_color <- renderUI({
    dat <- base_data()$contacts
    choices <- c("[none]", names(dat))
    selectInput("edge_color", "Color edges with",
                choices = choices, selected = "[none]")

  output$ui_label <- renderUI({
    dat <- base_data()$linelist
    choices <- names(dat)
    selectInput("label", "Label nodes with",
                choices = choices, multiple = TRUE)

  output$ui_edge_label <- renderUI({
    dat <- base_data()$contacts
    choices <- c("[none]", names(dat))
    selectInput("edge_label", "Label edges with",
                choices = choices, selected = "[none]")

  output$ui_annot <- renderUI({
    dat <- base_data()$linelist
    choices <- names(dat)
    selectInput("annot", "Detailed annotations using",
                choices = choices, multiple = TRUE)

  output$ui_node_shape <- renderUI({
    dat <- base_data()$linelist
    choices <- c("[none]", names(dat))
    selectInput("node_shape", "Shape nodes with",
                choices = choices, selected = "[none]")

  output$ui_shapes <- renderUI({
    if (input$node_shape != "[none]"){
      dat <- base_data()$linelist
      values <- levels(factor(dat[, input$node_shape]))
      values_txt <- paste(values, collapse = "\n")
      title <- paste("Shapes for:", values_txt)
      choices <- names(epicontacts::codeawesome)
      selectInput("shapes", title,
                  choices = choices,
                  multiple = TRUE)
    } else {

  ## output$ui_filter <- renderUI({
  ##   req(input$interact)

  ##   dat <- base_data()$linelist

  ##   # define character of factor checking function
  ##   factchar <- function(x) {
  ##     is.character(x) | is.factor(x)
  ##   }

  ##   # create list of input options based on class of columm
  ##   numcols <- names(dat[, sapply(dat, inherits, "numeric")])
  ##   datecols <- names(dat[, sapply(dat, inherits, "Date")])
  ##   factorcols <- names(dat[, sapply(dat, factchar)])

  ##   switch(input$interact,
  ##          if (input$interact %in% factorcols) {
  ##            radioButtons(
  ##              "dynamic",
  ##              input$interact,
  ##              choices = levels(as.factor(dat[, input$interact])),
  ##              selected = NULL
  ##            )
  ##          } else if (input$interact %in% numcols) {
  ##            numericInput("dynamic", input$interact, value = median(dat[, input$interact]))
  ##          } else if (input$interact %in% datecols) {
  ##            dateRangeInput("dynamic", input$interact)
  ##          } else {
  ##            textInput("dynamic", input$interact)
  ##          })
  ## })

  output$netplot <- renderVisNetwork ({
    ## req(input$interact)
    ## req(input$update_plot)
    x <- current_data()
    node_color <- if(input$node_color == "[none]") NULL else input$node_color
    node_shape <- if(input$node_shape == "[none]") NULL else input$node_shape
    edge_color <- if(input$edge_color == "[none]") NULL else input$edge_color
    edge_label <- if(input$edge_label == "[none]") NULL else input$edge_label
    annot <- if(length(input$annot) == 0L) NULL else input$annot
    label <- if(length(input$label) == 0L) NULL else input$label
    size <- paste0(input$size, "px")

    if(input$node_shape == "[none]") {
      shapes <- NULL }
    else {
      dat <- base_data()$linelist
      shapes <- input$shapes
      values <- levels(factor(dat[, input$node_shape]))
      names(shapes) <- values

                    node_color = node_color,
                    node_shape = node_shape,
                    edge_color = edge_color,
                    edge_label = edge_label,
                    annot = annot,
                    label = label,
                    shapes = shapes,
                    width = size,
                    height = size)

  output$linelisttab <- DT::renderDataTable ({
    ## req(input$interact)

  output$contactstab <- DT::renderDataTable ({
    ## req(input$interact)

  # pairwise

  ## valid_pairwise_cols <- reactive({
  ##   unlist(Filter(function(x) {
  ##     col_value <- unlist(base_data()$linelist[[x]])
  ##     (is.numeric(col_value) ||
  ##         inherits(col_value, "Date") ||
  ##         is.character(col_value)) && !all(
  ##   }, colnames(base_data()$linelist)[-1]))
  ## })

  ## pairwise_dist <- reactive({
  ##   column <- input$interact
  ##   is_valid_column <- column %in% valid_pairwise_cols()
  ##   if (is_valid_column) {
  ##     get_pairwise(current_data(), column)
  ##   }
  ## })

  ## pairwise_plot_data <- reactive({
  ##   data.frame(value = pairwise_dist(),
  ##              stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  ## })

  ## output$pairwise_sample_mean <- renderText({
  ##   mean(pairwise_dist(), na.rm = TRUE)
  ## })

  ## output$pairwise_sample_sd <- renderText({
  ##   sd(pairwise_dist(), na.rm = TRUE)
  ## })

  ## output$pairwise_rightplot <- renderPlot({
  ##   column <- input$interact
  ##   plot_data <- pairwise_plot_data()
  ##   ggplot(plot_data, aes(value)) +
  ##     xlab(column) +
  ##     geom_density(color = "red") +
  ##     geom_histogram(aes(y = ..density..),
  ##                    alpha = 0.4, bins = input$pairwise_dist_histogram_bins) +
  ##     ggtitle(paste0("Density plot of pairwise distances of column '", column, "'")) +
  ##     ylab("value")
  ## })

  # degree
  degree_result <- reactive({
               type = input$degree_type,
               only_linelist = input$degree_onlylinelist)

  output$degree_table <- renderPrint({

  output$degree_histogram <- renderPlot({
    barplot(table(degree_result()), main = "Degree distribution")
reconhub/epicontacts.ui documentation built on May 27, 2019, 4:02 a.m.